PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1135 GOVT FOREST IS BEAUTY SPOT (Continued from Page One) Tugalo, Tallulah, Rabun, and Burton. Lake Burton is the largest of these lakes, and has a sixty-five mile shore line. All of the lakes are ideal for camping, boating, fishing and swimming. Many summer homes and cottages are to be found on the shores of these beautiful waters. Here the visitors may stop and spend a few days or a season either in a cottage or at one of the many hotels which are designed for the accom modation of summer guests. From the inexpensive camp to the homes with beautifully landscaped lawns one may find the desirable location for the season visitor. Considerable National Forest land surrounds these lalies and insures one of a permanent, pleasant view of wooded hills. In the near ruture it is planned to make cottage sites available to the public at a reason able annual rate. A bathing beach is under construction by the Forest Service on Lake Rabun. The Forest Service is developing, through the LLC camps, a series of roads to encircle these lakes and connect with the highways leading into Clayton, Ga. These roads will follow the shores of the lakes and also pass through areas of extensive woodlands. One of the roads has been graded to the Glassy Mountain Lookout which helps guard-this re gion through the forest fire season. Clayton Center at Lake Region At Clayton, Ga., the center of the North Georgia lake region is reach ed. Hotels and tourists' homes ac commodate over-night guests. Trails and bridle paths are available for travel across the forest land, these pathways following the streams and ridges and affording a delightful means of recreation. Trout streams are being cleaned and stocked with fish where they pass through the National Forest lands, and many visitors look forward to this op portunity to fish which is offered them each year. Four miles east of Clayton is a well developed picnic ground with til modern conveniences for the comfort of the visitor. In this sequestered dell are rearing pools for the development of trout. Here the visitor may see the finny beau ties which many seek io. that elus ive piscatorial sport. Passing northward to the Georgia-North Carolina State line we intersect a highway which leads eastward into the mountains. A road leads' from this highway to one of the most .notable points in all Georgia, Rabiui Bald, which has an elevation of 4,717 feet, the sec ond highest mountain in Georgia. A well developed three-quarter mile trail leads to the fire observation tower on top of this bald. Many visitors make this climb each year to obtain the exhilerating view, for the states o North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia appear to lie at one's feet This vantage point affords an excellent view over the ridges to the Piedmont plain of South Carolina. Golfers Paradise ait Highlands Returning to the road one ar . rives at the highest incorporated town east of the Rocky Mountains, Highlands, N. C. This summer re sort attracts visitors from far away and the renowned Bobby Jones has contributed his, part to recreation by designing and supervising the construction of a wonderful golf course for the pleasure of the dub and the expert. Tennis courts and a lake for swimming purposes have been added to make this spot a more active center. The surround ing countryside affords all manner of opportunity for the nature lover. Hard surfaced roads radiate from this stronghold of cool, caressing breezes that are so delightful dur ing the sweltering months of the year. These roads, follow swift, rushing streams that leap and plunge through rapids and over high waterfalls to end in billows of spray. Other places the roads wind along high ridges and on the edge of steep cliffs from which a birdseye view of the country may be obtained. Leaving Highlands, N. C, by the southern route the road winds and zigzags back and forth down the steep sides of the Blue Ridge. At Satolah, Ga., we pass another fire tower which clings to the top of a high rocky mountain. Passing through this corner of Georgia and into South Carolina we shall see what they have to offer to us. A Federal fish hatchery is being con structed and all streams within a radius of fifty miles will be stocked from this hatchery. Well graded gravel roads traverse, the country side and former inaccessible points may be easily reached. The forest boundary is encoun tered on the last high point before one descends to the Piedmont plain. A magnificent view is offered the traveller at several points along the highways at this jumping off place where the mountains and the plain meet. Let us return to Highlands from this point and see what the other routes offer us. To the north, after a short drive, we encounter the dominion of the Pisgah National Forest which spreads in regal splendor over the surrounding country. Falls' in Western Forest To the west iies the Nantahala National Forest proper. We de scend from our high vantage point and follow one of the rushing streams which passes under the beetling brows of the overhanging mountains. Two ledges of rocks form falls along our route and send the stream cascading from the heights to the rocks below. Picnic this spot as their headquarters and sally forth from here to the many other interesting points of this for est, always returning to this place of peace and relaxation. The for est Service has provided complete facilities for the -comfort of it's guests. At another point the road passes under the famous Bridal Veil Falls. Forest Headquarters at Franklin Proceeding to the opposite ter mini of our road we reach Frank lin, N. C. This town houses the headquarters of the forest. In this town travellers will find accommo dations for rest and care. The town nestles in a valley and is completely surrounded by the mountains of he Blue Ridge sys tem. The main highway from At lanta, Ga., to Asheville, N. C, pass es through here. Access and egress is without difficulty to this land of the sky. One may rise early in the morning and find the clouds resting on the valley floor ready to rise like so many giant cotton puffs with the rising of the sun and the warming of the cool moun tain air. To travel westward from Frank lin one must cross a high range of the Blue Ridge. Hard surface roads wind through the mountain fastness of this range. Unparallel ed views are obtained at each turn in the road. The roads have been grounds and observation points been constructed through passes in have been provided at each of the mountains at elevations of 4,000 these falls by the Forest Service feet. Forest Service roads pene so the visitor may more adequately trate to the many vantage points enjoy the splendor that these nat-1 and sequestered dells and glades, ural phenomenon inspire. Wayah Bald, the highest fire tower Along this route we encounter on this forest, may be reached di the Van Hook Glade cradled in a rectly by one of these roads. An towering forest of magnificent white elevation of 5,400 feet is obtained, pine trees. Here the camper may j This is the most popular vantage spend a few hours or an 1 entire point in southwest North Carolina, season. Many of our guests use Thousands otf visitors each year avail themselves of the opportunity to enjoy the spectacular view which this point provides. Well established hard surface and gravel roads traverse the country side west of the Blue Ridge. New roads are under construction by the CCC and all sections of this portion of our National Domain will be accessible to the nature lover. Lake Santeelah Developed Lake Santeelah, a beautiful body of water located in the northwest corner of the forest, is in for its share of improvement and develop ment in the near future. Virgin forests extend along the shores of this lake, game abounds, and through sparkling clear water large trout deploy. North of Franklin we enter the Balsam Mountains with elevations of over 6,000 feet. Balsam- and spruce on the high ridges make this country a veritable fairy land. The new Sky Line Road which is to be developed and constructed by the National Park Service will traverse this range affording the visitor a new land to explore. '. In concluding this article, let me ask what is more desirable than warm sunny days filled with pleas ure and cool nights designed for complete relaxation and rest nights which necessitate sleeping under warm covers. This is Utopia. knife early in the morning or late in the afternoon, he advises. Then immerse the stems full length in cool water and place them in a cool place for an hour or more. Keep flowers only in clean con tainers. Change the water at least once a day, more often in extreme ly hot weather. When changing the water, cut off about an inch of the stems so as to provide a fresh surface through which the water may pass. Hold the stems under water while cutting off the end, as this keeps air from getting into the conduct ing tissue and blocking the flow of the water. Remove the soft lower leaves from the stems, as they have a tendency to decay quickly. Keep the flowers in a cool place at night to preserve them longer. Don't put aspirin, salt, quinine, potassium permanganate, or other chemicals in the water, for they do not help the flowers, contrary to popular belief, Randall points out. However, an experiment at Cor nell University has shown that keeping flowers in a copper vessel helps prolong their life. A small quantity of the copper dissolves in the water and hinders the growth of the bacteria which cause decay. Do not handle the flowers rough ly, as anything that tends to break op bruise the plants causes them to wither sooner, Randall adds. Keep Cut Flowers Fresh and Pretty Cut flowers can be kept for a considerable time when given the proper care, says Glenn O. Randall, associate professor of horticulture at State College. Cut the flowers with a sharp Stomach Gas One dose of ADLERIKA quickly re lieves gas bloating, cleans out BOTH upper and lower bowels, allows you to eat and sleep good. Quick, thorough action, yet entirely gentle and safe. ANGEL'S DRUG STORE CAROLINALAND RECREATIONLAND MOUNTAINS SEASHORES SANDHILLS AMERICA'S Year-Round Playground is a most appropriate description of the recreational facilities and advantages of the Carolinas Lofty Mountain Peaks Rolling Foothills Hundreds of miles of Beaches and Shoreline . Health giving Sandhills. These geographical divisions in the Carolinas beckon to those seeking sport, rest or recreation. There are no extremes of Climate in the Carolinas Thousands who became Carolina-Conscious through annual vacations in the Carolinas now make two or more visits each year to take advantage of both winter and summer play periods Winter or Summer the Carolinas offer a variety of wholesome recreation and sport that can be duplicated in few communities in the World That's the Purpose of The Carolinas, Inc. -"TO TELL THE WORLD" 7k CAROLINAS The Carolinas, Inc. Box 60, Charlotte, N. C. Without obligations, please tend full information con cerning Carolinas, Inc., and copy of the Carolinas Opportunity Bulletin. Name Street City. INC. The newspapers of North and South Carolina have donated the space for this and a series of advertisements which will appear for die purpose of bringing facts about the Carolinas before their people, that they may be better informed as to the resources, history and industrial importance of the Carolinas, and that they may know how they can assist in the broad movement to advertise to the world the advantages of this favored section.