PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS ami THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1134 Highlands EDITED BY MRS. ERECTING STORE J. D. Burnett, of Scaly, is build ing a store on Main street just west of the Charlie Brooks house. BUILDING SUMMER HOME D. C. Black, of Atlanta, is having a summer home built on Satulah mountain near the home of Miss Elliott. P1ERSON HOUSE GUESTS Guests at the Pierson House last week included Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cope, of Dimock, Pa., and Prof, and Mrs. Tingley, of Clemson Col lege, S. C. SURPRISE PARTY A surprise Hallowe'en party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall on Wednesday evening. A number of guests enjoyed an evening of Hallowe'en hilarity. ENTERTAINS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. W. H. Rice entertained her Sunday school class at a Hallowe'en party Saturday afternoon. A num ber of children entertained with Hallowe'en games and refreshments. TO REBUILD DANCE HALL Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson are planning to rebuild "Helen's Barn," danoe hall, to replace the one burn ed a few weeks ago. The building will be on the same site as before, the corner of Main and Second streets. BEAR TRACKS SEEN NEAR HIGHLANDS A bear's tracks were reported seen on the ridge south of Satulah Sunday and Monday. Hunters, how ever, have been unsuccessful in their efforts to get a shot at the bear. Judging by the size of the tracks, the bear is rather small. AUXILIARY MEETS The regular meeting of the Wo man's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church was held at the home of Mrs. W. S. Davis Thursday, Oc tober 25. The main feature of the meeting was a discussion of plans for a Christmas missionary box to be packed with clothing and other articles and sent to some mission. After the meeting delicious re freshments were served by Mrs. Davis. Among those present were Miss Carolina Hall, president of Condensed Statement of Report Furnished State Bank Commissioner Showing Condition of This Bank As of the Close of Business October 17, 1934. RESOURCES: Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $136,142.19 Checks for Clearing & Cash Items 254.12 BONDS: State of North Carolina Bonds $114,621.78 United States Bonds 19,100.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds 65,000.00 County Bonds 9,000.00 City Bonds 300.00 TOTAL BONDS - - - 208,021.78 Loans and Discounts 160,637.70 Banking House and Site 12,000.00 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 3,185.00 Other Real Estate 32,137.65 F. D. I. C. Deposit 440.00 TOTAL RESOURCES - - - $552,818.44 LIABILITIES: Capital: Common Stock $ 30,800.00 Preferred Stock 1,419.00 Surplus & Profits rr 22,295.86 Reserves for Interest and Depreciation 1,302.67 Reserves for Losses 22,517.66 TOTAL CAPITAL - - - $ 78,335.19 Accrued Taxes and Interest 2,257.93 Borrowed Bonds 65,000.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS 407,225.32 TOTAL LIABILITIES - - $552.81844 The Jackson County Bank SYLVA, N. C. 3 per cent interest paid on Time and Savings Deposits. All deposits in thi Bank are fully insured up to $5,000.00 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of Washington, D. C. We invitie you to open an account with us. . : ' ' mm mmmmm r mmm mm mm mm urn m bmbhhmhm Highlights T. C. HARBISON the auxiliary; Mrs. A. G. Holt, Mrs. J. C. Lamb, Mrs. J. A. Hines, Miss Charlotte Elliott, Miss Huger Elliott, Mrs. Jack Hall, Mrs. T. N. Hall, Mrs. F. A, Edward's, and Miss Es telle Edwards. I DC MB urwric "" r-o ixcv. hut u uucg TO BREVARD The Rev. H. D. Jessup has been I appointed to succeed the Rev. G. A. Hovis as minister of the Metho dist church, Highlands circuit. Mr. Hovis was sent to fill an appoint ment on the Brevard circuit. Mr. Jessup and his wife are expected to arrive in Highlands this week from Robbinsville, where he form erly has been stationed. Following is the honor roll of the Highlands school for the sec ond month, as announced by 0. F. Summer, principal: Frist grade Edwin Shockky, Frances Hedden, Clarence Webb. Second grade Nancy Potts, Lew- j is Crunkleton, Fred Elrod. Third grade Elizabeth McCall, Edna Phillips, Marie Houston. Fourth grade Marie Neely, Jes sie Potts, Barak Wright, Malcolm Zoellner. Fifth grade-Felicia Edwards, Mae McCall, Imogene McKinney. Sixth grade Mozelle Bryson, Margie Waller. High school Virginia Scott, Ber tie Jenkins. J. W. Beacham, of Atlanta, was in Highlands, last week-end. Mrs. Henry Evans, of Montgom ery, Ala., spent several days in Highlands recently. Mrs. Prince Calloway, who ha's I been quite ill at her home here, is improving. Her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Langston, has returned to her home in Anderson, S. C, after .spending several days with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall have moved to Miss Elliott's cottage on j Satulah mountain. J The J. Blanc Monroes left High j lands last week for their winter home in New Orleans. They were accompanied to New Orleans by ,Bense Neely, who since has return ed to Highlands. Miss Nellie Geaveland has re turned from Bridgeport, Conn., where she visited her sister, Miss Eva Geaveland. Franklin Troop Observes Founding of Girl Scouts BY FRANCES DAVENPORT This is National Girl Scout Week. Three hundred thousand ' Girl Scouts in America are celebrating the birth of Girl Scouting. The Franklin troop is observing the following program: Tuesday Gather garments to give to the poor. Wednesday Handcraft day in which the girls bring something they have made. They plan to display these in the window of the Nantahala Power and Light Co. Thursday Thrift Day Each girl must earn 25 cents some way and at a meeting in the afternoon tell how she earned it. Friday Hostess Day A tea will be given in 4he afternoon for the mothers of Girl Scouts. Saturday Out-door Day Hikes and picnics will take place among the three patrols. A year ago in September the Girl Scouts had their beginning in Franklin. Fourteen girls started work on their Tenderfoot tests. 7 Autos To B3 Given Away In Ashe ville Trade Jubilee With seven automobiles as free, prizes, the rilerchants of Asheville this week are beginning a gigantic campaign known as "Asheville's Million Dollar Trade Jubilee." The closing date is December 17, and on December 19 the awards will be made to the various fortunate Western Carolinians. The 19 Western North Carolina counties have been divided into groups, and a FREE automobile al lotted to each group. Macon coun ty is in Group 4, and any bona fide resident of this county is en titled to enter. Fifty thousand votes are given the contestant on enter ing, and additional votes are given for cash purchases and payments on account with Asheville mer chants. Any contestant may be voted for by himself and by any other persons as well. Entries are to be filed with Mar cus Sterne, Jr., manager of Ashe ville's Million Dollar Trade Jubi lee, Arcade Building, Asheville. They may be made by letter or in person. Those in this county de siring to enter this big automobile Miss s Virginia McGuire took the place of Captain with Miss Helen Patton as her Lieutenant. Great progress has been made in a year. The troop now have 24 Scoots with nearly all of them working on their second class test. Some are almost through with it and ready to start on their first class test. This sum mer at Camp Taukeetah (Miss Olive Pattori's camp) a Girl Scout camp was held for -two weeks. All the girls that could attended. Much was accomplished. Miss Olive Patton and Mrs. Roy Dady have assisted in the organ ization work. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET MONDAY The Franklin garden club is scheduled to hold its regular month ly meeting Monday afternoon, No vember 5, at the home of Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr. All members are urged to attend, as important busi ness is to be considered. contest are invited to write or tele phone Mr. Sterne or anv Ashpvillp merchant for full particulars. Roy Cunningham GROCERIES-FEEDS-FERTILIZERS vauSS FLOUR $1.00 MOTHER'S OATS LARD BEANS MICHIGANS YELLOW EYES BEET PULP RICE BRAN loo' $1-75 O. K. , SOAP O for 25c UNCLE MACK COFFEE n MHBI M I B M ssT REDUCE YOUR Crop Production Costs REGISTMCD U S MTINT OfBCC NOW IS THE TIME TO HAUL FERTILIZER No better time than right now to get "all set" for your crop. Let me supply your require ments of OX GUANOS I have the most popular fall grades in stock now for quick delivery. Roy F. Cunningham Franklin, N. C. BRYSON - H IGDON Miss Maude Bryson and Mr. L. H. Higdon of Higdonville, were quietly married at Clarkesville, Ga., on September 15, 1934, By L. E. Gabrel, ordinary. They were ac companid by Mr. Fred J. Corbin of Higdonville and Mr. Vernon Lee Goodale of Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Oretta Bolick, who has been working in Washington, D. G, for the past year, has returned to her home at Higdonville. BOX SUPPER TO BE HELD AT HOLLY SPRINGS A box supper for the benefit of the Holly Springs school will be held at the school house at 8 o'clock Saturday night. The public is invited. YOUNG MOTHERS Don't experi ment with children's colds.. .Treat them as your own mother did externally. No dos ing! Just rub throat and chest with.:. P Cup & Saucer 3-lb. or China Pkg. 29 8-Lb. Carton 79 Lb. Lb. 6c 7c ISSffiir. n-45 MID DLINGS 100'. $2-00 Health Club Bak. Powder 3 or25C 18' You can increase your yields per acre and lower your growing costs per bushel with OX GUANOS. And it's the bushel cost, and hot the acre cost, that counts when crops are sold.