8 PA6E Six 1 I i THURSDAY, JUNE IT. 1937 ADDITIONAL ; FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS (Continued from Page Three) ENJOYABLE BRIDGE PARTY MONDAY AFTERNOON . Mrs. K. V. Mill's and Mrs. Sloan Murray entertained with 'three tables of 'bridge on, Monday after noon followed with a kitchen towel shower for Mrs. II. G. Knoch.' : , When the scores were added, Mrs. James Cart wright, was. given a lovy teapot fon high " score. Mrs. J aiueti - liruok hire liuldingi second high was given u woven rug. Mrs. Douglas Nichols swas given a table mat for the cut (prize." ' ? Cherrjn mousse, cakes. and iced te-if'were served to the following : Mrs. Knoch, Mrs. James Cart wright, Mrs. James Brookshirc, Mrj. Douglas Nichols, Mrs. Hugh Creasman, Mrs. Ear'lc Rogers, Mrs. Charles Kayer, Mrs.' Jolln' Wasilik, Mr$. Truman Moody Mrs'. Hender son! Callowav, Mrs. L. II. Page, Mr$. Jack O. Werner, Mrs. T. 1). Johnston, and Mrs. K. B. Trousdell BRIDGE PARTY FOR MRS. H. G. KNOCH . Mrs. James Cartwright entertain ed two tables of bridge'last Tues day' complimentary to Airs. Hcpbert (i. Knoch, who is leaving for At lanta. After three progressions, Mrs. Truman Moody was presented sir "pyrex cups and rack for high score. Mrs. Hugh Creasman won thef cut prize, a crystal cigarette jar "and ash ,tray. Mrs. Knoch was given a glazo manicure set. i' At the conclusion of the playing of the ames, ice cream sodas and cakfs were served. Those enjoying the; afternoon witi Mrs. Knoch were Mrs. Tru mai Moody, Mrs. Hugh Creasman, MrjL R. V. Miles, Mrs. Sloan Murray, Mrs; 'John Wasilik, Mrs. Ja4 O. Werner and Mrs. L. H. Page. i . I i t ' i 1 , ; Miss Myrtle Buchanan, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Oscar Buchanan, -i ; . ' ; All Uied Cars thut LOOK alike are NOT aliKcel ' j I I Keen USED h short run 1 16 1 town, the t mountains or the , beach, will give you renewed eriergy to go "back jo work on Monday." Our Used Cars make long runs seem shorty You can RELY on our Used f ars. Come in. '' . ; ''Jy .. inn 1933 Chevrolet 1-Ton . 1932 Ford 4-Joor Sedaii, I Truck,' new1licene. $275 ' new paint, and run 1934 Chevrolet li.T on ' ?od ,. ...$225 Truck, goad tires, Ctaod sfiATM. ........ t?k1 I rr i ' - . -r 1932 Chevrolet VC a ch, I 1-A, new paint . . . $225 1932 CW., Sport Tour- f I iiig," aibovo average. $280 1934 DLCA Kid .-. tire., ) I . A-.1: condition ''.,,.. $310 933 Oiev. Slhort Cab . . .$265 1936 Dodge tf-Too Truck, I stock rack $450 1936 Ford V-8 Pickup, 1 J,UuU Mi,, a dandy $475 ditioht.J .....,m0 I '. "iI-el US Care for YOUR Car U ; pRING IN YOUR OLD CAR; SWAP IT FOR A NEW CAR s TRY AND vYOU CHEVROLET A Ca you , will be Proud to own v 1 BURRELL P123qhkrtn, Ml' of Franklin ' Route ' 2, graduated from the school of nursing, at the Anderson county hospital in And erson,' S. C, on Friday evening, June 11. Mrs., John Ramsey, of Chatta nooga, Tcnn., came in. Wednesday of the past week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wade Moody, at her home on Franklin Route 3. ' Mr. and Mrs; Jack Sanders and son, Sol,, spent Sunday at New found Gap and Clingman's Dome. Mrs. R. L. Porter and two chil dren, Gordon and Virginia Lee, re turned to their home on Harrison avenue Monday from Washington, U.....C,. where lhey . spcnta,..w.cck. with Mrs. Porter's sister, Mrs. T. J. Williamson, the former Miss Bess Daugherty. 'j,';.. t Jf Hch;n Edwarcls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "John W. 17.dvards, is spending this week in Ashcvillc visiting Mrs. M. S. Misenhcimer and attending the Rhododrendon festival. , Mrs. Richard LauRnlin, pf And erson, S. C, is spending the sum mer at Trimont Inn. Miss Jean Moore, daughter of Mr.' and vMr'sl Gordon Moore, ?left Friday of the past week for Wilson, where she will.spend several wegks visiting hef cousin,. Mis.l . Marguer ite Lane. , . Mrs.," Alice Murray and. son, T. -V. Murray have returned to' their home in Athens, Ga., after spend ing a week here visitingMr?.. Mur ray's daughter, Mrs., George J. Johnston and Mri Johnston, at their home on Harrison avenue. ' Mr. and : Mrs. Stanley Varnaski and C. Cj Rogers, J of Baltimore, ,Md., (are spending several days , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wells, at their horrie on 1 Franklin Route 2. . i Mrs. S. H. Burner, of Danridge. Tenn., is spending several days here with ' her ' daughter, Mrs'.' .'Jimmy Sutton and Mr. Sutton, at their home on Palmer street. ' ' Rev. Frank Bloxham, Mrs. i Nail. Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. A. C. Holt,' of Highlands, and ,Mrs. J. W. C Johnson, of Franklin, attended the annual meeting of, the Voman's C AR Values 193$ Chevrolet Sport Se- 111 frtr1 I ) ""..p un new JJJ 1929 Ford Sedan, looks bad, a good car , ,.$125 1931 QaJdlarid 4-door Se dan V-8, new paint, ' new engine . . . . , . . : $250 1931 Ford Co ape', new S, pwnt v.:..w....... $210 1932 B Ford Coach . . ; . $195 1934 Ford V-8 S Long Wheel Bifum Trtack, . '. ; : i-H :i. ::' .... WILL BUY ? 'Auxiliary at th'e Episcopal 'church' at Katuiga 1 riday ' arid' 'Saturdal' Wayne Franklin has returned to North Carolina State college, at Raleigh for a six vveks, qqurse, after spending, jlMday . wUJn bif parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Frank lin, at their h6mc , on ' Franklin Route .4. '"' ' ' .,' " '''.' : R. D, Sisk, whd is, qrder' treat ment at Angel hospital, was report ed to be. somewhat iirjproycd Tues- dy- . . : ' - .' ..i--' Mrs. W. S. Smith, of ;Charlottp, has been: visiting Mrs. J.,,S. Sloan. . Miss, Georgianna Tessier has re turned from. Washington,; , D. , C -where she has held a . government position since last September. Miss Grace Conley entered cal if ge at Wake Forest last , week for the summer, term. . 8 Dr. and Mrs. G. Frank Johnson and two daughters, Jean and, Ann, of. Winston-Salem, have been vis iting Mrs. Johnson's father, George Carpenter and Mrs. Carpenter ,at tieir home on lotla street. , Y ' . ; Lake Emory I By MRS. J. R. BERRY BIG F.ISH STORY f On June 11 J.' W. ' Shlddles bought his fishing licejise. Being ery eager to try his luck , at fish ig he rtushed to' Lake Emory's deep water. f M r. Shidles was fishing for all that was in it, 'and in just a short while' he discovered, that he hal Rooked a whopperThe muskie was too large for a little man like Shidles,' and he began . screaming (or help. A man nearby came to is rescue, and they drew but a ' .-1 -.!; Amerfcajjs Buying m mm : 1 ! , ! 'Mi 1 f ! . a 1 I'm ! 1 ImChqkReMieraiorm f t at uw fyateor une a j i fiReach tfEveryoiyi. s Of No majcer how'much you wduld . be yrWrng to pay you couldn't buy ugilvi: icuiiiciaiur man m Gentrl Eljsctric Beautifulll styled, v jwitbi kenerous storaee soice Bfld'i ,i almokt unlimited cold-pr(cuciflg t j capacity, t ipas every advanced tea-r( . I turt,for grelater convenient. And- now,you save three ways On oneratintr met. nnrt nn r,,, , jr-r --0 r-TTv i.. ; noose a we. r tor Enduring Economy 1 " ''House of Magic" means 3 steel THRIFT UNIT stands l k.ii,i' tki- S T" . r T Tl ,""5T ""' V - ' VrMf . as dependably and econoirjically-. . , HIre,,9 1. J.S.I Macon ; Kilii J..,,. .imi !'... ,i, ': it'.i-l ' 8. . " it i'i ! iritlskie weighing 17 iVotuuls, 38 hiclles long. lliis is noftilliOrfKOAf. am ctayf j he caught a catfish weiylnng twefj pounds, a bas 1 veiRhiiiK' 'two l)oiiids and also five bream. Mf.': Shidles ' really .believes all this good luck "Came to him only because lie had purchased a fish ing ' license.' ' 1 '' '; 1 " '.'; ' , Mr.'" and1 'Mrs. 1). L. Bailey, of Canton,' came 6vtf Sunday' to see Mrs.' ISaileyV father 'arid ; mother, Mr!' and Mrs. Bill Tippett. ' ' . ,' Mrs..-Pink Cover, from Gastonia, is -spending a few (lays here' with 'her mother, '.Msi, MarthJa CoJgins. Mrs. Gt Cajitfwaj; Jf las,t wek for Greenwood, S. , C, to visit her sister,' Mrs. 'Bill Sroiul. , Paul Saunders and 'mother,' Mrs. Jim Saunders, of Richmond, Va., will be here' for one month visiting relatives and friends. ''"! Lee .Crawford and family were in- Highlands Sunday visiting his brother; ' Mr. and Mrs. Trank Se7let5, of Canton,' spent the week-end ' with their grandmother, Mrs. Hester Sellers. ' G. L. Mclntyre, Lylc and Lassie, have arrived here from Kannapolis, to spend a week or more with their father arid mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre. Misses Mildred and Edna Mcln tyre, who have bccn; going to school at Kannapolis, have ' returned to their home for the summer. iMrs. Bill' Cooper, from Etna .was visititlg her father, G. C. Calloway, this past week. Mr1, and Mrs. 'Charlie Stewart hdive ' moved recently from their Lake Emory home to an apart Thtsfk lvfinuie. ine new oW price;1 idrlrppr tit r- a a j r. . 1 v . 4 It ,jr I , . veloped Jay famous.. ",""' ij'-il"J (..ii....; .!.,..,. ..a (., alnne ,Wr,, lltllf It HAM I l.niMlUUHH ulL - : - i - A - - -tJv'mdu - Franklin, N. C. ment in Franklin. Mr. Stewart is Cine 6i .the' operators at Lake Enmryl bwer ; house. , ,! ,V , M r. and Mrs-. Earl Pressley, for hierly of this place, now of Canton, are here visiting Mrs. Presslcy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey.' '. Charlie Moody, of Georgia, was in our community last Sunday. Mr. Moody is a real singer aind song composer. Telli ICO By R. F. ANDERSON , Kev. T. D. Denny jireachcd an interesting sermon Sunday after noon at tlp Tellico Paitist church. ; A number of young folks went to Briartown to the decoration Sunday. Miss Edilis' Anderson entertained her Sunday school class, the juniors, with a picnic Sunday afternoon. After playing a number of games, refreshments, cookies and lemo nade, were served. Those present, were:.- Juanita, Joan and Moena McCiaha, Stella Alason,. Mary Jus tice, Ruth Smith, Helen ami Bea trice Ramsey, Nell Dellart, Irene Hampton, and Masters Bland Ford Anderson and Thad Byrd. All en joyed the picnic. (, t Mrs. Inez Savage arid four chil dren are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson. Miss Be.unh Smith and Robert Anderson are on the sick list,. We wish for them a speedy recovery. Misses Juanita and Joan McGaha, of Lowell, are spending the sum mer with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.'R. M. ' McGaha. Our Sunday' school is progressing nicely under the leadership of Henry Cole. '.Ml. ' mows are power - m: Jll , , i - Wltb f""out staled, in-sleel THRIFT UNIT that re- .. nently supplied with oil v 'I I r 1 mm w.WMIl.lM... -1 m I f ..M .-.i ..... - I T 1 V

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