THURSDAY, MAY 27. HST- THE FRANKLIN FfttSS AND TIIS HIGHLANDS MAC0N1AN PACK SEVEN Provisions of Old Age and Dependent Children Ac t State Board O u 1 1 i n e s Securing Aid RALEIGH, May 26. Methods of applying for relief under the Old Age" Assistance and Aid to Depen dent Children Act adopted by the ioi7: .ypnprnl assembly of North Carolina may hot be clearly out lined in the minds of many persons who may wish . to secure the aid made possible through passage of the legislation, which goes into ef fect on July 1. . The procedure is simple. Applica tions must be made to county de partments of welfare in the county ,.rWli tW annlicant resides and must be preceded by interview with department workers. They must be in writing; prepared in duplicate (two copies), and they must be sworn to by the applicant. The services of . a notary public or of some authorized county official may be utilized for the latter purpose. In the event applicants are un able to write, or caanot, for any . r:n ViAir amilira- otner reason, u -tions, they may call upon officials or employes of the county welfare departments, who are required by law to prepare applications for those who are unable to do so for tVipmsfl ves. ' All applications must contain a statement of the amount of prop erty, if any, both real and personal, in which applicants may have an interest, and of all income appli cants may have at the time of the filing of the applications. Such ad ditional information as the state board and individual administering agencies may require also must be furnished. t Following the filing of an apph- i n imrocticration rf the aD- tdllUU, " . wo - - plLcant will be made by the local department, in order to ascertain all facts in each case. This is a routine procedure, designed to see that justice is accorded all appli cants, and at the same time to prevent the possibility of fraud. The investigations, are not intended to cause offense. The investigations will be made by employes of the local depart ments, and the results will deter mine the amount of assistance the applicant is entitled to receive, should the application receive final approval. The amounts applicants may re ceive will range as high as $30 per month for old age assistance. In the case of children, there is a maximum of $18 per month for the first child, with each additional child of the same family receiving not more than $12 per month. The maxirmim for children's aid for a single family is $54 per month, ex cept in particular cases of merit where the need is found to - be greater. Decisions of this character will be made by the state board, which will-receive recommendations from the local . departments. Following the investigations, ap plicants are to be promptly notified by local boards as to whether their applications have been approved or rejected, in the event of an un favorable report, the applicant has the right of appeal from the de cisions of the local departments to the state board of Allotments and Appeal. None of the payments made through the Social .Security pro gram, according to the law, shall be subject fo execution, levy, at tachment, garnishment, or other legal processes, nor to the opera tion of Jajvvbarlcruptcy or insol veneytewTNeither shall .any of the funds be transferable or assignable in any manner. These safeguards were embodied in the Act for the" protection of re cipients of assistance, but there are other provisions which tend to pro tect the county and the state from would-be fraudulent persons. The Act, in that respect, reads as follows . "Whoever knowingly obtains, or attempts to obtain, or aids or abets any person to obtain by means of willfully false statements or repre sentation or by impersonation, or other fraudulent device, assistance to which he is not entitled, -or as sistance greater than that to which he is justly entitled, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con vict'on thereof, shall be. fined or imprisoned, or both, at the dis cretion of the court." ; ; Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College Q. How long after shearing should I wait before dipping my sheep? A. It is best to wait until all cuts made at shearing have . healed be fore dipping. This usually takes from 10 days to two weeks. One dipping usually is sufficient, but if any ticks, lice or mites are present, a second dipping should be made 10 days later to destroy any para sites that have hatched since the first dipping. The treatment should be given in the morning of a warm, sunny day so that the flock may dry thoroughly before night... Q. Is it too early to turn my cattle, into lespedeza? A. The chief value of lespedeza for grazing is that it furnishes good pasturage during the hot sum mer and fall months when other pasture grasses are dormant. For this reason the crop should not be grazed before June 1 for the Ko rean variety or July 1 for the other varieties. The cattle should be taken off the fields about Oc tober 1. Where the common variety has been seeded the animals may be left on the field until November 1, as this variety will reseed itself when grazed down to one inch in height. Q. Should wet mash be fed to the poultry flock at this season of the year? , A. Many, raisers make a practice of feeding wet mash to layers as soon as they start breaking in production in the spring. Prior to this, however, the flock should be carefully culled and all birds re moved that have definitely gone out of production. The mash should be fed in the early afternoon and only in such quantity as the birds will clean up in from 15 to 20 minutes. After feeding, the troughs should be cleaneji and allowed to set in the sun as moulds grow rapidly in warm weather. The daily feeding of wet mash should pro long the period of lay. 4-H Girls Offered Medals, Scholarships For the 15th consecutive year the quest for the ideal 4-H home girl is being conducted through the Girls Record Contest by club lead ers of the nation. Designed to of fer recognition to girls with the best all-around records, the contest offers, among other prizes, educa tional trips to the 16th National club congress in Chicago and $1,200 in cash scholarships. Records are sought which show successful participation in such pro jects as sewing, cooking, canning, room and home improvement, and in activities which have to do with demonstrations, exhibits and judg ing contest, and closely allied 'cul tural subjects. Each state selects- one girl from those with the .highest county scores, to receive an all-expense trip to the club congress. Five cash scholarships of $400, $300. $200, $150, and $150 provided by Mont gomery Ward, sponsor of the con test, for the tops. Gold medals of honor are presented county title winners. No obligation of any kind is incurred by the contestants. Use of nickel, chromium and co balt in ornamental plating is pro hibited in Germany. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE North Caroline, Macon County. Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a deed of trust from A, B. Potts and wife, Fannie Potts, to the undersigned Trustee, dated November 1st, 1935, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book No. 35, of Mortgages and deeds of trust, page 136, and default having been made in the amount secured by said deed of trust and demand having been made upon the under signed Trustee to exercise the pow er of sale contained therein, I. will, therefore, on Thursday, June 24th, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in the Town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said indebted ness, principal, interest and cost the following described tract or LEGAL ADVERTISING parcel of land, to-wit? In Sugarfork Township, Begin ning on a white oak on a south watershed of the Sugarfork River and runs S 60 degrees 45 minutes E 9.79 chains crossing the mountain to a stone in the original O. W. Dills line, witnessed by a 12 inch white oak bearing N 50 degrees E 12 links; thence along said line o 52 degrees W 6.13 chains to a stone in the line of State Grant No. '8149; thence along said line N 62 degrees 30 minutes W 1.65 chains crossing the mountain to a stake and point ers, corner of said Grant ; thence still with the line of said Grant, N 88 degrees 15 minutes W 8.60 chains to a stake on east bank of State Highway No. 28; thence along east side of said Highway 5.90 chains to a stake;' thence N 77 degrees E 7.12 chains to the Beginning. This May 24th, 1937. GEO. B. PATTON, Trustee M27-4tc J17 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. , WHEREAS, the power of sale was vested in the undersigned Trustee by a Deed of Trust exe cuted and delivered by J. J. Mann and wife to M. L. Dowdle, Trustee, on May 31, 1926, to secure the pay ment of certain indebtedness as set forth in said Deed of Trust, and which is recorded in Mortgage Book 29, at page 302, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ma con County, Norh Carolina; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of said' indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and demand has-been made upon the undersigned Trustee to exercise power of sale vested in him by said Deed of Trust : I will, therefore, on Monday, June 2Ut, 1937, at the hour of Twelve Noon, at the courthouse door in Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell at public auc tion for cash the following describ ed tract or parcel of property: All the lands conveyed to J. J. Mann by C D. Nichols, N. A. Nichols, J. T. Nichols and wife M. E. Nichols, by deed recorded at page 208, in Book N-4, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, excepting there from that portion of the aforesaid land which is now owned-by H. D. West; and also excepting there from that particular tract of 7j4 acres conveyed by J. J. Mann to Eva V. Fleming and J. G. Fleming on June 5th, 1931, as described by deed recorded in Book U-4, at page 24, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County; and also excepting that portion of the lands sold by G. A. Jones, Commissioner, under a decree of foreclosure of a mortgage on said land held by the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, South Carolina, and conveyed by said Commissioner in Deed record ed in Book A-5, page 301. No bid will be accepted or re ported unless its maker shall de posit with the undersigned Trustee at the close of the bidding the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS as i forfait and guarantee of compli ance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said land will be resold at the same place and upon the same 'terms at TWO o'clock, p. m., on the same day un less said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 20th day of May, 1937. M. L. DOWDLE, Trustee. M27-4tc MLD-J17 , NOTICE OF SALE Stat of North Carolina, County of, Macon. Lucile Siler, Administratrix of the Estate of Annie Ledford, deceased, vs. Ida H. Pattillo, et al. Under and by virtue of a judg ment entered in the above entitled cause by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, on May 3, 1937, I will on Monday, the 7th day of June, 1937, at 12 o'clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder at public outcry for cash an undivided- one-third (1-3) interest in the following de scribed tract of land, lying and be ing in Macon County, North Car olina, and more ' particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: KNOWN as the Bird Place, on the western Turnpike Rod leading LEGAL ADVERTISING from Franklin " to the Town of Webster, and adjoining the lands of,E. H. Franks, J. M. Lyle and others: BEGINNING at a white oak, northwest corner of Section No. 16, runs E 148 poles to a black oak, thence S 22 poles to a stake at the road, thence S 75 W 12 poles to a rock near ford of the creek ; thence S 51 E 9 poles to a persimmon, thence S 35 E 12 poles to a maple on the bend of the creek; thence S. 60 E 12 poles to a poplar on bend of the creek; thence S 76 E 10 poles to a pop lar; thence S 122 poles to a stake; thence W 170 poles to a black oak, crossing the State road at 55 poles; thence N 160 poles to the Hfc-UIN-NING, containing 165 acres, more or less. This, the 3rd day of May, 1937. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M13-4tc J3 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND North Carolina, , Macon . County. In T8i SuDorlor Court The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff. vs. ' Henry G Robertson and wife, Marcia V. Robertson, H. W. Cabe, Trustee for Bank of Franklin, Bank of Franklin, a Corporation, Franklin Hardware Company, Frank I. Murray, Frank I. Murray, Trus tee, Macon County Fishing Club, a Cnrnoration.. O. C. Corbin. Henry kB. Keener, R. L. Porter, R. S. Jones, Administrator of J. A. Sort er, Deceased, Macon County Supply Company, a Corporation, C. R. Zachary, Trustee, John E. Rick man, J. H. Stockton, R. D. Sisk, W. S - Davis and Macon County, Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action at the April Teym, 1937, of Macon Superior Court, by his Honor, F. Donald Phillips, Judge presiding and holding said Term of Court, I will, on the 14th day of June, 1937, at 12 o'clock M.t at the County Courthouse door in said County, sell at public auction to the high est bidder therefor the following described lands, situated in said County and State, in Franklin Township, comprising 17 acres, more or less, and bounded and de scribed as follows : All that certain lot, tract or par cel of land, containing 17 acres, "more or less, , lying and being in Franklin Township, Macon County, State of North Carolina, and being bounded on the North by the lands of N. L. Barnard, and on 'the East and South by the lands of Mrs. Myra Allman and on the West by the Georgia-Franklin Highway, and havincr such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a. plat thereof made by W. . B. McGuire, Surveyor, from a survey made Jan uary 1st, 1923, which plat is on file with ,the Federal Land Bank, of Columbia. The terms of sale are as follows: One-Third Cash, balance in Three equal annual installments, the defer red payments to bear interest and be secured by first deed of trust upon said lands. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the said Superior Court, and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with the Clerk of said Court at the close of the bidding the sum of $250.00, as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credit ed on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will 'be promptly returned to the maker. This the 10th day of May, 1937. J. B. GRAY, Commissioner. M20-4tc G&C-J10 '' NOTICE OF SALE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY The Patton School Property, con sisting of two acres of land and a three room building will be offered for sale at public auction at the Courthouse door in Franklin, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, June 19, 1937, by a representative of the County Board of Education. The terms of the sale will be one half cash down and the balance payable in two equal installments, due in six and twelve months secured by deed of trust on the property, The LEGAL ADVERTISING County Board of Education re serves the right to reject, any and all bids. This May 18, 1937. M. D. BILLINGS, Secy. , The County Board of Education for Macon County M20-4tc J10 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Stat of North Carolina, County of Macon. In The Superior Court Macon County Supply Company vs. The Vercalite Corporation By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Macon County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of June, 1937, the same being the first Mon day in the month of June, 1937, at the hours and places hereinafter designated, sell to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said execu tion, the following described per sonal and real property: Approximately 800 tons of Crude Vermiculite, about 35 to 40 tons processed Vermiculite ; 4 elevators ; 2 kilns ; 10 electric motors ; 1 spike roll crusher; 1 pot crusher; 1 elec tric furnace; laboratory equipment; stock room supplies (bags, ropes, etc.) 3 ratchett jacks; office furni ture; 7 tram cars; -wheelbarrows; picks; shovels; and other tools, all of which is located in and around what is known as the H. Arthur Osborne buildings and warehouses near the Franklin Depot; al The above described property will be sold at 12 o'clock noon at what is known as the H. Arthur Osborne buildings and warehouses near the Franklin Depot in Macon County, North Carolina. All the property and rights de scribed in a deed from Ellis C. Soper to the Vercalite Corporation, dated July 7th, 1936, and recorded in the Deed Book Z-4, page 65, records of Macon County, North Carolina. Also all the property, rights and privileges described in that certain indenture from Ellis C. Soper to the Vercalite Corporation, dated March 31, 1936, and recorded in Deed Book A-5, page 66, records of Macon County, North Carolina. The above .described property will be sold at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in the town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina. This the 7th day of May, 1937. Sheriff Macon County, N. C. A. B. SLAGLE, M13-4tc J3 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. In The Superior Court Herman Deaii, Plaintiff, V9. A. A. Duvall and wife, Vinnie Duvall-and H. H. Dean, Trustee, de fendants. - By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Macon county, North Carolina, in the above en titled action, naming and appointing the undersigned a commissioner of said Court, with power and direct ing him to sell the lands herein after described. I will, . therefore, on Tuesday, the second day of June, 1937, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the south door of the Courthome;"ln Franklin, North Carolina, offer for sale and will sell to the best and highest bidder for cash the following described two parcels or tracts of land, to-wit: FIRST. TRACT r All the lands described in a certain deed of con veyance from B. W. Justice and wife, Rosa Justice, to A. A. Duvall, recorded in Book G-4 at Page 195 the records of deeds of Macon County, embracing some 88 acres more or less, and adjoins the And erson land's and the lands belong ing to J. C. Byrd, Austin. Byrd, and the Tallahassee Power Com pany. SECOND TRACT: All the Lands described, in a Deed from R. R. Duvall and wife, Hallie Duvall, to A. A. Duvall, and Recorded in Book G-4 at Page 171 of Macon county's records of deeds, said lands being bounded by Burning town Creek an its eastern side, and the same is known as the home, place of the defendant, . A. A. Du vall, and is the lands on which he now resides, embracing some 48 acres more or less. This the 3rd day of May, 1937. GEORGE CARPENTER, Commissioner, M64tc M27 . ,'. t

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