THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PACE THREE ! ; SOCIALCTIVITIES " and. COMINGS AND GOINGS BRENDLE-HARKEMA Mr.' and Mrs. Harmon 1 il Brciidlc, uf Franklin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Har riett Taylor,; to Dr." Reinard llar kema, ul Grand Rapids, Mich., and Raleigh. The marriage will lake place in June. ; ' ' Miss I'rendle, a native of Frank lin, .has lived in Greensboro several years and has resided at 2107 Roll ing road, Sunset J lills. ' She is a graduate ' of George Peabody col- Macon Theatre Matinees begin at 3:00 Night Shows 7:30 and 9:30 SHOWING FROM 3:00 TO 11:00 SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAF, JUNE 5 JOHNNY MACK BROWN In "THE GAMBLING TERROR" Added Shorts "DICK TRACY", "MAIL AND FEMALE" MON.-TUE., JUNE 7-8 "TURN OFF THE MOON" Starring CHARLIE RUGGLLES, ELEAN ORE WHITNEY, JOHNNY DOWNS, BEN BLUE and PHIL HARRIS AND ORCHESTRA Selected Shiort Subjects Mixed Magic; Popular Science . (Mrs. Fred Sloan) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 "ONCE A DOCTOR" JEAN MUIR. DONALD WOOD And a goad cast Also Paramount News; Cartoon "Its AH1 Over Now" (Miss Amanda .Slagle) THUR.-FR,!., JUNE 10-11 "WAKE UP ANL LIVE" With WALTER WINCHELL, BEN BERNIE, ALICE FAYE, PATSY KELLY, NED SPARKS, JACK HALEY Added "Public Pays", "Flying South" (Mrs. J.. A. Cleavcland) , The persons whose names appear in lhe above program will be ad mitted by .'presenting this clipping. MIIIU'lMltJI oes! Shoes! oes! '1'IH !IHt'l".)Ult,it!,l!m .'.'S!:;:iA-""'"- I Sh So ,, nh u " mn . . , , 11 !i'r. ; i 1 1 It ! hi r t i 't d I : ( , : : I m ff See Our Windows E. K. Cunningham & Go. THE SHOP OF QUALITY FRANKLIN, N. C. lege for teachers, Nashyille, Tcnn., and is a member of the faculty ot( J. Van Lindlcy school. . -i "Dr. llarkema, eldest son of. Mr. and Mrs. Seitz llarkeiii'a, of Grand Rapids, M ich., "is on the faculty ul State colli' go, Raleigh' of the Uni versity of North Carolina, where he is in the department of zoology. He is also doing jpecial research in the field of : parasitology. J Jr. llarkema ilcccived . a bachelor of arts decree from Calvin college, (irand Rapids, "and a Ph.D. degree in science from Duke University, Durham. He is a member of Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific society, of Phi Sigma, national hon orary biological society, and of I'hi Beta Kappa, ' SHOWER GIVEN FOR MISS McGUIRE One of the most delightful of the courtesies .extended to Miss Mar garet McGuire, whose "'marriage to Warren Cooper will take place on June 5, was a kitchen shower given at the home of Mrs. George Slagle Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock by the. Ladies' auxiliary of the Franklin Presbyterian church. J 'ink roses and lavendar iris were used throughout the house, in at tractive arrangements. I Hiring the afternoon, M rs. J. A. Flanagan, as mistress of ceremonies; led the guests in several humor ous contests. 'In one contest, each Kiiest was asked .to write a love story. Miss McGuire wrote the best love s,tory and as winner was pre sented with a lovely array of gifts bv little Ann Flanagan, pressed as "Bridget." . v The souvenirs were pink parasols made of-crepe paper, and filled with ricc with which the bride-elect was showered. Delicious ice 1 cream covered Avith crushed strawberries and angel cake was served by the hostesses. . FAREWELL PARTY FOR MRS. B. W. JOHNSON As a. farewell courtesy tendered Mrs. Blackburn W. Johnson, prior to her leaving for her new home in Asheville, Mrs. S. H. Lylc, Jr., and Mrs. George J. Johnston enter tained the Thursday Bridge club at the home of the latter on Har rison avenue. The rooms where the guests as sembled were 'beautifully decorated in an array of spring flowers. Mrs. Johnson was presented a beautiful chromium table lamp as a farewell gift from the club. Yes, we have them, anything you w a n t , from ;$2.95 to $10.00, including Friednian Shelhy, F o o t Fash ions, Jolin C. Robert and Florsheims, in all the new styles, colors, lasts, etc. We guaran tee every pair to he SOLID LliATIIIR. All we ask you is to try thein. You will be a " SATISFIFD customer. Those "enjoying; the evening be sides the honorec,. wore ;' ' M rs. K. S. Jones, .j rs. Fred S.. Sloan, Mrs. Sam Mcridenhall, Mrs. Emor'y Hunnicutt and Miss Anuuida Slavic. -. "Hie hostesses - served a (Jkdicioiis salad at th,e conclusion of . the playing- I nARrVrw ri im rn rut n x?r WITH MRS. McLEAN , The Garden club vill( meet Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock - at the home of Mrs. A. F. McLean,--president, '-t "Knollacres" at West's Mill, for ' their- regular . monthly business and social .meeting-. All' meinbers are .urged to attend. Miss Dorothy 1'ei'kiiis; 01 Scotts il)e, has been visitim- her aunt, Mrs. W. II. Craybeal, and her cousin, Miss Kate Cox, of Oak Hill, for the past week, Miss' rerkin plans to remain in l-'ranklin. for another week. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Long, of Amity, (ia., are on an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. II. Young and Mr. Young at. their home on Route 2. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Phillips re ' turned to their home in (Jeorgia last Friday after a few days' serv ices conducted at llickury Knoll. M rs. Henry Slaglc, AI rs. Turn Bryson, Mrs. (iilmer A. Jones and Mrs. Lee W'aldroop attended, th meeting of the ."American Legion auxiliary for the fifth area, which was- held in Wayncsville Wednes day. Zeb y. Gonley received a mes sage Saturday morning announcing the death of his brother, Joe Om; lev, who died in Everett, Wash., Friday. ' Miss I-'rances Ashe, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs.. 1 erald Aslie, who Underwent .an operation at Angel hospital Monday morning', was. k'- ported Wednesday morning to be getting along nicely.' Miss Mercer Blaine has returned to her home in Baruson, Mo.,- after spending several days here as' the house giiest of Miss Grace. Conlcy, at her home on Harrison aenue. Akr. and Mrs. J. S. Cordey and daughter,. Aliss Grace Conlcy, and Mrs. W'. A. Rogers spent Tuesday in Asheville shopping. ' Mrs. John Willis Fox spent the first of the week here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Willis, at their home on Har rison avenue. J. H. Harwood, editor of The Dry son City News; Charles. l. Browning and W'. 'O. Calhoun, of Bryson City,: were lure Sunday to attend the singing convention at the courthouse, Coming to Franklin they stopped at Oak Grove to at tend the memorial exercises, where Judge Harwood'- delivered an ad dress. Mr. and Mrs." John Moore and Jqhn, Jr., spent the week-end in Spindale with their son, J. J. Moore and-yMrs. Moore. C. A. Setscr was called to Raleigh last week on account of the serious illness of his son, Carl. Mrs. II. ''K. Osborne and daugh ters, Sarah and 'Evelyn; returned to their home in Royston, (!a., Sun day, after spending several days with Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Rimmer. Miss Elizabeth Bass, of Asheville, has accepted .a position as operator in the Ilallic Beauty Shop. Miss Betty. Leach, wljo has been in college at Tallahassee, Fla., the past year, has returned to her home here for the summer. Mrs fitly Ilornsby and Mrs. Frances Werner, of Atlanta, Ga .spent Sunday here with their brother, Jack O.. Werner and Airs. Werner. Miss Tula Belle McCollum, of Cleveland, .Ga., is spending- several days here with her brother, Ben McCollum and Mrs. McCollum at their home on Falmer street. Mrs. C. C. Cunningham, Mrs. C. 1). Baird, Mrs. My'ra Allman and W. R. Cunningham attended the funeral of Mrs. Smithdeal in Cor nelia, Ga., Sunday. Mrs. Smithdeal had often visited her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Currier, when' they lived in Franklin. Miss Nancy Jones, who has been attending J'eace .Institute in Ra leigh the past year, arrived , here Wednesday to spend the summer with , her parents, Mr. and Mrsrt Gilmer A. Jones. Airs. Sloan Rickinan and two children, Kdwin and Ruby, have returned to their home in Fitz gerald, Ga.,; after a visit with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Ji . T. Mc Coy at their home at Gneiss and Mr. Pickman's father, John , E. Rick-man,- at his home in Franklin, Miss Ruby Hall, of Atlanta, Ga., is spending several days visiting.! her mother, 'Mrs. ohn Hall, at her home on B'idwell street. Mrs. Phil McCollum and young daughter have returned from Birm ingham, Ala., -where, they spent several days with Mrs. McCollum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Kin ncbrew. ' i : . M r. and Al rs(. ,W. R. Paddock and two children, of Atlanta, Ga., spent, the'- past week-end in. I'rank 1 i n i siting, .friends.. Mr, . Paddock was i formerly .'-.supervisor of the Xantahala national forest. '' ' " Mr. an'd--Mrs. St C lair Anderson, of Albany, N. Y., arrived here Sat urday for a few-: weeks'- v. is it' with fli.eii- daughter, Mrs. fail P. Cabe and Mr. Cabe at their( Iro'ine in the Wright apartments on West Main street. " Jot: Rickman, who is working"' in Asheville, spent the week-end with his family at their home at West's Mi". . . , - : : . erlin . Bradley 'returned to his work in Claremont, Calif., Monday, after spending a month visiting his parents,. Mr: and Mrs.-J. E. Brad ley, at their home at Etna. (Continued on Page Eight) LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE Worth Carolina, Macon County. Under and by virtue, of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust from B. Verlin McCoy and wife, to the undersigned Trustee, dated December IS, 1934, and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book No. 33, of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, Page 307, and default having been made in the payment of the amount secured 'by said deed of trust and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trustee to- exer cise the power of sale contained therein,' I will, therefore, on Thurs day, July 1st, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Check Your ummer On This List---Bay Before Prices Advance Ladies' D ress Hats, CQ"$1 ,00 felt and straw A Men's Dress P"7C Straw Hats Men's Better Grade Waterproof $1.25 Hats 1 Children's Organdie QCj and CfW Dresses .;. JU Ladies' Voile, Lace and Silk $1.00 Dresses Ladies' Fast Colcr Print Dresses, $1.00 2 for 1 Men's White $1 .98 to $0.50 Oxfords 1 Ladies' Tennis QOc Slippers . ; ... Children's White Shoes, with leather $1 .00 soles , Men's Fast Color Dress an shirts ou y Wash Pants for Men and Boys, QCtf to $1.95 All sizes, Sanforized Shrunk J- Ladies' Sandals white, colors "' ' 1 1 "''""''' ' 1 ...I- - - - ! " Men's Good Plow Shoes, $1 .69 Plain toe, leather insole - ,.,, , i ,.. .mi- Men's Blue Work CA Shirts .;. OUi Joseph Ashear "We Clothe the Family" FRANKLIN, N. C. LEGAL ADVERTISING ' the Town , of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said indebtedness, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land : , '.BEGINNING on an ironwood tree on the eastern bank of the Little Tennessee' River,' just below, the McCoy ford, the SW corner of the Johnston JoneS old tract, and . riijis thence with' the south boundary line of- said tract, N j08 degrees E 171.5' feet to a stake on the south bank of a road leading from State Highway No. 286 to the McCoy l'ord; theiice stll with the south boundary line of the said Jones old tract, N 74 degrees 42 minutes E 627.0 feet to a stake in said 'State Highway No. 286, where same crosses a small spring branch,; said stake being the corner of the said Jones old tract, in the west line of the Hall tract; thence S 9 degrees 28 minutes E 217.8 feet to a point tin a stone in the south margin of Bradley Creek', opposite the mouth of said, spring branch; thence S 4 degrees 48 minutes E 86.4 feet to a stake in the -center of. the-old Bryson City road; wit nessed by dogwood and black gum tree; thence with said road, S 72 degrees 38 minutes W 324.5 feet to a stake in said road ; thence S 78 degrees 06 minutes W 200.7 feet to a stake on the north bank of said road; thence S 68 degrees 42 min utes W 181.7 feet, to a holly tree on the east 'banK of the said Little Tennessee River; thence with the meanders of the east bank of' said river, 309.0 feet to the BEGIN NING, containing five acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed, to B. 'Verlin McCoy by Bei S. Matlock and wife, Hazel Hall Matlock, by deed dated De cember 18, 1934. This May 31, 1937. GEO. B. PATTON, J3 GBP 4tc J24 Trustee. Clot BiiDig

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