j , 11 ''.-. ,i . . , . . . ' ' ' ' . . t i . t " t 1 1 ..V. .' ' ...... . a .... I': ' i PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL ---, - r 111 ' , ; I jVOD. LI J, NO. lt : T -'. f ' - ' ' ' 1 - inuK3UAT, JAN. 7, 1937 . I ' i - I -'is? 'J 4 WEATHER DATA FOR PAST YEAR Records For 1936 From Government Station At Highlands HIGHLANDS, Dec. 7. Located last Friday after.nood during a fam- about three miles south ofvjUigh .a.. ,v... .... station operated under the direction -of, the United States weather bii- reau. Miss, Gertrude Harbison is the local cooperative -observer, and t - i a. ii i t ; -f ",r " 7 concerning ;.the weather, statistics! for the past yar was obtained, The yeaf; 1936 started out. as;a real winter. During January and February there were more than half a dozen snowfalls, which, due to. the low temperature,' remained on the ground much longer"thah usual. The deepest snow measured s6vri linches. The winter was out- v standing for its long period of con- tihued cold weather,- rather "than for any record-breaking low tem peratures. The minimum tempera ture for the-year wis" 2 below. zero on January -31.' The worst storm ' of the year was the "Blizzard", on St. Patrick's Day, The preceding . -, U4J . Trd3 ' U)IU JUAll 1IIU, 1119 iuu- 'nratnre beinc un to 69 decrees. l 7" (J ' ' .- ,w. i ; Dut aunng ine , fain, and by da; 'M , irig day, it was s t i'" a- raoidl v ' dror ;n a w, rfvUt ft. .'follow- snowing hard, with dropping ' temperature and a high wind, which - continued Him a, lUgll TVUIU, W1UVU lUllluiULU a 1 1 ..4. a1 Tl..' !mAa! iniOUgllUUt , UajT.' ,UCC JIIl.lla of ..snow' were, recorded ; as -having fallen by' nigH; whilT,tdue to : the ArAo1 fnaf ; f.V IVi JV VI iv.vl . 414 UVka . . f The early months of the follow- i.r. ' i 1 J ; mg . summer were exircmciy ui, ind due to this drv soell there was a great deal of hot weather. The 'hottest : day of the year was on June 29', when thtf mercury rpse" to 97 deerees. This was almost' record- breaking, as the highest tempera- ure ever recorded at the station Q8 decrees oh Tulv 12. 1930. ls4S t Despite the excessively : dry per: YT - lod in the . late spring ;and, early siiftimer the rainfall was well tip' fo nfrmai at me ena oi me year, ine tdM rainfall for the twelve months jeriod was 82.53 inches. In normal yeirs the average rainfall For the ) region for a year is 80 inches. The 'IS largest amount of rain for any pne montlf during the year was u.w inches for Janfuary. The : smallest amount was 1.49 inchesin; May. i ne heaviest raintaii over anv z- hour; period fell on September 29-30, the amount being 6.53 inches On, Thanksgiving Day a half Inch of snow fell,' and there- were sev- eral snows in December, but due to 'high temperaUire none of i them .. ft. rrt ...... t ft remamea ior long, ine monm oi Franklin Presbyterian church, Sun . December 1936 was in this vicitity day morning at' 11 o'clock, and at .. the mildest on record, ' the tern- the Morrison church on the Geor- perature Deing ot degrees on Oiristmas Dav. I : The weather station has been manuainea at nignianas tor a per- Jod of 50 years with a f(ew inter- vals when no records were kept. 1 JTit south of Highlands ' and Satulah mniintain: It is ahnnt ' Sflrt j. feet 1 ow" th?in ?j8n,ands which makes t w . . v ..v.. .. . grees in the temperature at the station and at. Highlands. Conse- quently the minimum temperature , nvu.u iiuui ui.Si.w wivi- er in Highlands) also that much ( cooler in summeir. The station is equipped with two self-registering thermometers which r recprd " the maximum and minimum ' tempera tures for the 24 hours, and . a rain gauge tor measuring the rainfall. In addition to recording the tern- tvorotlirf nrA tliA ntnniint rf nre. 1. -I .. J. I lpuauon me o-uscrvcr ; recorus ine irevailine wind arid the central as- I iect of the sky for 'the d"ay, 'and ' lw micppllanpfliw ivJiffinmpna ciirVi I J v--'- x----r v.v... . . .1 J 1. . . 11 . 1 1 I I tnunaersiorms, anu . soiar . or i ar halos. 1 Stabbed Charlie' Grindstaff Badly . Wounded Friday Charlie Grindstaff 'of Franklin, is in .a serious condition in Angel hospital, . suffering . from a stab wound reported to have been in flicted by his nehew. Oswald Rav. i - - j - '' a,tercation- :l . I lQr ur'ic caul t hiim m an argument between Mr. and Mrs. Grindstaff and their daughter, Dorothy. Called to the room ' by the latter, he was reported to have stabbed. Mr. Grindstaff in the sMe. the blade -injuring, his .intestines. He was taken to Angel, hospital, DeputyiHiif7olm-Jills and police chief, C. D. Baird went to th,e : 'l?ome to .investigate and'on their arrival found that Ray had disappeared. They reported today that he had not been apprehended, ' Ray had made- his home with Mr. and Mrs. Grindstaff for sever- al years but for about 6 months had "been enrolled in a CCC camp at Smokemont BOY OVERCOMES ATTACKING DOG . ... . . - ,. ,.j . I HarnMWnnflv Hnlle Alarl 'iwwwvw w WV J , M m WAWtf 1I1IMU - V-S- yv.n.iie.. .orotner . xvuis nim Attacked by a mad dog Wednes j u ...uvi UVft TTUOVS Hav mrvrninor TTot--1c1 A-rrKr T?.- r r J .......... 6, iiuuu;,i iii- lin school boy, grappled barehanded with the crazed -canine and held I another hov. his hrntfir atrivprl I .w--,f and put the dog to death with a I efAnA iw"v. . The boys were' passing near Ralph Womack's Esso service sta- tion when the dog leaped at Harold. The fact, that the boy was carrying his school-book in his" shirt bosom Ptobably prevented the dog from sinking mis teeth into him. As the aogrs moutn dosea on Harold's sweater the youth grabbed him about, the .throat, threw -him to the ground and held hirii until his amvcu wuo a sione ana beat the dog "insensate. Harold was scratched but not bitten. He was treated, by Dr. W. A. Rogers. Other; school children reported having seen the dog acting queerly. cy lIu ne naa omen iwo oiner . j?ogs, gnawed at a telephone pole n'd attacked a passing motor ve- mere, fmni cA.;: omtnunion Services at "rcsbytenan . Church ' The Communion of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the ... . . 8ja road,,at 3 o'clock in th-e after wii, iuuuwui picaciniiy scrv- ices by the pastor, the Rev. J. A. Flanagan. Everyone is cordially in vited to the services, Fire District IO DC Inspected . Rminnlnir nv Unn,!. nii k.,:i,( ings and places of business in i j aimiiu iiiv. .11191111.1 Will lC III- spected for, fire Hazards, it was announced today by Derald Ashe, fire chief. ' ; AVir. AMIC. SUgyCSlS mat DUllding owners have their basements clean and all fire hazards removed, The fire zone corresponds rough- ly with the downtown section. . GREEN . BAY, WIS, ((rA) Even if the earth did .not rotate at all on its axis, the Sun' would rise pni ma L..V. u. - u . ' , .4 ... . J cause ojt tne earth s journey around it. ' ' - : ' '. ....',.,', , i TtnQTn'M' PA f"U-. r- : '. vi , yi xi x lie 1C11K1VU9 . ' V .. ooservance ot Lent originally was a period of only 40 hours. ' Flats Farmers For Cabbage, Bean Crops County Agents Make Annual Report To '. Commissioners The 1936 cabbage and' bean crons grossed more than $100,000 foV the tarmers of flats township,' accord ing to estimates set forth bv thft County, farm auents in their -annual rt?txort, kvhich county commissioners Monday 'at their, first -regular meeting of the new, year.- ' " . j The agents placed the cabbaee acreage for the township at 400 and. estimated the total production at ; 3,200 tons, which sold for an average of $22 .a ton, amounting to a grand total of $70,000., This same section, 'it was stated in the report, also grew approximately 300 arrps of beans, producing JO.OOO bushels, which sold for an. averaee nrire of $1 per bushel, amounVing to $30,000. Other outstanding .points of in terest set forth in . the annual re port of the-farm -agents S. W. Mendenhall and S. D. Alexander- are included in the following sum mary: ' The two agents worked 610 dav During this time 1.064 farm visits were made, 124 meetings were, held with a total attendance of .4,189 farmers and farm women. To do this it was necessary to travel 18,- w miies. i-orty-tive news articles . r"'-"- uiv-int news i iiuics wprp rmhlieti A Xr U i it . t.-w ..v-vi .11 pdjipn, 1, - 1 - niuiviuudi icuers were written and 64 'different circular letters were mailed to part or all of the-county's maDing list of -1,400, 184. bulletins uc uisuiuuicu ana, o.ooy otiice calls were received at the Countv Agent's office. Saving to Fanner. Twenty-four thousand oounds of lespedeza seed was ordered. through the County Agent's office at an estimated savins of. nr tsnnm JnTon' Dom ot the Rabbit -Creek th farmuro 9?nAno a j r :i. superphosphate was , secured from the Tennessee Valley authority co- Operating with 'the North Carolina extension service and delivered to the demonstration farmers cooner- I atincr until tUa Tnnc. Ar11- I authority and North Carolina ex- tension QPrVirP iin tJ-o form agement program This fertilizer compared with, 16 per cent acid pnospnate. has a value of $529440 K., j i . .. I wui lusung ine uemonsiration iarm-I ers anlv $TiOA.f ili ir n rpnrocan to 1 the freich frnm clii Franklin. An organization was set up to handle the new soil conserva- tion nroirram and 101R fa rmm signea worK sneets. Mainy TMny Accomplished Twenty-four new demonstration farmers were started and the Rab bit and Cat creek area-was taken on as a watershed project with 42 i,, , t o- t f . - I calves showing. Six, beef calves ' were exhibit 9t tl t Acu7:. f ' - - - &3TAaAV,.J.XL t?:.. M"" ui. inc. civic ClUDS N.ai.iiv. aimw. i ivc commercial poul try flocks have been started, blood tested, and eggs now being market ed' for hatching purposes. Eight poultry, houses have" been built and over 3,000 pure bred baby chicks have been "ordered through v the County Agent's office Seven mher farm buildings have been comolet- T ed and four new silos dug and five remodPlPd F.Wn feet of . terraces have been con - . . . AllUUdllUU structed according to specification. lhree '4-H clubs have been, or ganized and regular se'mi-monthl v meetings held. , Two mire bred GerPv H11- ' ;! Uf 1. k 1 olX beet DUlLs have hern rikircA in .the 'county this year, three of If ti, rriA ' : at . 1 .. 1 1 them registered One Dure bred Percheron. ctalUnn was DrougM mto the county. ., " (Clinpd on p.g.. Eiglit) , . I dren in isolated areas. Get $100,000 WELL KNOWN WOMAN DIES Funeral Held Sunday t or Mrs. Anna E. Harrington . Funeral services fnr frC a. E. i Harrgton, 84, . who died at 11 ociock Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs.' Robert Pattillo in the Rabbit Creek sec tion, were held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at ' Bethel Methodist church. Mrs. Harrington's death followed three days after a stroke of par alysis. She was a sister of the late Charles Ingram, who served Macon county Doth assheriff and repre sentative and the ' widow of the Rev. S. H. Harrinetnn Rantict minister of this county, who died a number of years ago. Mrs. Harrincton ot the Holly Springs Baptist church but on account of the. - x-VVl- tion of the road approaching this Luurcn, me tuneral was held at cethel Methodist church n " .V J.VVT. W. K . llnAffxt.rA i e ... i ""Mwitvmu, iAsiur oi tne I Franklin Bonfit .U..-u 1 r"pi. V.HUH.U oinciaiea, ""lcu uy. nic Rev. i. y. Edwards, Pastor of Bethel church. Burial was m the church cenfttery ''Pallbearers were - Elias Ammons, I juuij jusuic, j. k.. rranklin, B. W Justice,. John Fernuson anH R i? I Henry. The church was filled to capacity for the funeral. .. . Suryiving Mrs Harrington are m V"' . and. M.,ss .M?-ttie Pearl Har- section Mrs. Roy C. Dady D!a af MAnI fl- rfc ' v" oaiuraay, Jan. Z L, , oy Uady- nee Miss LMyrUe Frances Wyatt, died at the F'aii mr. ana Mrs. lohn Knhert Wvott -f Vf "'-'v vniu, vj., an Saturday, Jan. 2. 1937. after a serious, illness of several months. . was wel1 known Franklin, havinS taught French and Latin in tne franklin high school for sev- eral years before her marriage to Koy uady of the United States fores.t -service on June 28, 1933. Funeral services were eA in th Menlo Presbyterian churrh Sun. day, Jan. 3. ' XSKt sl - aJ' " rrauKun, sne was active ., wort . f t,l u. u j the WPrk. 5 the churches and in CAmrAnl J. 11.. 1 t a nost ot , triends in the mm- 01 A .: . .. . .f muniry will mourn her oassin or I o 600 Toys Distributed to Macon County Children ..rtD?ul 0.w ".me toys were acoh county ehil- Z NaHnn'v - .throuSh the. Natonal Youth Administration and the Macoti county recreation . project, . under the suoervision spectivrely of Mrs. J. A. Ordway and Dr. T. J. O'Neil. ( ' tu . . . . xiic iuvs were manp hv : crhnn cmu.iren.un?er Arection of.rec- r"? ' 4 " .. .'. - . I room at Frankhn. - . C,rVV : 1 v--.-$1.15 . . ro K.. a ' MnUtl Hip (nue ,.. J.'.i.:l....J Tn t-h fnifp ri!Mil.!i.k.i. j r'eld peas, bu. ? tnVys W"C Christmas trees which stmas trees which were set vl 29 schools ; throughout the ' ' : Mirougnoui me ; .n,r5ef,n ...i.i-L. . Lrowder peas. bu. rf Cf, "X. ...J IM Beans, bu. Jl.50 ine Pitts went arcrplv r.Ult C. H. M'CLURE FUNERAL HELD Former County Commis sioner Dies After , Long Illness Charles H. McClure, 8, died at his home on Franklin Route 2, Sunday at 12:45 p. ra, after' an illness of several months. Direct cause , of his death was attributed to heart disease. .. Funeral services were held at'the home , Monday ' afternoon" at 3 o'clock with the Rev. J.' A. Flana-l gan in charge. Interment, was in ' the Rush cemetery on the Georgia road. Pallbearers were W. T. Moofe , Otto Brown, John BrabsorC T ' W. Addington, Will Ledbetter and W. M; Farnsh. Mr. McClure was born and rear ed in Macon county and spent his ' entire life here, except for about 12 years when he lived in the. state ! of Washington. Mr. McClure was a member and a deacon of the Morrison Presby--; terian churchy He served as a '' county commissioner : for . several terms. ; . :., ' iHT,' Surviving him are his widow, who' ' before her" marriage was Miss Etbel Gray; three daughtersMrs. Homer P.- Nichols, of Tallahassee, Fla., Mrs. W. B. Holden, of Chi cago, 111., Miss Susan McClure, of,. Franklin' Route. 2: three sons. . Bryant; George and Bobby, of naimiiu. iwuic .; . one soiivivoyv by a former marriace. off the state of Washington, and a brother, Bynum McClure, of Clayton, Ga. New Species of Black ; Walnuts Discovered Jack Moore, of Hiedonville. "ia discovered what appears, in this section at least, to be a new snecies of black walnut tree. - .-- Instead of the usual four-niiar- tered nut. thi r w w w wvui J 01AT quartered nuts and. a nrolifir' crnn of them at that. The huts an larcrp and well formed. If anyone doubts the'authpntJn'tv of this story, the editor can vouch for the facts ; for Mr, . Moore brought him a bae of the and. choice nuts. . ..,'... ; Rev. J.A.FIanagan Returns f rom Black Mountain f The sKev- J. A. Flanagan, pastor OI inc. locaI Presbyterian church, returned Monday morning . from Black Mountain. N. C had been preaching i n cnpriit services for a week, in the Black i?0' I - T71 w--- ,, -rv, .vu a VC1 V satisfactory meetino- - c.v. umj.j. very acon county are nnw.Mci.lnl. t r . . - - , " - v vuta le home. ;i.'FraiiliIin.v Prodaco ll8rZic; , LATEST QUOTATIONS ( u S lrSJ. below are SubJect -.change without notice.) ; S??, d y. FUtkm. Inc ,h!c.kns heavy brd, hens. 11c Chickens. hVlit wpJolit ik n . --o--- iUS. IIOZ. . . j t 20c .85c ivoa, uu. .3,1 mi f u A'" w Iammoth Soy ......$2.00 - , . $1.25 Quoted by NanUhaL r.m Butterfat, lb 30- ."I ; : I i t A -"If

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