PAGE tWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934 1936. Thank you too much, Mr. Hoey; them's luscious words. attft Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin,' North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. XLIX Number 40 BLACKBURN W. JOHNSON r ...EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Entered at thePost Office, Franklin, N. G, as second class matter . s ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $150 Six Months 75 Eight Months . $100 Single Copy -05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. ; - r The Lindbergh Case "THE general rejoicing that; at least a partial so- lution has been found to the mystery of the kid napping and murder of the little Lindbergh boy is, we believe, shared by everybody. No crime that we can remember, short of the assassination of President McKinley, ever aroused such wide-spread horror and indignation as the steal ing of the famous aviator's only child from his crib. And the horror was multiplied when, more than two months later, the poor baby's body was found in the woods near the Lindbergh's home, exposed for crows to peck at, reduced to a pitiful little skeleton by the work of insects and the elements. The elemental sense of justice which dominates every sane human being will be satisfied with noth ing less than the swift conviction and equally swift punishment of the kidnappers and murderers, wheth er one man or a dozen. Yet we do not believe that even such fiends should be convicted on anything but completely conclusive evidence. If there is a single reasonable doubt of their guilt, they should be given the benefit of it. 1 So far we have nothing but the newspaper reports on which to base a belief as to the guilt or innocence of the man who has been arrested. Undoubtffly ac curate as far as they go, these reports protably do not tell the whole story of the evidence which the authorities have up their sleeve. Nor, do we under stand that the case against Bruno Hauptmann is yet so complete that there is no question of his guilt. Nothing is more to be deplored than "mob law." It is a natural human impulse to desire to take a hand in administering summary justice for crimes which revolt every normal human instinct. We hope that there will be no legal technicalities permitted to in terfere with bringing out the whole truth in this case ; and we hope, even'more devoutly, that there will be no attempt at or encouragement of lynch law. Selected. New Deal Idea Spreads HAMPIONS of the New Deal can no more prove today that it will succeed than its critics can prove at this stage that it will fail ; but the Houston Post notes with relish that President Doumergue, of France, is preparing to institute a recovery program in that country modeled in part at least after the Roosevelt plan. The Post reminds us that imitation continues to be the sincerest form of testimonial.. The Houston Post, pointing out that imitation is the highest form of flattery, says that President Doumergue, of France, is preparing to institute a re covery program in his country modeled after the plan of President Roosevelt. "Home critics of the New Deal," continues the Post, "'may assert it is a failure, but, obviously, it is not so regarded abroad. President Doumergue in tends to have a brain trust, an NRA and various other recovery agencies similar to those now operat ing in the United States." The Winston-Salem Journal comments that Ger many has adopted policies of economic control which "look suspiciously like prototypes of American New Deal policies;" Canada has copied certain of the Roosevelt ideas; and Belgium is about to be guided by the New Deal in the adoption of plans to protect bank deposits and widen the use of credit. If foreign powers show a disposition to copy New Deal ideas they must be viewed as having some merit. Asheville Citizen. Envisioned Heights (Dedicated to Mfi Shutts) BY MEREDITH A. JOHNSTON The heart may worship still at Beauty's shrine, And in the litany of lovely things There is a captivating magic which About an ancient peak allurement flings. Against the rugged crests of giant crags The virgin beauty of Pisgah gleams, As glows the vine-clad" river there, That from the shoulder of the mountain streams. In radiant glory of rough forest paths The laurel's purple banner flies, And great Pisgah's dark define is seen Against the shadowy highways of the summer skies. The heart may worship still at Beauty's shrine, For love divine, in beauty, a symbol shows When silver-silent mists on earthen motes Hide not a twisting flame that glows Earthward A world in its predestined flight. But these are miracles that stand aloof, In perfect artistry beyond our ken; An unencompassed joy that holds all proof, That such necromancy was ne'er wrought by men. THROUGH CAPITAL KEYHOLES BY BESS HINTON SILVER PENNY WISE Hearing before hte State Advis ory Budget Commission in Raleigh revealed that much of the legisla tive economy effected at the last session is coming home like the proverbial cat. Of course there was a general demand for higher sal aries but an impressive item in budgets of most State institutions was the increase for repairs. Be hind all of them was a story of leaking roofs, falling plastering and damaged interiors and exteriors of State buildings. The next Legis lature is going to have to dig up money to put State buildings in shape or lose all the pieces. Ad mitting that the last General As sembly had a tough time, the next pne has nothing to which to look forward. PROHIBITION- A least one prominent member of the State Senate is of the opinion that the Federal Government is try ing to make prohibition s oobnox ious for North Carolina that the State will be whipped in line with the repeal policy of the Roosevelt administraiton. This legislative leader believes that this is the idea behind the drive against the strong er beers. SLIGHT BLESSING Raleigh Cafes are taxed $65 an nually for the privilege of selling bottled beer. One proprietor states that he could make about enough profit Iselling high-test beers to pay for the license and trouble of handling the stuff but adds that since the drive against stuff more potent than 3.2 he has lost busi ness at a rate than will not earn him taxes. He indicated that he will not renew his beer license next year. What that will do to State revenue depends on how many dealers are of the same mind. HITTING THE BUMPS Governor Ehringhaus long ago expressed the opinion that "even being Governor ain't no bed of roses." He is willing to go strong er than that after his experience with the textile strike, several per plexing capital punishment cases and matters of State finance. A friend promised to drop in and see the Governor "in between times." Mr. Ehringhaus replied, "Come anytime. There aren't any between times. I just go from one agony to another." Persons de siring to cocupy the red leather chair in the southwest office of the State Capitol will please note. MISSED HIS CUE- More than one North Carolina oolitican and lawyer si laughing up his sleeve at Attorney General Den nis G. Brummitt and his direct-action attack on the proposed revised State constitution. While Mr. Brummitt was making speeches against the measaure the Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to vote on the basic law. measure this November because the present constitution provides that all basic law amendments must be voted on at the first "general election" fol lowing the session of the Legisla ture submitting them. What the wise boys want to know is why the Attorney General,'" counsel for the State, didn't remember that the repeal election last November was a "general election" before the Su preme Court reminded him of that fact. It would have been a master political stroke if he had and would have saved him many speeches. PRAISE VS. CRITICISM While labor leaders were attempt ing to hold Governor Ehringhaus' feet to the fire for calling out troops in the recent textile strike the Chief Executive was receiving much praise from other quarters. He has been highly commended for the manner in which he handled the. situation and what many peo ple consider his apparent determina tion to remain impartial and use troops solely to maintain law and order. NOT MUCH HOPE If your road is going to the bad you may as well become resigned to mud-holes and bumps,' according to some opinion in Raleigh. Every body and his brother is figuring on getting some of the taxes paid by motorists when the General Assem bly meets. The anti-sales taxers want some to pay general expen ses. School teachers and other State employes would like to have about $3,000,000 for salary increases and county commissioners want a million or so to help pay county debts. If they all get what they want the highways will have to go hang as some folk think they have been doing for the past two years. BAILEY THREAT? Political mouse-smellers around Raleigh think they see a potential eastern Senatorial candidate in Rep resentative Bayard Clark, of the Seventh Conggressional District, these days. During the recent un successful flurry for abrogation of the Bankhead compulsory cotton control law Senator Josiah W. Bail ey held h's place at the head of the opposition table while Congress man Clark came out fore-square for retention of the act. Capital City political wise-acres applied their yardsticks to Mr. Clark and meas ured him as Senatorial timber. They whisper that somebody is grooming. Representative Clark for a real race. Your guess is as good as their's at this stage of the game. KEYHOLES TAKE A BOW "I alwavs read with interest 'Capital Keyholes,' and it is no wonder that the various papers find your articles of engaging pub lic interest. You show a wonder ful grasp and intimate knowledge of the affairs of State and of the various personalities of interest to the State." Thus writes Clyde R. Hoev. of Shelby, much talked of potential candidate for Governor in TALKING ABOUT HOEY Ralfcigh partisans of both men no longer express any doubt that Clyde Hoey and Congressman R. L. Doughton, chairman of the power ful House Ways and Means Com mittee, both intend to run for Gov ernor next time in spite of heat and high waters. Gone is the talk that these two Democratic stal warts will not oppose one another for the highest honor that can be paid a ciizen by the electorate. Around the Capitol these days the bets are no longer on whether eith er of the two men will run but on which wilt win. Use your own judgment. BOYS GET THE MONEY- A prominent member of the past two sessions of the State Senate, who took a leading part in tax ation measures but who is not re turning to the next session, won dered aloud where the next Gen eral Assembly will find the money to meet the needs of the .State. He foresees need of about $2,500,000 for increase in public school teach ers' salaries in addition to boosts in appropriations for State Institu tions. The only solution presenting itself to this veteran legislator was elimination of exemptions from the general sales tax. Having been through the mill, this ex-solon re frained from seeking reelection and expressed satisfaction that he will not be burdened with filling the State's coffers next January until. SOME COMPENSATION One of the strongest advocates of the selected commodities . or so called "luxury tax" in the past two sessions of the legislature waxed confidential and expressed Jhe be lief that if the bill had become law it would have resulted in the to bacco companies leaving North Carolina in the near future. He even admitted, "I would have felt 'kinder' bad about that." He added that he felt the luxury tax fight made the path of the general sales tax smother and said that since North Carolina has become "so cialistic" he thinks every man should be made to pay his share of the freight. Which just goes to prove, that you can't always tell what; a man is thinking by the words he speaks. Public Opinion SENDS GREETINGS Editor, Franklin Press: Please find enclosed $1.50 for re newal of my subscription. May I have a corner in your paper to send greetings to my home-town friends. I can't tell you how much I miss you dear people, and am hoping to see you again ere long, for as the little verse reads, "I'm lonesome for you; that's all." Sincerely, Mrs. Frank Williams. West's MiU Mrs. W. W. Potts spent the past week visiting relatives in Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matlock left Sunday for Winston-Salem where they expect to make their home for some time. Mrs. Hugh Cathey, of Canton, is visiting her father, Robert Shef field, this week. Leroy Morrison, of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end here visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Miss Ruth Smith, who is attend ing school at Cullowhee, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Smith. Major Holbrooks, of Detroit, Mich., is spending some time here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Holbrooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of Asheville, spent the week-end here visiting relatives. The Rev. and Mrs. Harley Phil lips and two children, Ruth and Gene, of Mars Hill, spent the week-end here visiting Mrs. Phil lips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matlock. Best German War Plane The Halberstadt two-seater fight er was considered the best two seater German airplane during the World war and its behavior in the air was good, according to modern fighting standards.