THURSDAY, MAY 30. 1935 THE. FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE FIVE . , me nix unc or wnicn raws, in t ind which coo ttins Four GtottTjeMuie I ESTHER THE story comes late in the Old Testament chronology, dealing with the period when there were numerous Jews in Mesopo tamia, descendants of those who were carried away captive by Nebuch adnezzar in 586 B. C. A hundred years had passed and, while many Jews mm naa returnea 10 m Palestine, others wete settled in dif ferent parts of the big unwieldly Per sian kingdom, ruled lover by Ahasuerus. M o r d e c a i was Iplotted against by Bruce Barton a politician named Haman, wha through misrepresenta tion caused the king to promul gate a decree of massacre against the Tews. It was at this crisis that Mordecai went to Esther, de manding that she should go in unto the king, to make supplication unto him, and to make request be fore him for her people. She replied that no one was per mitted to approach the king with out being sent for by name and that the penalty of disobedience was death. In noble words Mor decai argued the case, and at length Esther was persuaded. Go,' gather together all the Jews that are present in Shu shan (she replied), and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day : likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not ac cording to the law: and if I perish, I perish. I also, and my maiden will fast The' third day came. Modestly but with firm step and head erect, she moved into the inner court where sat Ahasuerus on his mighty throne. There was an awful mo ment of suspense while the cour tiers watched with bated breath to see what destruction would descend upon this girl who had dared to break the law. But her beauty was irresistible. The king held out his scepter, the sign of royal recog nition. Esther knelt and touched it and made her plea and won. A new decree was promulgated; the Jews were restored to favor and began promptly to take ad vantage of their opportunities to grow rich. Haman by poetic jus tice was hanged on the high gal lows which he had built for Mor decai. The finest passage in the whole book is Mordecai's ringing answer to Esther when she hesitated to approach the king,, arguing that her feeble strength and abilities could not possibly prevail in such an emergency. Those words have rung down the corridors of Time as an undying challenge to, the courage and faith of youth. "Let no fainthearted ness turn you aside from the duty to which vou are clearly called, no matter how hard that duty may be or how much apparently beyond your powers." . . . and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Next week: Mary, the Mother of Jesus) Copyright, Bobbs-Merrill Co. FDANK PARKER Mjfe HL SrOCKBR)D6Elrk7 jC LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE North Carolina, Macon County. In the Superior Court The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, vs J. C. Strong and wife, Maria Strong, et al. The defendants, J. C. Strong, Ma ria Strong, Thomas M. Grist, Hel a r.rUt the American Agricul tural Chemical Company, W. R. Brown and Myers Dry Goods Com- take notice that an action oWp pntitled. has been com- CIS CkXJJ - r mfnr(( 1T1 the Superior Court ot Macon County, North Carolina, to the end that the plamtitt may foreclose a mortgage covering ; which the above named defendants have an interest, and thP above .named detenaanis that thev are required ,nr within thirtv days in the lJ r r a office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, North r.iitio and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 18th day of May, 1935. HARLEY R. CASE, nrV Sniwrior Court. Macon County, North Carolina M23-4tc-J&J-J13 LEGAL ADVERTISING 12457 and runs north 65 E 70 poles tn a chestnut oak: thence S WA E 62 ooles to a hickory; thence South 65 west 155 poles to a chest nut; thence North 35 East 110 poles to a chestnut oak; thence N 5U West Sl2 poles to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. This 6th day of May, 1935. J. O. HARRISON, Administrator Of Estate of J. T. Berry, dee'd M16-4tc-JOH-J6 V NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Whereas, on the 22nd day ot January, 1929. John B. Haskett made, executed, and delivered a mortgage deed to J. T. Berry, covering the property hereinafter described, which said mortgage deed is recordedMn the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon Tnnntv. in Book No. 32, of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust, page 56; and . Whereas, since the execution ot morttraize deed, the said J. l Berry died intestate in the County of Macon, State of North Carolina, and J. O. Harrison has been duly A rpcnilarlv aooointed Administra tor of the Estate of said J. T. Berry, and is now acting as such Arlrmnistratnr : and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the amount se- a kt enA tnnrTcrace deed and it is now necessary that the power of sale contained in said deed ot trust be. exercised: NOW THEREFORE, the under siRiicd Administrator of the Estate of J. T. Berry, deceased, will, on the 7th day of June, 1935, at the rlnnr in the Town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, sen to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the amount secured by said mortgage deed, principal, interest, and cost, the following described narcel of land: Tn Millshoal Township, beginning ADMINISTRATRIX C. T. A. NOTICE Havine Qualified as administratrix C T A. of Theodore S. Munday, deceased, late of Macon County, F r this is to notifv all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April, 1936, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 18th day of April, 1935. MARIETTA MUNDAY, Administratrix C. T. A. A25-6tp M30 FYFCAJTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Mamie Slagle Patton, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of April, 1936. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per- ons indebted to said estate Will please make immediate settlement. This 8th day of April, 1935. R. A. PATTON, Executor. M9 6tp-J13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havincr mialified as administrator of Lon England, deceased, late of Macon County. N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of May, 1936, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 17th day of May, 1935. CLIFTON ENGLAND, Administrator. M23-6tp J27 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of Henrv A. Hall, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 25th day of May, 1936, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 25th day of May, 1935. BTJNIA VESTIA HALL, Administratrix. M30-6t-J4 CANDIDATES . . are mentioned Names of eminent men who might make eood Presidential candidates for the Republicans in 1936 pop no in the news almost every day One of the latest suggestions is for the party to draft Justice Uwen J. Roberts of Pennsylvania from the Supreme Court of the United States. This would be following the precedent set in 1916, when Charles E. Hughes was taken from that bench to run against Wood row Wilson and nearly won the election. Justice Roberts isn't saying any thing. I think it doubtful that he will be the party's leader next year. Not that he isn't a good man, for he is. He would be a good Presi dent, but that doesn't mean he would be a good candidate. Some Nebraskans are "prompt ing" J. R. McCarl, Comptroller General of the United States, and the onlv man who can tell the President and Cabinet where to head in. Others are talking about a r.nalition between Republicans and conservative Democrats and talking of Lewis A. Douglas of Arizona, former Director of the Budget, and Alfred E. Smith, as possible heads of a Fusion ticket. Probably none of the men I have named will be a Presidential can didate, but the fact that politicians everywhere are talking about can didates indicates a decided warm ing up in the interest in the 1936 elections. POSTMARKS ... awl collectors The appointment of Oscar Phil lnw as nostmaster at Santa Claus, Indiana, suggests the interest which stamn collectors and others take in postmarks. Every year tens of thousands of persons send Christ mas packages and cards on to the Santa Claus postoffice to be re mailed so they will bear that ap propriate address. One of my stamp collector friends prizes the "cov ers" of letters which he received from the Byrd Polar expeditions one from the North Pole and one from the South Pole above every thing in his collection. 1 know one man who is trying to make a complete collection of post marks, to include every post office in the United States. Counting the stub-6tations, there are more than 50,000 of them. He figures that it will have cost him in postage alone more than $3,000 to make his col lection, but believes that when it is complete it will be worth several times that money. At any rate, it is a harmless hobby. FABRIC .... a magic cloth A new fabric which seems to have revolutionary possibilities has been developed by a New England cotton mill. As described by one technical observer, it utilizes not only cotton but any other vegetable or animal fiber, and is produced by a process which has something of the technique of paper-making and some methods used in rubber goods manufacture. It hasn't any name as yet, but it can be made thin enough for a silk handkerchief or sturdy enough for factory belting. It is described as lending itself to a wider range of colors than any existing fabric and as having the power of absorbing sound when us ed as draperies. That sounds like magic; but it is merely another example?' of the new things which industry stands ready to provide when the return of financial stability makes it pru dent to invest money in their pro duction and distribution. The re search workers in the laboratories are not standing still, but are work ing steadily on new marvels, many of which we as yet have no inkling of, but which may be the common places of ten years from now. DIAMOND . . . . tihe largest The largest diamond ever dis covered is coming to the United States. A year ago the world was amazed by the news from the South African diamond fields that a flawless diamond as big as a hen's egg had been found by a poor farmer named Jonkers. The fortunate finder sold it for some thing like $100,000 to one of the big diamond companies, which has been holding it for the market until somebody was ready to pay its real value. It is reported that the American purchaser paid $750,000 for this stone, which is still uncut. Prob ably when it is properly cut and polished it will be worth a lot more than a million. What interests me, however, is that there is still money in such huge sums ready for investment in diamonds. The diamond market is looking up. Many who formerly hoarded gold are now putting their monev into diamonds, as the safest portable investment and one which can be turned quickly into cash at anv time, besides holding the rea sonable certainty of becoming worth more as the purchasing value of the dollar goes down. CRASH . . stunter's fault The biggest airplane ever built, the "Maxim Gorky," crashed over Moscow the other day, killing every one of its 42 passengers and crew. It was no fault of the big plane, however; it was a collision with a small plane which was doing "stunts" too near it. Nobody knows yet the safe size limit of airplanes, but in general, aviation engineers tell me, the big ger they are the safer they are, if they are properly constructed. Rus sians were building bigger and bet ter airplanes than anybody else, ong before the Great War. If vou want to get a peep into the future' of aviation, get hold of H. G. Wells' book "The First War in the Air." published thirty years or so ago; and Rudyard Kipling's With the Night Mail." of about the same date. Those two writers are authentic prophets, and what they foresaw so long ago is begin ning to come true. Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood YOUR kidneys are constantly fitter ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work do not, act as nature in tendedfail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen limbs; feel nervous, miserable all upset Don't delayl Use Doan's PBk. Doan's ere especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They are recom mended by grateful users the country over. Get them from any druggist. . . . and such a nice room at 300 ROOMS 300 BATHS 300 RADIOS On minute from vcrythins down-town Near but ftotion and all motor high ways i If JriOW often, when some of your friends are telling of a particularly pleasant visit to Atlanta, the expression is heard, "And we had such a nice room at The Atlantan I" Add to the enjoyment of your next trip by stay ing at this fine, conveniently located hotel, so popu lar among women visitors to Atlanta Delightful outside rooms, with every comfort and luxury, just a few steps from the shopping and theatrical district "Everything As You Like It," and all at rates lower than those of any of Atlanta'! other large hotels. Travel anywhere ..any day on the SOUTHERN J7J A Jure Jar even purse. . . PBS MTU OHE WAY and ROUND TRIP COACH TICKETS for Each Mile Traveled ROUND TRIP TICKETS Return Limit 15 Days rfffflf for Each Mile Traveled tfJSfc ROUND TRIP TICKETS Return Limit 6 Months for Each Mile Traveled Cm ONE WAY TICKETS for Each Mile Traveled Good in Sleeping and Parlor Cars on payment of proper charges for space occupied. No surcharge. Economize by leaving your Automobile at home and using the Southern Excellent Dining Car Service Be Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel R. H. DEBUTTS, ASST. GEN. PASSENGER AGT. Southern Railway System on a mountain oak, corner of No.