PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, JULY 4, 135 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Mlaoon County. Whereas, power of sale was vest ed in the undersigned Trustee by Deed of Trust executed by Nobia Murray, and husband, Frank I. Murray, dated the 24th day of May, 1932, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, B & L Book No. 1, of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, page 158, to secure the pay ment of the sum of $1,600.00, pay able to Macon County Building and Loan Association at the maturity of the Twenty-ninth Series of the capital stock of said Macon County Building and Loan Association, and said Deed of Trust stipulating that the makers of said Deed of Trust would, on Saturday of each week, pay to the Macon County Building and Loan Association the weekly interest upon said sum of $1,600.00, at the rate of six per cent per an num, until the Twenty-ninth Series of the stock of the Macon County Building and Loan Association should become due, and also stipu lating that makers of said Deed of Trust would, on Saturday of each week, pay to said Association, the weekly installment of $4.09 0X1 sc reen shares of the capital stock of the Association, until the same should reach the par value of $1,600.00, and in the event of default being made in the payment of said weekly interest and of the weekly dues on sixteen shares of the capi tal stock of said Association as aforesaid, that all sums due by the makers of said Deed of Trust to the Association would, at once, become due and payable, whatever the date of maturity expressed therein, and the makers of said Deed of Trust having defaulted in the payment of both principal and interest according to the tenor thereof, and said Association hav ing declared the full sum of $1, 600JOO, with interest and advance ments, due and payable: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said Deed of Trust in me vested, on Monday the 22nd day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property : Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Bid well, Sam L. Rogers and others, and bounded as follows to-wit: Beginning at a stake W. of said Conley's house in J. A Porter's N. boundary line, N. t6l3 E. 16 poles from said Porter's persimmon corner; runs N. 6bl2 E. 10 poles to a stake; N. 8 W. 8 poles to a stake ;-N. 30 E. IVA poles to a stake in old road; then S. 20 E. 30 poles to a stake at middle of straw bridge; then S. 71 E. 13 poles to a stake, N. side of Wayah Street; then with North side of said street, S. 87 W. 32 poles to a stike; then N. liy2 W. 17 poles to the beginning, containing K3W a acres, being the lands deeded by J. A. Porter and wife to J. A. Con ley and wife, as recorded in YY, page 471 et set, and 1-4, page 205. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stone on the S. side of the road, leading from E. K Cunningham's to the Phillips bridge near a persimmon tree; runs N. 58 E. 12 poles and 13 links to a stake; then N. 66 E 11 poles to a stake; then S. 9 E. 2 poles to a stake in J. A. Con ley's line; then S. 66 W. 23 poles and 8 links to the beginning, being the lands deeded by George H. Bidwell and wife to J. A. Conley, as recorded in J-3, page 434, rec ords of Macon County. 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake in Wayah Street, and runs with said 'street 25 feet to a stake in a North direction parallel with J. A. Conley's line 210 feet to a stake in the road; then with the road 25 feet to . Conley's line ; then with Conley's line to the beginning at Wayah Street, being the lands deeded by J. S. Conley et al, Trus tee, to J. A. Conley, as recorded in Book L-4, page 514. Also sixteen shares of the Twenty-ninth Series of the capital stock of the Macon County Building and Loan Association in the name of Nobia Murray. This 18th day of June, 1935. R. S. JONES, Trustee. j27-4tc-J&J-Jlyl8 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Maooti County. Whereas, power of sale was vest LEGAL ADVERTISING ed in the undersigned mortgaged by mortgage deed from Mack A Pierson, and wife, Annie W. Pier son to E. G. Lombard, Mortgagee, dated 26th day of May, 1923,' and registered in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Tnust No. 27, page 339, to secure the payment of Certain indebted ness in said Mortgage Deed set forth; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the sum secured by said mortgage deed: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said mortgage deed in the vested, on Monday, the 15th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed property: Beginning at a stake, the South east corner of Fourth and Chest nut Streets, runs South 78 degrees East, with the South line of Chest nut Street, 316 feet to a stake in said Street line, same being W. A Bryson's Northwest corner; then South 12 degrees West, with W. A Bryson's line, 150 feet to a stake in the North boundary line of Lot No. 307 on Laurel Street, same be ing W. A. Bryson's corner; then South 78 degrees West, with the North boundary line of said Lot Nos. 307, and 305, 303 and 301 onjfaich plat is on file with the Fed Laurel street, u teet to a staKe in the East line of Fourth Street at the Northwest corner of Eva G.i weaveianas lot; tnen worth iue-l grees west, wun tne cast line or Fourth Street, to the Beginning, being all of lots Nos. 302, 304, 306 308 Chestnut Street and a part of Lot No. 310 Chestnut Street. This 13th day of June, 1935. E. G. LOMBARD, Mortgagee J204tc-J&j-Jlyll NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. The Federal Land Bank of Co lumbia vs Eula Sanders, Administratrix of the Estates of C. T. Sanders, Eula Sanders, Earnest Sanders and wife Bertha Sanders, Bonnie Sanders, Ray Sanders, C. T. Sanders, Jr. Carlson Sanders, Zeb Angel, Trus tee, Dr. Furman Angel, W. R. HaU and wife, Viola Hall, Pearl John son and J. J. York, The defendants, W. R. Hall and Viola Hall, take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a mortgage covering , lands in which the above named . ,1 t defendants have an interest, and; the above named defendants wil d. S. Russell; Mrs. John H. Dil further take notice that they are 1 lard; Mrs. Frankie Maxwell; J. Z. required to appear within thirty I Rose and wife; Mrs. Maggie Angel; days in the office of the Clerk of, the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 15th day of June, 1935. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court, Macon County, North Carolina. J204tc-J&j-Jlyll NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Whereas, power of sale was vest ed in the undersigned Trustee by deed of trust from J. D. Stiles to G. A. Jones, Trustee, dated 27 June, 1931, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ma con County, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 32, page 269, to secure the payment of cer tain indebtedness in said deed of trust set forth, and the holders of said notes having requested the undersigned trustee to exercise the power vested in him by said deed of trust: I will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said deed of trust in me vested, on Friday, the 5th day of July, 1935, at 12 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed property All the lands described in a mort- gage from J. D. Stiles, widower, to the Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, said mortgage bearing date of May 8, 1926, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County May, 1926, in Fed eral Mortgage Record Book 2, page 146, said lands being more par- LEGAL ADVERTISING ticularly described as follows: . MOUNTAIN TRACT: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 85.5 acres, more or less, located, lying and being m Smith bridge Township, County of Mai con, State of North Carolina, being bounded on the North by the lands of R. M. Stiles; On the East by the lands of Carey Vanhook; On the South by the lands of United States Government, and . on the West by the lands of United States Government, and having such shapes, metes, courses and distanc es as will more fully appear by reference to a plat therefore made by W. N. Sloan, Surveyor, March 26, 1926, a copy of which plat is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. HOME TRACT: All that cer tain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 58 acres, more or less located, lying and being in Smith bridge Township, County of Ma con, State of North Carolina, be ing bounded on the North by the lands of William Holbrook ; On the East by the lands of Dolph Greg dry; On the South by the lands of R. L. Hoglan, and on the West by the lands of R. L. Hoglan, and' navuig SUCH suayc, uicica, wuisu and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by W. N. Sloan, Sur veyor, March 26, 1926, a copy to erai Land Bank of Columbia, This 4th day of June, 1935.' G. A. JONES, Trustee. 713 dtc T&T Jlv4 NOTICE OF ACTION BY PUBLI CATION OF SUMMONS. In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina Asheville Division at Law No. 311. United States of America, Petitioner, v.j 2,922.72 acres of land in Cherokee, Jackson and Macon Counties, North Carolina. TO: 0. W. Baker; K. Y. McAden, Jr; Mary Lacy McAden;, H. C. J. Pearson and wife; Oscar Hickey; Lena Corn; M. Beavers and wife; B. M. McCall; Chas. West and wife; Mrs. J. W. Walk er; Ruth P. Walker; Mrs. R. L. Monteith; Ab. Conley; Claude B. Burgess; M attic Burgess; Dollie Owens McCall ; Emory McCall ; Ar thur Owens; Itta Owens; National Bank of Grand Haven; Elizabeth N. Dongle and husband; Ada A. Durif; George M. Durif; Edna M. Koelble; Alphonse G. Koelble; Ma con County Land Co. Martha J. O'Connor; C. H. Rexford; Greta Rexford; W. A. Rexford and wife; Cora E. Snyder ; Tioga County Sav ings & Trust Co; Lura L. Vaughn and spouse; Whitewater River Lumber Co; Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co; U. S. Fidelity & Guar anty Co; the East Tennessee Nat'l Bank; Mahota Horn button; fc.. u mutton; lenrressee-iNorin .uromw Power Co; G. N. Carland; Cassie ircn Rnn- r F rohiirn- Mrs. M. E. Dobson; A W. Donaldson A. N. Colvard; L. M. Hamby and wife; Margaret Donaldson; Mrs. Annie Allen Johnson; M. A. Hick ey and wife; L. M. Hickey; Wil liam Kirkland; David S. Lender man; Mary T. McAdam; Virginia George Meband McCrary; Dr. Bon ier Y. Mebane; Mary C. Mebane; Nannie G. Neal; Bennie V. Stron- 1 ach; Virginia B. Swepson; Sallie W. Wiggins and children; T. P. Womack; W. Addington; Adeline Addington; Octavia Addington B. C. Garland and wife; G. M. Gar land; L. B. Garland; Dollie Owens McCall; George M. Adams; Homer C. Baldwin; R. B. Eskridge; Mary George; Macon County Land Co; John C. Mathews; Johnson McCall and wife ; R. P. McCall ; Harvey L. Perry; John Milton Unthank; Har vey P. Wyman; C. D. Blenton; C. Brewster Chapman and wife; So phia E. Davis ; W. A. Fowler and wife; Z. T. Fowler and wife; S. T. Graves; Henry Koons; E. H. Mc Crosley; Charles C. Miller and wife; William O'Connor; William F. O'Rouke; Charles H. Rexford; J. H. Simmons; E. F. Watson and wife; Albert B. Voorhis; Thomas Voorhis; J. H. Watson and wife; J. Moody; J. R. Lindsay; Bennie V. McAden; C. T. McAden; Giles M. McAden; James T. McAden; Rufus Y. McAden; Joe Mosteller; Nantahala Gorge Properties Inc; Nantahala Power Co; John J. Phil lips; W. T. Whitaker; Ann L. Artz and husband; John Artz and wife; Mary J. Artz and husband; A. J. Burns; Joseph H. Davis and wife; W. M. McClure; Acquidius Nalt- ner; S. C. Pierce Company; Frank Waldo; Leonard Waldo; Mrs. Mar- garet Wells; J, S. Dills and wife; Catherine Holbrooks; James W. Holland; Caswell L. Walker; K. N. Archer and wife; Mary A. Bragg; M. E. Cozad; N. S. Cozad; David C. Lenderman; Officers and Stock holders of Lilly Lumber Co; J. C. Colvard; F. M. Hamby and wife: E. B. Olmstead: J. L. Rose and LEGAL ADVERTISING wife ; Ella Curtis ; Jule Curtis ; George Williamson Curtis; Hanni bal Curtis; Jess Curtis; Johnathan Bird Curtis; Robert Curtis; W. B. Dobson and wife: Mrs. O. W. Don aldson; Mary Donaldson; Emily Curtis Grahl; Anna Howard; Sallie Keener; Ham Norris; James D. Conley; Elizabeth Curtis Sanders; Tim Sprinkles; Mary Curtis Wat kins; Homer C. Baldwin; N. A Conley; D. M. Conley; O. L. Con ley; T. J. Conley; W. A Conley; William C. Conley; Elizabeth Don aldson; William Garland; J. 0. Hanson; A. W. Horn; W. T. Con eley ; Elizabeth Curtis ; John Spen cer Curtis; Josiah Askew Curtis; Lizzie Curtis; Moses Hightower Curtis; Washington Lafayette Cur tis J. W. Dobson ; Sarah E. How ard; E. S. Johnson; Annie Curtis Norris; W. M. Wright; William McMillian; William H. Morrow; Harold Taylor Jr; A L. Cabe; Carolina Provision Co; Mrs. S. F. McCall ; ' Mrs. Hester Ferguson ; J. M. Keener & wife- Mrs. C. D. Houston; Joseph Dick and wife; Woodbury Mauney Lumber Co: Nancey Conley; S P- Ravenal and wife; J. G. Janson; Ruth Conley; Terry Bland Allwood; Dorothy Da vison; Charlotte Thomas McAden; and all persons whomsoever who have, or claim to own, any estates or interests in the fee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and described in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, exec utors, administrators, representa tives, alienees, successors and as signs, of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, a. i : . 1 11 imcrcDi ur ucn ; auu an uccupdiiio, at iano containing according 10 sur lessees, users, holders and owners Vey 50. acres, designated by the of and claimants to any rights or National Forest Service as Tract easement or prescription in, over,; No. 1446, Nantahala Unit, Macon across, or through, said lands, or , County, North Carolina, situate, ly any part thereof ; YOU WILL jng and being on the waters of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an j Walnut creek, Sugar Fork Town action entitled as above has been ship, adjoining the lands of W. A. commenced in the District Court of Keener, Amos Mashburn, United the United States for the Western States Forest Service and others, District of North Carolina, at Ashe- and more particularly described in ville, N. G, that summons has been an option to convey to the United duly issued out ot said Lourt, and petition filed therein asking for the condemnation of certain lands de scribed in the said petition and hereinafter described; that you, and each of you, are necessary and proper parties to the just and final disposition of this action. That said action has been instituted by the United States for the Western District-of North Carolina, on behalf of the United States, for the con demnation of said lands described in the petition in said proceeding, said lands to be appropriated, con demned and taken, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress of August-1, 1888, (25 Stat. 357, 40 U. S. C. A, 257, 258, and 258-a); That the lands proposed to be condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are describ ed substantially as follows: No. 1. 1 1 T TJ rr A All it-i iauue d. oqrgess iraci. iu uwii tract of land containing according to survey 192. acres, designated by the National Forest Service as Tract No. 730, Cherokee Unit, Cher okee County, Beaverdam Township, in District No. 5, adjoining the lands of N. C. J. Pearson, and others, and more particularly de scribed in an option to convey to the United States dated March 13, 1934, and in the petition filed here in. No. 2. S. J. Corn Tract. All that tract of land containing ac cording to survey 49. acres, desig nated Ty the National Forest Ser vice as tract No. 1403, Nantahala Unit, Macon County, North Caro lina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Mud and Middle Creek, in Flats Township. Macon County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Inez Smart, United States Na tional Forest and others, and more particularly described in an option to convey to the United States, dated September 7, 1933, and in the petition filed herein. No. 3. T. M. Davis Tracts All that tract of land containing according to survey 82.4 acres, designated by the National Forest Service as Tract No. 529, Cherokee Unit, Cherokee County, North Carolina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Hiawassee River, in Beaverdam township, Dis trict No. 5, adjoining the lands of Manual Beavers, and J. W. Rollen and others, and more particularly described in an option to convey to the United States, dated October 19, 1933, and in the petition filed here in. No. 4. R. Y. McAden Estate Tracts. All those tracts of land containing according to survey 1007.7 acres, designated by the Na tional Forest Service as Tracts Nos. 238, 238-1, 238a-I, Nantahala and Cherokee Units, Cherokee and Ma con Counties, North Carolina, sit uate, lying and being on the waters of Valley River in Valley township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Emma Watson, Mrs. Mamie A Rogers, Andrews Manufacturing Company, J. T. Young, United States Nation al Forest, and others, and more particularly described in an option LEGAL ADVERTISING to convey to the United States, dat ed May 30, 1934, and in the petition filed herein. No. 5. Mrs. Dollie Mc Call Tract. All that tract of land containing according to survey 35.52 acres, designated by the National Forest Service as Tract No. 1070, Nantahala Unit, Macon County, North Carolina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Clerk Creek, adjoining the lands of T. M. Bry son, McCall Heirs, Neery and oth ers, and more particularly described in an ontion to convev to the Unit- Fed States dated April 19, 1932, and in the petition filed herein. No. 6. Herman McCall Tract. All that tract of land containing according to survey 52.8 acres, designated by the National Forest Service as Tract No. 185, Nantahala Unit, Jackson County, North Carolina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Fowler Creek, in Cash iers township, adjoining the lands of O'Conner Heirs, United States National Forest and others, and more particularly described in an option to convey to the United States dated May 4, ,1934, iind in the petition filed herein. No. 7. Merchants and Manufacturers Bank Tracts. All those tracts of land containing according to survey 1234.1 acres, designated by the Na tional Forest Service as Tract Nos. 148, 148-a, 148-1, 148-11, Nantahala Unit, Cherokee County, North Car olina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Webbs Creek, Hol land Creek and Sweatheifer Creek, adjoining the lands of N. & M. Bank of Andrews North Carolina, Andrews Watershed, G. Walker heirs, Doc McHaffey, .Colvin Moo dy, Jim Payne and others, and more -particularly described in an option to convey to the United States dated March 7, vm, and in the petition filed herein. No. 8. R. L. Monteith Tract. All that tract r ... ,f 1 States dated October 5 1933, and in the petition filed herein. No. 9. D. L. Payne Tracts. All those tracts of land containing according to sur vey 37.6 acres, designated by the National Forest Service as Tract No. 543, Cherokee Unit, Cherokee County, North Carolina, situate, ly ing and being on the waters of Gibson Creek, Beayer Dam Town ship, adjoining the lands of Mary Jane Payne, J. L. Keith and Len derman Heirs and others, and more particularly described in an option to cbnvey to the United States, dated December 14, 1933, and in the petition filed herein. No. 10. J. W. Rollan Tract. All that tract of land containing according to survey 107 2 acres, designated by the Na tional Forest Service as Tract No. 528, Cherokee Unit, Cherokee Coun tv. North Carolina, situate. Ivine " 1 - . YT ana Demg on tne waters 01 nia wassee River. Beaverdam Township, adjoining the lands of Lester Tay lor, Tennessee-North Carolina Pow er Company, M. Beavers, United States Forest Service and others, and more particularly described in an option to convey to the United States, dated December 14. 1933, and in the petition filed herein. No. 11. W. C. Ledbetter Tracts, All those tracts of land containing ac cording to survey 74.4 acres, desig nated by the National Forest ser vice as Tracts No. S-48, and" No. S-48-1, Nantahala Unit, Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, situate, lying and being on the waters of Evans Creek, a tributary of Tessentee Creek, about 2J2 miles North of Otto, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. S. Conley heirs, Nancy Conley, Sam Picklesimer, G. N. Cabe, United States National For est, and others, and more partic ularly described in an option dated March 20, 1934, and in the petition filed herein. You and each of you are hereby notified to be and ap pear at tne office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks, and ans wer or demur to the petition or complaint herein filed by the above named petitioners in the office of the said Clerk, and you are fur ther notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time specified, the petitioner will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said petition. Wit ness, the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 25 day of June. 1935. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk, By: W. A. Lytle, Deputy Clerk. Attested: J, Y. Jor dan, Clerk. By: W. A. Lytle, Dep uty vierK Jly4-4tC-

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