FACE FOUJt ' THE niANKtm PRESS AND TE HlGrtDMACONiAlk &ar eHmd? by A b; chapin Pan Spring $e Published every Thursday Jy The Franklin Press At Franklin, North , Carolina Telephone No.' 24 VOL, U I ' Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and B. W. Johnson. .............. . . .Publishers P. F. Callahan .Managing Editor C. P. Cabe .". .."..' Advertising Manager Mrs. C. P. Cabe...... ...Business Manager Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter . ' ' . " ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .........,....;..:....' . $1.50 Six Months .75 Eight Months $100 Sin trie Coov ..................................... .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations of Societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. Mr. Patton on Gerrymandering t - THE rank and file of Democrats throughout North Carolina will join with the people of Madison county in rejoicing over the de . feat of the Giles-Tatem-McDowell bill to gerrymander Madison irt such a way zi to 'insure Democratic control in that normally Re publican county. ,.. ,,, ., ' 5 : Press reports from Raleigh infer that Governor Hoey, departing from the gubernatorial, custom to play hands off in local legislative matters, exercised his influence to have the measure killed. We are proud to know that the state's chief executive is, wise enough and bold enough to take such action. . '. The- gerrymandering measure, which would have divided Madison county into arbitrary districts for the election of county commission ers in such a way as to thwart the will of the voters, was utterly insupportable. Pete Murphy, of Rowan, a stalwart Democrat and a veteran of many sessions of the General Assembly, declared that the measure "stinks to high heaven," adding: 'This bill is undemocratic. , It is unfair and dishonest. I am not going , to debauch my party by doing such an, .undemocratic , thing. ... I am not going to be a party to such a scheme."; ; : v ; J; v' " Concurring in this sentiment the House of Representatives voted .'. overwhelmingly to table the iniquitous bill. ' vri' :."''' P We hope and believe that Macon count Democrats, at least those ; who are the backbone of the party, are of the same brand as Rowan's Murphy. We hardly think more than a handful could be found to approve such un-American action as that contemplated by the, Giles-v Tatem-.McDowell bill. But for some reason, Macon county's, own Representative.. JR. .A Patton';' was astrpng supporter of the mea sure. ' Even""after its" overwhefrriirig attempted on Tuesday toesnr"reCt'U,''xlelivfing;what the newspapers called . a "bitter" r address and voicing .opinions .that are difficult to : explain in the "light " of -the attitude o'f his own : constituency. But, for that matter; neailj :all;af the legislation r. Patton has sponsored" in the Assembly has .been, at variance, wjtljuthe Will of . the people he presumes. ftftepYeent? .f.ors.;.., :)':' -.-;.! Listen to-, Patton'.s. .'wpr,ds, .s rspprfed' by: the Associated Press: ' "The Republican party stinks to Hell in Madison county. X have had threats, fcomrtbere- MrJiepresentalive , from Madison,. I felt your.- -money' and got, your IthreasLjealiz' J.jvilbe a marked man but t ' am coming to Ma6pn the jfact for two ; weeks . ahead, of time.M. '.:0V: .,j hr.:. ':. -' :-' -Sf So Mr. Pttort; has.Imade hiniself .a miartyr! ''.,--?-ii;:'-T-': A"d : here, J&, 5Xrange. Situation: Iu:.'attempting to geta .record v vote Pattojcuwas": quoted ;.by.; the;. Asheville:." Citizen correspondent aV saying; he wanted to "see who are .Democrats in 1 this housi:" Vies, indeed, a yery. strange; . situation when;it-is recalled that Patton "wis nomated. by less 'thanv 0 votes, trailed the ticket in ,,the general: election, winning; 'by.', cmly. 422 .votes, and-, now since , the . election , til I 'has- been learned., that it .is-doubtful he would have won at all " had it not been for a last-minute '-switch to- his support of , a -certain element of the Republican party a statement which prominent Re publicans have ..Vouched Tor. 7."' '', Jf .-, "V "C" ;A'V And now thaV'Mjr", Patton Ys at. 'outs'' ", with the. state Democratic , organization, ''rKais ''...theV temerity i infer that those - who1 ;, voted- Idownj ithe .measure ;io gerrymander. Madison county are riot, tobe ' considered ,as ' democrats, at all. What , an anomolous ptedictment j "'. i ( its:' .J''-:..;' - ' ' - ':-' ' '' ' 1 i't ''-.-K'-T'; U':' -i ; , Thel Aniwe W-.:Got'X;irS.iVV:---; P0R'; ; three p, weeks, RepresentatiyeK R A.'"Patton has ignored' perti- - jenlj questions.. py.f to . him byv.The.:Press-Maconiaaf concerning v Macpnj jcounty,. Jcgislationv sponsored. iby; him. a v V r : Seveal days'-.ago'iie .-.wrote:; ant answer,- but not in the form of a. letter j His -reply 'torus' -was-a-bill to": regulate our legal, advertising charg.; '-': " ---:'-- --'-: '-v-.''; ';'. ';';..'.: .';,"-;V' :lr Our; ratesare,' open to publk -inspections ; having been filed, in,' ac cordance with .trie law; -in the .office of , the clerk of court, and jtkey; will, stand comparison wi charged' by other news- papers j of similar size and situation. We have no apology to make for fthem, and anyone can see that they are not so high asi to make us duly or unduly wealthy. - v,.y-. j f The Local Option Law - - - UMENT over the local option liquor bilL would be .useless, -ke it has already become law. And, too, it is our opinion that orb.? just about as useless to argue the question of establish jsforerirt, Macon'county. Nb: amount', of discussion at this ' etd'?lth,aiI.?.l.-?i piyedoui has been discussed pro and con for so long that 'nJiidM tter has reached a, firm, conclusion . long, ere this; ; bTlSo'Sa M' "codiity' holds' an eiection on'.wheth'er to' peruiit td .ot.ir-we- hope -and' believe thhi beoole will 'not "forget Doan't. Ail vof- vawt.. luimj Mia um tfjHviciions- ana per- r fellow to do the same peaceably. And, we hope, .mtejeibalM r.f-orJbe-.res.triclions.suppo5ed.to- apply- to it. - Number 8 defeat Monday night he- futilely ... Oitlonlnr. this county. " The . be- used 5 COMMUNISM WILLt ' v.vyiTj.m unini TAbun - n ... 'jYfrSlFMLrt$:.&; ' BackV in ' ' the latter days X of the O.vil War.wheif it "was ; necessary to Vdraft Tiien 'for ;tha -Northern armies, the- Indians of the fWsf thought it a 'Propitious time : to, re? volt... Several regiments of . Union soldiers .were ' withdrawn from the Pennsylvania poUtician -made;, a smart: suggestion. : -' ''--' V. He if said ?. to' Abraham f LmColn r "Our Federal military prisons . are filled with Southern OrruH tary pris oner i. These ;' boys Xspt young an'd keen and good fighters, Aswe have plenty- of -reason - to knoW t I'll bet that- most of 'them would rather foe outdoors fighting Indians 4 than sit ting .idly iin jaiLJWhyu not recruit them into regiments and , send them West'?"' tZ i: ?'i ' The proposal was adopted and was' dmmedUtefy ""successful. "'But jthis ? isr what .happened ;m one-"instance, whicH throws a ,f ine - clear light OA. the. racliCat)i.Iityj;6f Com-, "Life ' of 1 Lincoln." . . Pk';: "A- thousandiwaf prisoner were enlisted at AUonIUinqisi and Camp Douglas in , Chicago i to fight the Indians." They left Chicago on two special trains. Each' than had in his pocket two hundred dollars bounty in .United : States; greenbacks, and none of them had any ipther money, During the period Vof their, impris onment most of , them had become habitual , .card J players. It is . said that before they reached; their des: tinatiori a very fewrjdividuals' had the lion's ' share of the -money.'- -3- "Perhaps never before on earth was there so equitable,- an experi ment in the result of starting men out' in life ', on ; the i basis of equal division of property.- The equal di vision appears not to have lasted very-long." :J' . Life is a battle and a gamble. We can . -improve jthe , rules,, give fairer handicaps - tof' the i less ..favor ed, and make the game more hu mane. 1 .But we can't alter the, funda mentals of human natureV'Cornmun-' Ism tries to io "that ; 'and- Commuh-: ism will.! always 5 tan. .;;pK s WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES '"r Onr-oftlre jirost'interestrnErrntn of my-acqualntance has ben wrong r t rv 1 r . 1 ht time I Can look back over ;his career and point out ' a A dozen different points-: wherei he ' took, -orie 1 stand and "subsequently had, to reverse t it. ,Why then has he stayed oril top? First; 'I think, because he is ab solutely tfuthful What he some times',, imagines fto,'1 bei"; the I truth turns': out later to 'be an , error, but h.et never consciously . hedges for anything or, anybody. ;', ;V . j : -' Second, he is ajlways trying.; Roll him; in the dust, and he is up. in a "minute and . starting, forward again. Lay something ' before , him ;which you 'think is pretty good, and he instinctively breaches for a Pencil and . begins - to try to ; improve i it. Let . , him ."accomplish an objective, and' immediately he - has J set his eyes on ' another poiqt ; further ahead, y- ,''?-.v'r ' "; ': ''" -,1 . K' Finally,' he never wastes any time in Tregretting , the; past, "Regret," said; some one, "takes as much put of you as a , prolongf d drunk' , This, man ias been, an encourage-' menv to me. So have the words of Stevenson, . who exclaimed, ; "God give u; youngmen who .have the Courage w , maice ioois oi hicih; selves." . 1 .'-'. ' .' ' '!'' ' V rfigure.ythat I am entitled ;to one' major ' mistake a week. This is my quota. As long as .1 keep within it I feel ; all ,Hght. , But frequently I ron-."over;'; '.!v ' v.; ,' I l, j ' ;ov v': (Copyright, K, Fi S.) A v':v;;.v; j.v.. ': , ;.- l Rev. R. D. Bedinger to Preach Here Sunday The Rev: R. D. Bedinger,; (D.D., fiuperintendent . of , Home Missions in Asheville Presbytery, will preach in the local Presbyterian church on Sunday morning at the .11 o'clock worship service; arid- at , tlie Morri spn 'church on the Georgia road! at 3 o'clock in the afternoon7, accord ing ;to ; an announcement, by the Rev; i A-: Flanagan, pastor of the churches. Dr. Bedinger has preach ed in both these churches on' other pecagions.; and., 'hi? ..coming will be looked forward to"" with interest by tnose - who have'ibeard.lhim. Every one, is., given, a cordial' invitation j to attend these services. ' ! Cryptography" is ": the""science ; of f typhers.-- Tellico Mr. Lipscom, of Knpxville, Tenn., is in the pole business in this and surrounding communities. f. A . Sylva, stone., company is, doing a good business in this township, getting out, stone bolts. . . The Lambert Brothers, who have been working on highway No. 286, have' the gravel spread from the Swain county line to the Cowee Baptist , church, but are held up now on , account b.rain. J, D.' Cabei' who,' has 'been very ill with measles,' is recovering. Other easy of , measles, in this community' are reported to be get ting along nic'ey. -J " Sherman Dills, of jBriertown; is cutting poles in, this .section. Herman .Dean, of , Rabbit Creek, was, in - this section Saturday on business, ... .. .? , . Mjss, - Emma Dellart, who ' has been making her home for quite Some time with Mrs.. Maude Moody, is spending . some time with her parents, Mr. , and Mrs, John De Hart. Olive Hill , Mr. Leonard Campbell, who has been spending several- dayt with his folks, returned to his work bunday at , Belmont. ,. .', Mr. Ed Campbqll was seriously ill Tuesday, evening. Earl Hannah, school student of the Olive, Hill , school, fell Tuesday ' and injured his,. shoulder. , VMr. arid Mrsl Algie Guyer spent Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs.( Jay Reeves. V Norman Evans, who ... has , been working ' in , Georgia, . sppnt , the ' week-end with his folks. - Grady Wilkes, who' is employed in ' a CCC camp, spent the week end with. his folks. ;..;. .. '. The sick in. this .'community .are still improving; , ?. ; The roads m this community' are geuung : jso ;ney can, , be traveled hov. .; . ;. ;.. The . birthday dinner ; of Billie Barnard was attended by many of his relatives and friends Several people, fronV here attend ed preaching services Sundav at Iotla.' ''' . '''' ' '- .... .', . .. American slang is full of "food" words. i 'I ': . . '. ' A ipecies of the wasp has a' tool which is no thicker than a stout horsehair but which can be driven, through the hardest wood. ', ' '' .' ' Natives of Jamaica, B. W. ' I., : eat part of the trunk of a'palm tree. The edible part resembles - hearts of:cclcry;:;..i'-;. ;.. v . : '...

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