PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, MARCH , 1M7 EASTER, yesterday and by A. BrCHAPIN woday I h t ffi xrcttkl x tt b t s s GLlxt WUxxhlnnits Mttzxtmnn Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. LI I Number 12 j : ; Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and B. W. Johnson... ......Publishers P. F. Callahan ... i f,Managing Editor C. P. Cabe. ............... ... . ... ............ . . . . . .Advertising Manager Mrs. C P. Cabe: .................. .....Business Manager Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C.,.as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES " ' One Year ..,...... $1.50 Six Months I; ..................... j....... .75 Eight Months $1.00 Single Copy .05 .Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. Good Friday and Easter Day 1 'J'HERE are two estimates that can be made of the events which happened in the history of the world at this time two thousand years ago. Looking back today across the ages we can see which is right. We see a Man of marvellous charm, of wond erful gifts and power, though of humble origin, em barked upon a great career as a Teacher and had the attention and good word of thousands. We see Him alone. His influence gone, deserted by His fol lowers, dying the death of a common criminal. It looks like a terrible failure and a tragic ending. All the bright hopes are gone and nothing is left to carry on His work or tp perpetuate His name and He Himself is dying alone. Was there ever such a failure? Today it is easy for us to see that the result of that failure has been a power for good without par allel since the world began and that the broken, de feated Sufferer stands out after nineteen centuries as beyond comparison the greatest and most com pelling figure in history. It is the Cross, the very badge of the most hopeless degradation and failure which constitutes the supreme appeal from which there is no escape. If we stand at the end of our powers, exhausted, footsore, beaten by -the length of the march and the weight of the load we are call ed upon to carry, it does not really help us to be. told that others have accomplished the same march without distress. What we need then is someone by our side, who knows and understands all that we are experiencing from His own like experience and Who can by word and hand stay us over the rough places that are beyond our strength, and can lift from us something of the burden which is too heavy ior us. lhere is no power so tar-reaching and so compelling as the power of the Cross. It is just in His unique failure that the uniqueness of the Tri umph of Christ really lies. If the message of Good Friday means anything its. is just this. The world's standards of success and failure are entirely wrong. We must not pay too much attention to what the. World tells us as to the use we are to make of our lives.and we must not refuse to adventure for right for fear that we may fail. To go and fail may be the finest thing a man, can do with his life. There has never been anyone who stood fast for principle and duty, who has not at some time had this sense of failure but such fail ures are really the truest successes. Only wjien we refuse the Cross are we really beginning to fait The world will think differently, may call us vis ionaries and fools; but the world is almost always wrong. Jesus Christ was a, hopeless failure that day and yet He has transformed the world. It is He in Whom millions of all ages have found the object of their heart's devotion and the lodestar of their lives;. - , . ' , . ' v In this happy Easter-time, it is the reality of the Lord's risen life that we all need afresh to learn. The Cross was not a failure for through the gate of death lie came to Resurrection. All will be changed to us if we learn this great reality. This world is a beautiful world ever since the Easter morning, be cause the Risen Christ is in it, and we are here with Him. We can never be discouraged in 'His work, when the Lord has called us to it, and the Lord will see us through. Only let us hold fast to Him and seek ever to know Him better by all the means that He has given to us. , r Frank Bloxham. , ; f m ToOAY it's PftoaAfitr a vamitv owtmt ' III' YKTEttPAY Mi LAW CROUWCO fcRSCLP WITH MARVBUOO MILUNEP.Y CWEATlOMS "WrWSUB.-ttCAUST S9ASHS II 3 . v T.S Or NTEROAY MCgfc MAW SCAftjCELV caeoTH sArcroaiAU FicTva- TOTAY DITTO. TITTO .TrTTO YJEOR Skk wa eu. Stkcam limfp, "tk8 MOO 9TRCAK UMBO SAAr A FOOT AUKL "Tgor owe 0-.u.-athxtt "BUT TME CNDUfttMe. SymBocoPFVOnf IU IMMORTALITY N6MEU. CHAMfrH 'WL Alrn a.j.i ,r- TOPAY IT Murr IK A PftAY "Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath" WE thank Mr. John Temple Graves II in his col umn, "This Morning," i6r giving us the follow ing quotation from the pen of John Palmer Gavit, distinguished journalist and "tree-sparing , wood man." ' Writing against the fires that are now being set by farmers all over the South to burn underbrush, ' Mr. Gavit says, .w m . ...- "It does not seem" to 't)e" realizjed 'rt1ii Bestdes in flicting great injury upon standing trees, this prac tice kills off innumerable seedlings and little trees of a few year's growth the beginnings of valuable new crops. All over the South' this practice seems to be general. Whatever its advantages it seems to me to be a bad instance of 'throwirfg the baby out with the bath'. The South has wonderful resources ; too slowly it is arousing to conserve while using them." J y c & IN SIMPLE, EASY WORDS An earnest gentleman with a gleam in his ey got' in the other day: He asked me to read a book in which a new prophet sets forth a new religion. The gentleman as sured me that if only all men and women could be led to think the thoughts of this prophet every dif ficulty would fold up. ' While we talked I turned the pages of the book, and after about a minute I assured 'him that I should not need to read it in order to know that it would have no in-, fluence. He was aggrieved. "You have a closed mind," he charged. "Not at all," I said. "J happen to know what kind of words move the world. I'll give you an example: "The Lord is my shepherd,' etc. "'Four score and seven years ago our fathers founded on this con tinent,' etc, "Contrast these simple words with a couple of phrases from your book," I said : . "The definitely' "anticipatory" value of the self-protecting mechan ism of covenant obligations . . .' "'Expanding consciousness ob tainable through the direct applica tion of the method of cyclic evo lution "Nobody is going to overturn the world," I concluded, "unless he is able to make bis ideas understand able even, to a little child. Second raters are always obscure. But the head man in any department of life, I care not whether it be medicine, theology, science .or what, he can make a, talk that will fascinate a kindergarten." John Bunyan explained to his readers that he might have adopted a "stile" much more fancy but he wanted his book to be read by common people everywhere. He hag hi9 wish: "Pilgrim's Progress" will live as long as anything in our language. GET GREATER EDUCATION "Your problem is personnel," I said to the banker. "How are you solving it?" . n "Well, we try to pick the smart est young men from the colleges, men who have majored in eco nomics and finance. We start them in at the bottom and let them fight their way up. Some drop by the wayside, but the survivors develop into very good men." " f . I told him I thought' they were omitting one very important step in the process of training. , "After your young man has had two or three years' experience in the bank, you ought to pull him out and send him into the heart of the country," I said. "Make him spend a year or two working on a farm, o' with a section gang on the railroad, or clerking in . a country store. Insist that he live on what he earns. x ' ' , When he comes back to New York he will have some idea of how hard ordinary people have to work for thetr money. He will have a social as well as a merely finan cial point of view. A dollar will never becomes merely a-sign or a sum to him. Tt will represent hopes and fears, ; ambitions and x defeats, human sweat and blood."'" " 1 I am one of those who believe tliat we are entering a period of great social changes. No matter how big and .strong an institution or an industry may be it is going to be tested. Tiiose institutions will win out which are headed1 by men of broad human sympathies; men who can see thje other man's point of view because they have shared the other man's: daily life. (Cqpyright, K. F. S.) Cartoogechaye By MRS. T. J. SOUTHARD Mrs. Lawrence Hastings is ser iously ill with flu. Mrs. S. H. Southard spent the week end with 'her father, Mr. John Sprinkles, of Franklin. Mr. Nute Dills , and family, of Tampa, Fla., are visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs Schular Ledford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs., Ellis Roane. Mr. Clyde Johuson and Mr. Quince Roane made a business trip to Atlanta, Ga., last week. Alex and Frank Southard made a business trip to Murphy the past weelc- Mr. Jake Waldroop, who is working at Coweta, spent the week-end at home. Gneiss By MRS. F. E. MASH BURN A flu epidemic hat been sweep ing over our section. Mr. Frank Holland fnnrhrt "at the Walnut Creek school house Saturday night and Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Annie Lee McEntire, of Franklin, has tbeen visiting rela tives in this section , Ranze Holland's truck turned yv auuuii j,v v, in. oaiuraay on the narrow Ledford Branch road. Mr, Holland and Tiis companion escaped unhurt and the truck wai not damaged. It wsis loaded with acid wood. Mrs. Paul Higdon, of .Higdonville, is . visiting her mother, Mrs. EU'a Jones. . . ( " The relatives and friends of Aunt Ann Jones will regret fto hear that she ! is on the sick list. She was 84 years old Satin-fta v Marrh