fifij unit 3 Iftgljlaniifi JRaomiati LIBERAL INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE VOL. L, NO. 22 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1935 $150 PER YEAR MACON TO SEND 400 TO ATTEND ERE EXERCISES John Emory, 76, To Take Part in Speaking Contest A delegation of nearly 400 stu dents and teachers of emergency relief classes in Macon county is expected to attend district ERE commencement exercises in Ashe ville Saturday. The group will meet at 6 o'clock Saturday morning at the courthouse, where school buses and private automobiles will be as sembled to provide transportation. At Canton the Macon county dele gation will be met by group from other .counties and. a motorcade will be formed before proceeding to Asheville. ERE classes which have been under way for several months in nearly all sections of the county closed today. A total of 1,079 white boys and girls, men and women, and 75 negroes have been enrolled in the classes. Instruc tions has been furnished by 28 white teachers and one negro! teacher. 121 To Get Certificates One hundred and twenty-one of the students, it was announced at the county ERE office, are to re ceive diplomas at the exercises in Asheville. Qne of the features of the com mencement program will be a speaking contest, in which this county will be represented by John Emory, 76-year-old resident of the Burningtown community. Mr. Em ory was the winner in a county elimination contest held in the courthouse Saturday afternoon. The other" contestants, who had won community contests held previous ly, were Elbert Gibson, of High lands, and Marshall Burnett -of Scaly. The judges were M. D. Billings, county superintendent of schools; Harley R. Cabe, clerk of court; and C. T. Bryson, register of deeds. The subject upon which the contestants had been asked to speeak was: "What the ERE Has Done for Me." Now He Cm Road Mr. Emory, possessed of a simple eloquence, told the audience that until three months ago he could neither read nor write. "But now, he added, 1 can sign my name, write a little and enjoy reading my Bible." Barbecue To Be Held Saturday at Camp Nikwasi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Valentine, who have taken over the operation of the Franklin goM course and Camp Nikwasi for the summer, have announced that they will give a barbecue and dance at the camp at 7 :30 o'clock Saturday night. The Valentines have been operat ing the golf course, swimming pool and tennis fourts for several weeks, but Camp Nikwasi will not be for mally opened until Saturday. Ad mission will be charged fothe barbecue, but the dance will be free. Since taking charge of the recre ational center, Mr. Valentine has made a number of improvements. The golf course has been w6rked over and mowed, the tennis courts scraped and rolled and the swim ming pool cleaned and filled. Al though the weather has been cool, a number of bathers have been using the pool. A score or more of sports lovers can be found at the recreational center almost any afternoon, golfing, swimming or playing tennis: With the coming of summer much larger crowds are expected. Young at 80 Mrs, Mann Says Work Isj Cure for Old Age Work is the means of staying young, according to Mrs. S. M. Mann, of Tiger, Ga. When Mrs. Mann, formerly a resident of this county, visited The Franklin Press office Wednesday to renew her subscription for the 28th year the editor was surprised to learn that she was 80 years old. She didn't look a day over 60. "Yes, 1 am 80 years old," she commented. "When I reached 60 I thought I was old and when I was 70 I thought I was very, very old.. But now that I am 80 I am growing young again. When the banks failed several years ago I lost so much I had to go back to work again. And working has made me feel younger." Mrs. Mann first subscribed to The Franklin Press on May 30 Memorial Day in 1907. Each year since then, with one exception when her husband was dying she has personally renewed her sub scription, either on May 29 or 30. "I couldn't get along without The Press," she commented Wed nesday. "I look for it every week. It's just like a letter from home." MICA COMPANY Tfl MOVE PLANT Rice Confirms Reports of Abandoning Macon Mine and Mitt Reports that the Southern Mica company planned to abandon its mica mine and grinding plant four miles north of Franklin on highway 286 and establish a new plant at Johnson City, Tenn., were confirm ed this week by D. D. Rice, presi dent and manager of the company. Mr. Rice said the . mine had been exhausted and that it would be im practical and uneconomical to haul mica from other mines to the pres ent plant and then, after the min eral had been processed, to haul it to the railroad in Franklin. He added that he had considered mov ing the plant to a site on the rail road in Franklin but, after study ing the matter, had decided this would be inadvisable on account of uncertainty of continued operation of the Tallulah Falls railroad. Mr. Rice recently visited John son City, which is about 60-odd miles from the mica producing area around Spruce Pine, N. G, and inspected prospective plant sites, investigated freight rates, electric power rates and other factors. Af ter a careful examination of con ditions there and here, he stated, he decided to discontinue the Ma con county plant during the sum mer or early fall. Mr. Rice plans to remove his familv to Tohnson Citv. His fath er. Tohn E. Rice, has not announc- ed whether he will continue his residence here. The Southern Mica company has been operating the mine and mill at the Iotla bridge for the past 12 years. It specializes in dry ground mica, used in various wall and roof surfacing preparations, in the man ufacture of rubber, insulation ma terials and a number of other in dustrial products. It has been one of the county's largest industrial enterprises, has maintained a con siderable payroll and has been one of the largest shippers of the Tal lulah Falls railroad. Ray Moves Law Office To Ashear Building J. Frank Ray, Macon county rep resentative in the general assem bly and a member of the local bar, has moved his office from the Pendergrass building to the Ashear building. Attractions of As Summer Franklin received some valuable publicity in the "Summer Vacation Edition" of the Albany (Ga.) Her ald issued on May 23. The attrac tions of this community as a sum mer resort are described in an ar ticle by John Davis, business man ager of the newspaper, who spends his vacation each summer at The Franklin Terrace. The article reviews a number of motor trips from Albany, listing Franklin as a favored destination in the mountains. "If one loves the mountains, the harmonies of their colorings and the symmetries of their contours," Mr. Davis writes, "a drive to Franklin, N. C, a distance of 326 miles, takes one into the heart of one of the most beautiful mountain sections in 'The Land of the Sky,' PraUe Climate "For many years Franklin has been a favorite mountain resort with many Albany people, not only on account of its beautiful setting, and its delightful summer climate, hut because of its charming and Highlands Man Arrested After Fatal Auto Crash 2 NEW CAMPS Work t Coweta Work is well under way on two new CCC camps in Macon county one at -West's Mill, which is nearing completion, and one at the Coweta Experiment station on which construction was started last week. This will bring the number of CCC camps in the county to five, and when enrollment for the new camps is completed there will be approximately 1,000 men in the five camps. Camps already established are F-9 at Franklin, F-19 in Horse Cove, near Highlands, and F-10 at Aquone. Enrollment of men under the en larged CCC quota is to start June 15 and continue through August. The enrollees are expected to ar rive at the two new camps in this county about the first of July. It was announced at the offices of the Nantahala National Forest this week that Camp F-12 on Buck Creek, just across the Macon coun ty line in Clay county, would be reestablished on account of new forest work in that vicinity. Local Labor Being Used on Franklin Federal Building Work on Franklin's $100,000 fed eral building, which will house the postoffice and the headquarters of the Nantahala National Forest, was progressing rapidly this week under the supervision of W. S. Galhmore Operations on the project got under way Thursday of last week and today excavation work had been completed and preparations were being made to commence pouring concrete for the founda- ttons. Ten men were at work on i the job, all of them employed lo- cally with the exception of a pipe fitter. Mr. Gallimore said local labor, both common and skilled, would be used as far as possible. The building contract was award ed to L. B. Gallimore, contractor of Greensboro, N. C. He is the son of W. S. Gallimore, who is supervision the job here. Mr. Gallimore said he expected to complete the building by Jan uary 1. Franklin Resort Praised inexpensive hotel, the Franklin Terrace, operated by the Willises who have so many friends in this city. "Using Franklin as a base, there are scores of easy trips over fine ly paved roads that wind through some of the grandest mountain scenery of America. Asheville is only 72 miles away. Highlands is but a short drive. Beyond High lands is the drive through Cashier's Valley to High Hampton. For scenic beauty I place this drive at the head of the list of any that I have ever enjoyed. "There is an important Indian Reservation within easy driving distance of Franklin. Here the government maintains a well equipped school for Indians and one will find a visit to this reserva tion both interesting and informa tive. New Smokie "For those who are interested in the government's new park projects, the Great Smokie Mountains Na tional Park affords a delightful one (Continued on Page Eight) Paul Jones, 18, Is Dead; Ernest Crunkleton Under Bond Ernest Crunkleton, of Highlands, a forest service employe, was ar rested by Sheriff A. B. Slagle Tuesday afternoon at the CCC camp at Topton on a technical charge of murder growing out of the fatal injury of Paul Jones, 18, in an automobile collision near his home at Kyle Saturday afternoon. Crunkleton was released under $500 bond pending a magistrate's hearing in Franklin at 2 p. m Monday, June 10. The collision occurred on a curve in the Nantahala forest road near Kyle. Crunkleton, unaccompanied, was driving one car. Jones was driving another machine and with him were his brother, Wayne Jones, and Eckel Roland. Wayne was slightly injured, but Roland and Crunkleton were uninjured. Paul Jones was brought to Angel hospital in Franklin unconscious. It was found that his skull was fractured. He died at 11 :45 o'clock Monday night Funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at the Briar town Baptist church with the Rev. Phil lip Passmore officiating. Surviving young Jones are his father, John W. Jones, two broth ers, Wayne and Ralph, of Kyle; and five sisters, Mrs. James Cole man, of Bessemer City, N. C. ; Mrs. Harrison Hicks and Miss Grace Jones, of Charleston, W. Va.; and Mrs. Ralph Wood and Miss Ora Jones, of Kyle. Weimar Steuman Reported Recovering Weimar Steuman, of the Watauga section, whose back was reported broken in a fall in a mica mine two weeks ago, was reported this week to be recovering as well as could be expected. He is in a hospital at Sylva. Stewards of Franklin Circuit To Meet R. L. Poindexter, charge lay leader of the Franklin circuit, has called a meeting of the stewards of the charge for 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of the pas tor, the Rev. B. W. Lefler. Mr. Poindexter said important matters were to be discussed and he urged that all stewards of the charge attend. EXPANSION OF PUBLIC HEALTH WORKPROPOSED County Offered $3,700 if It Will Put Up $1,500 A proposal that ; Macon county put up $1,500 a year, to which will be added $3,700 from other sources, for expansion of its public health activities, will be laid before the county commissioners at their reg ular monthly meeting next Mon day. The plan was outlined Wed nesday at a meeting of the county board of health by Dr. Carl V. Reynolds, secretary of the state board of health. If the proposal is accepted, the county will be given the benefit of a full time county nurse, a full time sanitary inspector, 12 to 20 weeks public school dental service each year, countywide vaccinations for typhoid fever, small pox and other communicable diseases, all under the supervision of a district health officer and an assistant who will serve three other counties in addition to Macon. District Proposed Haywood, Jackson and Swain counties are now receiving public health service of this scope. It is proposed that Macon join with them in forming a four-county public health district. To take advantage of the offer, the county is required to appropriate $1,500 a year and supply office space free of charge for county public health headquar ters. If this proposal is accepted, Dr. Reynolds told the county board of health, the state will add $1,200 to the county's appropriation and the Tennessee Valley Authority or the United States Public Health Ser vice will supply an additional $2,500, making available a total sum of $5,200 for the county's public health program. Members of the county board of health are Ed B. Byrd, who as chairman of the county commis sioners is also chairman of the board of health; M. D. Billings, secretary; Mayor George Patton of Franklin, Dr. N. G. Williams, Dr. H. T. Horsley and Dr. J. L. West. In addition to Dr. Reynolds, two other state public health officials appeared before the county board of health Wednesday in the inter est of the proposed expansion of the county's public health program. They were Dr. R. E. Fox, director of county health work, and Mn Floyd, district sanitary inspector. Favor Proposal The proposal outlined at the meeting of the county board of health will be transmitted Monday to the county commissioners by Mr. Billings. It will be up to the commissioners to decide upon the appropriation of the requisite $1,500 a year. After Wednesday's meeting Mr. Billings and Mr. Byrd expressed opinions that the county sorely needed a broader public health ser vice and that the proposal submit ted by the state board was "too good to turn down." Mr. Byrd pointed out that ac ceptance of the offer would entail an additional outlay by the county of only $600, explaining that the county is already obligated to ap propriate about $900 a year for vac cination work. Mr. Billings said acceptance of the offer would pave the way for expenditure of approximately $20, 000 in relief funds on various sani tation projects in the county, in cluding modernization of privies. (Continued on Pago Seven)

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