PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934 Highlands Highlights EDITED BY MRS. T. C. HARBISON CHURCH Announcements ADOPT CONSTITUTION At a business meeting of the new Satulah Club held Monday after noon the constitution and by-laws, as recommended by committee women, Mrs. F. W. Alstaetter, Mrs. E. R. Gilbert and Miss May Cros by, were accepted. The Satulah Club consists of two prominent former clubs, the Im provement Association and the Community Club, which were merg ed a few weeks ago. house on Fourth street remodeled. Miss Rebecca Bridges, sister of Mrs. White, is having a new house built. Mr. Walter Reese has the contract for both buildings. GUESTS AT PIERSON HOUSE Guests at the Pierson House last week-end included: J. D. Bozemore, sheriff of Fulton county, Ga., and wife; Geo. F. Lon gino, chairman of the county board of commissioners of Fulton county, Ga., and Mrs. Longino; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKinzie; Miss Joan Gunell; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Mitch ell; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Manning; Mrs. J. G. Jones; Miss C. Eferd; Charles Campbell; and Mr. and Mrs G. E. Roberts. CLOSE FOR WINTER Laurel Lodge tea room closed for the season the 1st of October. Mrs. F. W. Alstaetter, owner and man ager of the lodge, left for her win ter home in Savannah Tuesday. ChinkLs Cafe, managed by Mrs. Bob Erards, also closed this week. J. E. Rideout states that Satulah Cafe will remain open for business throughout the winter. BUILDING SUMMER HOME James S. Floyd, of Atlanta, is having a summer home built on Highlands Estates. The location of the building is across the lake from the Dillard road. Fulton and Hall "are contractors for the building. REMODELING HOME Mrs. Bob White is having her Ed Rogers received last week a gift, a hand painted portrait, doubk-faced, painted by Howell Foreman, artist of Highlands and Atlanta. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rucker were called to Hartwell, Ga, Sunday, by the death of Mm. Hall's and Mr. Rucker's grandfather, Mr. T. J. Rucker. They returned here Mon day. Mrs. Ronald Baty, recent bride, was honored with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Henry Baty on Friday afternoon. The bride received a number of pretty and useful eifts. Mrs. Batv wasi - z Miss Mark Hopper before her marriage last week. Miss Charlotte Elliott, Miss Caro line Hall, Mrs. J. M. Hall and Estelle Edwards were in Asheville last Friday. Mrs. Hall and Miss Hall were delegates from the Epis copal church here to the convoca tion in Asheville. Mrs. Raymond McCarty is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ( McCarty in Augusta, Ga. FRANKLIN METHODIST Outlay . Herbert, Jr., Pastor (Sunday, Oct. 7) 11 a. m. Morning worship. In stallation service for officers and teachers, and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship and a Chinese play, "No Lantern for Wu Lee," by the Juniors and Inter mediate department. PENT I COSTAL , Rev. V. C. Ramey, Pastor Mount Sinai Chturch (Each Sunday) 10 a. m. Sunday school. Rev. Urban Roper,- superintendent,. (2nd Sat. and Sun. and Sun. night each month) Preaching by pastor. (Each Wed., Sat. and Sun. night) Prayer meeting. Everybody wel come to come and worship with us. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS PARRISH-GIBSON Miss Frances Parrish and Mr. Weaver Gibson were quietly mar ried in the presence of a few rel atives and friends at 8 o'clock Sunday night at the home of Mr. Reginald Nal in the Iotla com munity. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. A. S. Solesbee. Immediately following the cere mony a bounteous wedding supper was served. Special Meetings in Progress at Burningtown The Rev. Thad F. Deitz, of Bta, Jackson county, is conducting a se ries of meetings at the Burning town Baptist church. The first ser vice in the series was held last Sunday. The Misses Florence and Blaun Henson left Saturday for Rich mond, Va.. where they will enter the Westbrook school of nursing. Births Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swanson at their home on Franklin Ruote 1, on September 13, a son, Carl Edgar. Oak Grove Honor Roll Announced The honor roll of the Oak Grove school for September has been an nounced by L. J. Smith, principal, as follows: First grade John E. Bradley, Louise Houston, Helen Icenhower, Cecil Queen. Second grade Betty Bradley, Christine Burnette, Allie Fair Hous ton, Clarence Icenhower, Thad Mc Coy, Bobby Ramsey. Third grade Clyde Burnette, Vinson Garrett, James Jenkins, C. D. Lakey, Samuel Ramsey, Ada Mae Houston, Moiena McGaha. Fourth grade Evanell Bradley, Lorene Gibson, Freda Hall, Violet Lakey, Elzie Martin, Annie Mae McCoy. Fifth grade Weaver Bradley, Annie Byrd Bradley, Nelson Lakey. Sixth grade Mellie Anderson, Bedell Bradley. Seventh grade Edis Anderson, Novella McGaha, George Byrd, Edi son Lakey. CARD OF THANKS We want to express our deepest appreciation to friends and neigh bors for their kindness and sym pathy shown us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. W. B. Brown & Children. IN MEMORY OF MR. BEDFORD BROWN He was a man we did admire, Stood many a strain and many a jar; The course that he did always persue, We are bound to admit, he was loyal and true. Honest and truthful as the days are long, He stood for the right, and never for wrong; No place did he pick inlife to had action and grit, ambition and nerve. to toil and pull and tug and heave And never give up, or ever deceive ; I think it's a treat to have such a friend Whom the world can't beat to his journey's end. Of the one I speak 1 fully know, In traveling this life down here below, To be a man of high renown, "A father, brother and neighbor, Mr. Brown." Troy Horn. PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. A. Flanagan, Pastor Franklin (Each Sunday) 10 a. m. Sunday school; J. E. Lancaster, Supt. 11a. m. Communion of the Lord's Supper Special message by the pastor. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor pray er meeting. Morrison (2nd and 4th Sundays) 2:30 p. m. Sunday school Bry ant McClure, Supt. 3:30 p. m. Preaching services. Slagla Memorial (1st and 3rd Sundays) 10:00 a. m. Preaching services by the pastor. 11:00 a. m. Sunday school Rev. S. R. Crockett, Supt. FRANKLIN BAPTIST Rev. Eugene R. Eller, Pastor (Sunday, Oct 7) 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U.'e 7:30 p.' m. Evening worship (Wednesday, Oct 10) 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting. 8:30 p. m. Choir practice. (Friday, Oct 12) 8 p. m. Teachers' meeting. EPISCOPAL Rev. Frank Bloxhan, Rector St Agnes, Franklin (Sunday, Oct. 7) 11 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon by the rector. 7:30 p. m. Young People's Ser vice League. (Wednesday, Oct 10) 7:30 p. m. Bible class led by the rector. Incarnation, Highlands' (Sunday, Oct. 7) 3 p. m. Church school and Bible class. i 4 p. m. Evening prayer and ser mon by the rector. Classified Advertisements LUMBER FOR SALE Boards or framing. Air dried three months. See or write 1. T. PEEK, Peek's Hotel, Franklin, N. C. 04 3tp-018 I WILL PAY Yi cent each for all Blue Horse covers taken from the Blue Horse line of tablets, com position books and note paper that I sell. The leading line in the South for many years. Bring them in any time during the school term. C. T. BLAINE. 042tc Oil FOR RENT Large furnished room. Smaller rooms. Garage apartment. Garage room, for cars and trucks. See me at Mr. Trot ter's home-MRS. W. L. HIGDON 041 tp WANTED Good sugar cured country hams. Small ones prefer red. TRIMONT INN, on Harrison Ave. LEGAL ADVERTISING corner, also a corner of L. C. Bell and J. M. Williams land, runs south 31 west 69 poles to a stake, about 2 poles north of the road leading to J. M. Williams' house; then north 31 1-2 west 72 poles to a stake on the East side of the Georgia road; then north 33 east with said road 8 poles and 11 links to a stake, L. C. Bell's and J. M. Williams' corner; then with Wil liams' old line, South 87 1-2 East 18 poles to a stake, Williams' cor- ner; then with his line south 4 west 6 poles to a stake and pointer, Williams' corner ; ,then with his line south 83 east 20 poles to a stake, Williams' corner; then with said line north 86 1-2 east 30 poles and 10 links to the beginning, being the same lands described in a deed from Lee Crawford, Trustee, to Alex Moore, dated August 2, 1922, and recorded in Office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Boojt of Deeds L-4, page 108, and in. deed from Alex Moore and wife of evpn .date here with to Franklin Company. EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND THE FOLLOWING LOTS: Lots Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 66 and 67, as shown by Fair Ground Park Subdivision map, recorded in Plat Book No. 1, Page 36. This October 1st, 1934. GEORGE B. PATTON, Substituted Trustee. 04-4tc-GJ.-025 FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP SAYS: WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When you get lame And out of place We'll make you game With a brand new lace. Troy Horn. FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP Opposite Courthouse ' "We Buy and Sell" Box 212 Troy F. Horn MACON COUNTY 1934 - 1935 BUDGET (Published in Compliance with Requirements of the "County Fiscal Control Act"-Sec. 7, Ch. 146, P. L. 1927) Requirements: GENERAL FUND: Current and anticipated revenue from delinquent taxes SPECIAL FUND: Current and anticipated revenue from delinquent taxes l DEBT SERVICE FUND: Current and anticipated revenue from delinquent taxes .$9,600.00 .11,400.00 49,790.00 $70,790.00 $5,629,764.00 County Wide Valuation: CURRENT YEAR TAX LEVY: General County Purposes . ... ... .....$ .15 Pauper . . . v ......... J 05 Courts and Jail ...... .05 General Debt Service ,60 General School Debt Service County Wide tax rate Franklin Township Debt Service . Highlands Township Debt Service .85 .15 $1.00 25 .10 Appropriations: GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1 County Commissioners, Clerk to Board, County attorney, election expense, audit, awards (Scalps), General supplies, Trave! & advertising .................. $ 2.750.00 2 County accountant salary and supplies 850.00 3-pCourt house and grounds ; janitor, supplies; lights . and water, repairs and insurance 940.00 4 Register of Deeds: Supplies .... 100.00 5 Sheriff ; fees & cost, supplies & conveying prisoners & insane 900.00 6 Farm Demonstration :oCounty agent, salary .. 960.00 7 Tax Listing: Supplies ad preparing books 2,000.00 8 Health: Health officer, vital statistics, welfare officer, coroner & supplies 1,100.00 $ 9,600.00 SPECIAL FUND: 1 peeper County Home, Medical care, repairs, Insurance, Burial expense, Outside aid, & Lights $ 2,800.00 2 Courts: Juvenik judge, Court stenographer, Juror & witness fees, Court cost, Audit CSC, & Supplies 7,100.00 3 Jail: Jailer & supplies, Repairs & Insurance 1,000.00 4 Fire protectiortCo-operative share.. 50000 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Bonds maturing and interest general, & bond interest in Franklin and Highlands, townships 49,790.00 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Whereas, on the 1st day of De cember, 1925, the Franklin Com pany made, executed, and delivered to Henry G. Robertson, Trustee, a deed of trust, which is duly and regularly recorded in Book No. 29, of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, at 'Page 241 ; and Whereas, thereafter, George 6. Patton was duly and regularly ap pointed as trustee in place and stead of the said Henry G. Robert son; and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the amount se cured by said deed of trust and demand has been made on the un dersigned substituted trustee to ex ercise the power of sale contained in said deed of trust: NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned substituted trustee will, on Thursday, November 1st, 1934, at the courthouse door in the Town of Franklin, sell to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed property: BEGINNING at a small Spanish oak on a ridge, south of J. A. Por ter's residence and being Cozad's E. W. LONG, County Accountant. $70,790.00 New 1935 PHILCO 118H $85-00 Hen if a magnificent 6 -leg Highboy of fine woods, with hand robbed finish. Among ha many feature are Super Chu "A" Audio System, Electro-Dynamic Speaker, Bass Compensation, Tone Control, Automatic Volume Control, Shadow Tuning, PHILCO High-Efficiency Tubes, etc g ff J 'flT5CH BJBBBnfMWWsjHV lBBBBBnl MiScfilBeVMaqlfeb 11(1 y 'aw Bryant Furniture Co. Franklin, N. C

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