PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND Development of television for popular use is put far in future. I-anclon and Knox draft strategy for Presidential campaign. ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS For Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Flatnlance, Nausea and Sick Headache, due to Constipation. FRANKLIN WE ARE SHOE SHOP SAYS STILL MENDING SHOES When we didn’t have a thing to 'case our feet, 'J'hc l.ord's good rain Made our soles complete. HORN’S SHOE SHOP Opposite Cotirthouse “We Buy and Sell” Box 212 Troy F. Horn FARMS FOR SALE Special Terms to Veterans LONG TERMS—LOW INTEREST Federal Land Bank of Columbia WRITE D. REEVES NOLAND CLYDE, N. C. Banish Body cstd Perspiration Odors with YOOORA, the deodorant cream which conceals, absorbs and counteracts odors. LEATHERMAN-SMITH WEDDING (Contin'ued from Page Three) I*'rank Hrandon Smith, of Charlottf, wore a gown of sky 'blue crepe with a ^ho^llder corsage of roses. An informal luncheon was served at the home following the cere mony. After the luncheon, tlve bride’s cake, topped by a miniature bride and groom, was cut by the bride. The dining room was ar ranged with summer flowers. Mrs. Anthony’s are spending this visiting Mrs- davs here with sister, Mrs. W. A. Rogers. Mrs. George J. Johnston and son, Murray: week in Athens, Ga., - - Johnston’s mother, Mrs. Ahce Mur """'i-he Misses Thelma and Lillian Jones, of Weaverville, are spending ,-ith their aunt. Mrs. a few days vv. - , , J VV. Cunningham, near Pr ' Mr. and Mrs. WiHis Jone.s o Ontario, Calif., arrived Sunday June 27, for a visit with relatives and friends m Macon county. Miss Dovic Patterson and Horace Reid, of Spindaie, spent the week end on Cartoogechaye, the guests of Mrs. Goldie Waldroop, returning The young couple left for a wed- to their homes Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Carl lysinger, Jr., ding trij) through the valley oi \'irginia to Washington, U. C. On their return, they will be at home in Franklin. The bride, a beautiful brunette, with a winning personality, attend ed h'ranklin high school and Athens Business college in Athens, Georgia, For the ])ast several months she has been connected with the Nanta- hala National Forest office in F'ranklin. Mr. Smith, second son of ^Ir. and Mrs. Frank Brandon Smith, of Charlotte, was graduated from North Carolina State college in 1934. He was a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity and of the Ijl.u-e Key, Golden Chain and .Alpha Zeta honorary organizations. He is now junior forester with the Nan- tahala National Forest in Franklin. Out-of-town guests at the wed ding included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brandon Smith, ^fr. Brandon Smith, Afr. Gibson Smith, Miss May Liibby Smith and Miss Virginia Smith, all of Charlotte, parents and brothers and sisters of the groom. Yodora i* a scientifically compounded ■white, Boft cream — pleasant to use — acts promptly with lasting effect— liurniless to the mont delicate skin- wili not stain fabrics. For those who perspire fr>ely whether under the arm, feet or other parts of the body Yodora is most valuable. It is a true neutraiizer of body odors. Yodora, a McKesson product, may be had in both tube and jar form and costs only 25)!. AT YOUR FAVORITE DRUG STORE Farmers Supply Co. SEEDS: Crim&on Clover, lb. 12;2c; bu $7.50 Re«J and Sapling Clover, lb 25c; bu $15.00 Millet, Germa«, lb 6c; bu. . .$3.00 COFFEE: Lb. 14c; Peck .. 98c Peaberry-Santos, lib 17c FLOUR: Reliable, 24’s .... 79c Kitchen Queen (short Pat.) 98c Lemon & Vaniia Extract, pt. bottles, 10c Vinegar, qts 15c Bulk, gal. (bring jug) 39c Corn Flakes, 9c; 3 for .... 25c WhVat Meats, 13c; 2 for .. 25c Oatmeal, 9c; 3 for 25c Toilet Paper: (1000 sheets) 5 for 25c Red Cross, 9c; 3 for 29c Northern Tissue (best) 10c Black Draught, 20c; 5 for . . 89c Syrup of Black Draught (for bilious children), large bottle 49c Cough Syrup, 25c size .... 15c MARRIAGE OF LYNCHBURG, VA. COUPLE ANNOUNCED .\lr. and Mrs. (i. R. Henson have announced the marriage of their son, Thomas Andrew Ifenson to Miss Elizabeth Lillian Keys, daughter of Mrs. Margaret E, Keys, of Lynchburg, Va. The ceremony was performed in Bedford, \ a,, on July 3, 1935, by the Rev>. Harry P. Clouse. Mrs, Henson is a graduate of Lynchburg high s-chool and is a very charming and popular member of the younger social group in Lynchburg. Mr.. Henson is a graduate of I'ranklin high school and of Athens Business college, where he special ized in bookkeeping and master ac counting. For the past three years he has made his home in Lynch burg, where he is connected with a m«at packing firm, holding the position of supervisor. In the near lutiire lie is to be transferred to Roanoke, V?., where the couple will make their bpme. and son, Bobby, spent the week end in Lexington with Mr. lysmg- er's mother, Mrs. Carl lysinger, r. Mr. and Mrs, Chan C. Cunning ham and son returned to their home in Winston-Salem luesday after spending the week-end with Mr. Cunningham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham, at their home on Franklin Route 4. :Miss Dorothy Blumenthal, who has been spending several weeks in Atlanta, Ga., visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Springer, Jr., returned to her home here Saturday. She was ac companied by Mrs. Springer and twf) children, Walton and Harriett, who will s])end two weeks here visiting. Miss Elizabeth Eddy and Nathan Ney, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Blumenthal. (ieorge Carpenter returned to his home here Tuesday after spending the week-end visiting friends in Maynardville, Tenn. ]\Iary and Jean Monteith, of Sylva, are spending a few days with their uncle and aunt, Frank Monteith and Mrs. Monteith at their home on lotla street. Miss Pansy Chandler, of Walnut, is spending several days here, the house guest of Miss Ruth Slagle. Miss Helen Burch spent the we^ik-end in Franklin with friends. Mr, aiid Mrs. R. J. Riebpld, of Atlanta, Ga,, jin4 Miss Frances Dickson, of .Murphy, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. W- i’orter. Lane Porter, Virginia Tessier and Dorotky Sloan returned to their respective homes here Satur day after spending a week at Camp JJelwood, near Lake Juna- luska, Carlton Justu.s, who ijas been working in Washington, i). C., js spending several days here with Mrs. Justus. Mrs. B. M. Horne had as her the MACONIW R Haynes, , . , Hrs. Earl Smart ana Mar-uerite, >'ent to H^yesviHe Say f" » Mrs. W. C. Smart. Mrs George Hill, of Atlanta, Ga., is' spending several weeks here with her aunt, Airs. Lassie Kc y ^“rati Mrs, A, R. Karling spent the week-end with relatives and friends in Hendersonville. Mrs H. G. Bailey and daughter, Fv.elvn Hope, returned to their home in Burnsville .Alonday, after spending a week with Mrs. Bailey s sister Mrs, Floyd Welch, and Mrs. R I)’ Sisk at their homes on lotla street Mrs Bailey, before marriage was Miss Zula Ray, of Franklin. Mrs. N. C. Duncan spent last week on Cartoogechaye, the guest of Miss Sophie Albert, returning to her home in Asheville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Zachary came up from Concord Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Zachary’s aunt, ifiss Annie Slagle, at her home near Wayah. Mr. Zachary returned to his home Monday, while Mrs. Zachary will remain several days. Mrs. James Bowers and daughter, Helen, of Springfield, III, are spending a month visiting Mrs. Bowers’' sister, Mrs. W. W. AIc- Connell, at her home on lotla street. Miss Dorothy Eaton, who is practicing law' in Charlotte, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. S. E, Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Newton and daughter, of Sumatra, Fla., are spending this week with Mrs, New ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I, T. Peek, Mrs, Newton will be rememb ered as Miss Velma Peek before marriage, Robert Dady, son of Roy C. Dady, formerly of Franklin, now of Tallahassee, Fla,, came up F'ri- day to spend this week with Miss Betty McGee. ilartiii Angel, w-ho is working in Winston-Salem, spent the week-end here w'ith his family, returning to his work Tuesday. Edwin Cunningham returned to his home in Atlanta, Ga,, Sunday, after spending the week-end with Miss Sallie Hurst. J.ohii W. Edwards, of Asheville, was amQijg th,e business visitors herp Friday. Mfs, Jofin p. Bryne and three children, of Coiurabu.s, Ga,,' spent the week-end on Cartoogechaye, guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Slagle. ^ Mrs, Harj-y Higgins, Mrs. W. J. Zachary and Carol Tessier spefit Sunday afternoon in BrevarcJ. and Mrs. W'iljjy Rgg^rs, lO'f Mr. and Mrs, Le, two children of H ''' spending this .-ef Childers mother honie ers, at her roller mill. Mr. and ilrj ,,, and daughter ' Ga.. ispent the . 'ii' Hildi and 'Mrs. J. home on Rivervi'ew .!* . is spending .several t her parents, Mr, J Dalrymple. ” Robert Kelley re,,„ home in Lawrcncevii d-.ay,, after spending, visiting his aunt, Mr,' Mr. ^ and .Mrs, G. f Asheville, spent the „ Mrs. Ensley’s mother Wilkie. Mr. and Mrs, J,!, and two daughters Beatrice, of Brighti,,' rived Friday to weeks visiting ilrj' sister, Mrs, L, L, ft Page, at their home Hill, Mr, and Airs, Roge, turned to their home Monday after a m with their parents, 1| John H, Dalton, at d West’s Mill, and iirs, in Franklin. Miss Louise Blaine, Mrs, D, VV, Bfeijie, went an operation i pital Friday, was rej doing v.ery nicely (lie week, Mrs. Charles A, Macon, Ga., is spen days in Franklin witk friends. Birth Mr. and Airs, RqI announce the birth of Max, on Saturday, Jii hojri'e at West’s iiilL Tapering C A young man who son and whose paren rich and aristocratic hastily the other nighl -girl—against the wishe ents, who had grand [ The young man seta friend to break the ne folks next day and tt he instructed him: “ telling them that I ha dered by gangsters ani work up to the climax Mr, Bulk Soda, lb 5c Coooa, 2-lb. box 20c Tea (special) 3 for 15c Sure-Jell, large box 15c Kool-Ade (iiuff for a gallon) 10c McRana, large, 9c, 3 for . . . 25c Sardines, lb boxes 10c Mackerel, lb can 10c Pork and Beans, 2 Ib. can. . 10c Chicken and Veg. Beef Soup, 9c, 3 for 25c Brooms, 25c-35c and 49c Half gal. cans Peaches .... 19c Thanks J. M. MOORE, Mgr. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT SHOWER A compliment to Miss Willie Mae Ledford, whose marriage bo Sgt. Kenney Rixie Heltoxi occurcd today, was the misctllan'eous show er given Tuesday afternoon Jit the home of Mrs. George Dean on lotla street from 3 to 5 o’clock. More than 100 friends . called, leaving many dainty packages of appropriate and u&eful gifts, such as linens, silverware, pottery, pic tures, dashes and other things too numerous to ni;ntion. Miss Ledford's chr4rjiiing man ners and sweet personality .h.ave endeared her to both old young and have won her a host of friends. Throughout the rooms summer flowers were used in attractive ar rangements. Assisting the hostess in entertain ing \wrc; Mrs, J, D. Franks and Mrs, A. R, Higdon, of Franklin, and Mrs. O. F, Summer, of High lands, who served deUeioiis c;jke and punch as the guests arrived. week-end guests her daughter, Mrs, j Atlanta, Ga.,, ai\e spen4ing sfiv.erai G. S.^Buchanan, of Atlanta, Ga,, | with Mf. Rogers'rnother, ?ifrs. GARDEN CLUB TO PLAN FOR FLOWER SHOW The Franklin Garden club will meet at 3 o’clock Monday after noon in the basement of th« Frank lin Methodist church, instead of at Miss Mary Willis’s camp at the foot of Wayah Bald, it was an nounced yesterday by Mrs. R. G. Beshears, secretary of the club. Mrs. Beshears said it was very important that all members of the club attend this meeting, as plans will be discussed for the club’s annual flower show. !Mr. and !Mrs. B. C. Anthony, of Canton, Ohio, are spending several Xfrs. E. Wyky, Mrs. H. A, Cole man and Dr. and Mrs. Martin T. Myers, also of Atlanta, Ga. Airs. C. O. Hightiow’er and daughter, Ruth, of Union, S. C, arrived Sunday for a visit with rel- Sfives and to attend the Ledford- Hc1t(H+ wadding. Miss^ Kvelffl Hope Daniels and brother' James f^bitjs^on Daniels, and !\Iiss Beatryce MitchcH, all of New York City, arrived Sunday night to spend a while at Miss Daniels’ home,, Dixie Hall, They motored front ?vew York, stoppin at Little Switzerland, Blowing Rock, Linvdle Falls and other places of interest, Air and Mrs, Hugh Leach and danghter, of Richmond, Va are spending several days here ’ with Mr. Leach s parents. Mr. and .Mrs J-^ach. T, iEJ HfMo.n, of Atlanta, Ga spent the WBck-eni his moth- hom f , Higdfiij, af tfje from the McCoy apartment on Mam street to the Joseph Ashear apartment on Church street, and L Marshall, and »' So"tl. Mrs, Bill ConUon, of Tocc™ r ” ■“-»! Ail, Sam U Rogers, at Rpgers Hall L. A. Zimmerman rout.e .3, is proving th: steep mountain farii! controHpd by strjp i terracifig. her sister, Mrs, R. E. Anders^;"^ the week-end visit- her^honie_on_East’ Main street, Mr. and Mrs. Arthu T ‘ K . Asfcville, ,p.„, tfe"" Jacobs ing Mr are spending several days with a J. A, FlanagV Maoon, Ga., wher spend two weeks they will visiting Mrs, er Sale on USED CAl sr!~ » USED CARS this mk » tl'om HRws.fd mpes in gach ^ob. Many cars * 1934 Chevrolet Coupe $450 1933 V-8 Coupe, 1„ 1932 WiHys Sedan, this car 1935 V-8 Ford Coa Hike new 1934 V-8 Ford Sei^ good buy iSllOp ]g • Gome ip and service tsj u§ §are fgr Y01JR Gaf try and! y,o„ will buy th? CHEVROLET A Car you will be PROUD to own BURRELL Motor Co. 123 Franklin, N. C. lon )

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