PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAI^ THURSDAY, HORN’S SHOE SHOP SAYS WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When the short days roll, And the frost comes out, We’ll save your sole, And make you shout. HORN’S SHOE SHOP Opposite Courthouse “We Buy and Sell” Box 212 Troy F. Horn W atches Jewelry Spectacles WATCH REPAIRING BUY NOW and save money- plrices are advancing. GROVER JAMISON NEXT TO POSTOFFICE Farmers Supply Co. SPECIALS FHour ... 89c—Best Flour ... $1.15 Pure Fresh Gro’und Coffee, lb. ISc Large 3-lb. ibox Oat Meal .... 19c October Beans, lb 8c Mother’s Cocoa, 2 lb. box .... 19c Lemon & Vianilla Extract, pts. 10c Cora Flakes, 8c; 2 for 15c Cairnation Milk, '5 for 23c Me-A-roni .... 5c; Cheese .... 22c Tetley’s Tea, 10c size 5c Pepper Sauce, 10c size 5c Tomatoi Soup, 10c size 8c All 10c Sonoking Tobacco, 3 for 25c Snluff, 10c size, 3 foil' 25c Soap and Powders, 10 bars for 25c Good Toilet Soap, regular size bars, 2 for 5c Smokelless gun shells, box .... 80c Soda, 5c; 6 for 25c Bulk Soda, 2-lb,s. for 10c Salts & Sulphur, lb. boxes ... 9c 3 for 25c Good Cough Syrup, 25c size. .. . 15c Bluehorse Tablets, large, and Note Botok Fillers, 5c, and pencil free with each. Heavy Wool Sox, 49c down to 23c To Ease a Headache Fast Get Real Quick-Acting, Quick-Dissolving Bayer Aspirin See How Genuine Bayer Tablets Work In 2 seconda by stop watch, a itenaine BAYER Aspfrlti tablet ■tarts to disintegrate and so to work. Drop a Bayer Aspirin tablet In to a glass of water. By tnc time !t hits the bot tom of the glass it Is disintegrating. What happens In this gloss . . . happens In youf stomach* Virtually 1 ^ a Tablet Now If you suffer from headaches what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets give quick relief, for one reason^e- cause they dissolve or disintegSafe almost instantly they touch mois ture. (Note illustration above.) Hence — when you take a.real Bayer Asoirin tablet it starts to dissolve almost as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly . . . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. That’s why millions never ask for aspirin by the name aspirin alone when they buy, but always say “BAYER ASPIRIN” and see that they get it. Try it, You'Ll say it’s marvelotu. ONLY 15c rORUNOW 2 FULL DOZKN rOR A QUARTER THE FAMIlY .DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES. Mi). WHEN DOCTORS SIT DAWN TO DINE I sat at a medical dinner recent ly—a meeting of the county society of which I am secretary. The 77- year-old chairman sat next to me— he at the head of the table. Parts of the general conservation, I feel sure, may interest my readers. I asked the president, “Doctor, do you still cling to the idea that the breast of the fowl—the light meat—is easily' digested, nutritous, and good for a sick man?” The doctor, trying his best to tear the meat off ,a drumstick with a dull fork—“Naw, I don’t . . . never did.” Another physician, grey-haired: “I’ve quit recommendin’ light meat, because I’d ruther eat shucks my self.” The hot tea-biscuits came along; they were deliciously put up, brown- crusted and flaky inside. An X-ray specialist at my left grew talkative; “Well—we used to co.ndemn hot biscuits; i’ve never in a quarter of a century of practice fcund peptic ulcer in a man th,at was a no - biscuit-fiend.” . The president; “I’ve eat em fo seventy-five years; they’ve never hurt me—that I’ve noticed.” The essayist—a young man who was to speak on plastic surgery. “The only time hot biscuits^ ever hurt me was—when I coukln t get ’em.” (He was reaching for his fourth.) , There were thirty-nine at the table, doctors and their wives. It was remarkable how they .all went after those hot biscuits and the dark meat of fried spring chicken— and nobody suffered from indiges tion because of it. For 'myself, if my patients can handle chicken at all, I give him soft-co(^kc(l dark meat, not part of an old asbestos breast. And, if he can’t eat a fine little hot biscuit with butter, he is too sick to tackle a slob of tough “light breat.” So there. Lake Emory By LUTHER ANDERSON OCTOBER RAINFALL Rainfall for Octoiber was 3.75 inches. This is somewhat below normal. October averages one of the driest months. MISSING MAN FOUND O. V. Mincy, who mysteriously disappeared a month ago, was lo cated in Atlanta, where he was being held under restraint, as it was evident he was suffering some mental trouble. On his being re turned to Franklin it was deemed best that he be returned to the State hospital at Morganton for furth'cr treatment. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Saunders, of Canton, were week-end visitors at the home of J. N. Downs. Mr. Downs 'has been quite ill but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hyatt have moved back to this section from Canton. Miss Dorothy Sanders is in Angel hospital, where she is re ported to be recovering from an operation for appendicitis. LomCi OROBS RABBIT CREEK NEWS Rabbit Creek is a splendid little valley, occupied by progressive people. This creek flows into Lake Emory. We are pleased to an nounce the annexation of the lower Rabbit Creek valley, with Miss Vir ginia Justice as co-operative re porter. Mrs. Bida Corbin and children and Miss Pauline Elliott, of Ashe ville have been visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott. The Holly Springs girls and boys 4-H club is making splendid pro gress. An interesting State Mission pro gram was given by the Holly Springs B. Y. P. U. Sunday, Nov. 1. The people are greatly pleased that a stretch of the church road is being reconstructed. Robert Pitttillo has been very ill, but is now much improved. Cartoogechaye By MARGARET A. SLAGLE MISS JOSEPHINE MARTIN GIVES HALLOWE’EN PARTY On Friday .night, October 30, Miss Josephine Martin gave a Hallowe’en party at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Dalrymple of, Cartoogechaye. Miss Martin’s friends from the surrounding com munity and several guests from Franklin were present. Delicious refreshments were served in the Hallowe’en manner in a black and orange dining room. Games were played and a treasure hunt was one of the most .exciting features of the evening. The party was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. Mrs. Ledbetter, of Marion, N. C., has, for the past week, been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Ezra Con stance of Wayah. Mrs., Ledbetter will return this week to her home in Marion, Feed Calves Well To Make Good Milk Cows Don’t neglect dairy calves and heifers. Feed them well, give them proper care, and keep them grow ing. No farmer can hope to raise good producing, profitable cows, no matter how well bred they are, if he is careless in feeding and managing them, said John Arey, extension dairy specialist at State college. When calves are stunted by ex posure, lack of feed or improper feeding, scours or other disorders, they cannot grow into large cows and heavy milkers. When pasturage begins to run low, heifers should receive supple mental feeds, Arey pointed out. Give them hay, good quality hay if possible. But even inferior hay is better than none at all. If silage is available, it can be fed .along with the hay. In many instances grain is necessary. Two or three pounds a day of a good fitting ration should be satisfac tory. LEGAL ADVERTISING said Clerk at the ^ose of ‘hi ding the sum of I'lhlY ($50.00) DOLLARS, as a forfeit and guar anty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credted on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o’clock, P. M. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This 23rd day of October im GILMER A. JONES, Commissioner. 029-4tc—J&J—N19 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND No.rth Carolina, Macon County. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. C. D. Nichols and wife, R. A, Nichols, J. T. Nichols and wife, Martha Nichols, et al, Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action on the 19t'h day of October, 1936, in the Superior Court of said County by the Ckrk, I will on the 23rd day of November, 1936, at 12 o’clock ,;M., at the County Courthouse door in said County sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder therefor the following described lands situ ated in said County and State in Franklin Township, comprising 79 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 79 acres, more or less, lying and being on the Georgia Road, about 3 miles south from the town of Franklin, in Franklin Township, County of Macon, North Carolina, and being bounded on the North by lands of C. A. Lowery, on the east by the Georgia road, on the south by Z. V. Sellers and Charles Sellers and on the West by Charles Sellers and E. I. Long, a,nd having such shape, m.etes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to a plat thereof made by A. L. McClure, surveyor, April 6,1921 The above described land will' be sold m four_ separate parcels in ac- cordance with the terms of the judgment hereinbefore referred to and if the sale of the same by separate tracts does not bring a sufficient amount to discharge the indebtedness set forth in said judg ment, the same will be sold as a whole. sale are cash. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported uniesb Its maker shall deposit with notice OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. WHEREAS, power of sale was vested in the undersigned Trustee bv virtue of a Deed of Trust made, executed and delivered by ta Moore and husband, Alex Moore, to the undersigned Trustee on the 11th day of Fetbruary, 1932, saul Deed of Trust being registered in the Office of Register of Deeds for x\ County in Book No. 33, page 2tJ, to secure the payment of certain indebtedness in said deed of trust set forth; and whereas, default has been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, and the owner of the same has made^ de mand upon the undersigned Trus tee to cxcrcis'c the power in him vested by said Deed of Trust; 1 will, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale by said deed of trust in me vested, on Monday, the 30th day of November, 1936, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described property: Situate in Burniiigtown Township, Macon County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Jacob L. Younce, et al, containing 55 acres more or less, and being all the lands described in a deed from W. T. Drinnon and wife, Addie Drin- non, to said John A. Brendle, dat ed, March 30, 1909, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C., in Book D-3 of Deeds, at page 70, et seq., to which deed reference is hereby made for full description of said lands hereby co.uveyed. This the 29th day of October, 1936. G. A. JONES, Trustee. N5-4tc-J&J—N26 Nov, I ^EGAL er of A. ^ south 22^ east 108 feet m old line; then north 86 west 28 feet ' an old corner; then north 5,1 a stake, an old rnr„ "1 north 86 west 221 fpp/,''’ ’''»J on Harrison Avenue; Harrison Avenue north 39 ', feet to the beginning, ihis October 15, 1935 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Maoon County Whereas, on the 1st day of July, 1928, Frank T. Smith and wife, Virginia Smith, executed and de livered to the First Natio,nal Com pany of Durham, Inc, and Union Trust Company of Maryland, as Trustees, a certain deed of trust to secure certain indebtedness therein set out, said deed of trust being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book No. 32, of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, Page 30; and whereas, by the resignation of the original trus tees and the resignation of a suc cessor trustee appointed under the power and authority set oct in said deed of trust, a vacancy was caus ed, and J. H. Stockton was duly and regularly appointed as Suc cessor or Substituted Trustee under the terms and provisions contained m said deed of trust, and is now duly qualified and acting as said Trustee; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the amount secured by said deed of trust and demand has been made on said Successor or S.ubstituted trustee to exercise the power of said sale contained in said deed of trust and sell the property therein described to the satisfaction of said indebtedness: Now, therefore, under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in said deed of trust, the .undersigned Successor or Siibsti- uted Trustee will, on Monday, the Ipth clay of November, 1936, at 12 o clock, noon, at the court house Town of Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property, to-wit: .'In the Town of Franklin, begin- M ■■od on the north- east side of Harrison Avenue, and the southwest corner of the A. R. tneasured along the easterly line of Harrison ChnrrT of 66i7p. f to a stake corn- tuted TrustPf 022^tc-GBP-Nl2 notice Notice is liereby given that J cation has been made for, „ 1 for Monroe Bingham, Any !j desiring^ to protest this paro,, do so with the Parole Commiss, at Raleigh. This 19th day of October fe FTHEL SAWYei 029—2tp—N5 ' “ ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICe] Having qualified as adminisJ of A. E. Shook, deceased, latj] Macon county, N. C, this »I notify all persons having diil against the estate of said d«^ to exhibit them to the undersW on or before the 31st dayoii tober, 1937, or this notice willl plead in bar of their recovery,,! P'ersons indebted to .said estate* please make immediate settleij This 31st day of October,! JENNIE SHOOK Administn NS-)tp—DIO EXECUTRIX’ NOTICE Having qualified as ex'ccutriil Margaret Addie Guest, deceas of Macon county, N. C, tiiisisj notify all perso,ns having clai against the estate of said deceis] to exhibit them to the undtrsijn on or before the 29th day of S tember, 1937, or this notice wilj plead in bar of their recovery.! persons indebted to said'estate s please make immediate settfenia This 29th day of September, Bi MARY LOU YORK, Executrix, 01—6tc—GLH—N5 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as adrainistrati of L. L. Long, deceased, late) Macon county, N. C,, this is 1 notify all persons having claio against the estate of said deceast to exhibit them to the undersigm on or before the 26th day of Sej tember, 1937, or this notice wll plead in bar of their recovery, A persons indebted to said estat« ® please make immediate settlcmi This 26th day of September, M R. L. LONG, Administrato 01—6tp—N5 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor Ed Kinsland, deceased. We Macon county, N. C,, this « notify all persons having « against the estate of said to exhibit them to the unc . on or before the 2nd day ° tober, 1937, or this notice will J plead in bar of their ■] persons indebted to said esta ' please make immediate settle®- This 2nd day of October, » R. D. SISK, Executof'! 08—6tc—N12 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE, Having qualified as ,execj® M„gar.. J, Moffitt « iviargarer j. ivxu...-, - of Maco,n co.unty, N. t,, j notify all pe«ons having^^^^^^j against the estate of sa , j against tne esiaic to .exhibit them to the uii on or before the 28th ay tober, 1937, or this notice ^ plead in bar of their re persons indebted to sai please make ' l., 10. This 28th day of Octob^ MACK MOFFIIT^. 029—6tp—D3 ADMINISTRATOR’S N0j!j3to Having qualified as a „ of Jim Hughes, deccasco,,^ , Macon county, . daifl notify all persons >a against the estate of s to exhibit them to t ( on or before the October, 1937, or 111 be plead in bar of fjial All perso,ns indebted jjjtk will please make This 10th day 022-6tp—N26 J

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