PAGE FOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE North Carotin, Maaon County. Whereas, power of sale was vest ed in the undersigned mortgagee by mortgage deed from Mack A Pierson, and wife, Annie W. Pier son to E. G. Lombard, Mortgagee, dated 26th day of May, 1923, and registered in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 27, page 339, to secure the payment of certain indebted ness in said Mortgage Deed set forth; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the sum secured by said ' mortgage deed: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said mortgage deed In me vested, on Monday, the 15th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed property: Beginning at a stake, the South east corner of Fourth and Chest nut Streets, runs South 78 degrees East, with the South line of Chest nut Street, 316 feet to a stake in said Street line, same being W. A. Bry son's Northwest corner; then South 12 degrees West, with W. A Bry son's line, 150 feet to a stake in the North boundary line of Lot No. 307 on Laurel Street, same be ing W. A. Bryson's corner; then South 78 degrees West, with the North boundary line of said Lot Nos. 307, and 305, 303 and 301 on Laurel Street, 250 feet to a stake in the East line of Fourth Street at the Northwest corner of Eva G. Cleaveland's lot; then North 10 de grees West, with the East Hne of Fourth Street, to the Beginning, being all of lots Nos. 302, 304, 306 308 Chestnut Street and a part of Lot No. 310 Chestnut Street. This 13th day of June, 1935. E. G. LOMBARD, Mortgagee j20-rc-J&J-J!yll NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. The Federal Land Bank of Co lumbia vs Eula Sanders, Administratrix of the Estates of C. T. Sanders, Eula Sanders, Earnest Sanders and wife Bertha Sanders, Bonnie Sanders, Ray Sanders, C. T. Sanders, Jr. Carlson Sanders, Zeb Angel, Trus tee, Dr. Furman Angel, W. R. Hall and wife, Viola Hall, Pearl John son and J. J. York, The defendants, W. R. Hall and Viola Hall, take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a mortgage covering lands' in which the above named defendants have an interest, and the above named defendants wil further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 15th day of June, 1935. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court, Macon County, North Carolina. j20-4tc J&J Jlyl 1 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Whereas, power 6f sale was vest ed in the undersigned Trustee by deed of trust from J. D. Stiles to G. A. Jones, Trustee, dated 27 June, 1931, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ma con County, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 32, page 269, to secure the payment of cer tain indebtedness in said deed of trust set forth, and the holders of said notes having requested the undersigned trustee to exercise the power vested in him by said deed of trust: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said deed of trust in me vested, on Friday, the 5th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse doOr in Franklin, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed property: All the lands described in a mort gage from J. D. Stiles, widower, to the Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, said mortgage ' bearing date of May 8, 1926, and recorded in the LEGAL ADVERTISING office of Register of Deeds for Macon County May, 1926, in Fed eral Mortgage Record Book 2, page 146, said lands being more par ticularly described as follows: MOUNTAIN TRACT: All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land containing 85.5 acres, more or less. located, lying and being in Smith bridge Township, County of Ma con, State of North Carolina, being bounded on the North by the lands Of R. M. Stiles; On the East by the lands of Carey Vanhook; On the $outh by toe lands of United States Government, ' and on the West by the lands of United States Government, and having such shapes, metes, courses and distanc es as will more fully appear by reference to a plat therefore made by W. N. Sloan, Surveyor, March 26, 1926, a copy of which plat is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. HOME TRACT: All that cer tain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 58 acres, more or less located, lying and being in Smith bridge Township, County of Ma con, State of North Carolina, be ing bounded on the North by the lands of William Holbrook; On the East by the lands of Dolph Greg ory; On the South by the lands of R. L. Hoglan, and on the West by the lands of R. L. Hoglan, and having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by W. N. Sloan, Sur veyor, March 26, 1926, a copy to. whicjr plat is on file with the Fed eral -Land Bank of Columbia. This 4th day of June, 1935. G. A. JONES, Trustee. J13tc-J&j-Jly4 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. George Carpenter, Plaintiff, vs. J. F. Fuggett and wife, Pearl Fug gett, and all other persons, -firms and corporations claiming any in terest in the subject-matter of this action, defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in the above entitled civil action on the 20th day of May, 1935, in the Superior Court of said County by the Gerk, I will, on the 1st day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock noon at the County Courthouse door in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor the following described lands, situated in said County and State, in Franklin Township, Macon County, and described as follows: First Tract: All the land de scribed in a deed from Zeb Car penter to J. F. Fuggett, dated De cember 19, 1928, and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds 0-4, page 582. Second Tract: All the land de scribed in a deed from Mrs. Lelia Gibson to J. F. Fuggett and Pearl Fuggett, dated January 19, 1929, and recorded in the office of Reg ister of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds Q-4, page 17. Third Tract: All the land de scribed in a deed from R. C. Ga brels and wife, Laura H. Gabrels, to J. F. Fuggett and Pearl Fuggett, dated September 3, 1929, and re corded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book of Deeds Q-3, page 187. This the 23rd day of May, 1935,. R.' S. JONES, Commissioner. J64tc-J&j-J27 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Muioon County. Whereas, power of sale was vest ed in the undersigned Trustee by Deed of Trust executed by Nobia Murray, and husband, Frank I. Murray, dated the 24th day of May, 1932, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, B & L Book No. 1, of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, page 158, to secure the pay ment of the sum of $1,600.00, pay able to Macon County Building and Loan Association at the maturity of the Twenty-ninth Series of the capital stock of said Macon County Building and Loan Association, and said Deed of Trust stipulating that the makers of said Deed of Trust would, on Saturday of each week, pay to the Macon County Building and Loan Association the weekly interest upon said sum of $1,600.00, at the rate of six per cent per an? num, until the Twenry-ninth Series of the stock of the Macon County Building and Loan Association should become due, and also stipu- THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS LEGAL ADVERTISING lating that makers of said Deed of Trust would, on Saturday of each week, pay to said Association, the weekly installment of $4.00 on six teen shares of the capital stock of the Association, until the same should reach the par value of $1,600.00, and in the event of default being made in the payment of said weekly interest and of the' weekly dues on sixteen shares of the capi tal stock of said Association as aforesaid, that all sums due by the makers of said Deed of Trust to the Association would, at once, become due and payable, whatever the date of maturity expressed therein, and the makers of said Deed of Trust having defaulted in the payment of both principal and interest according to the tenor thereof, and said Association hav ing declared the full sum of $1, 600JOO, with interest and advance ments, due and payable: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said Deed of Trust in me vested, on Monday the 22nd day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Bid- well, Sam L. Rogers and others, and bounded as follows to-wit: Beginning at a stake W. of said Conley's house in J. A Porter's N. boundary line, N. 66 E. 16 pohis from said Porter's persimmon corner; runs N. 66 E. 10 poles to a stake; N. 8 W. 8 poles to a stake; N. 30 E. 11 poles to a stake in old road; then S. 20 E. 30 poles to a stake at middle of straw bridge ; then S. 71 E. 13 poles to a stake, N. side of Wayah Street ; then with North side of said street, S. 87 W. 32 poles to a stake; then N. 11 W. 17 poles to the beginning, containing acres, being the lands deeded by J. A. Porter and wife to J. A. Can ley and wife, as recorded in YY, page 471 et set, and 1-4, page 205. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stone on the S. side of the road, leading from E. K. Cunningham's to the Phillips bridge near a persimmon tree; runs N. 58 E. 12 poles and 13 links 'to a stake; then N. 66 E. 11 poles to a stake; then -S. 9 E. 2 poles to a stake iri J. A Con ley's line; then S. 66 W. 23 poles and 8 links to the beginning, being the lands deeded, by George H. Bidwell and wife to J. A. Conley, as recorded in J-3, page 434, rec ords of Macon County. 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake in Wayah Street, and runs with said street 25 feet to a stake in a North direction parallel with J. A. Conley's line 210 feet to a stake in the road; then with the road 25 feet to Conley's line; then with Conley's line to the beginning at Wayah Street, being the lands deeded by J. S. Conley et al, Trus tee, to J. A. Conley, as recorded in Book L-4, page 514. Also sixteen shares of the Twenty-ninth Series of the capital stock of the Macon County Building and Loan Association in the name of Nobia Murray. This 18th day of Jane, 1935. R. S. JONES, Trustee. J27-4tc J&J-Jlyl8 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Macon County. The Bank of Franklin, vs J. W. Brendle, C. L. Ingram and Alex Moore. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned Sheriff by the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the first day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door at Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder at public auc tion for cash, to satisfy said exe cution, all the right, title and in terest which the said Alex Moore had in the lands hereinafter de scribed on . the date of the judg ment, as entitled above, or any time thereafter: First Tract: Lots Numbers 15, It and 17, Block No. 4, and lots numbers 32 and 33 in Block No. 3 in a tract or parcel of land in Macon County, North Carolina, known as the Bonny Crest annex to the Town of Franklin, as sur veyed by D. Conger, reference here by had to said map as recorded in Book B-3, records of Macon County, pages 70 and 71 for fuller and more particular description of the lot hereby conveyed. MACON IAN LEGAL ADVERTISING Second Tract: Lot No. 15 in Block No. 3 in a tract of land in Macon County, North Carolina, known as the Lyman Field, as sur veyed and platted by W. B. Mc Guire, reference being hereby had to said map as recorded in Book 1-3, records of Macon County, North Carolina, pages 56 and 57 for a fuller and more particular description of the . land and kt hereby conveyed. Third Tract: .In the town of Franklin on the Georgia Highway. Beginning at an iron rod, L. C. Higdon's Southeast corner in T. W. Porter's line, same being the Southeast corner of lot sold by T. W. Porter to L. C. Higdcm, and runs with T. W. Porter's line N 87 W 18, poles to an iron rod on the East bank of the Georgia road, the Southwest corner of L. C. Hig don lot; thence with the East bank of ueorgia road jn 18 isu teet to an iron rod on the East bank of said road; thence S 87 E, the same being parallel and 150 feet from the first tine of this tract, 230 feet to an iron rod in T. W. Porter's line; then South with said line 150 feet to the beginning. Be ing the same land conveyed to Ed gar W. Allfather by L. C. Higdon and wife, Frances Higdon, by deed dated April 14, 1924, which said deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ma con County, North Carolina, in deed' book K-4, page 145, to which ref erence is hereby made for further purposes of description. Fourth Tract. Beginning at a stake on the East side of the Georgia road, Alex Moore's North west corner, and runs thence S 87 E with Moore's line 18 poles to a stake, Moore's corner; thence North 30 feet to a stake, Allfather's Southeast, corner and T. W. Por ter's Southwest corner; thence N 87 W with Allfathers line 18 poles to a stake on the East bank of the Georgia road, South 18 West 30 feet to the beginning. Being the same fend conveyed to E. W. All father by T. W. Porter and wife, Leona Porter, by deed dated May 3, 1924, which said deed is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Deed Book K-4, page 146, to which reference is hereby made for further purposes of description. Fifth Tract: Beginning at a stake at the intersection of Cross Street and Main Street in the Town of Franklin, runs with the East side of Cross Street 50 feet in a Southerly direction to a stake ; then Easterly and a parallel course with Main Street 100 feet to a stake; then a Northerly direction and a parallel course with Cross Street to a stake on the South side of Main Street to the beginning, and being the same tract of land deed ed by J. A. Palmer and wife to J. A. Porter. Sixth Tract: Beginning on the right-of-way, of the Tallulah Falls Railway, which is 50 feet from the center of the track of the Main line and the Southeast corner of said George H. Bidwell's lot de scribed in a deed from said Sam L. Rogers and Mamie Rogers dat ed this day (Jan. 2, 1909) and runs with the line of said right-of-way S 25 deg. E 50 feet to a stake; thence S 64 W 80 feet to a stake; then N 50 feet to a stake; thence N 64 E so as to run with the said lot of the said George Bidwell 70 feet to the beginning. Seventh Tract: In and near the Town of Franklin. Beginning at a stake on the Iotla Road, or street corner of the Poindexter lands, now owned by J. E. Hurst and the W. A. McConnell and H. Q. Trotter tan yard tract, and runs with Mrs. M. A. Love's line N 5 E 60 poles to a stake with 2 white oak wit nesses, in J. T. Moore's line; then with said Moore's line S 85 21 poles and 5 links to a stake on the West bank of the Iotla Road; then with said road S 32 E 22 poles; then S 8 W 7 poles and 16 links; then S 39 W 7 poles and 13 links; then S 54 W 35 poles and 8 links to the beginning. Containing 5 acres more or less. The title of the said Alex Moore in the lands hereinbefore describ ed has beediyested from tfje said Alex Moore since the date o? the rendition' of the judgment as en titled as above, and, therefore, no homestead has been allotted to the said AlexirMoore under the afore said. This 29th day of May, 1935. A. B. SLAGLE, Sheriff of Macon County. j6tc-BofF-J27 THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1935 LEGAL ADVERTISING" NOTICE OF SALE UNDER i EXECUTION North Carolina, Macon County. The Bank of Franklin , vs f John S. Trotter, et al By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned Sheriff by the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, in. the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock noon , at the Court House ' r at Franklin, North Carolina, ;il to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest of John S. Trotter in the following described real estate: First Tract: Beginning at the Northeast corner, of the Alex Moore lot in the Town of Franklin, North Carolina, on the. South side of Main Street in the Town of Frank lin, North Carolina, being bounded on the North by East Main Street; on the East by the L A. Allen lot; on the South by Palmer Street and on the West by the lot for merly owned by Alex Moore, part of which is now owned by the United States Government. Except therefrom the second tract 'herein after described. Second Tract: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Alex Moore lot, now owned by the United States Government, runs Northeast with the South side of Main Street 43 feet; then Southward, parallel to the West boundary line of the Alex Moore lot (now owned by the Town of Franklin and the United States Government) to the North side of Palmer Street; then with the North side of Palmer Street to the Southeast corner of the Alex Moore lot hereinafter re f erred to; then Northward with the East boundary line of the Alex Moore lot to the Beginning. Third Tract: In the Town of Franklin on the South side of Pal mer Street, being bounded on the North by Palmer Street; on the East by the old Palmer lot ; on the South by the lands of R. M. Cof fey, and on the West by the Pen land lot. Excepting such parts thereof as have heretofore, been sold. Fourth Tract: All the lands de scribed in a deed from C. L. In gram, Sheriff of Macon County, to John S. Trotter, said deed bearing date of 17 March, 1927, and regis tered in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book P-4 of Deeds, page 164. Fifth Tract: Lots 2 and 3 in block No. 2 of a sub-division in the Town of Franklin, known as Bonny Crest, as surveyed and map ped by D. Conger August, 1908, which map is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County in Book B-3 of Deeds, page 70. Also all the lands described in a certain deed of trust executed by John S. Trotter, and wife, Ada Burnette Trotter, to J. L. Barnard, Trustee, dated 5 July, 1927, and registered in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book P-4 of Deeds, page 255, which are described in the five tracts hereinbefore described. This the 30th day of May, 1935. A. B. SLAGLE, Sheriff of Macon County. J6-4tc BofF-J27 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Lon England, deceased, late of Macon County. N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of May, 1936, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 17th day of May, 1935. CLIFTON ENGLAND, Administrator. M23-6tp-J27 ADMINISTRATRIX" NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of Annie Ledford, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of May, 1936, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 7th day of May, 1935. LUCILLE SILER, Administratrix. M30-6tp Jly4

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