KmiimU st .'K THURSDAY, OCTOBER If, IMS tAGE 31 fur PfliUVt im nnroa J TUt uirui tMnC MATlNI AN , : ' mmm M Fine Serial Fiction in new form. .... Three Prise Short Stories (of four instalments mm n4 m a-t each) by a master story-teller. .... ineyre net jaeacn at ms dost. IN FOUR INSTALLMENTS SYNOPSIS: Ben Furlong, a young but practical oil man and driller from the Pennsylvania field, drifted into the Texas oil country, broke and looking for work. Fin ally he fetched up at the Durham home where live an elderly aunt, shortly widowed by the explosion of a powder wagon, and her. neice, pretty Bettjr-Durham. . . . Per haps because of his smile, Betty cooks some food for Ben and while he eats he learns the aunt, in town on business, has an oil man, Tiller Maddox, sinking an oil well for her. ... A short 6 inch bolt worked loose from the rigging and is in the bottom of the well. Work has been suspended for days as the crew "fish" for the bolt and operating funds dwindle away. Furlong offers to give a hand but Maddox objects. . . . Betty in sists and overrules Maddox so Furlong fashions a tool which brings up the bolt. ... On the order of Betty's aunt, Furlong is given a job. . . . Maddox shows his dislike for the new hand, es pecially because Ben and Betty are so friendly. While the two are in town shopping one evening, Maddox calls upon the aunt, de manding she help his case with Betty or there will be no well. . . . NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. THIRD INSTALLMENT "Did you drop that bolt in the well?" Mrs. Durham hleated, in dismay. "I ain't sayin' I did or I didn't. But "remember, if this well ain't a producer, you're blowed up, and it ain't a-goin' to produce till there's a Mrs. Tiller Maddox to see it and to get her share! We bar gained that out, long ago. Yes, an' I ain't afraid of you goin' back on our deal, either. You don't dast." "I-iIll try again." "You better do more'n try. I'll give you just one more chance. If she don't come across, I want you to go visit your folks Saturday evenin', an leave her here der stand?" me wonder sometimes " "Wonder what?" "If he didn't tell Tiller something. Something that makes her scared of him. Sometimes she acts like it's only because of him that she's nice to me. . . . J don't know what I'd, do if she sent me away. I haven't got a red cent. There isn't a living soul I could" Ben passed his arm around the slim, girlish figure and drew it to him. "That'll be about all for you!" He kissed the cheek next to his and Betty hungrily pressed her face closer. "Good thing you aren't an heiress and me with less than a hundred dollars!" "You behave yourself, or you'll J . ! T 4 . T .itn. iinnp j l rr i en to warn jdciiv. j.i who h i ' 1 1 1 1 r t i inn t- bnvii7 mpnnp i i but a -fgt tSI curiously, CT1VP ?" It was Mrs. Durham's time to hesitate, her words came with an . . , i ms Dusmess. w uc sui c, quarter interest. , ... ; . . . .,. the "Humph!" The exclamation was r A J "' one of scorn. L. , 4. . ' u There s gratitude for you! Meb- ,eave her .fl . nce be if its a real big well Id do & ran Re trfcd tQ t T,0Uy0HnVe S?L in HU a car to run him back to the Betty! the widow cried m ds- fQr hire traction. If you dont hell nun and wag some time eve ytning. ne sua so i, unu discover ft truck well don't come in the farm auit . . . . tW Hirpr. WOrth " I mcii was avv S"'"! .- "So! That's why you're so gen- -J- was considerablv after darU erous. Now you isten to me 1 Furl m Opportunity; he wouldn't marry Tiller Maddox, not mnT w three miles. or all the oil in Texas, not if it r " was to save your inc. f. . . . Durham "Wait! Don't make tip your "j t I T T I iiuiucsicau. mind in a hurry. I-Im going over Evidently Betty was asleep. at to Cousin Annas I t, rmtin., w;nHnw When? What for? d Ben wondered how "Right after dinner. You think , .. . . u -.u, it over while rl'm none, dearie. I Ben passed his arm around tbe slim girlish figure and drew it to him. wreck this car," the girl warned him. Maddox carried out his intention. Un- He discharged Furlong on Friday night, explaining that the well was "She's gone away over Sunday to visit her kinfolks." "Who's looking out for Betty?" "I dunno. Tiller, I reckon." Furlong frowned. ,For a while he listened inattentively to his com panion, then he rose and left the rink. Conditions all over the oil fields, as. he well knew, were unsettled, and he did not relish the thought of Betty out there alone in that a - . i I 1 dl IIIIIUUdC i UUL .vui "vv After a moment Betty Inquired, w the fact that Maddox pro- you posed to shoot the Durham well. What ailed the man? After some indecision Ben decid "I'll give 'em to you." "How much will and silhouetted against it he saw the girl herself, then blackness en gulfed him. f The next he knew Betty u.urnain his head in her lap and splashing water into his face. Tt struck him as queer that, tne lamp should be burning when only the fraction of an instant betore all had been darkness. (Concluded next week) Effigy in Armor Under the floor slabs of a church at Sunderland, England, workmen found the effigy of a knight in armor. HAVE YOU TRIED Pay-and-Take-It COFFEE RBCENTLY? If you have you know it's extra good if you haven't you are missing something. It's PURE RIO th Strongest Coffee that grows. Now ISc per Lb. PAY-AND-TAKE-IT Located on the Square Next Door to Press Office he could best awaken her without causing alarm. Visitors in the country at this time of night were not common. He decided to -call . i t 1 soitly irom outsiae ner winaow, so The town lay hot and gasping he do8ed the ietly behind iHpr thf ciin I hfrf was tlO I.. . ... i ,1 him and made his way arouna tne eel like you was my own kin. I want to do right by you and" "Rats!" said the girl. under the sun. There was no shade out-of-doors, for nothing house grew in tne streets, not even grabs, its cinder yards, its board walls and iron roofs radiated waves of heat like those from a stove. Late in the afternoon Ben Fur He paused in surprise when he had turned the corner of the building, for the kitchen door was open. A momentary panic swept over him: then he drew a breath ... . -- over mm; tnen ne arew a uream lone entered the skating rink, paid I r i:f f. u his admission at the turnstile, and . . ... ,.. m,.mpA vnrp went through. Here, at least, was whos there?" she cried. a place to sit down out of the sun. Out of the whirling throng the floor shot a figure; it Ben's friend, the engineer of the Maddox rig. He rolled up to the bench where Furlong sat and col- apsed upon it. had Keen overturned, then a scream. "Whew! It's hard work havin a purlong uttered a shmt. he leap. He opened his lips to speak re assuringly, but the sound died in his throat, for inside Betty's room he heard a man's voice, then a stir, a movement. . This was fol lowed by a crash, as if a chair good time in this town," he panted 'Landed a job yet ? "I've cot some prospects Itned ed forward. Some marauder had entered the house just ahead of him. Incredible as it seemed, he For a moment Mrs. Durham star- down, and the next morning Ben ed at the speaker, then she said: broke the news to his sweetheart. "Tiller Maddox, you're a dirty Betty was indignant. She was for dog!" appealing to her aunt, but he re- "Say! I've took all the back fused to permit her. He promised talk I can stand for one day. You to let her hear from him in a day heard me. You do like I tell you, or so. an' you needn't to get back from Betty's face was flushed, her eyes your visit till Monday." were shining, when she entered the Wnr until Bpn and Bettv had house after he was crone. She was finished their shopping and were surprised to find her aunt awaiting on their wav home did he tell her her. about the trouble he had had with "Tiller came over the other night Maddox that morning. when you was in town," Mrs. Dur- "He let on he was fooling, but ham began, of course he fire me the first "Did he?" chance he gets," Furlong predicted. "He talked a lot about you. Till "Oh. Ben! Whv did you do it?" er's a fine man dearie v "We were bound to tie into Betty broke out irritably : "Don't Mrh other sooner or later. You let's start that all over again. can't choose a time to get fight- "Oh, your head's full of Furlong, ine mad : it's as much as you can I suppose ! But what s he got do to pick good footing." Nothing. Not even a job. Now "Aunt Mary won't let him fire Tiller wants to marry you and you. She doesn't trust him any you better do it." more than I do." "You know very well I'll do noth- "Say! What has he got on ing of the sort." her?" "Maybe you won't and maybe The girl did not look up from you will." Mrs. Durham's lips set her driving. She fetched a deep themselves in lines of inflexibility. breath as she said: "I'd dearly "If you got a smitch of sense you love to know. There's something will. D'you want to be poor all queer about it. . . . Uncle Joe your life or d'you want to be was a sweet, easy-going man and rich?" she rode him with a Spanish bit. "I tell you I won't! I won't!" She never would have let him take declared the girl. "The big, black, me in when mv folks died, only greasy brute!" I did all the work. But he sure "Now don't fly off the handle till loved me. When the oil excite- I'm through. I've been pretty ment came thev rowed and fought good to vou for months. When ever he got an "I've earned my keep ever since offer she claimed he was trying I came. You'd have paid more for to orive the farm awav and threat- a hired girl than I cost." ened to go to law. I told you "Oh, hush up and let me finish. hr.nt that Hp stood it as long I We v alius f ieht like this. Your 1UV u . wwv - u .., as he could; then he up and an- Uncle Joe cared a lot for you and nounced that I'd been more of a and I want to respect his wishes, daughter to him than she'd been a When that well comes in this wife and he aimed to give most of farm'll be worth I don't know his money to me anyhow, and then what. Anyhow, my heart's set on he made that lease with the Plan- seeing you get a good home and et people. That's how Maddox have everything. How'd you like came. I think she'd have poisoned to live in a fine house in Dallas?" me. if she dared, after what uncle "What ails you ? Are you losing Qaid When he was killed I sun- vour mind. Aunt Mary?" nosed, of course, she'd throw me "And you can have 'em if you out, but she didn't. No use to do marry Tiller. Marry Furlong and it, I suppose, inasmuch as he hadn't you'll spend your life over a cook left onv writinc As a matter of stove." v mm J ww rw i 7 fact, she was better to me than "How can Tiller give me things she'd ever been. That's what makM like that?" o-- r t i iifxii. naicmuic us 11 sec up. What's the matter? You fired, had arriv8(i barely in time. too?" "Rettv!" he veiled "Bettv!" He "Naw! Maddox laid us off for made for the door beyond. lhat throaty clamor trom tne ignis lumii, iiicauwiiiic, cuiiiniucu. "Did Betty come with her?" Ben Th ere hast movements, the i.. : . , , cagcuy iiiquucu. sounds oi a struggle ine engineer snoox nis neau; a 4H4HiM4..ili''ii'4''i't . i fHVi W .7 . t T You know how scared Tiller is of nitroglycerine? When we left he grin spread over his face. "Say! the front part of the house, but V.. 1.Mn. Wrvii. cr-ii-Arl 1?i11r 1Q Of -1 1 A t. us pian was simple ana ne was guided by those shrieks of terror. The door to Betty's room was closed, but it opened when he found the knob. He glimpsed the dim square of a window opposite i The gift of Their Mother's Time The greatest gift any man can leave, his children is their mother's 2 time. A Jefferson Standard Fam- i ily Income Plan will relieve your A - ' t - - c .1 r 1 to earn a living for herself and the family you leave. Her time will be free to give your children the care they need during the years they Will need it most. Let us explain to you a plan that will give t!:ls needed pro tection. ED. J. CARPENTER Agent FRANKLIN, N. C JEFFERSON STANDARD J LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY f Julian Price, President Greensboro, North Carolina and such a nice room at Th- next h knew Betty Durham was holding his head m her Up. was hidin' out in the brush like a quail. The powder wagon came an' he took it on the run." Powder wagon? What's a pow der wagon doing there?" Ben in quired. "Why, he aims to shoot the well. He got a permit an' the stuff's on the eround. ready for the men." "He's crazy if he shoots that well." Furlone declared. "What's he thinking about?" "So I told him. 'Leave her alone an' she'll blow herself in,' I says to him. She's couEhin' now. an'. I bet as many wells has been ruined by that stuff as they is wells that's been made. "I'm going to see Mrs. Durham." Ben rose, but the other explained: 300 ROOMS 300 BATHS 300 RADIOS OfM BlloMf ffOfli 0VSI tibial down-town Near bui Motion end all motor hlshwayi 5vS P -. nil - rl OW often, when some of your friends axe telling of a particularly pleasant visit to Atlanta, the expression is heart And we had such a nice room at The Atlantan T Add to the enjoyment of your next trip by stay ing at this fine, conveniently located hotel, so popu lar among women visitors to Atlanta Delightful outside rooms, with every comfort and luxury, just a few steps from the shopping and theatrical district "Everything As You Like It." and all at rates lower than those of any of Atlanta's other large hotels. - bWbWbbbbWb1bsWBMBbs , 1 J US