PAGE FOUR THE rHANKLIN PKESS AND THE HlCHLaXPS MACONIAN THURSDAY, DEC.,,, VOL BLA En One Six ' Eigh' Singl ~0b: ledge tising win I m. AL sid lei Icfi toe the /A/fe'- i/p A/y £i£ST SU/T- I'M 60/M TO PiGGVi- uouS£ wG " 70 e£7- ^ K.>EAI. I-IOME I NEVSR coo^ec’ //>/ /vty BUT nS f^^pOD you IHe "TO A MMJ'S CAS! you SUMS Por^ j\NO Pans . THE TROOBLE WITH DAVEV IS THE SIOLS INJ THIS STUDIO njss OVER HIM SO MUCH- OH Dear Twikikle TWIMI^LE 9 afraid WItL MOTio^x PICT/Ci -t OOWKi PUNJM6 V/HV OOMT LEAQ^o TO CCXX. PBS -*Tkat'S SoMeTHiMG ^^e OTHER CV^m£S CAKiT PO I V/B'D e^TTeG GBiT" Gcy/hJGi ~70 7H£ 7i4EA7l?e P£G I've Got To maike /A STOP y WO -fHAhJKS - J'VE f-!AD A PLBNTy - THANK ypiJ 7Wf y WE'fSe — VJE'D 6ET7JER I HUQ/3.Y P£G DO HA\J£ SOME MOQe MQ joues wecL, K///V oof^ 'r 'rOU FIX HIt-l SOt-tE A/AVy SeA/^S 5AILO/2S ^OV£ OAVFY ACAVy Ot-I M07HEQ - i'm O'UST SICI^ - I'VE SPOILED My VJHOLB OtNf^ER.- VJHAT M EARTM SHALL r DO ^ ESPEC/ALLV WO^j'T you m COOAr/A/G /s Of^Ay- g H/^ve SOME 7A8L£ 7"VO GAQSO^/G DAVsyP WHAT APE WE STOPPING HEPB POQ QA'^EV' ^ b*j KOV B Mvtes Visa* yKHoic/i'ffD rt>ATUN>,5 conv i>jewTOVJN MEWWWN 11 9 Ml. 2 A -mo CENT STAMP PLPAse I'’W WAP AT THE POSTMAS'^ER OLPTOWM. HE posrr BOV wv rREsH s© I WWT Buy t-tls POST/AO'E STAMPS ! WiaiE- WHAT'S IDEA COMIWG ALL WAV OVER ENTER.1M6 N6WT0WM OLD7DWM 15 MILES M wa W'O am Br; ma ria; alo ■> tar wo of cist the bol cha gre her / cab wit his mill par the line stai war whi will K the Yor cenc essa a i!i ing emf mea to I is whv to to } peo: hap men acrc the} bole pan^ It IS a crisis ot the first magnitude for the Brit ish people; but the British are a level-headed lot with a genius for orderly government, and it is a safe prediction that they will weather" whatever storm domestic or foreign winds may blow their way. 3pcccnes or ■ and that if elected, he 'would sup- port such national issues as appeal- ^ i-i, / judgment and do i . „ autobiography that I a well known literary man was '■■^eard to say that the Almighty Week. It speaks for itself and Should convmce anyone who be- lieves in equal opportunities for all i 1 ™ obtaining a common schoo education of the necessity of he state taking immediate action to correct the existing situation.) ■ It is painful to think how far ation, and doiiie quickly- Egyptian wives ^ i„siol are still kept in sinctj^ Most old seamen d«‘;^r/iuc break up a boat bring