MR A, M HOMMII MR A MM9UIHJII soft lp if tgljlaniiai JUaromau PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLIX, NO. 40 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934 $1.50 PER YEAR COUNTY BOARD DRAWSJURORS Superior Court Convenes . Nov. 19 with Judge Pless Presiding The jury list for the November term of Macon county superior court, which is scheduled to con vene November 19 for a two weeks mixed term, with Judge J. Will Pless presiding, was drawn by the county board of commissioners at their regular monthly meeting Monday. The commissioners also consider ed several other matters. They voted to increase from 60 to 75 cents a day the allowance to the jailor, John Dills, for boarding pris oners in the county jail. This ac tion was taken, it was explained, in view of the higher costs of gro ceries and meats. Renew Contract The board renewed for another year its contract with Lester South ard, county home superintendent, with the exception of one change. The contract was revised by strik ing out the clause providing that the superintendent furnish caskets for persons dying while inmates of the home. In the future the coun ty will supply caskets when neces sary. This will obviate the pos sible necessity of inmates of the home having to assist in building their own coffins. Jury List Following is the jury list for the November court term: Jim Elmore, Franklin; C. S. Bryson, West's Mill; W. L. Setser, Route 1; Walter Dalton, Leather man; B. H. Seagle, Otto; John W. Murray, West's Mill; F. A. Ed wards, Highlands; W. M. Early, Star Route; E. N. Cabe, Route 2; Joe Beasley, Dillard Route 1; W. , H. Watkins, Etna ; G. G. Sanders, Route 2; John M. Moore, Franklin; Ray Penland, Franklin; J. L. Jus tice, Route 2; Carl Morgan, Stiles; H. E. Waldroop, Route 1; J. E. Crisp, Cullasaja; J. B. Watts, Pren tiss; Henry Dotson, Route 1; Ells worth Ledford, Route 2; Phil Crane, Scaly; Robert Bennett, lo la; Lawton Keener, Highlands' Frank Wilson, Flats; F. E. Cun ningham, Route 3; W. H. Conley Cullasaja; R. M. McGaha, Stiles; Lawrence Moffitt, Route 2; A. C. Patterson, Route 2; E. A. Dowdle, Franklin; Jess Conley, Franklin; J. E. Bryson, Cullasaja; N. G. Da vis, Route 1; L. B. Phillips, Frank lin; J W. Frady, Route 3; Koy Arnold, Cullasaja; G. W. Ledford, Prentiss; Mack Fulton, Highlands; George L. Buchanan, Route 4; J. W. Roper, Franklin; R. P. Wal droop, Route 2; J. W. Hastings, Franklin; Luther Shepherd, Leath erman; S. T. Phillips, Franklin; Joe Webb, Highlands; E. A. Wil liamson, Route 1; G. M. Cruse, Route 1; F. S. Oliver, Route 1; Ed Kerr, Route 4; L. F. McCall, Gneiss; J. H. Flowers, Leatherman; I. V. Ramey, Route 3; P. G. Hol land, Cullasaja Principals and Scene in Uncovering of Lindbergh Ransom Money j NEW YORK . . . Above is presented picture review of the uncovering of $13,750 of the Lindbergh $50,000 ransom money and the arrest of the German carpenter, ! Bruno Richard Hauptmann, in connection with the crime. . . . Above, the Hauptmann home on the outskirts of New York City. Arrow points to garage where money (was Mi. . . . Below, left to right; Walter Lyle, gasoline station manaser who took Hauptmann 'a auto number when tendered a $10 fold certificate in payment for gasoline, later resulting in arrest of Hauptmann. (Second) Dr. John F. Condon, the famous "Jafsie" who aided CoL Lindbergh in taming over the $50,000 ransom money. (Circle) Bruno S. j&aptmann. (B&Xy James M. Faweett, New Task attorney retained to SS t Hauptmann by the carpenter's wifa. SUE CHOSEN FOR BUILDING Engineer Now Making Survey For New Fed eral Structure FUNERAL HELD FOR W.B.BROWN Plan Campaign Young Democrats To Sponsor Meetings U-II kTMA,.m rUA'. rii. An u"isve campaign oi puDnc Well Known Uarks Chap-1 mtmg in everv section of the el Man Mricken by county has been planned by the Heart Attack Young People's Democratic clubs in I furtherance of the election of the T7.,nri nr wiiliom Rt. i lull uemocratic ticket in tne iortn Announcement of selection of the former Alex Moore property on East Main street as the site for Franklin's federal building was re ceived late last Thursday afternoon from authorities in Washington by T. W. Porter, Franklin postmaster, and on Saturday a government en gineer arrived here to make a sur ve of the lqt and gather data pre paratory to drawing plans for the building. The engineer, William T. Brown, is expected to remain in Franklin the rest of this week. He was re ported to have remarked that the federal building probably would have ground dimensions of 63 by 72 feet. A two-sory structure, with basement, will be built, it is un derstood, the postoffice occupying the ground floor and basement and the headquarters offices of the Nantahala National Forest being on the second floor. It was also said that a driveway for use of mail trucks and rural carriers probably would be built around the lot. Transfer of the property, which Inew belongs to the Town of Frank- Y I' I . 1 1 rr1 mi, uas noi oeen maae. price bid by the town and accepted by the government was $4,000 for a site measuring 105 feet on Main street and running back 155 feet, about half way to Palmer street. 14-,-- J W w Tn 1 Mr- Brwn was quoted as ex- Hoey and Weaver lo . the building could be commenced EXPECT 1500 AT BARBECUE ford Brown, 65, were held at Clark's Chapel Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. B. W. Lefler, pastor, in charge, assisted by the Rev. H. C. Freeman, of Clyde, former pas tor, and the Rev. A. A. Angel of Franklin. Mr. Biown died at his home in the Clark's Chapel community at noon Friday from a sudden heart attack. He was a member of the Methodist church and a member of the Millshoal Council, Junior Or der of United American Mechanics, who had charge of the services at he grave. The deceased is survived by his idow and one daughter, Miss Bes- e Brown; three sons, Wiley and coming November election. A schedule made public this week calls for two meetings each week day night, starting next Monday and continuing through November 3. Each meeting will be sponsored by a community Young Democratic club and it is planned to have at least two speakers at each meet ing, it was stated. A number of well known men in the county, as well as the Democratic candidates for county offices, have volunteered to take part in the campaign. Following is a list of the public meetings for next week: October 8 Slagle school, Patton school. October 9 Holly Springs school, before spring. He pointed out that after his report has been submitted and plans drawn, an invitation for bids must be advertised for 30 days. By the time this has been done, he opined, . winter weather will have set in. A sum of $71,000 has been al located for purchase of a site and construction on the federal building. As the site is priced at $4,000, funds available for construction of the building will be approximately $67,000. Higdanville school b:; athome dji Bro' October school Hickoryd 2,500 people t 11 a 1 I a. 1 - I I i III Ml - V. 1 oil Asiievme; tnree Dromers, j. ---- - T ., Ml Brown, of Franklin; Tom, n-rvy.e M.nuu., Btmx, of Senaca, S. C, andi5001- ruZi'e p Rrnn,n nf thP Wh1 October 12 - Highlands school, Hominy section of Buncombe coun ty; and one grandson. 3 Escape . ! Bleecher school". October 13 Cowee school, Mul berry school. Speak At Democratic Rally In Franklin John W. Edwards, chairman of the Young Democratic clubs of the 11th congressional district, announc ed Wednesday that plans were com plete for the district rally and free barbecue to be held here Saturday of this week. Congressman Zebu Ion Weaver, of Asheville, and Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, known as "North Carolina's silver-tongued orator," have definitely accepted in vitations to speak at the rally, I t . Senator Robert R. Reynolds, who i Better Housing Drive accepted a similar invitation several PlannerJ Here weeks ago, has since notified Mr. . Edwards that, on account of the j A- R. Higdon, Franklin hardware illness of his wife, it is doubtful dealer, wa. elected general chair that he will be able to attend. man fof arBe t" H" comm,t- Preparations have been made to': lor rranKun u uiccuu at the barbecue, I Aiiuisuay "Jin.uS m ic iu.w it was announced. Large quantities I u uu,uucl U1 of beef, mutton and pork have been Franklin busmess men. donated for the purpose by various The meeting opened with a screen Democratic candidates and by presentation explaining the purpos Young Democratic clubs in the dis- js and workings of the National trict. Scores of persons from other Housmg Act Immediately after- Convicts Gain Freedom From Local Camp counties in the district are expect- wards Scott Raedecker, who is di- ed to be present rccung mc ucuci nuu3.B v" Mr. Edwards said that manyiPaifi in Asheville, made a short Democratic nominees from other I address emphasizing the opportun- , 1; nc wpII a all nf them in "y 1Iereci Dy in naona' nous- Chinese Play To Be Given Sunday Night . . .... . . 1 tUUUUCS, tta YYV.ii rao an oi i . . , A Chinese play will be given atthis cQUn had indicated their in- ng act for financing home repairs 7:30 o'clock Sunday night at the t. f ,(ton;n at,, rQi,v wilirh and improvements, speeding busi- ' .. . . I iciuiuu Ul UUVMU6 " IV 1 ' ...111 n at 11 nVa-vrW in the "css icv.uci ai.u uvn..i...B Franklin Methodist church. Rev. . R. EUer Back From Hospital The Rev. Eugene R. Eller, pastor of the First Baptist church of Franklin, who has been undergoing treatment at the Baptist state hos pital at Winston-Salem for the past two weeks, returned to his home here Wednesday. His condition was reported to be much improved. Cattle Prices Higher At Third Auction Eighty-odd head of cattle were sold at an auction at the Franklin stockyards near the depot Wednes day at prices ranging considerably higher than those paid at two pre vious sales this fall. Some of the cattle brought as high as five dol lars a hundred pounds. The sale was conducted by R. A. Patton and Bob Davis. Complete figures on the sale were not available Thurs day morning. rranK.ui .unuu15i uiua... wjjj n at u o clock in tne .w,v., "..v. ..... Three prisoners who escaped' The play, "No Lantern for Wu' :th address bv Mr. conditions in a community Monday afternoon from the state . Lee," . will be presented by mem convict camp near Franklin were; bers of the juniors and intermediate mi I ' J - J 1 il. Hoey, who is regarded as a likely ! commiuee neaaea oy mj. candidate for governor two years Rao" lu "7"' u,,vc ctill at hiriTf. Thnrsdav mornine. Hpnartments of the church school. . i-: ...:n a a i Macon countv to familiarize tho ... .-.0- . . . . r . .. v i ? i i nence. uinncr win uc scivcu ., . - , The three men gained their free-The play is built around the family 0cjock and at 2 o'clock Congress- public with the housing act and dom by sawing through window; of a wealthy merchant, and certain 'man Weaver is scheduled to speak .how to obtain credit under its bars in the new brick barracks unusual ev ents which took place on He wilj be f 0nowed by Vance A. terms for making necessary re building and digging their way un-jthe evening of the beautiful "Feast 1 Browning, of Bryson City, Demo- Pairs- improvements and additions der the wire fencing which serves of Lanterns." There is a kidnap-! cratic nominee for tne stat'e senate I to their homs- as a stockade. They 'made their ping scene with plenty of action jm district An other IXmo-l ; get-away about 4 o'clock in the and excitement. 'cratic candidates present will be Presbyterian Women j afternoon, it was learned trom following is tne cast ot cnarac- introduced to the crowd and given . XQ ,,3 Here I otner prisoners. inc mrcc wuu ! escaped were James Carey, of South ters: a. :a.. a "TJ..,J,r " 111 nmu it 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 t til .tv 1 111 iv 1 1 v . - . . . . Lee Hong Chow, a wealthy mer-;"" ' ' . hnrCrllp win be Representatives from the Aux.l- Carolina, serving a three-year sen- chant-Henry Cabe, Jr.; Yong Soo ... on . f th fidd back janes of the Presbyterian churches t - r r i T7- 1 f tf .'i l j 1 1 . c?: ----- iri v..nn 1 horAivon 1 nv inn 1 1 - tpnrer ames i.averneii. oi , ivow. nis wii-e iviuureu ivoikt out r t? ui " v..v..vvv.v, -j ' ' 1 f - iir in atuuui. a m . 1 1 r . t rr - - Chatham county, serving a five to, Yin, the old grandfather Jack Tes- seven-year sentence; and James Isier; See Noi, the old nurse Sara con counties will gather in the Presbyterian church, Franklin, on Messick. servine a three to seven- i Conlev : Git Fah Din, the oldest dits, George Tessier; Lee Soo, a Monday morning at 10 o clock for year sentence. -son and heir Wilburn Conley ; robber Richard Sloan ; Ting Ching, a one-day group conference Mrs. These men, with several others, iWu Lee Chang, the second son a robber George Hunnicutt; Dr. R. S. Eskridge, of the Andrews claimed to be sick Monday morning i Dorothy Sloan: Daughters of the Pearson, an American medical mis- Auxiliary, is the leader of the and were allowed to remain in the j familv Marv Evelvn Angel. Mar- sionary Eugene Furr; Servants group. barracks instead of going to the , tha Rice, Lane Porter, Catherine Beatrice Davenport, Douglas Haig ; j Tithing and missions will be roads to work. The other prisoners , Long, Helen Edwards, Helen Wurst ; Policemen Harold Sloan, Kenneth stressed throughout the conference, declined to join in the flight tolSuey, a stupid servant Virginia Cabe; Passers-by Kenneth Conley,; The ladies of the Franklin Auxil Wdnm 'Tessier: Chine, leader of the ban-. Betty Ann Ray. iary will serve lunch at noon. . - , . . - - 1

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