THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1M7 THE fftANkLM PRESi AND THfi HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PACE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS EDWARDS-ROPER ' A wedding of much interest to their many friends, was that of Miss Edna Edwards to Brounce Roper, which was quietly solemn ized in Clayton, Ga., on. Friday, 'April 16. Mrs. Roper is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edwards, of Burningtown. -She is also . a stu dent of Western Carolina Teachers college, at Cullowhee. Mr. Roper is the son of Cling man Koper and the late Mrs. Rop er, of- Oak Dale. He has been employed by the government for several months. Mr. arid Mrss Roper are now making their home on lotla. SURPRISE DINNER FOR MRS. ALICE CHILDERS Mrs. Alice Childers was given a surprise dinner Sunday by her chil dren honoring her on her birthday anniversary, with approximately 25 children, grandchildren and invited friends present. i The table, which was placed on the lawn was laden with a variety of good things to eat, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all, each wishing Mrs. Childers many more occasions like this. Ralph and Marshall Cunningham, Harold . Swoffard, Frank Oliver' and Ralph Tallent spent the week-end Miss Lena Durrance. of Funta Gorda, Fla., is spending the sum mer with "Mrs. J. W. Cantey John son at Trimbnt Inn. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Pattillo spent the .week-end in Macon, Ga., with .' Mrs. Pattillo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C McCullough. Mn and Mrs. Ham Bryson and family, of Green's Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bryson's mother, Mrs. Alice Childers, at her home near the roller mill. Mrs. W. -B. McGuire;,and three daughters, Misses Margaret, Vir ginia ajid Elizabeth, spent several days in Atlanta, Ga., shopping and in Macon, Ga., visiting their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. T. M. Plonk and Mr. Plonk. Mrs. ' Plonk was the former Miss Louise McGuire. Mr. arid Mrs. R. M. Ledford recently spent the week-end in Cl'emsori, S. C, with their daugh ter, Mrs. K. R. Helton and Sgt. Helton. Mr. and' Mrs. John S. Trotter have moved to Asheyille, where Mr. Trotter has accepted a position. Macon Theatre Matinee begin at 3:00 Night Shows 7:30 and 9:30 SHOWING FROM 3:00 TO 11:00 SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, MAY 22 BOB STEELE IN "THE BORDER PHANTOM" ALSO DICK TRACY SERIAL AND "KICK ME AGAIN" MON.-TUE, MAY 24-25 CHARLES BOYER, JEAN ARTHUR In "HISTORY IS MADE AT NIGHT Added Attraction: PICTORIAL grIEW AND CARTOON , fvftlrs. Lymari Higdon) ..-99 , WEDNESDAY, MAY 26 "SINNER TAKE ALL" STARRING BRUCE CABOT and MARGARET LINDSAY Short Subjects ; Pananvount Newts Betty Boop Cartaom, Star Reporter (Mrs. Jack Hall) THUR.-FRI, MAY 27-28 , "FIFTY ROADS TO TOWN" WITH DON AMECHE, ANN SOTHERN, SLIM SUMMER V.ILLE, STEPIN FETCHIT Added Treats "NO PLACE LIKE ROME" and CARTOON . (Mrs. Pope Ellard) The persons whose natmes appear in the above program will be ad mitted by presenting this clipping. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ashear spent a portion of. the past week visiting relatives and friends in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Newton and young son, Phillip, Jr., of Vilas, Fla., arrived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Peek. Mrs. Newton will be remembered as Miss Velma Peek, ( i Mr. and Mrs. John Perry Ing ram and three boys, of Coco Solo, Canal Zone, arrived here last week for a two weeks' visit with Mr. Ingram's mother, Mrs. Charles Ing rtm, at her home oh Franklin Route 4. Mr. Ingram has been with the United States navy for the past 20 years, and this is his first visit home in 12 years. Miss Dorothy Stewart, who is do ing stenographic work in Durham, is expected to arrive in Franklin in a few days to Spend her vaca tion with her parents, , Mr. and Airs. D. G. Stewart, at their home on Riverview street. Miss Elizabeth Dowdle, who is teaching school at Kannapolis, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dowdle. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Hazelwood, of Dublin, Ga., and Dr. H. B. Terry, of Acworth, Ga., were vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stew art Tuesday. Mrs. G. L. Houk and son, Fred rick Johnston Houk, and Miss Mary Willis accompanied G: L. Houk to Asheville Tuesday. Mr. Houk was enroute to New York from .where he sailed Thursday on the Carinthia for Cherbourg, France, and Montreaux, Switzerland. Miss Ina Henry, who is attend ing Western Carolina Teachers col lege, at Cullowhee, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Henry, at their home on Franklin Route 4 Miss Henry was recently elected president of the Macon county "club' at Cullowhee: Mrs. Alvin Dodd, of Atlanta, Ga., came up Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Higdon. Mrs. Dodd was before marriage,' Miss Josephine Higdon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ramey and young son, of Enka, spent the first of the weekf at Prentiss visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. ' W. R. Corpening has re turned to her home oh Cartooge chaye, after undergoing a 'very serious operation at Angel hospital. Mrs. Ida C. Porter, of Highlands, spent last week here, the house guest of Mrs. J. W. Cantey John son, at Trimont Inn. Mrs. Porter is spending this week at Riverside Inn, the guest of Mrs. W. H. Sell ers. Mr. and Mrs. Henley Moore, who came here last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. M. Moore, re turned to their; home in Virginia Beach; Va., Tuesday. They were accompanied by Mr. Moore's fath-. er, C. M. Moore,' and hiece, Sally Lou Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore, who will spend three weeks visiting in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Sloan and Neville, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga,, are spending this week visiting Mrs. George Bidwell at her camp near Wayah. . Mrs. A. E. Gouge, of Bakersville, and Van Sisk, of Charlotte, spent the week-end here with their 'par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sisk, at their home on lotla street. Mrs. George; J, Johnston and son, Murray, have retorned to their home here, after .a visit with Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Alice Mur ray, in Athens, Ga. George Raby, of West's Mill, who has been in Angel hospital for an operation, has been removed to his sister's, Mrs. Jud Potts. His con dition was reported to be slightly improved. . Mr. and Mrs. John Willis Fox, of Asheville, spent a' while here Monday with their grandparents, Judge and Mrs. J. B. Willis, at their home oh Harrison avenue." On their return Monday niht, they were accompanied by Mrs.' Willis who , spent Monday night and Tuesday in Asheville. Miss Dora Bryson, of Atlanta, Ga., came up Sunday for a short visit ,with her aunt, Mrs. C. Bryson and other relatives at West's Mill, returning to her home Grady Garner, of Andrews, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends, He was accompanied on his return Sunday by Mrs, Garner, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cr A. Cabe, at their home ori Franklin Route 2. W. D. Barnard, who has been quite ill from an attack of ery sipelas, caused from an injury on his head, was reported Wednesday to be somewhat improved. Miss Dorothy Bennett, of lotla, left recently for Washington, D. C, where shei expects to spend the summer. Harold Campbell, of Winston Salem, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell, at their home on lotla. Mr. and Mrs. Renfro Clampitt and children, of Bryson City, spent Sunday on lotla visiting Mrs. Clampitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. .R. Clampitt. Miss Thelma Buchanan, of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Buchanan, at their home on lotla. . Mr. and Mrs! L. H. Page and daughter, Mary 'Frances, went to Atlanta, Ga., "Thursday to meet Mrs. Page's father, E. A. Day, who is coming here from Los Angeles, Calif., for a visit with Mrs. Page. Mrs. Moses Blumenthal and two daughters, Dorothy and Majorie, returned to their-home here last week from Atlanta, Ga., where they had spent the past 10 days with Mrs. Blumenthal's sister, Mrs. T. L. Swinger. B. L. Padgett, of Murphy, was among the business visitors here Wednesday. ' -Miss Gladys Pannell spent the' week-end with her parents, M and Mrs. .Arthur Pannell, at bThome in cast Franklin. nmVAlAN . m Ml m m mm m CTMMM TZ WU nviv Steel-nerved Lou Meyer has a special word to say about Camel's mildness V IN THIS RACING GAME, I NEED A y(pl I MILD CIGARETTE SO I SMOKE U ffffitn V CAMELS. I ENJOY CAMELS AS w OFTEN AS I WANT-THEV NEVER jfXf flJS GET ON MV NERVES. lU SAY L S&lj" i CAMELS ARE M"t " fe uwuliuuLElKs- A full month ahead of Summer Sales we are of fering these price reduc tions. You get extra value because of the extra wear and usefulness of these summer specials. Big sav ings on every item. Tennis Shoes price ............. 50 Women's White Sandals, price 50' East Color Wash Dresses, E?fW women's and children's.... OU Ladies' Silk Slips, price .....'..!;. ......... 50 Ladies' Full'. Fashioned ' Hose 50 5 Yards LL Sheeting for SO Ladies' House Shoes, price . J. 50 Children's Party Frocks ............. 50 Boys' Wash Suits priced at ............ 50 Boys Dress Shirts, Sfi all colors Men's Work Shirts, a 75 value ............ 50' Men's High Grade Hose, 3 pair 50 Men's Dress Shirts, for 50' Boys' Overalls, good grade ... 50 Ladies' Rayon Panties, 5 pair 50 Men's Suits, all shades, all wool materials, buy now, prices advance every day $ 1 to $ 1 7.95 price ... Ladies' Short Coats, white and pastel, beautiful new styles $1 .95 in VArrtril mafttvials in wool materials Window Shades, washable 50' Curtain Goods, big variety, CfW 5 v. W 5 yards Ladies' Linen Suits, price $1.98 Ladies' White Coats at $J.98 Silk Dresses in prints and solid colors .......... $.98 Print and Sheer Dresses $1.00 Men's Dress Straw Hats, fiQtf Men's Dress Hats, price $1.69 Men's Overalls for 98' Men's all wool Slacks white, gray, checks, stripes $0.50 $0.95 $0.95 foi La 3 Men's bxfords whites, $1 .98 blacks good grades T Women's and Girls' Slacks 98 i FRANKLIN, N. C. Monday,