PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1937 i 71 Star Single-edge Rladcs solve the mystery of good shaves. Made since 1880 by the inventors of the original safety razor. Keen, long lasting, unilorm. f jt . A Coming To Franklin The Mighty Haag Circus Host of Funny Clowns The World's Largest Performing Elephants Wild Animals The Georgeous Spectacle IN OLD MEXICO I n AH 1 1 s Splendor 200 People 200 Featuring The Death Defying Dainty MISS HELEN HAAG Who, allows her whole body to be placed in the mouth of an elephant and be carried the full length of the tent. THRILLING AND SENSATIONAL! Haag's Present Also Wild West and Rodeo Congress of Cowboys, Cowgirls and Indians Freaks and Curiosities TWO BIG PERFORMANCES AT 2 AND 8 P. M. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER ONE DAY ONLY THURS. OQ APR . 7 STREET PARADE AT ONE O'CLOCK I'M A x vei rursang 'i '.A I 4'... MACON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA . Bonds OutstandingCoupons and Accrued Interest to Jan. 1, 1937 COUNTY WIDE . Designation of Interest Item Uoiuls Rate Date 1 School Funding .'. .3 lrl - 2 School & Road . ' i , Funding ...... ..5J4 1-1-1929 1 ' ' r 1 ; 3 School Building .6 2-1-1922 4 School Notes .....6 8-1-1923 5 Road & Bridge. .'.5 3-1-1926 6 Road & Bridge. ..5 3-1-1926 7 Road ......6 3-1-1921 8 School Building . . .67 3-1-1916 9 School Building . ..67c 9-1-1909 10 Road & fridge ..S . 4-1-1925 11 Road & Bridge ..5j 10-1-1924 12 Road & Bridge ..6 11-3-1921 13 Road & Bridge . :57 11 - 1 - Total County; Wide TOWNSHIPS 14 Franklin Tp. Road 54 4 - 1 - 15 Franklin Tp. Road 6 8 - 1 - Total Townships ............... Total County Wide and Townships PROPOSED PLAN FOR REFUNDING (Continued from Page One) main unpaid, an amount not less than $40,000 or 72c op each $100.00 assessed valuation of taxable prop erty in the county . (whichever will produce the greater amount of tax revenue). Similarly, it agrees that there will be levied to service the debt of Frankliri township represented by the township bonds to be issued hereunder in the fiscal year be ginning Jnly 1, 1937 and July 1, 1938, not less than $5,000 or 25c on each $100.00 assessed ' valuation of taxable property in said township (whichever will produce the great er amount of tax revenue) ; there after, for eight years to and includ ing the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1946, not less than $7,000. or 33c on each $100 assessed valuation of such taxable property (whichever will produce the greater amount of tax revenue) ; thereafter in each fiscal year until all of said 'bonds have been paid not less than $8,000 or 38c on each $100 assessed valu ation of taxable property in said township (whichever will produce the greater amount of tax revenue). The debt service portion of all county and township taxes will im mediately upon collection be de posited with the Interest and Sink ing Fund Depositary hereinafter provided for, and placed respective ly by such Depositary in a sepa rate special fund known as the County Interest and Sinking Fund and the Franklin Township Inter est and Sinking Fund and shall be used solely as herein provided. All funds received by Macon county under its contract with the state highway .and public works NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSAKG ' Yes,Pur8angcontains,in properly balanced proportions, such' proven elements as organic copper and iron. Quickly stimulates appetite and aids nature in building rioh, red blood even in cases of simple anemia. When this happens, energy and strengt' tl usually return. You feel like nr J irom your druggist, M aturity a 1928 $2,000 Jan. 1, 1933-1935 3,000 Jan, 1, 1936 2,000 Jan, 1, 1937 . " 5,000 Jan. 1, 1938 5,000 Jan, 1, 1940-1941 ' 3,000 Jan. 1, 1942 5,000 Jan. 1, 1943 1,000 Jan! 1, 1934 . 2,000 Jan. 1, 1935 5,000 Jan. 1, 1936-1946 3,000 Jan. 1, 1947 . 5,000 . Jan. 1, 1948-1953 2,000 Feb. 1, 1934-1945 2,500 Feb. 1, 1946-1951 1,500 Aug. 1, 1932-1933 1,000 Aug. 1, 1934 500 Aug. 1, 1935-1936 1,000 Aug. 1, 1940 2,000 Mar. 1, 1936-1941 3,000 Mar. 1, 1942-1943 3,000 Mar. 1, 1944-1947 5,000 Mar. 1, 1948-1956 20,000 Mar. 1, 1941 6,000 Mar. 1, 1936 . 1,000 Sept. 1, 1935-1938 75,000 Apr. 1, 1955 10,000 Oct. 1, 1934 10,000 Oct. 1, 1939 20,000 Oct. 1, 1944 25,000 Oct. 1, 1949 25,000 Oct. 1, 1954 100,000 Nov. 3, 1941 10,000 Nov. 1, 1935-1950 20,000 Nov. 1, 1951-1953 18,000 Nov. 1, 1954 12,000 Nov. 1, 1955 25,000 Nov. 1, 1956 1926 1914 1914 28,000 Apr. 1, 1944 53,000 Aug. 1, 1944 commission, above referred to, will as received be deposited with the County Interest and Sinking Fund Depositary and used solely as here- Un,prpvi4e vV- .iw All. funds so collected 1 from county taxes and received under said contract .and placed in the County Interest and Sinking Fund shall be held and used solely for the benefit of the county bonds to be issued under this plan and all funds so collected from township taxes and placed in the Franklin Township Interest and Sinking Fund shall ,be held and used solely for the benefit of the township bonds to be issued under this plan, all subject t5 the following pro visions. No disbursement shall ever be made from either Interest and Sinking Fund except for the pay ment of the interest dueupon, ,or in the purchase for retirement of bonds for the benefit of which the: fund is created and in the manner herein provided. ' No funds may be used for tie purchase of such bonds unless and until , there is in such fund a sum exceeding all interest payments due within the succeeding seven months upon the bonds payable out of such funds, and in that event, only such excess may be employee' Whenever such excess exists and the county or township, as the case may be, is not in default in the payment of interest ' rjpon its bonds, the governing bpy cf the unit may in its discrete on purchase sucji i bonds for rirement- All bonds purchased by, the county will be .immediately c? ncene(j Any holder cY anv c1iri, hond may file in wr iting with the Inter est and Sink -. va rwncitarv arid offer tr sell the same for re. urement a ( a jxej prjce Any such offer ma- y be withdrawn by written not'ce ' not less than 10 days after SUCH rwffpr ie mrxAf Ftcc funds ppV. .cable to the purchase of bonds VV rptirptnpnt cViall npvor K llCPfl Y j the Interest and Sinking Fund depositary to pay for any :Dona until ?all offers to sell bonds' of the same unit at a lower price or prices have been accepted. Whenever the funds available for the purchase of bonds in . the County Interest and Sinking Fiund shall exceed $10,000 and such ex cess funds shall remain in the in terest and sinking fund for a per iod of 90 days, then the depositary shall call for tenders of cpunty bonds issued under the plan, and shall purchase enough to chaust Amt. ! Interest tp 'Jan. 1, 1937 Outstanding Coupons Accrued $34,000.00 91,000.00 39,000.00 6,000.00 18,000.00 57,000.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 75,000.00 90,000.00 100,000.00 275,000,00 $4,825.00 . $1,050.00 X 13,212.50 & 6,480.00 975.00 i 3,410.00 ;, 6,270.00 4,800.00 , 1,080.00 1,020.00 15,995.00 770.00 690.00 905.00 91.60 300.00 100.00 ! 18,012.50 19,500.00 1,275.00 29,727.50 733.34 $815,000.00 $125,307.50 $5,914.94 28,000.00 53,000.00' $ 81,000.00 $896,000,001 2,760.00 8,240.00 $11,000.00 $136,307.50 $5,914.94 such excess', funds . as nearly as may be.; Fifteen days prior to the date fixc:d for the receipt of tend ers, the. depositary shall cause to Jbe.publjished, in a financial, paptj puonsnod in the Borough of Man hattan, iCity of New York and in a newspaper of general circulation published in Macon county, if any, av.noticei in the name of the county inviting, tenders' of such .bonds to the depositary, and fixing the time and p'!ac:e in said county at which said traders will be received. Tenders of bonds shall be con tained in plain sealed envelopes marked, "Tenders of Macon County Refunding Bonds" and shall be opened in public at: the time and pl'ce fixed in the notice. When tf jnders are received and a great tit amount of bonds are tendered at the same price than funds are I 'available to purchase (after all Donds tendered or otherwise offer ed at lower prices, if any, have been purchased) the bonds tender ed at said price shall be purchased in .the order in which the tenders are received. ' r A' similar procedure with, respect to the refunding bonds of Frank lin . township shall be followed whe; never the funds available for the purchase . of bonds in the Franjklin township interest and sinking fund shall exceed $3,000 and jsuch excess funds shall re main in said interest and sinking fund for a period of 90 days. The JBank of Franklin, a banking corporation doing business in the county of Macon, will be designated as depositary for interest and sink ing funds under this plan, but the county will have the right, with the concurrence of the local gov ernment commission of North Car olina to change the depositary pro vided such depositary shall always be a banking , corporation doing business in the state of North Car olina. The state treasurer of North Carolina, who is ex-pfficio director of local government will act as depositary for the exchange of bonds under the refunding plan. Holders 6f bonds to be refunded are requested to sign and mail to C. T. Bryson, county accountant, Macon county,' Franklin, North Carolina, the letter of asset furn ished with each copy of this plan and send, a copy of such assent to the local government commission, P. O, Bdx 279, Raleigh, North Carolina. They may, at the same time, if they so desire, forward their bonds together with all un paid coupons to the state treasurer of North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina, accompanied by the let ter of transmittal, furnished here with. Upon receipt of the bonds the state treasurer will issue his receipt evidencing ownership of the bonds to the holders depositing them. When the plan is declared operative bond holders will be notified to surrender their receipts and the new securities will be sent them. If the holder of any county or township obligation desires mere ly to forward his letter of assent and not deposit his bonds at the present time, he will be notified immediately when the plan is de clared operative , so that he may present his bonds to the state treasurer for exchange. If a bond holder desires he may, when forwarding his assent to this plan without . a deposit of his bonds, forward all coupons , in de fault including those maturing Jan uary 1, 1937 and prior thereto or a proper satisfaction of, or credit upon a judgment heretofore ' ob tained on such coupons and re ceive at that time the payment on interest in default herein provided for. . The exchange of refunding bonds will not be made until the plan shall have been declared operative by the board of county commission ers, of Macon county, with 'the ap proval of the local government commission of North Carolina, nor until a sufficient number of credit ors in the judgment of the county and the local government commis sion of North Carolina have as sented to its terms. If, for any reason, the plan should not become operative the depositary for the exchange of the bonds will return to each depositor the securities de posited by him upon the surrender of the deposit . receipt, duly en dorsed in blank. The Sovereign Camp, Woodmen of the World and the Royal Neigh bors of America, with holdings of $421,000 of, the bonds of Macon county, have agreed to the within plan. The plan has been approved by the local government commission of North Carolina and will be con summated without expense to the creditors and without the payment of any commission by the county. E. B. BYRD, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners C. T. BRYSON, County Accountant. Franklin, North Carolina, March 15. 1937. WHAT to PLANT THIS WEEK Compiled by Farmers Federation News Garden GARDEN PEAS Smooth varie ties First and Best, Alaska, Early Bird. Wrinkled : Laxton, Tele phone. SPINACH Bloomsdale, for spring and early summer. CABBAGE Set frost-proof plants, Early Jersey Wakefield, Charles ton Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch. ONIONS Danver and Silver Skin sets, Bermuda plants. BEANS Valentine, Tennessee Green Pod, Burpee, Giant. LETTUCE Grand Rapids (curled), N. Y. Wonderful, Iceberg. POTATOES Irish Cobbler, Spauld ing ,Roso and Green Mountain. SWEET POTATOES For bed ding. TURNIPS White Egg, 7-Top, Purple Top Globe. , BEETS Early Eclipse, Early Blood Turnip, Detroit Dark Red. CARROT S Chantenay, Danver, Ox-heart. ' CORN All sweet varieties. MUSTARD Curled. RADISH All varieties. TOMATO In flats and hot beds. PEPPERS Pimiento, : yenne Bell or Bull Nose. Field Seeding LESPEDEZA Korean, Common, Kobe, Tennessee 76, Serecia. CLOVERS Red, Sapling, Alsike, White Dutch, White Sweet, Al falfa. GRASSES Kentucky Blue, Red Top, Orchard, Rye, Grass, Tim othy. OATS Fulghum, White Spring; Red, Burt., Spade or 'plow in all manure available on rest of garden. Lime if possible, but leave lime and manure off potato land. Finish all fruit tree pruning and dormant scale spraying (spray oil, lime sulphur with arsenate of lead or nicotine sulphate, according to manufacturers' directions,)