THURSDAY, APRIL id, im THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAtf PACK &VN TROUT STREAMS LURE ANGLERS Many Streams Now Open; Park Streams Open May 15 to Aug. 21 The arrival of the open season on all species of trout in the moun tain, streams of Western North Carolina has attracted numerous anglers to Western North Caro lina. The trout season, which ex tends from April 15 to August 31, will be followed by the small mouth, bass season, June 11 to Sept. 30, and the open season on all other species from June 11 to April 14 of the following year. Trout fishing within the bound aries of the Great Smoky Moun tains national park, according to national park officials, will be al lowed after May. 15 and to" August 31. Season on rock and small mouth bass in the park extends from June lj6 to August 31. Fishing in the national park is permitted on state licenses of either North Carolina or Tennessee in the por tions of the park' within the bound aries of the two states. Main streams .of fishing waters within the park will be opened to fishing this season, according to park officials, many headwaters streams being ' closed for stocking purposes. Fishing hours are . set from 7 :30 a. m. "to 6 p. m. trout and rock bass must be 8 inches in length, smallmouth bass 10 inches and daily limit is 10 . fish of all species. Streams in the Pisgah national came oreserve are expected to be opened for a period to fishermen . this season and information in re gard to the open , period or periods may be obtained by anglers from H. E. Ochsner, forest supervisor, Pisgah national forest, in Asheville. The state game refuges will be opened for short periods to fisher men,, including areas near , Mt. Mitchell, in Yancey county; Grand father mountain in Caldwell and Avery counties; and Wayah Bald in Macon county. Jn; charge pf 'these "refuges is C. N." Mease, re fuge supervisor at Busick, N. C. In addition to streams in the game refuges and national park, many miles of streams in the 18 counties of-Western North Carolina are open to fishermen during the state open season from April ' 15 to August 31. Lists of these have been prepared by the Asheville Chamber of Commerce in coopera tion with J. A. Bradshaw, district To Get Rid of Acid and Poisonous Waste Your kidneys help to keep yon .well by constantly filtering wast master from the blood. If your kidneys get functionally disordered and fail to remove excess impurities, there may be , ' poisoning of the whole sj'stem and body-wid-j distress! Burning, scanty or too frequent urU nation may be warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting" up nights, swelling, puffineas under the pyes feel weak, uervoua,- all played out. In such cases It Is better to rely on a medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor' ably known. Use Doan't PilU. A nulti. tude of grateful people recommend Doan'$. AbIc your ntighoorl ' OUILTVo Don't be guilty of face-scrap-tag! YojU find comfort in Star ,-Shiglo-cdgc Blades. Made since 1880 by the inven tors of the original safety rafcor. Keen long-lasting, uni form. Latest Model fS. . ' ; : ' . V -Tjil ;. . - ,h r ; fob- FiW II l 1; LOS ANGELES . . . Pauline Prior, pretty aviatrix, displays a model of the latest type transport plane. The sectional model shows all details of the interior of a large Douglas Sky Liner. , game protector. The lists include names of streams, kinds of fish and locations of accommodations for fishermen. .. , " Feed, Cover For Wildlife Scarce A bird in the hand may be worth two in the bush, but if there are not enough "bushes" to provide cover and food for wildlife, "we may not have any birds or other game( in the bush," said H. J. Rush, biologist of the soil conser vation service. Birds ,have rightfully been called "friends of the farmer." Birds ask iittle in return for the services they render, Rush said, yet they can be of considerable assistance in ' producing healthy, clean crops, free from; insects and noxious weeds, , , , With the exception of a relatively few game preserves, wildlife is con fined .to farm lands and depends on them for , food, shelter, and nesting -ites. -. At practically no cost, and by devoting a .-small amount of his time to wildlife assistance, Rush pointed out, the farmer can make havens for wildlife on fields now idle and severely eroded. ' ' ; 'Lespedeza provides . good food and cover for quail. In cutting les pedeza, Rush recommends that a small strip be left along the side of the field, if possible, several strips throughout a large field. The farmer,, may disk up a broom sedge field or any abandoned land, giving suitable wild plants a chance to grow. By allowing wild shrubs to grow" along fence, rows, field borders, and in pasture's, the farm er is furnishing a permanent home for birds, Rush continued. The farmer will receive three fold dividends from his invest ments, since birds destroy harmful insects and certain noxious weeds; they are a source .'of pleasure n hunting and mav orovide a source of income -for the farmer who. leases hunting rights ; and they afford personal pleasure from growing a good crop of birds. Security Numbers For Employees Past 65 RALEIGH, April 28. Social Se curity account numbers of em ployees in North Carolina who have reached or passed the 65 year, age limit will be issued by the post offices in the state for the North Carolina unemployment compensa tion commission,, Frank Bane, -executive director ' of " the", social se curity board, has advised E. W. , Price,, director of the unemploy ment compensation division of the state commission. The message advising that this method 'can be used for identify ing employees who had ,not pre viously been issued social security account numbers because of their age reads as follows: "Postoffices are being instructed to issue, j social security account numbers to employees aged 65 or over on and after April 27. Appli cation' entirely voluntary from Federal viewpoint. You may, if nec essary, and not earlier than Tues day, April 27, issue state publicity, together with appropriate rule or regulation making application com pulsory under state, but not fed eral law." ' Acting on the message, the North of Sky Liner Carolina (commission, in meeting Monday, adopted a rule requiring that employers of the state apply to their local postoffices and se cure ( these special social security account numbers for all their em ployees who have reached or pass ed the 65 age limit, and who do not have such numbers. , ,' As stated, this is entirely a state number, and the postoffice depart ment is cooperating in order that numbers may be assigned to work ers 65 years of age and over for purposes of identification only for the state unemployment compensa tion records. Workers above that age limit do not participate in the old-age benefits of the social se curity program, but if they con tinue to work are included in the provisions of the state unemploy ment compensation act.. Macon Students Form Club at Cullowliee ! The Macon county students who are attending Western"" Carolina Teachers college at Cullowhee met April 20 and elected officers for the remainder of this school term. The following officers were elected for the Macon county club: President, Miss lna Henry; vice president, Mrs. Ned Teague ; secretary-treasurer, Miss Blanche Vin son; reporter, Miss Mattie Brendle; social chairman. Miss Mattie Wilkes, Mrs. Lyrrian jolly; social commit tee, Miss 'Pauline Cabe, Miss Myr tle Vinson; program chairman, Mr. E,' G. Crawford, Miss Gladys Pan nell ; program committee, Carl Moses,- Sanford Smith,. Mrs. Her bert Angel. A program by the club, will be given Thursday night, April 29, at 8 o'clock. There are 40 students from Ma con county who are attending W. C. T C Many more are expected to register, for the special . six weeks' term. The following students who at tended W. C. T. C. during the winter quarter were members of the honor rolls: Alpha honor roll- Norman West, Mattie Brendell; Beta honor roll Van Buren Carter, E. G. Crawford. . LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF., SALE North GaKluia, ' r 1 Macon County; v ; The undersigned, will oh the 27th day of May, 1937, at the court house door in ' the town of Frank- lin, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M, sell to the highest bidder for cash the followirig described land, to-wit: All the land contained and de scribed in a deed from L. E. Cabe and wife, S. E. Cabe;. M. N. Angel and , wife, E. J. Angel and S, A. Angel to J. D. and W. D. Keener, by deed of date the 9th day of May, 1921," recorded in . Book G4 at oasre 304. Office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, said boundary of lands containing ninety acres more or less. , This sale is being, made pursuant to an order entered by the Court authorizing and -directing the und ersigned to sell the above describ ed land, which is also mentioned and described in " a certain instru ment executed by J. D. Keener and wife, F. M. Keener; W, u. LEGAL ADVERTISING Keener and wife, M. A. Keener to secure the sum of $800.00, less cer tain credits,- said instrument being of record in Book 21 of Mortgages and deeds of trust at page 523, Office of the Register, of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby. This the 26th day of April, 1937. J. J. MANN, Trustee. A29-4tp M20 , ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of M. L. Angel, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is . to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 20th day of March, 1937. W, M. ANGEL, M25 6tp A29 Administrator ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of Anna E. Harrington, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned an or before the 18th day of March, 1938, or thi notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 18th day of March, 1937. IDA H. PATTILLO, Administratrix A8 6tp M13 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of Robert E. Pattillo, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 18th day of March, 1937. ; IDA H. PATTILLO, Administratrix A8-6tp M13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of W. T. Roper, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the ..undersigned on or before the 3rd day of April, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 3rd day of April, 1937. DWIGHT ROWLAND, Administrator A8 6tp M13 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified as executors of Evan Talley, deceased, late of Ma con county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of April, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to saidN estate will please make immediate Settlement. This 3rd day of April, 1937. , EBBY TALLEY, WALTER TALLEY, Executors A8-6tp M13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. E. B. 'Scbulman, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 7th day of April, 1937.' HERMAN SCHULMAN, . ' ' Administrator. A8-6tp M13 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of H. P. P. Thompson, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of April, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, All persons LEGAL ADVERTISING indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 5th day of April, 1937. HELEN L. THOMPSON, Administratrix A8 6tp M13 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE .Having qualified as executor of Alfred M. Shope, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 16th day of March, 1937. ' CLYDE WEST, Executor M18 6tp A22 . In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western District of North Carolina. Asheville Division. At Law No. 418. United States of America v. 209.00 acres of land in Macon County, North Car olina, Mary H. Young, et al. Notice of Action by publication of Sum mons. To: C. S. Kinsland and wife; Boyce Munday. and wife, Grace; Maritta Munday, widow; Amelia Munday Fowler and husband Jim; Grace Oliver and husband, Hugh ; Louise Munday Cotter, widow; Irene, wife of Earl Munday; Ethel Munday Ray;' Arthur Addington; i n ...i i. mm an pci suns -wnomSiOever wno have, or claim to own any estates or interests in the fee or otherwise in and tov the premises described in the petition filed ,in this cause and described in this notice, and any and all heirs . and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are un known, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, ex ecutors, administrators, representa tive, alienees, successors and as signs, of each and every of them ; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right,' title, estate, equity, interest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription in, over. across, -or through said lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the Western District ,of North Carolina.- at Asheville, N. C, that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition filed therein asking for the condemnation of the lands described in the said petition and hereinafter described that you, and each of you, are nec essary and proper parties to the just and final disposition of this Action ; that said action has been instituted by the United States At torney for the Western District of North Carolina for the purpose of the appropriation and condemnation by judicial process, for the public use and benefit of the United States of America, of the lands described in saia pennon anu ucicui u""" described, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, Chap. 186 (36 Stat. 961) Title 16, Sections 513, 521, 553 . and- 563 of U. S. C. A., and according to the method and procedure prescribed in the Act of Congress of August 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357 (30 U. S. C. A., Sections 257, 258 and 258-a); that the lands proposed to be con demned and appropriated by the plaintiff United btates are aescriD ed substantially as follows: Tract f 110?i f nna rpnt urA nrPSlimTV- tive owners being Mary H. Young, containing according to survey 209.00 acres, situated in Macon County, N: C, on the waters of Dick's Creek, a tributary of Nanta hala River, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Exhibit A and upon map or plat Exhibit "B" attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by- publication for four (4) successive weeks, and answer plaint herein filed by the above named petitioner in the. office of the said Clerk, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur , to the said petition or complaint within the time soecified the oetitioner will appiy to me v-ourt ior, ine reuei ; demanded in said petition. Witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the West ern District of North Carolina, this the 21st day of April, 1937, and the m a'. . . year ot our independence tne ipist. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk. By: N, A. Lytic Denuty Clerk,

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