5DAV, NOV. 5, 1936 the franklin press and the highlands maconian PAGE FIVE (CHEVROLET 8E0NEXHIBIT 2;Sb“:“ Saturday ,uin and vicinity will get jirst view Saturday of the 037 Chevrolet. It will go on display at the Burrell Motor L 7 a- m-. immediately 7 breakfast which W. C. |, is holding at the Watkins in honor of his organization, breakfast is one of some similar affairs being held the country just^ before ;ew models go on view. It l acknowledgmen^t of the un- usual cooperation displayed by Chevrolet dealer employes this past year. Their emphasis on owner sat isfaction, Mr. Burrell asserted, has been an important factor, not only in the year’s sales record, but in the unparalleled bank of advance orders received for 1937 models. An exceptionally large volume of such orders is on file this year, be said, as a result of the public’s experience with the 1936 Chevrolet. Immediately after the breakfast, the salesroom on Palmer street will be thrown open, and an open house atmosphere will prevail all day. Cars will be delivered to pur chasers in the rotation in which the orders are received, Mr. Bur rell said, adding that production in the 10 Chevrolet assembly plants is now going on at a rate which assures prompt delivery on all orders. Highlainds Highlights edited by MRS. T. C. HARBISON CONGREGATION “POUNDS” REV. AND MRS. W. F. BEADLE HIGHLANDS, Nov. 4.—Honoring the Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Beadle upon their return to Highlands, where Mr. Beadle will again have charge of the Methodist church, was a “pounding” on Thursday eve ning at the Methodist parsonage. A large number of church members and others attended the affair, and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs, Wideman and fam ily left Monday for their home in West Palm Beach, Fla., after spending the summer and fall here at “Kannonah,” one of Miss Re becca Harris’ Alain street houses. Aliss Louise B. Cramer has re turned to her home in Atlanta after enjoying the autumn season at her Highlands Estates cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rideout and Luther Rice, Jr., are in Highlands again after several days’ visit in Cincinnati, O. J. M. Bruner, of Westminister, S. C., left for his home Tuesday after being called to Highlands on the account of the death of his friend, Dr. E. R. Gilbert. Bob Knight returned to High lands for a few hours during the week-end to see to the final clos ing of King’s Inn for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reese will oc cupy the King’s Inn caretaker s cottage for the winter. Miss Betsy Potts and Jack and Edward Potts were at their homes here from Western Carolina Teach ers’ college last week-end. Thomas Potts left Monday for Belleglade, Fla., where he is em ployed for the winter. He accom panied the Widemass to West Palm Beach. Visiting Mrs. Edith Dougall at “Faraway” is her brother, Howard B. Bloomer, and Mrs. Bloomer, of Detroit, and their daughter-in-law, 5vlrs. Howard B. Bloomer, Jr., of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hays made a business trip to Asheville Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith have moved in from their farm for the winter and are now occupying the Smith cottage on Fourth street. HauCHEVlOL T 1937 J Pke (onmfek Gvi,- ON DISPLAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 NEW ALL-SILENT; ALL-STEEL BODIES (With UNISTEEL Tttrret Top Construction) Wider, roomier, more luxurious, and the first all-steel bodies combining silence with safety. NEW DIAMOND CROWN SPEEDLINE STYLING Making this new 1937 Chevrolet the Bmartest and most distinctive of all low- priced cars. IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* (at no extra cost) Proved by more than two million Knee- Action users to be the world’s safest, smoothest ride. NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Much more powerful, much more spirited, and the thrift king of its price class. d It’s the newest of aU low-priced cars ... new in every feature, fitting and fabric... also the most thoroughly safe, the most thorougMy proved, the most thoroughly dependable. it reveals an even ^ all-time high in Chevrolet sales. S37 i. n™ M thrm^ to Chevrolet lor lyoi Stvline . . • new m the beauty of its All-Steel Bo^ unmatched the greatly increased power and ... and excitmgly ^hen, acceleration of aOti^gh. It embothes all the too, this thrimngj^^ dependable and extra-value fe range. MOrOK COMPANV. DBXBO.T. M.CHrOAN THESB SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND (at no extra cost) The finest quality, clearest-vision safety plate glass, included as standard equipment. GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION rn.n;^ating drafts, smoke, windshield clouding — promoting health, comfort, safety. SUPER-SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* (at no extra cost) Steering so true and vibrationless that driving is almost effortless. PERFECTED HYDRAULIC “brakes (With DoublB-Artloulated Brake Shoe Linkage) Recognized everywhere as the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever built. fgitllNOMICAL mNSPORTATIOIl 'a general motors BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Franklin, N. C. 'elephone 123