Wb IftiaWanbj Baconian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. L, NO. 44 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 1 $1.50 PER YEAR 20,000 TROUT RELEASED Arrowood Pools Furnish Fish For Stocking Macon Streams More than 20,000 Rainbow and Brook trout have been released in the mountain1 streams of the Nanta hala National Forest during the past week, Philip H. Bryan, forest supervisor, announced today. These fish, reared at the pools in Arrowood Glade, are exception ally healthy and vigorous. It is hoped that the regular restocking of the streams in the forest will eventually result in the restoration of the game fish supply which has been seridusiy depleted in- th past 30 years. Streams Improved During the past summer 32 miles of trout streams in the forest were improved to increase their carry ing capacity. This job involved the removal of log jams and the construction of weirs and dams to provide retreats for breeding and .protection. s The value of the fishing re sources to the community is very high, Mr. Bryan stated. Vviscon sin has had the best results of any state in the promotion of ,its fishing resources; it is recognized as the finest place in the world to go fishing for the largest trout, bass, pike, muskelunge and many other game fish. As a result of its protection and improvement sys tem,' the state receives in actual dollars over $120,000,80; a year in money spent by people who go there to fish. Protection Important The cooperation of fishermen is essential if the program to improve fishing conditions is to be success ful. The protection of the brood stnrk is verv important, for fish must breed to have any in the fUture. If the fish are not caught off the spawning beds and the bag and season regulations are observ ed, the increase in fish will be noticeable in the next few years, Mr. Bryan saW. Supper for Red Cross Workers Planned Nov. 7 A supper for Red Cross Roll workers and members will be held in the Rotary Hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 7, A special program is being prepared for that time, according to the Rev. Frank Blox ham, Roll Call chairman of the Macon county chapter. This' will be an inspirational meeting for the workers and a time for the distribution of Roll Call supplies to be used during the membership campaign which will begin on Armistice Day and con tinue through Thanksgiving Day. The quota for the county this year is 200 members 4nd the officials of the Macon county chapter feel lhat the quota should be exceeded. Special Service Held For Girl Scouts A special service for Girl Scouts wag conducted Sunday evening at St. Agnes Episcopal church by the rector, the Rev. Frank Bloxham. The Franklin troop of Girl Scouts, attired in their green uniforms, at tended in a body. Instead of preaching a sermon, Rev. Mr. Bloxham made a special talk to the girls, urging them to adhere loyally throughout life to the prin ciples they have been taught as Girl Scouts. If all of the youth of the nation, he added, were taught to live by such principles, crime would soon vanish. Box Supper To Be Held At Iotla School A box supper for the benefit of the Iotla school will be held in the school Friday night. String music will feature the program. Herbert, Letter and Tabor Reappointed Ministers serving Methodist churches in Macon county have been reassigned for another year, it was learned Monday when appointments were read at the concluding session of the West ern North Carolina Methodist conference at Salisbury. The Rev. C. C. Herbert, Jr., will return as pastor of the Franklin church, the Rev. B. W. Letter as pastor of the Frank lin charge, and the Rev. J. B. Tabor as pastor of the Macon charge. The Rev. W. F. Beadle was assigned to the Highlands Meth odist church. The Rev.-W. A. Rollins was reappointed presiding elder of the Waynesville "District. The Rev. L B. Hayes, a rfm mer pastor of the Franklin Methodist church and until a year ago presiding elder of this district, will continue as pastor of the Hawthorne Lane Metho dist church in Charlotte. BAPTIST WOMEN HOLD MEETING 175 Attend Divisional W. M. U. Sessions in Local Church With approximately 175 women present, the annual meeting of the Baptrst 'TVoman's Missionary Un ions of the Asheville division was held last Thursday in the First Baptist church of Franklin. The principal address of the meeting was delivered by Mrs. Ed na R. Harris, secretary of the state Baptist Woman's Missionary Un- Lion, and her topic was "A Half Century of Service." Mrs. J. R. Morgan, of Waynes ville, superintendent of the Ashe vijle division, presided. Those at tending represented 14 association al groups of the division. Other Speaker Mrs. Una Roberts Lawrence, of Kansas City, Mo., the Rev. E. Gibson Davis, of Asheville; Miss Mary Currin, of Raleigh, state young people's leader; and Miss Naomi Schell, missionary to Japan, were other speakers on the day's program. Mrs. Lawrence talked at the morning session and at the evening meeting presented pictures and explanations of the work of the Home Missions board, with headquarters in Atlanta. The Rev. Mr. Davis took for his topic "A Pilgrimage to Palestine," telling ex-J periences of his trip during the summer to that land. Miss Currin had charge of the afternoon meeting at which the young people's work of the union was discussed at length. Miss Schell spoke on "Gathering up the Young People of Japan." Reports Made Reports were heard at the morn ing conference from the superin tendents of the 14 associations in the division, and Mrs. E. R. El more, secretary and treasurer of the division, and from the chair men of the various groups in the division. These include Mrs. J. F. Brooks, of Hendersonville, chair man of personal service; Mrs. B. F. Bray, of Marion, chairman of mission study, and Mrs. Eugene Coker, of Mars Hill, chairman of young people's work. All officers of the division, with the exception of Mrs. Bray, were re-elected. Mrs. J. C. Owen, of Spruce Pine, was chosen chairman of mission study. Those re-elected were Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Elmore, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Coker and Mrs. E. Gibson Davis, of Asheville, Mar garet Mother. How They Stand DEMOCRATIC REPUB- 3d pARTy ,CT4T., ' For For Other All Rep. 3d Party tbiAit; Roosevelt Democrats Choice Choices Alabama ....7! 1019' 138 373 Arkansas 806 26 182 91 California ..... 237 IS 626 n Colorado 562 63 522 35 Florida 1010 261 465 107 Georgia 361 582 440 15 Illinois 1121 182 1178 34 Indiana 1715 77 832 54 Iowa 1697 ... 2304 . 67 Kansas ,. . . 669 63 1783 21 Kentucky 933 81 214 1 17 Louisiana 145 91 14 11 Maine 103 26 470 Maryland 379 309 374 Massachusetts .923 26 910 65 Michigan 4038 146 2087 57 Minnesota .... 1122 165 2684 228 Missouri 3659 302 3230 80 Nebraska 1185 91 1625 ... -New Hampshire 311- r; 623 37-- New Jersey ... ,617 81 867 87 New York .... 318 24 921 62 . North Carolina 4489 153 887 16 North Dakota .597 61 755 223 Ohio 398 51 427 , 32 Oklahoma 3564 223 2055 156 Oregon 117 11 209 65 Pennsylvania .. 420 55 1130. South Carolina 169 143 78 11 South Dakota . 196 237 14 Tennessee 109 52 103 Texas 2703 307 496 130 Vermont 272 92 511 9 Virginia 3696 893 2533 21 Washington ... 886 .14 1147 101 West Virginia 728 34 659 14 Wisconsin .... 547 73 1063 79 Wyoming 298 ... 77 11 42,119 4911 35091 1961 Roosevelt Popular Favorite In Straw Poll; Republicans Leading in Electoral Votes LEGION MAKING SERVICE SURVEY With view to perfecting an or ganization prepared to look after the interests of the ex-service men of the county, the Macon Post of the American Legion has selected vice-commanders to represent the legion in the various townships of the county. "In addition to looking after the membership in their communities," it was explained by G. A. Jones, post commander, "these men will report to the local post all cases of veterans who are entitled to federal compensation but who are not receiving it. They also will look after the general interests of the ex-service men in their com munity. "The local post is now making a careful survey of all ex-service men in the county in an effort to ob tain their addresses and any other information that should be kept by the post as a permanent record. "The post would appreciate it if each veteran would send in a let ter giving his full name and ad dress, the name of his wife and the names and ages of his chil dren; whether he is disqualified for work and, if so, whether he is re ceiving federal assistance. Jt would also be appreciated if friends of deceased veterans would send in the names of such deceased vet erans, the date and place of death, the place of burial; whether sur vived by widow and children and, if so, some information concerning their circumstances." Following is a list of the town ship vice commanders: Franklin, Boyce Hall; Smith's Bridge, Howard IJradley; High lands, Carl Zoellner; Sugarfork, C. Tom Bryson; Ellijay, Jim Moss; Mill hoals, Curley Kinsland; Cowee, Carr Bryson; Nantahala. C r e g g Steppe ; Cartoogechaye, Charles A. Waldroop; Rainbow Springs section, Troy Sheffield; Flats, J, D, Burnett, in Presidential Poll Vote Total Reaches 84,082, With 51 Per Cent for i Roosevelt BY JOHN THOMAS WILSON (Special to The Press-Manomian) NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Popular votes, electoral votes and percent ages this week enter into calcula tions on the balloting in the nation wide "Next President" poll. With total returns of 84,082 bal lots from 38 states received here at national headquarters, the tabu lations today show President Roos evelt leading in popular votes, 42, 119 to 35,091, btft Republican presi dential choices leading in electoral votes, 255 to 223. In popular vote, President Roose velt is leading in 19 states; Repub lican choices are leading in 18 states; while one state, Georgia, is in the column of "Other Democra tic choices." The percentage distribution of the total number of 84,082 votes received here to date, are as fol lows : Roosevelt 51 Other Democratic choices 5 All Republican choices ... 42 Third Party choices 2 The state by state tabulation of the nation-wide vote, printed here with, shows a close race in many states. At one point Roosevelt may be leading by a narrow mar gin and at another point the Re publican choices may show only a slight lead. But regardless, as the vote now stands, the distribution of electoral votes is as, follows: For Roosevelt Ala., 12; Ark., 9; Colo., 6; Fla., 14; Ind., 15; Ky., 13; La., 10; Md., 8; Mass., 18; Mich., 15; Mo., 18; N. C, 12; Okla., 10; S. C, 9; Tenn., 12; Tex., 20; Va., 12; W. Va., 8; Wyo., 3-Total, 223. Electoral votes for Republican choices Calif., 13; 111., 29; Iowa, 13; Kas., 10; Me., 6; Minn., 12; Neb., 8; N. H., 4; N. J., 14; N. Y., 45; N. Da., 5; Ohio, 24; Ore., 5; Pa, 38; S. Da., 5; Vt 4; Wash., 7; Wis, 13-Total, 255. Locating Battle Gtyound Some leading political observers (Contimitd on Pap Seven) WPA PROGRAM IS UNDER WAY Subsistence Work Replac ing Relief Doles in County The dole is giving way to sub sistence work in Macon county. The Works Progress Administra tion is beginning to function, sup planting the Emergency Relief Ad ministration. One hundred and thirty-nine men, formerly on relief 'rolls, already have been put to work on WPA road projects, and 21 others have been notified to start work Mon day morning. Those who refuse to work and 4uew -instances -have - been report ed are to be dropped from relief and reemployment rolls and told to shift for themselves without government aid. $19 tor 130 Hours Under the WPA set-up all em ployable persons on the relief rolls will be required to register with the National Reemployment Service, and as jobs develop under the Works Progress program they will be assigned to work. The pay is $19 a month for laborers, $27 a month for truck drivers and $48 a month for foremen. Each workr man will be expected to put in 130 hours of work a month, the equivalent of 13 full work days. The Reemployment Service, of which Frank I. Murray is the Ma con county manager, also is acting as an employment bureau for per sons not on relief rrtls. Mr. Mur ray explained that any unemployed person may register and avail him self of the service. He reported that a number of placements had recently been made and that al most daily he was receiving re quests for workmen. He cited one request for 10 carpenters at Greensboro at 75 cents an hour, another for 12 brick masons at Raleigh at $1.10 an hour. Fifty men are now at work un der WPA supervision at the rock quarry at Riverside, where stone is being crushed to be placed on county roads. Frank Leach is fore man of the project. Twenty-five are at work improving the Chapel road; 30 are employed on the Ned Hill road in Cowee township; and 30 are employed on the Rose Creek road in Cowee township. C. R. Cabe is foreman of the Clark's Chapel project; Walter Dalton, foreman of the Rose Creek road job, and W. C. Sheffield, foreman of the New Hill road work. The 21 men who have been noti fied to start work Monday will be assigned to the Way ah road, from Riser's Store to Nantahala Gap, which is being improved under the supervision of the Forest Service. Prizes Awarded 10 Premiums Given away As Harvest Sale Ends Despite a chilling rain, several hundred persons gathered in front of Sanders' Store Monday after noon for the prize-drawing which marked the close of the store's an nual Harvest Sale. Ten premiums, valued at $109.95, were awarded to lucky customers. Those holding prize-winning coupons were : Charlie Stiles, first prize, ward robe; Mrs. Margaret Wooxiard, second prize, 5-piece breakfast room suite; Hazel Pannell, third prize, two-door server; Mrs. Bertha Kimsey, fourth prize, a metal bed; Mrs. Maude Potts, fifth prize, an occasional chair ; Charlie Higdon, sixth prize, bedroom chair; Mrs. Arthur Ledford, seventh prize, a stool; Ed Jennings, eighth prize, ah end table; Nancy Jones, ninth prize, an end table; Mrs. Frank Sanders, 10th prize, a what-not. Mr. Sanders said the Harvest Sale was the most successful sales evlfnt he had conducted in recent year,