PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1937 Home Demonstration Club News , BY MRS. T. J. O'NEIL Macon County Home Demonstration Agent ENTERTAINING AT HOME Sharing the delights of home with guests is one of the oldest forms of hospitality. The hostess who puts so much effort into preparing for guests 'that she cannot enter into the spirit . of the occasion is violat ing the first rule of etiquette. Sometimes the hostess doubts her knowledge of the rules for enter taining and worries .so much about imagned short comings that the guests become infected with the spirit of unrest. A hostess should understand that her guests have a right to expect a smiling welcome and that she, by her gracious man ners, make those under her roof feel that they, arc partners in an adventure of good fellowship. The hostess, however, is not the only one to remember proper entertain ing etiquette. Hospitality imposes obligations on the guests as well as the hostess. Guests should be thoughtful and considerate of the rules and regulations of a house hold wherein they are being en tertained. The foundation of all en tertaining is to be thoughtful and considerate of the feelings of oth ers. It is a hard task on any hostess to be serene and smiling when a guest has kept a meal waiting un til it is spoiled. Children should be taught enter taining etiquette almost from their cradle, and also the rules for being looked-forward-to and pleasantly remembered afterwards by guests. There is nothing more pleasant nor anything that gives one a warm feeling of good fellowship like being entertained in a home where every member of that home is cooperating' to make every one happy and at case. While on the other hand there is nothing so un pleasant as being in a home where no one regards the slightest feel ings of the other members' of the household and no law or order of etiquette is ever regarded. Let us club sisters try the harder to make our, homes a place where we ourselves get as much joy out of our entertaining as we hope to impart to our guests. jvirs. nayne c Artnur 4-H CLUB CAMP 4-H Club camp will be held at Swannanoa July 12 to 17. Any Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body "Waste Your kldfteVa are constantly filtering wat matter from the blood stream. Bui kidneys sometimes lag In their work do not act as Nature intended tall to re novo Impurities that, if retained, may Klaon (he system and upset the whole dy machinery. 8ymptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dissineas. getting up nights, swelling, pufflnecs under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis order may be burning, scanty or too (remient urination. , There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Dora's Pill. Doan'$ have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They bava a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the aountry over. A$k tour neigkborl Star Single-edge Blades solve the mystery of good shaves. Made since 1880 by the inventors of the original safety razor. Keen, a mm lasting, uniform. If Jf.n longyTNy member who has 'done satisfactory work will be eligible to go. Cos of Camp One dollar camp fee to be sent to this office before June 20: Fee will be rc.turncd if member is unable to go. One dollar for transportation to .be paid upon leaving Franklin. Food for one week, a list of which will be sent those who pay the fee. Facts About Camp Dormitories, lights, water, swim ming, well prepared food are pro vided. , '. ' Tfomc and farm agents and ex tension workers from Raleigh will be in charge. Instruction in crafts, nature study, art and recreation will 'be provided. Application for Camp Macon, Clay and Jackson county boys and girls will attend camp at the same time. The quota for Ala con county is 30. The 30 boys and girls who have done the most out standing club work will be selected to go. All applications must be in this office by June 10. Intestinal Parasites In Poultry Worms probably cause more loss to poultrymcn than any other one thing. This is especially true where the poultryman is the least bit careless. Symptoms: Birds infested with worms will have an unthrifty ap pearance and light in weight, usual ly they will be pale around the head and shanks. The eyes are usually discolored and sometimes go blind. The birds sometimes go lame or become weak in the legs. Round Worms : The large round worm is a whitish, round worm from xi to 4 inches in length. Each female worm is capable of laying thousands of eggs which pass out of . the bird's body in the droppings. Jf there is not plenty, of good dry litter on the floor these eggs will hatch and be eaten by the bird and immediately develop into a mature worm. The intestines will soon be come clogged with worms and the birds will die. Tape Worms: Tape worms arc of two kinds. The small tape worm found in the upper intestines. Both are flat, segmented, white worms, The head of the tapeworm is very small and is burried in the walls of the intestines. Each segment is fill ed with eggs. A segment will break off, pass out of the bird and when eaten by flies or snails, will pass out of them and then are ready to reinfest the bird. Sanitation: Prevention is the most important step in the control of the parasites. Strict sanitation must be practiced at all times. Keep plenty of good dry litter in the house. Change this litter often. Keep clean range. Use hydrated lime on the ground .where the birds use the most. Keep down flics just as much as possible. Treatment: For round worms a round worm capsule can be given. Fqr tapeworms a tapeworm capsule can be given. A combination cap sule can be given for both worms. The 'first treatment should be when the birds are around 12 weeks old. Another treatment should be ivcn just before the birds go into lay. Take birds off feed for a day,, give the capsules at night, keeping them up the next day and night, then clean the house and destroy the litter. Keep a good balanced ration be fore the birds at all times. This develops a strong vitality to with stand disease and parasites. Keep birds properly housed. Give each bird at least 4 square feet of floor space. Crowded birds arc .usually low in vitality. Poultry is profitable if properly managed, but an ex pense if improperly managed. For further information see your county home agent. S. W. MENDENHALL, County Agent. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. How can I cure colds in my young chicks? A. Colds usually are caused by overcrowding, chilling, ovr-heating, an unbalanced diet, or a drafty house and the first step should be to find the cause and correct it. The worst cases should be destroy ed and Epsom salts given to the remaining .birds at the rate of one-half pound to each two and one-half gallons of drinking water. This should be kept before the birds for one day" and a suitable germicide kept in the drinking wat er while there is evidence of the trouble. Uusually an . out-break of colds runs its course and if good management and sanitation is prac ticed only a few birds are lost. Q. In topping tobacco, how many leaves should oc left on the stalk? A. This depends to a great ex tent upon soil conditions and the amount of fertilizer used. On the average soils of the state, tobacco will mature when IS to 18 leaves are left on the stalk. On poorer soils the plant should Ie topped lower and on the richer soils it should be topped higher. Be sure and begin topping just as soon as the seed parts of the plant begin to show. The tobatfeo will run up enough to top every three days and should be topped as uniformly as possible-so that the plants will mature more evenly. Q. Should silage be , used f6r feeding dairy animals in the sum mer? , A Silage has its place in summer feeding only as a supplement to short pasture. Where the silage crops yield well they furnish' a cheaper and more convenient sup plement to the short pasture than do soiling crops. Where it is avail able, it is also well to feed a rea sonable ainount in the morning for the first several days .after cows are turned oh pasture. This is ad visable even with an abundance of grazing as it prevents the animals from gorging on the tender, watery grass which tends to scour them. Don't let germs infect your baby's delicate skin Instead of using ordinary baby powders, use Mennen Antiseptic Powder. It's definitely antiseptic and fights off germs. This famous powder is as soft, as smooth and fine as a baby powder can be But. in addition IT KEEPS YOUR BABY SAFER pro tected against his worst enemies, germs and infection. It costs no more See your druggist today. Men neri oiniueiu PowbER HAS TIMED 150 MILLION LIVES You can't grow a good -corn crop on a place where the topsoil has been washed away. I'M A NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSANG Yes, properly balanced proportions, such proven elements as organic copper and iron. Quickly stimulates appetite and aids nature in building rich, red blood even in cases of simple anemia. When this happens, energy and strength usually return. You feel like new. Get Pursang from your druggist. Fill THE TANK ONCE and drive l- all day ! j FORD "60" OWNERS REP6RT 22-27 MILES PER GALLON The 60-horsepower Ford V-8 is writing remark able mileage records on American roads. Private owners and fleet operators alike report averages of from 22 to 27 miles on a gallon of gasoline. You can fill the tank of your Ford "60" and drive all day 300 to 400 miles without stop ping again for fuel. Besides costing less to run than any Ford car ever built, it sells at the lowest Ford price in years. That's- double economy t . The "60" delivers V-8 smoothness and quiet at speeds up to 70 miles an hour. It is built into the same roomy body as the famous "85" with the same modern features of comfort and depend ability that make the 1937 Ford V-8 unques tionably THB QUALITY CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE HELD. FORD V-8 t BEGIN AT 529 a! Dearborn Factory. Transportation chargesi Stats and Federal taxes extra Thif price is for the 60-horsepower Coupe, illus trated tbove, equipped with front and rear bump en, spare tire, horn, windshield wiper, sun viior, ' glove compartment, and aih tray. $05 A MONTH, after usual down-payment, . buys any model 1937 Ford V-8 Car from any Ford dealer anywhere in the United States. Ask your Ford dealer about the easy , payment plans of the Universal Credit Company.