PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. L, NO. 49 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1935 $1.50 PER YEAR POLL RESULTS DRAW INTEREST Surveys of Public Opinion Indicate Close Race In 1936 (Special to The Pre-Mconian) WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Official Washington is displaying great in terest in Presidential polls these days. The one that has attracted the most attention is the poll re cently completed by newspapers served- by Publishers Autocaster Service, which, reflecting as it does rural and small-town opinion ex clusively, is regarded as highly significant. If there were a wide variation between, the results shown by the different efforts to get at a cross-section of national political views at this time, Washington might not be so interested, but when the Autocaster poll, the Lit erary Digest poll, so far as its preliminary results have been dis closed, the Gallup noil, and the poll taken a short time ago by Robert J. Lucas, all agree within a fraction of one per cent," and everv one of them shows a mark ed decline in the strength of Presi-. dent Roosevelt's support, the total effect is impressive. All the oolls anre in giving Mr Rnosevelt- still the best of it, by approximately 53 per cent to 47 per cent. Even the roost opti mistic of the Administration's po litical soothsayers are now conced inc more or less openly that it looks as if it would be a close election in 1936. However, a lot of things can happen in a year From Ham On Some of the things which the President's friends are hoping will happen are a strong up-swing in' business conditions, the failure ot the Opposition to develop real leadershio and a subsidence of the thifd party agitation. The latter contingency, as things look now, can probably be dismissed as un likely to be strongly enough con centrated anywhere to affect the electoral vote. As to leadership in the Repub lican Party, something may develop at the annual meetimr of the Re publican National Committee to be held here this month, which will clarify the issues upon which the Onnnsition will make its stand. The v r r - , man who succeeds in putting for-1 ward a program on which all Ke nublicans can unite will certainly show evidence of leadership. How to overcome the political effect of the AAA without losing great blocks of farm votes is a puzzle to which no Republican political leader has so far given the ans wer. The stroneest element in Mr Roosevelt's favor, as matters now stand, is that business is definitely improving and that all the signs point to further improvement. The stock market boom is not regarded here as dangerous, bovernor ce des of the Federal Reserve Board pointed out the other day that it (Continued on Page Eight) 'Over the Top' Legion Post Wins Award In Membership Drive ... X The Macon countv post of the American Legion is the proud pos sessor of a service certificate awarded to it for "going over the top in a membership drive launch ed October 1. Receiot of the certificate was announced this week bv A. R. Hig don, post adjutant. G. A. Jones is post commander. The citation was sent to the local cost bv J. M. Caldwell, North Carolina depart ment adiutant. A quota of 32 memberships, new and renewals, had been set for the post, and it turned in 33. Sixteen of the memberships were reported by Boise Hall, who thereby quali fied for an American Legion foun tain oen award. The local post, which several months ago purchased the Allman building on West Main street, has fixed up a room on the second floor fof a meeting hall. Warm Springs Greet Their Illustrious Guest HylPI Bp:: '"''wl Keep smiling SHOP EARLY Only 16 Shopping Days tiU Christmas GOAL REACHED BY RED CROSS 200 Memberships Reported In Annual Macon County Drive The Macon" county chapter of the American Red Cross this week reached the goal of 200 member ships set for its 1935 roll call, it was announced Wednesday by the Rev. J. A Flanagan, chairman of the chapter. , Reports by roll call workers dur ing the week brought to an even 200 the number of memberships turned in since the drive started on Armistice Day. A few reports are still to be received and it is hoped the number of memberships will climb still further, the roll call, however, officially ended on Thanksgiving Day. The Rev. Frank Bloxham, rector of the Episcopal churches in Highlands and Frank lin, was chairman of the member ship campaign this year. 21l Raited Of the 200 memberships reported, 76 were from Highlands and 124 from Franklin 'and rural communi ties in the county. Most of the memberships were at $1 each, but a few were for larger sums, the total amount of cash raised was reDorted as $216. Fifty cents of each membership fee will be re tained by the local Red Cross Chanter for use in the county, while the balance will be sent to the national organization. ..New Member Followine is a list of new Red Cross memberships reported during the past week: HIGHLANDS - C. F. Kedden, Mrs. C. F. Redden, Frazer Redden, the Rev. C. R. McCarty. Mrs. C. R. McCarty, Mrs. Lyman Zachary, J. E. Hicks. FRANKLIN M rs. C. C. Herbert, Jr.; Mrs. L T. Sloan, Gordon Moore, George Carpenter, r. w. Porter, Sr., Miss Elizabeth Slagle, Mrs. H, O. Cozad, Miss Margaret Cozad, ' Dr. Gillespie, Mrs. Pearl Franks, Philip H. Bryan, Mrs. Phil ip H. Bryan, Ralph Womack, Carl Slagle, Will Waldroop, Ben Harri son Miss Amanda Slagle, William Reeves, J. L. Beshears, L. O. Cope, Mrs, Jack Sanders, Mrs. T. W. Porter. Sr.. Mrs. Joseph Ashear, Mrs. M. A. Rogers, Harold Sloan, Lester Henderson, Mrs. U1 a. Rtwurn Sr. Moses Blumenthal. Trof" Horn, Harley Cabe, Mrs. Elizabeth Guffey, Miss Florence Stalcuo. Dr. W. E. Furr. E. E. Sypher, Gilmer A. Jones, R. S. Jones, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson. COUNTY Mrs. Matt Liner, Ut to; Mrs. Dave Howard, Aquone; C. N. West, West's Mill; A. L. McLean. West's Mill: Dr. T. L. West. Tr.. West's Mill: Carl Sor- rells Sunday school class. Wests Mill. w a t?m spbtnoh On Patients in the Warm Snrinff Foundation here. look forward through the. year to the arrival of their illustrious toastmaster,! President Roosevelt, for their Thanksgiving Day dinner. Photo shows the joyful greetings of the little folks upon the arrival of the President last weak, for his annual sojourn with them over Thanksgiving. BOARD CHOSEN BY FEDERATION Plans for Opening Local Store on Dec. 14 Announced Named Town Fire Chief Succeed ing John Cunningham Derald Ashe was elected chief of Franklin's volunteer fire depart ment Tuesday night by the town council following the resignation earlier in the day of John L Cun ningham, who had held the posi tion since June 1. The job car ries a salary -of $10 a month, fire men's insurance benefits and pay ment of telephone rental by the town. Prior to Mr. Cunningham's ap pointment .to the job Mr. Ashe had been fire chief for four years. WP A WORKERS HAVEPAY-DAY 139 Men on 4 Projects Get Checks; Others To Be Paid Soon TWO CONVICTS HAKE ESCAPE Two convicts who escaped from the state convict camp near here Sunday were reported still at large today. The escaped men were Dorus Sisk, 25. of Cherryville, and Olin Fereuson. 31. of Rocky Mount, Va. Risk who was reported to have escaped twice before, was original ly sentenced to three to five years for burglary, but the sentence had heen increased to 10 years. Fer guson had served all but a few months of a five-year term for burglary. The two men were missed when nrisoners were checked into their quarters Sunday night. The pris oners, both of drade r rank, are believed to have obtained Grade A uniforms and "walked off." Grade A uniforms are not striped. Two men answering the descrip tions of the escaped convicts were reported to have had breakfast with a farmer in the Cartoogechaye sec tion Monday morning. Later they were tracked south to the Skeenah section, and it is thought possible that they fled to Georgia. Dorothy Blumenthal, 14, Struck by Automobile Struck by a car while on her way to school Wednesday morning, Dorothy Blumenthal, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Blumenthal, was knocked down and suffered a cut on her forehead. The wound was treated at the hos pital and the child returned to school. Mrs. F. M. Tessier was reported to have been driving the car. The accident occurred at Por ter and Palmer streets, Today was pay-day for 135 labor ers and four foremen on Works Progress Administration projects in Macon county. The payroll, the first recened here since the WrA nroeram was launched about the o - middle of October, was estimated by Frank I. Murray, manager of the Macon county reemploymet office, at $2,757. Another payroll, for workers on other WPA pro jects, Mr. Murray said, is expected about Monday. With 883 men and women now employed on 19 WPA projects in the county, the full monthly pay roll will amount to more than seventeen thousand dollars. Those receiving pay today were: 30 men and iereman on road pro iect at Liberty: 30 men and fore man on road project at Rose Creek ; 50 men. foreman and subforeman on auarrv project at Riverside, and 25 men and foreman on road pro ject at Clarke s Chapel. These were the first WPA projects to get under way in this county. Wage ScaU Laborers on WPA projects are paid $19 a month; semi-skilled la borers, including truck drivers, $27 a month, and foremen, $48 a month. They are required to work 130 hours a month. Mr. Murray received a telegram Saturday from Mrs. May Thomp son Evans, state supervisor of the National Reemployment Service. stating that Macon county had been one of the first to complete the task of transferring men and women on relief rolls to reem ployment lists and to put them to work on Works Progress projects. The task was completed last week and emergency relief virtually stop- Ded bv Saturday. A few workers are still at the relief office, how ever, to handle off ice matters. Mrs. G. A. Tones, former head of the relief office, is now in charge of women s work under the WrA and has moved her office from the re lief headquarters in the Osborne building to the WPA headquarters in the former W. L. Higdon resi dence on Main street. With Lawrence Ramsey as man ager, a store and warehouse will be opened by the Farmers Federa tion, Inc., in the Franks building on East Main street on Saturday, Dec. 14, it was announced Tuesday by James G. K. McClure, of Ashe ville, president and general man ager of the federation. Organization of the Macon county branch of the federation took place at a meeting of the stockholders in the courthouse Sat urday afternoon. More than 300 persons were present, representing all sections of the county. A board of directors of 10 members was selected at this meeting, being ap proved unanimously after it had been proposed by a nominating committee consisting of A. L. Ram sey, E. V. Ammons and J. W. Hastings. Board of Directors Members of the board are Jim Holbrooks, W. D. Barnard, E. B. Byrd, Jim Young, Bill Higdon, J. Vinson. Take Addington, Jerry Franklin, Carl Slagle and E. B. )eHart. Immediately following the meet ing of the stockholders the direc tors held their organization meet ing and elected Carl Slagle as chairman. Meeting again oh Tuesday after noon, the directors approved a lease of the storeroom in the Franks building formerly occupied by the Ledford Furniture store: elected Lawrence Ramsey as manager of the store and Mr. DeHart as as sistant manager. Mr. Ramsev. a well known far mer of the Iotla section, was until recentlv superintendent of the Ma con county prison camp. Mr. De- Hart was formerly a clerk in the local Do&toffice and for a while operated a feed and grocery store. The store leased by the federa tion was vacated by the Ledford Furniture company Tuesday. The Farmers Federation is expected to begin stocking the store during the next week. The federation will sell feeds, fertilizers, seed and staple groceries. It also plans to buy farm products from members. 479 Shares Subscribed R: Church Crowell, vice presi dent of the federation, who has been in Macon county for two months soliciting members, report ed Tuesday that 479 shares of stock, common and preferred, had been subscribed. A goal of 400 shares had been set for the coun ty. Another meeting of the Macon county stockholders of the federa tion has been called for 10:30 a. m. the day the store opens in Franklin. , The meeting will be, held in the store. Mr. McClure urged that all members attend. Be fore and after the meeting the (Continued on Page Eight) Relief Ended In her telegram to Mr. Murray Mrs. Evans complimented him on the prompt and efficient manner in which he oreanized the reem ployment office for launching the WPA program, . Ledford Furniture Store In New Quarters The Ledford Furniture company moved its store Wednesday from the Franks building on East Main street to the Cunningham building on the public square. The store formerly occupied by the furniture company has been leased by the Farmers Federation, Inc., which plans to open a store and ware house there on Saturday, Dec. 14. Dr. Townsend To Speak Saturday in Asheville A number of Macon county resi dents are expected to go to Ashe ville Saturday to hear Dr. Francis E. Townsend, originator of the Townsegd plan of old age pen sions, speak at the Buncombe county courthouse at 2 p. m. An admission fee will be charged.