PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACON1AN THURSDAY, OCT. 19, It A Silent Autumn Movie byA.&apm Cits JfloutJilxtt tytt Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press, At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL, XLIX Number 41 BLACKBURN W. JOHNSON ...EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1-50 Six Months 75 Eight Months Single Copy Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. The New Absentee Regulations THE State Board of Elections has acted wisely in prescribing regulations to prevent a recur rence in November's election of abuses of the ab sentee ballot law which in the past have caused many unnecessary election rows and brought a measure of disrepute on the state's election sys tem. How effective the new regulations will prove remains to be seen, and will depend to a large degree on the honesty of election officials. Any one who has studied the new provisions, how ever, cannot help feel that on their face they are sincerely motivated and well designed. Hence forth a written application must be signed by a voter before obtaining an absentee and local elec tion officials are required to keep a record of all absentee ballots issued. In voting an absentee the voter is required not only to attach his signa ture to a properly qualified absentee certificate, but also to sign his or her name on the ballot itself. Thus, a method is provided for keeping a complete check on the voting of absentee ballots, and should a dispute arise it can be justly settled. A ballot may be challenged and, if found irreg ular, cancelled. Furthermore, election officials will be enabled to trace a bogus vote to its origin and place responsibility for its slipping through the election machinery. It is sincerely to be hoped that these safe guards will achieve their purpose; but if they fail, there should be no excuse for continuation of the system. The absentee ballot is fine in theory, but the theory does not justify its con tinued use unless it can be made practically operative. Hooray for the Joint Campaign TTHE candidates for office in Macon county have decided to fight it out in the open. The Dem ocrats have thrown down the gauntlet and the Republicans, we are informed, have accepted the challenge. Now in a few days the Democratic nominees and the Republican dittos will appear in public debate in various sections of the county. All the voters will have an opportunity to hear both sides of every political question, to say noth ing of a lot of timeworn jokes and anecdotes. As the world series is over and there is noth ing else to detract the attention of the public, the boys ought to draw pretty good crowds. And, we believe, they will put on a good show. We pay a lot of money for elections, so we might as well get all the entertainment we can out of the hustings. We doubt if anybody will prove any thing other than the strength of one's lungs, but nevertheless the joint campaign should prove beneficial. Folks will have an opportunity to get better acquainted with the various candidates. Then, too, some of them might be pinned down on a few important points upon which the public would like to know their attitudes. But most important of all, there will likely be far less hit ting below the belt when the fighting is done in the public view, The Better Housing Program IT IS NOT necessary to make a detailed, statistical survey to determine that Macon County has its full share of homes, busi ness buildings and farm structures badly in need of repairs and modernization. It is all too obvious to a casual observer. The reason for this state of affairs is very evident. Folks just haven't had the money to make necessary repairs and im provements and, furthermore, in the past few years there has been no way to finance such work, even though one's credit might be rated A-l. Now, through the Federal Housing Act, means have been provided for extending credit to worthy individuals whose property needs repairing or justifies remodeling. Uncle Sam stands ready S-&MJlf & I .f. Alll. ). Sjjj : . jj. ! Aort I I N to help the community that is willing to help itself and do its part in combatting the depression bogey by putting men hack to work and dollars back into circulation. If the people of Macon County individually and collectively, will apply both their brain and their brawn to the Better Housing Program, they can make their homes and their business houses better places in which to live and work, and their county a com munity in which they can take greater pride. Better homes mean healthier, better children, and better communities mean finer, better citizens. Of course, credit is not offered heedless in this Better Hous ing Program. It would be foolish to allow a man already heavily burdened with debt to take on an additional load, to assume obli gations for which there was no hope of repayment Before one can borrow it must be ascertained that his taxes are paid, that his mortgage is in good standing, that he is a good moral risk and that he has an income sufficient to warrant the amount of his loan. These provisions preclude loans to a number of proper ty owners, but there are many others who are in position to qualify. If those so situated will take advantage of their oppor tunity, we do not believe they will ever regret it. Money spent wisely on necessary repairs, even though it be borrowed money, will prove an economy in the long run. And money lent wisely for such a good cause will yield other profits in addition to in terest That is why Uncle Sam has put his shoulder to this wheel. THROUGH CAPITAL KEYHOLES BY BESS HINTON SILVER EXPANDING' Raleigh politicians see in Con gressman R. L. Doughton's decis ion to go afield outside his own district to make campaign speeches this fall further indication of his desire to occupy the red leather chair in the southwest office of the State Capitol after Governor Eh- ringhaus vacates it. Mr. Doughton has not made a habit of campaign ing outside his own playing field in the nast. Some -of the dooers- out think he wants to become per sonally acquainted with more of the natives in preparation for his primary campaign in 1936. JUICY PLUM- The grapevine reports here that Barber Towler, of Raleigh, has notified Chas. H. Robertson that he will resign his post with the Internal Revenue Department, of which N Mr. Robertson is head man in North Carolina. Towler was one of the many employes of the of fice who were forced to move from Raleigh to Greensboro when the Fourth District's new Congressman Harold D. Cooley was unable to prevent removal of the office to national committeeman C. L. Shup ings home town. Mr. Towler's resignation will leave a $3,600 a year job open for some promising Democrat. TIT-FOR-TAT- The General Assembly has been annexing $1,000,000 each year from taxes paid by people who use auto mobiles and trucks for general State expenditures. Now along comes Uncle Sam and says if you divert your highway funds we will penalize you thirty per cent of your federal aid road money. North Carolina is to get about $3,000,000 per year in federal aid money dur ing the next biennium and if the diversion is continued the State will lose a million bucks through penalties each year. Which means a loss of $2,000,000 in highway con struction that can be obtained if the one million iron men taken from motorists are used on roads and your Uncle Sammy comes across with the full allocation for this State. GOOD STORY-r Former Governor O. Max Gard ener tells this one about Death Row at State's Prison in Raleigh. He said he received a note from a doomed Negro reading: "Dear Governor. I understand I am to be electrocuted Friday and here it is Tuesday yours very truly." He did not disclose the man's name but said he granted the prisoner a thirty-day reprieve after receiving the pathetic note. Governor Gard ener was just that way. ABSENTEE VOTING The State Board of Elections got an eyeful in recent investigations of irregular absentee votinar in the June primaries and now plans to launch a campaign to cleanse the system. The next session of the Legislature is sure to witness stren ous effort to repeal the absentee ballot law and it is not at all cer tain that the movement will fail. especially as the law applies to primaries. The 1933 session raised a lot of dust in its war on ab sentee voting but failed to get a State-wide repealer approved, al though many counties were exempt ed upon insistence of their Sena tors and Representatives. LIVELY SCRAP- Senators Paul Grady, of Johnson, and Carl L. Bailey, of Washing ton Counties, are staging intensive campaigns for the post of Presi dent Pro Tern of the 1935 Senate with few persons drifting into the Capital City willing to make any predictions on the winner. Both men were popular in the 1933 ses sion and Capitol Knoll considers either one of them excellent ma terial for assistant to Lieutenant Governor A. H. (Sandy) Graham in presiding over the Upper House. Senator Grady, as you remember, has announced his intention of run ning for Lieutenant Governor two years hence. HONORABLE MENTION Thad Eure, of Hertford County, principal clerk of the last session and an announced candidate for the post next January, has been mentioned for more high State po sitions than any other man since Albermarle gave the State John C. B. Ehringhaus as Governor but mentioned is about all. Mr. Eure has an inconspicuous post with the escheates department of the University at Chapel Hill but almost every time a prominent and lucrative State position is to be filled, up pops the name of Thad Eure. Mr. Eure finds it all slight ly embarrasing to say the least. JOB WAITING An attache of the Federal Re employment Office at Raleigh re ports that he has a $1.10 an hour job for a skilled carpenter that is almost always begging for a man to fill it. Plenty of carpenters are available but they can't produce the kind of "trim" work needed on the job or are too old and too slow for the contractor's close bid.- The reemplyment department finds it difficult to secure fast "trim" car penters for contractors on PWA projects. SPEAKER While most ear-to-the-ground politicians deny they can find any trace of partiality on the part of Governor Ehringhaus in the race for Speaker of the next House ses sion now being run by Robert Grady Johnson, of Pender, Laurie McEachern, of Hoke, and W. L. Lumpkin, of Franklin, other finger-" in-the-pie boys testify they can sense a nod of approval in the direction of Johnson. If the Gov ernor is pulling any strings for the next Speakership. they are invisible ones. 4