PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. L, NO. 43 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 193S $1.50 PER YEAR ft TURNING MILL LOCATES HERE J. M. Long To Erect Plant; Will Employ 15 To 18 Men Plans for establishment in Frank lin of a woodworking industry, which at full capacity will furnish J employment for 15 to 18 men, were announced this week by J. M. Long, formerly of Wilkesboro, N. C. Mr. Long said he started mov ing machinery for the new plant, which will specialize in dimension hardwood work, on Monday, anl plans within the next 10 days to begin construction of a factory building on a site he has leased on highway No. 28 opposite Bul gin's Machine Shop. The building, he said, would be approximately 40 by 60 feet and of frame con struction. To Manufacture Lug The principal output of the plant, Mr. Long said, will be wooden lugs for use as ends in paper rolls, rugs and various other materials which are put up in rolled form. Mr. Long has been in the hard wood dimension business for a number of years, operating a plant at Wilkesboro. Besides manufac turing lugs and other turned wood products, he plan6 to buy and sell dimension timber. He said he would be in the market for maple, beech and birch logs 38 inches long, 10 inches and up in diameter, and for poplar logs cut. 30, 35 and 45 inches long, 10 inches and up in diameter. "Unlimited Supply" Mr. Long said he chose Franklin as a site for his new plant prin cipally because he had found in Macon county "practically an un limited supply of wood suitable for making lugs." He expressed the opinion that timber owners in this vicinity would probably find it more profitable to log for dimen sion timber than to cut acid and pulp wood, as the haul- will be much shorter. Royal Welcome Given Motorcade Group On Visit to Highlands (Special Do The PreM-Maconieo) HIGHLANDS, N. C, Oct. 23. Highlands turned out in full force Wednesday of last week to wel come a party of more than 50 travel bureau representatives, auto mobile association executives and hotel men who were making a 2,000 mile motor tour, visiting scenic and historic points in the Carolinas. Highlands did not learn until a day or so before that it was on the itinerary of the motorcade, but when it did learn of it, everybody got busy preparing for the visit ors. So, when th group arrived, it was met by a parade of 40 local cars decorated for the occasion. The town was festooned with ban ners, flags and welcome signs. Heading the parade was an escort car, occupied by a committee of Mayor S. E. Potts, W. S. Davis and C. J. Anderson. Each of the visitors was' given a fine apple from the orchard near Highlands of Mrs. A. J. Salinas. The visitors were taken to the Highlands club, other points of in terest in Highlands and then es corted to Whiteside View, called the most beautiful mountain view in the southern Appalachians. Many of the visitors were captivated with Highlands and remarked that here they had received one of the finest receptions they had enjoyed on the whole tour. The motorcade came to High lands from Bryson City, via Sylva and Franklin; but it did not stop in Franklin. Upon leaving here, it went to High Hampton, Brevard, Mount Pisgah andl Asheville. Jobs Open For Janitor and Fireman In Federal Building Open competitiive examinations were announced this week for two jobs that will be created by the opening of Franklin's new federal building, which is expected to be. ready for occupancy about the first of the year. The jobs are those of janitor at $1,140 a year and of fireman-laborer at $1,260 a year. Announcements received from the Civil Service commission stated that applications foV the job of janitor classified laborer, custodial service, in Civil Service parlance should be filed with the "Manager, Fourth U. S. Civil Service District, Washington, D. C not later than October 26, 1935." The deadline for applications for the job of fireman-laborer was set as Novem ber 6. Competitors will not be required to report for written examination, but will be rated on their training and experience. Full information and application blanks may be ob tained at the Franklin postoffice. LEADER NAMED FOR ROLL CALL Bloxham Appointed Chair man For Annual Red Cross Campaign The Rev. Frank Bloxham, joint rector of the Franklin and High lands Episcopal churches, will serve as roll call chairman of the Ma con county chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross in the annual mem bership drive scheduled to begin Armistice Day and continue through Thanksgiving Day, it was announced Wednesday by the Rev. J. A Flanagan, acting chairman of the Macon county chapter. Preparations are already under way, Mr. Flanagan said, to make this one of the most successful roll calls in recent years. The quota for the county, he said, had been changed from 300 to 200 mem berships, but he expressed the hope that this quota would be exceeded. A group of Red Cross workers from this county left this morn ing for Waynesville to attend a district Red Cross conference. In the group were Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Bloxham, Mrs. Henry Slagle, Mrs. A. L. McLean, Mrs. Gordon Moore, and Mrs. J. C. Wright. Mr. Flanagan was scheduled! to pre side at the morning session of the conference. Old Magazines and Books Requested for Prisoners The response made by the resi dents of Franklin to a request for magazines for the prison camp has been very generous. Yet the sup ply has been unequal to the re quirements in a few respects. Comic sections from the Sunday papers are in great demand; also moving picture magazines and more copies of "Liberty." An English dictioinary is urgently needed, and a copy of "Latin for Today," Book I. The men of the camp ask that thanks be extended to all who have so kindly contributed to their en joyment. Reading matter left at The Press-Maconian office is tak en to the camp promptly. NAVY ENLISTMENS OPEN Sixty apprentice seamen and twelve mess attendants will be en listed in the U. S. Navy in No vember from the Carolinas. Part of this quota will be furnished by the navy recruiting station, post office building, Asheville, N. C. Only men of the negro race are eligible for enlistment as mess at tendants. Applicants to fill this quota are accepted daily at the Asheville office from 9 to 4:30 p. m. on week days and 9 to 1 p. m. on Saturdays. How They Stand DEMOCRATIC can" 3d PARTY For For Other All Rep. 3d Party (STATE) Roosevelt Democrats Choices Choices Alabama 873 U2 308 TT" Colorado 185 37 184 22 Florida 230 169 140 16 Georgia 192 367 271 15 Illinois 913 156 853 34 Indiana 1065 37 273 54 Iowa 395 66 432 54 ... Kansas 454 11 964 21 Kentucky 543 68 110 17 Louisiana 145 91 14 11 Maine ....... 91 ... 132 Maryland 171 156 101 ... Michigan 3024 133 1463 44 Minnesota .... 810 105 1566 137 Missouri 2015 176 1696 80 Nebraska 171 63 221 New Jersey ... 469 56 581 ,87 New York .... '175 11 609 62 North Carolina 381 78 224 16 North Dakota . 105 9 300 106 Ohio 190 51 362 32 Oregon 15 ... 52 Oklahoma 1055 92 430 65 Pennsylvania .. 303 42 714 South Dakota .157 ... 107 14 Tennessee 109 52 103 Texas 1065 160 171 . 26 Vermont 181 92 225 9 Virginia 3037 867 2143 21 Washington ... 561 14 743 75 West Virginia 247 21 452 14 Wisconsin .... 248 34 660 40 Wyoming 233 ... 65 11 19,808 3326 16,669 1083 Roosevelt Leading in 1 7 Of 33 States Reporting In "Next President" Poll Roosevelt Still Far ahead in Macon Returns to The Press-Maconian this week in the "Next President" poll little altered the standing of the "nominees." President Roosevelt is still an overwhelming favorite among readers of this newspaper. For the lack of space, we are omitting this week a table of local returns. National returns will be found in the tabulation appearing in this issue. Both local and national returns to date will be published in next week's paper. If you have not voted in this straw poll do so at once. You will find a ballot on page 9. Mark your preferences and mail or bring it to our office. It is not necessary to sign your name on the ballot, and in voting you in no way obligate yourself to any political party. DRIVE PLANNED BY MACON POST Plans for improving the new quar ters of the Macon county post of the American Legion in the Legion building on West Main street and for launching a membership drive on Armistice Day were announced this week by G. A Jones, post commander. Members of the legion will meet in post headquarters at 10 o'clock in the morning, November 11. Some will be assigned to work on the building and some will be appoint ed to visit the homes of ex-service men throughout the county, not only to obtain new legion members, but also to render aid to those in need of assistance. Wives, sisters and daughters of ex-service men are requested to meet in the Legion hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Armis tice Day to organize a Woman's Auxiliary. Hymn Printed in Chinese "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," the hymn, has been printed in Chinese. in Presidential Poll Borah Favorite Choice Among Republican Candidates BY JOHN THOMAS WILSON (Special to The Preae-Maconian) NEW YORK, Oct. 23. The war front broadens in the "Next Presi dent" poll. Reports of balloting in new sec tors are every day being received at national headquarters here. At the end of the thiird week of tabulating national, state by state returns, 33 states report live ly action and a total Of 40,886 bal lots cast for favorite presidential choices. From many of these 33 states, however, only first and widely scattered returns have been receiv ed. Early leads, at many points, are so narrow that it would be vain to attempt to put the re spective states in a definite column for either party. Third Week Voting The total of 40,886 ballots from 33 states show President Roosevelt leading in 17 states with a total of 19,808. Other Democratic choices polled a total of 3,326. A total of 16,669 votes for Republican choices gives the G. O. P. a lead in 15 of the 33 states. Third party choices total only 1,083 in the 33 states. While the Roosevelt vote of 19, 808 exceeds the total Republican vote of 16,669 by 3,239 votes at this time, experienced political observers are quick to suggest an analysis of the electoral votes of the 33 states, as reported so far, discloses the following results: For Roosevelt, (17 states) Ala., 12, Colo., 6, Fla., 6, 111., 29, Ind., 15, Ky., 10, La., 6. Md., 8, Mich., 15, Mo., 18, N. C. 12, Okla., 10, S. Da., 5, Tenn., 12, Tex., 20, Va., 12, Wyo., 3. Total, 195 Electoral votes. For Republican Choices, (15 states), Iowa, 13, Kas., 10, Me., 6, Minn., 12, Neb., 8, N. J., 14, N. Y., 45, N. Da., 5, Ohio, 24, Ore., 5, Pa., 38, Vt., 4, Wash., 7, W. Va. 8, Wis., 13. Total, 212 Electoral votes. Georgia, the 33rd state, is led at the moment by other Democratic choices. It has 14 votes in the electoral college. If these should go to Roosevelt he would then have (Continued on Page Nine) DEATH CLAMS R.M.HUDSON.SS Funeral To Be Held at 3 P. M. Friday at Bap tist Church Richard M. Hudson, 55, well known Franklin business man, died of heart disease at 4:30 o'clock this morning at his home on the Geor gia highway. The funeral, it was announced later in the day, will be held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Franklin Baptist church, with burial in the Franklin ceme tery. Mr. Hudson had suffered from a heart ailment for a number of months, but he remained active in his business until a few weeks ago, when his illness became so grave that confinement was necessary. The early part of this week his condition became critical and his daughter, Miss Dixie Nell Hudson, of New York, a trained nurse, was notified. She arrive(r Wednesday to be with her father. Came Here in 1908 Mr. Hudson was born in Humph rey county, Tennessee, on June 22, 1880, son of W. J. Hudson and Martha Turner Hudson. He came to Franklin in 1908 and for some years was employed by the Blue Ridge Lumber company. Later he went into the livery business, and then into the contracting business as a member of the firm of Hig don, Scott and Hudson, road build ers. In August, 1922, he and A. R. Higdon organized the Franklin Hardware company, of which Mr. Hudson was president at the time of his death. On Dec. 27, 1910, Mr. Hudson married Miss Sophie Burnette, of Black Mountain. After her death he married Mrs. Kathleen Petty Baxter, of High Point, in April, 1924. List of Survivori Surviving Mr. Hudson are his widow, his daughter, two sisters, Mrs. Maude Norton and Mrs. John Henry, and one brother, Put Hud son, all of Franklin. Mr. Hudson was a member of the First Baptist church of Frank lin. He had no fraternal or club affiliations. The funeral will be conducted by the Rev. W. M. Burns, pastor of the Baptist church, and the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, pastor of the Franklin Presbyterian church. Pall bearers were named as follows: W. T. Moore, T. W. Angel, Jr., Roy Mashburn, A. R. Higdon, Roy Cunningham, George Patton, Pope Ellard and Dr. W. E. Furr. Miss Virginia Slagle To Broadcast over Radio Miss Virginia Slagle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slagle, of Franklin, who is a student at Be rea College, Berea, Ky., was re cently selected as one of a group of eight Berea students to go to Chicago and broadcast over radio station WLS for a ten-minute pro gram each day on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday of next week. Miss Irma Seagle's Brother Killed in Wreck Miss Irma Seagle, who was no tified recently of the death of her brother, James Seagle, in an auto mobile accident in South Carolina, is expected to return to Franklin next Monday to resume her du ties as a teacher in the Franklin school. Miss Seagle's home is near Camden, S. C. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. OUie Young Funeral services for Mrs. Ollie Young, who died at 7 p. m. Mon day at her home in the Cartooge chaye community, were held Tues day at Maiden's Chapel. She 'was the wife of Arthur Young.