- - PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LI I, NO. 24 FRANKLIN, N, C, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1937v $1.50 PER YEAR ESSO BOOSTERS CLUBJEET1NG Standard Oil Officials Met In Franklin June 9 The Esso Boosters club, compos ed of Standard Oil officials, sales agents, and service station manag ers of the Hendersonville district, met in Franklin Wednesday, June 9, with seven counties represented and 65 in attendance for their an nual field day. In. tlje morning visitors were, en tertained with a Standard Oil mo tion picture at the Macon Theatre, after which a delicious banquet was served at the Franklin golf and country club, with J. S. Conley, of Franklin, commission sales agent, presiding. Taking part on the pro gram were H. M. LeCaney, general salesman for the Hendersonville field, who with Mrs. LeConey, at tended from Brevard; J. S. Porter, chairman of the Boosters club',- who was accempanicd by Mrs. Porter, from Hendersonville; F. B. Miller and, George Newman, of Charlotte; p. M. Fletcher, district manager, and Alva Pearce, of Asheville, who were also accompanied by their wives. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Whitmire, of Brevard; Mr. and Mrs Haines of Cliffside; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keeter, Lake Lure; Dr. Green, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Barn ttP Mr. Bvers. of Tryon: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doggett, C. M. White sides, F. M. Hill, of . Rutherford ; Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and friends of Forest City, and Mr. Hammett, of Charlotte. Guests of the Franklin boys in cluded Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry, Dr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Neil, Mrs. Mather, Sam Alexander, and Mrs. Fred Sloan. : Afternoon events included golf, swimming, tennis, bridge and a trip to Wayah Bald. Altogether a de lightful day was spent by all. .The Franklin boys wish to thank all the Franklin citizens who as- cUtr.H them in their efforts to make the day a pleasant one for the guests. Bulletin Board Placed In Courthouse Hall The forest service has furnished enough lumber to construct a bul letin board in the hall of the court house next to the county agent's office. This bulletin 'board is for the benefit of the forest service and the farmers of Macon county. Any farmer having any article for sale or desires to purchase any article, or any information pertain ing to his farming operations can come to the county agent's office and a typed copy will be made of his notice and placed on this bul letin board. S. W. Mendcnhall, '""'' County Agent. Franklin Produce Market LATEST QUOTATIONS (Prices listed below are subject to change without notice.) Quoted by Farmers Federation, Inc. Chickens, heavy breed, hens 12c Chickens, light weight, lb. ,. 9c i Fryers, lb. . 20c Eggs, doz. 20c Corn, bu. . $1.20 Wheat, bu ..$120 Yellow Mammoth boy Beans, bu $2.00 Lorida Beans, bu. ......... . .$2.50 Virginia Brown Beans, bu. . .$2.50 Quoted by Nantahala Creamery Dutterfat. lb. ............... 27c Federation Advisory Committee Met Wednesday The county advisory committee of the Farmers Federation of Ma con county met Wednesday at the Farmers Federation warehouse for their regular quarterly meeting. Guy M. Sales, assistant general manager, of Asheville, and Vance A. Browning, education director, were present at the meeting, and gave reports on the spring business. The warehouse in Franklin show ed an increase in business for the first five months of this year of $6,000 over the same period last year, which was very gratifying to the committee. It was decided to hold a picnic this year, similar to the one held last year. This will be a county wide farmers picnic, to be held "in Franklin, with definite date to be announced later. U.D.C. AWARDS ESSAYPR1ZES Jean Moore Winner In Contest At Meeting Held Monday A very interesting meeting of the United Daughters of Confederacy was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Ray. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Carl S.' Slagle, president, with a program on Jefferson Davis, whose birthday - anniversary'" was June 3. Mrs. Ray gave a short sketch on his life. Mrs. Zeb W. Conley read an article an "The First White House," while Miss Nora Leach told about the permit being drafted to grant the "Daughters of Con federacy" to erect a suitable mark er as a- memorial to Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America, at the terminus of the Jefferson Davis national highway. . The Chapter gave a cash prize for the best essay written on a hero or heroine in the war be tween the states. This was won by Miss Jean Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore, of Frank lin. The essay was a sketch of the life of her great-grandmother, Ava line Lynch Barnard. The heroine in this story has one daughter, Mrs. A. W. Home, and three sons in Macon county, J. L. Barnard, of Franklin; W. D. and Lack Barnard, of Iotla, and one son, Tom Barnard, at Beech, in Buncombe county. The essay is as follows: MY FAVORITE HEROINE IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Praises of great military heroes of the war between the states have been sung over and over again, but very seldom do we hear of the noble women and men who stayed behind to carry on the poor home life of the South. Very few people have ever heard of. Avaline Lynch Barnard; fewer remember her, for she was a young woman when the war began. ' Avaline Lynch was born in Rutherford county in 1832. Her father was well educated, her grandfather Kerr was a Presby terian minister, and she herself had a fairjly good education. She met and rriarricd William Barnard when she Was about 20 years of age. They moved to Buncombe county, whete they lived for many years ) In the badkwoods settlement on Big Ivy creejc, the need of medical aid was urgent, so this young wo man, fresh ftfom a home of com parative comftort, read and studied until she had a fairly good knowl edge . of the profession. In later years she was , affectionately called "Doctor Barnard." With a natural (Continued on Page Eight) BEE EXPERT TO VISITJOUNTY C. L. Sams, Specialist Of Raleigh, Will Be ' Here June 22 PppUppniinr is an industrv which f v-v. j'"5 . - - is worthy of increased development, l I since it meets the growing aeinanu for a palatable food. Besides its use for the table, honey is much used in cooking to replace all or part of the sugar called for by a recipe. Manv hfffcpners in Macon coun ty have their bees in gums and box-hives, and it can not be too rernrnmeruled that these J v - be transferred as rapidly as pos- . i i r sible to modem movaDie-iramc hives. The complaint is often heard, that modern hives are too expen sive but the advantage of being able to handle the bees far out weighs the cost of equipment. How ever, transferring bees to modern hives will not be profitable unless the bees are then properly cared for. . The tendency to swarm can be reduced by the introduction of su perior stock, by the use of well ar forrpr1 Viivps and good comb, and by management which prevents a congestion of bees in the brood nest. Swarming, therefore, can btt prevented to a large extent oy proper equipment and management. European foulbrood is a disease of the brood of bees which has caused great losses to beekeepers. u; U a disease of weak colonies. TVi dicpacp U nrevalent in spring anu caiiy suumm, "'"i - brood is an infectious disease. How ever strong colonies under suitable conditions and headed by vigorous queens of resistant stock, European foulbrood will usually make little, if any headway. Mr. C. L. Sams, bee specialist, from Raleigh, will be in the county Tuesday, June 22. We will be on the farm of H. E Keener in the Gold Mine section at 8:30 o'clock. On the farm of E. V. Ammons, Holly Springs section, at 10:30 o'clock. At the home of Ben Har rison in Franklin at 1 o'clock. On the farm of M. S. Burnett in the Scaly section at 3:30 o'clock. Farmers desiring to , secure any information regarding beekeeping should be at one of these places mentioned and at the time stated. Mr. Sams is an authority on bees and can give any one desiring it, some valuable information. S. W. Mendenhall, County Agent. Eastern Star Franklin Ladies Attend Grand Chapter Mrs. C. C. Cunningham, Mrs, Frank .1. Murray, Mrs. J. R. Ray. Mrs. W. T. Moore, Mrs. Pearl Wright, Mrs. Henry W. Cabe, Mrs. J. C. Barrington, Mrs. Roy Swan son, Mrs. C. T. Blaine, Miss Lassie Kelly, Miss Naomi Bowman and Miss Elizabeth Slagle attended the 32nd session grand chapter of 'the order of the Eastern Star, which met in Asheville Thursday of last week. Three grand honors have come to the Franklin chapter of the 0. E. S. in the past year. Mrs. J. C. Barrington was made assistant grand marshal in the grand chapter in 1936. Miss Elizabeth .Slagle as page for the grand chapter for the session last week, and she was also made grand Adah for the year 1937. Fine Cow Killed By Lightning Tuesday During an electrical storm here Tuesday about 1 o'clock, lightning struck and killed a thoroughbred Guernsey cow, belonging to John F. Cunningham, of Franklin Route 1. The cow was young and giving four gallons of milk per day, Three Hurt Wreck Sunday Injures Phillips Family Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Phillips and their five-year-old son were painfully injured Sunday morning when their car overturned on the Wayah road about nine miles from Franklin, near the home of Miss Annie Slagle. Mr. Phillips and his family were returning from a trip to Wayah Bald, and the accident is said to have" been caused by his driving too hear the soft shoulder of the road. The car left the highway and turned over twice, landing in Wayah creek. The members of the family were all taken to Angel hospital where it was found that Mr. Phillips had suffered a fractured knee cap, Mrs. Phillips had three broken ribs and a five-year-old son, George, who was the most seriously injured, was suffering from brain concussion. Three other children were unin jured. A two-months-old daughter was washed from the car when it over turned and was carried for about 50 feet down the creek. When she was found by her brother her breath had apparently stopped, but she soon ecovered and appeared none the worse from the accident. DEEP GAP CAMP OPEN FOR USE Camp Is Equipped With All Facilities For Convenience Deep Gap campground, located at the foot of Standing Indian mountain in the Nantahala Nation al forest, i$ now open for public use, forest officials announced tor day. The new campground, constructed during the past spring and winter months, is equipped with all the necessary facilities for camping and picnicking. . A forest service road along Buck creek connects the campground with U. S. 64 near Rainbow Springs. Trails lead from the campground to Standing Jndian with its high cliff overlooking the lakes in Georgia, to Pickins Nose, a rugged mountain peak, and to High Falls at the headwaters of the Tallulah river. Purple rhododendron has been planted in the campground to form a continuation of the beds of this shrub found at the top and along the slopes of Standing Indian mountain. The Appalachian Trail, a foot path from Maine to Georgia, passes through the campground. Two Andirondack type leantos have been constructed for the convenience of hikers who visit the camp. Independence Day Celebration July 5 Boise Hall, commander of the Macon countv cost of the Amer ican Legion announcedv today that the Legion and the Boy bcouts would sponsor an Independence Day celebration in Franklin this year. Qn account of the fact that the Fourth of July comes on Sunday the celebration will occur on Mon day, July 5. The program will be announced later. Names Omitted From W. C. T. C. Graduates The names of four Macon county ladies who were two-year seniors and received their diplomas at Western Carolina Teachers college, were j inadvertently omitted from the ljst printed in The Press last weeki Thev were : Lovicia Tustice .. j . Moses, Catherine Ramey, Lois Henderson and Veva, Howard. DILLARD MAN FOUND DEAD Lawrence Webb Shot In Head While on Lone Squirrel Hunt Lawrence Webb, who lived at Dillard, Ga., was found dead near Commissioner's creek in Smith's Bridge township, Tuesday evening about dusk. The entire load from a l(j-gauge shotgun had entered his forehead and the gun was found lying at his feet. From the position of the body it was thought that he had been sitting on a log when the gun was fired. . ' Mr. Webb spent Monday night at the home of Lester Greene and Tuesday morning borrowed Mr. Greene's gun to go squirrel hunt ing. He told Mrs. Greene that if he had no luck he would soon re turn and work in the corn field. Mr. Greene returned Tuesday afternoon about 5 o'clock from a road job where he was employed, and when Webb failed to come in he became uneasy and started out to investigate. He and others had heard a gun shot about 5 o'clock and this made him fear that Webb had met with an . accident. The search was continued until the body was found. Sheriff A. B. Slagle was notified Wednesday morning and left for the scene immediately, accompain ed by Deputy Sheriff John Dills, Coronor C. M. Moore and Harley R. Cabe, clerk of the superior court. An inquest was held and several witnesses were examined and the jury brought in a verdict to the ef fect that Webb died by his own hand, and that it might be either accident or suicide. The jury was composed of the. following: Arthur Carpenter, Alden Justice, Charlie Battles, George Beasley, Warren Castle and J. L. Norton. Mr. Webb was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb, of Dillard, Ga., and the body was taken there for burial. Reunion Of Gibson Family Held Last Sunday The Gibson reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Leathcrman at West's Mill, with approximately 250 rela tives and invited friends present. "Aunt Betsy Jane" Grant, who celebrated her 97th birthday anni versary on "Wednesday, June 9, and who is a granddaughter of the late Samuel Gibson, xwas unable to at tend this gathering on account of illness. Speakers on the program were Judge John Harwood and Vance A, Browning, of Bryson City. Paul ine and A. L. Smiley, also of Bry son City, rendered several duets during the day. Music was furnished by different quartets from Swain, Jackson and Macon counties. Mrs. Ray Gibson was presented a nice box of candy for guessing nearest to the number of the living descendants of the late Samuel Gib son, which totaled 1,216 this year. The three sisters present were Mrs. Margaret Carter, of Ander-. son, S. G, Mrs. Fannie Dillard, of Demorest, Ga., and Mrs. Nancy The reunion will be held with Mrs. Cardon on the second Sunday in June next year. Meeting to Begin At Union Methodist Church A series of services will be held at the Union Methodist church, be ginning on Sunday night, July 4. Rev. Mr.' Echols, of Clayton, Ga., will do the preaching. Rev., O. E. Croy, pastor, will be in charge of the, music,