page two THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY. AUGUST , IMS STRATOSPHERE BATTLE fcr A. a a Iks $tnklttt tt anil Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. L Number 32 BLACKBURN W. JOHNSON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .. $L50 Six Months 75 Eight Months $L0Q Single Copy .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. Getting Off Relief IT IS a healthy sign of the times when jobs become so plentiful in any part of the country that the relief rolls can be "purged" of able-bodied men who are now able to find work. That this condition should have been reached first in the wheat-growing states is not surprising. South Dakota began it, by dropping 19,000 heads of families from the dole, because of the great demand for harvest workers in the wheat fields. According to reports from Washington, it is expected that at least 100,000 men who have been on relief will be dropped from the rolls in the principal wheat states. Naturally, some of those are not going to like it. After a man has been getting money for doing nothing, it is hard to go back to work, especially if he gets no more for working than he did for loafing. The disgruntled few who prefer idleness to work are already beginning to make a loud noise about the "in justice" of taking them off relief. Some of the reports which we have seen in the big city newspapers, especially in the East, are calculated to give the impression that practically all of the recipients of relief in the wheat states are sore because a way has been opened to them to earn their living instead of subsisting on the public bounty. We do not believe that is true. We are not convinced that the moral fiber of the average American has deteriorated that far. We can understand the reluctance of a man with a fam ily to being dropped from relief when he has no assur ance of getting back on again if his job turns out to be a temporary one, as jobs in the harvest field necessarily are. But we understand that Washington has given as surances that in such cases it will not be such a long and difficult process to get back on relief as it was to get on the rolls in the first place. Sooner or later, the whole relief program must end. The money and the taxpayers' patience will give out. We are looking hopefully for a start on all fronts of the $4,000,000 Work Relief plan. Also, we are looking hope fully for an important speeding up of the wheels of private industry. The situation in the wheat country is, however, en couraging as far as it goes. Selected. The Ethiopian Situation WE are informed by the National Geographic Society that the proper name of that African kingdom against which Italy is making threatening gestures is "Ethiopia." We are glad to get that information. It is much easier to write "Ethiopia" or pronounce it than to say "Abyssinia." Ethiopia is an insignificant little country, inhabited exclusively by dark-skinned people of several different racial origins. Officially it is a Christian nation, the re ligion of the ruling classes being Coptic, which is the old est surviving Christian sect. Actually the Ethiopians have many religions, including primitive African Voo dooism, Mohammedanism and Judaism. The tradition that the royal family of Ethiopia is directly descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, whose visit to the most famous ruler of the Israelites is described in the Bible, is firmly believed by the Ethiopians, without very much evidence to back it up. Why Mussolini seems bent on making war on Ethiopia is not quite clear to anybody. The best guess seems to be that he is facing a popular uprising at home, which threat ens his dictatorship, and embarxed on his Ethiopian ven ture to divert the Italian people's minds from their do mestic troubles. It is still less clear, from this distance, why England does not put a stop to Mussolini's warlike gestures by the simple process of preventing the shipment of Italian sol diers, munitions and war supplies through the Suez Canal. The timidity with which European statesmen seem to be tackling the proglem of preserving the world's peace suggests that the danger of another general war is more imminent than we have been led to believe. Everybody seems to be afraid of everybody else. We are lucky to be on this side of the Atlantic, and will be luckier still if we do not get dragged into the coming war. Selected. 7h&$sxrf onsmuno '6 Caleb Johnson CONGRESS THE The form of Government set up by the Constitutional Convention was a compromise between the loose alliance under the Articles of Confederation, and the plan of a single nation with completely cen tralized powers. The small States insisted upon an equal voice with every other State. . The large States felt that their wealth, size and importance entitled them to a larger voice in the affairs of the country. These conflicting views resulted in what historians call the "Connecticut Compromise." The colony of Connecticut from its earliest history had a dual sys tem of representation in its legis lature. One house represented the towns as equal units. The other house represented all the people as individuals. This plan became the basis upon which the Congress of the United States was set up. The Constitution provides for equal representation of all the States, large and small, in the Senate, and for representation of the people in the House of Repre sentatives, in proportion to the number of inhabitants. The Convention was a unit in agreeing that all power to direct and regulate the affairs of the country should reside in this rtp rcsentative organization, the Con gress. Section 1 of Article I of the Constitution reads: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representa tives." That provision of the Constitu tion has never been altered. It has recently been brought to the front of public discussion through the decision of the Supreme Court that certain acts of the 73rd Con gress were unconstitutional because they run contrary to this first and fundamental provision of the Con stitution as drafted in 1787. Con gress cannot delegate to the Exec utive, or to anybody else, the power to enact laws or to issue regulations having the force of law unless it puts clear and definite limitations upon the regulative au thority. Members of the House of Repre sentatives, elected directly by i vote of the people, must be at least 25 years old, and be inhabitants of the state in which they are elect ed. There is no constitutional re quirement for dividing states into of the SUPREME POWER districts, or for members to live in the districts they represent. That is something for each state to de termine. In New York, several members live outside of their dis tricts. In Missouri there are no Congressional districts. The 13 representatives are elected at large by the voters of the whole state. Senators must be 30 years old and residents of their States. As the body originally closes to the people, the House of Rpre- sentatives was given in the , Con stitution the exclusive right to orig inate bills for raising revenue. The insistence of the smaller States brought about another re striction upon Congress; it forbade the levying of any direct tax ex cept in proportion to population. This was later changed by the income-tax amendment, which be came effective March I, 1913. That is the only exception to the rule established in the original Consti tution, intended to provide that di rect taxes levied by the Federal Government shall bear equally up m all citizens. The Senators, as the direct rep resentatives of State governments, were to be chosen by the legisla tures of the States. That prevailed until 1913, when an amendment was ratified providing for the popular elections of Senators as well as Representatives. A still later amendment, the twentieth, ratified in 1933, changed the date upon which the terms of office of Sena tors and Representatives begin, from the 4th of March to the 3rd i)f January, and fixed that date for the annual meeting of Congress, instead of the first Monday in December, as originally provided in the Constitution. (Next week: What Congre May And May Not Do) Cunninghams and Campbells Meet Sunday The Cunningham-Campbell fami ly reunion will be held Sunday, August 18, at the home of John F. Cunningham. Tourists are finding the scenery more beautiful than ever this year because many states have caused the removal of thousands of high way signs which were either ob jectionable as traffic hazards or spoiled the attractive natural scenery. RICKMAN CLAN HAS REUNION Approximately 150 relatives and friends attended the Rickman re union held at the home of Robert Rickman at West's Mill Sunday. This reunion is held annually in memory of the late Rev. Marrett Rickman, a pioneer Baptist min ister, who was among the first to settle in the Cowee Valley. Talks were made by John D. Sitton and the Rev. R. F. May berry, both of Sylva. John E. Rickman, historian, gave some facts about the earlier settlers of the Rickman clan. R. R. Rickman had an old family Bible, the names written with an old goose-quill pen, dating back to 1770. Resolutions of respect were read for Albert Rickman of Iotla and Wiley DeHart, of Swain county, by Frank L Murray. After a bountiful picnic dinner spread in the pine grove, the crowd re-assembled for a number of old-time hymns, and the follow ing officers were elected for the coming year: president, Samuel J. Murray; vice-president, Tom Rick man; historian, John E. Rickman; and secretary, Mrs. Frank I. Mur ray. E. O. Rickman. Robert Rick man, and Sloan Rickman were' placed on Jhe meeting committee. FROM the FILES of THE PRESS TEN YEARS AGO Angel's Hospital announces the installation of an X-Ray machine. Electricity from the new Lake Emory dam will be given Franklin citizens about October, it was pre dicted. The Idle Hour theatre recently purchased 700 opera chairs for the comfort of the patrons. Franklin's Big Tabernacle for the Truitt-McConnel meeting, seat ing 4,000, has been completed. Over 70,000 visitors are expected in town during the ten days of the meeting. THIRTY YEARS AGO The Higgins business block has been repainted and pencilled. George Conley was in Franklin for a short visit. Bishop Warren A. Candler was scheduled to preach at one of the local camp-meetings. Population of Franklin listed at 335. M. D. Billings, superintendent of schools, announced the opening of the fall term' of Franklin High School August 28.