FACE FOUR ftit FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACtfNUtf friURSDAV;7iLy f, 193 Jt Highlands ffinzxtnimx Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press ' At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. LII Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and B. W.I P. F. Callahan.......... C. P. Ca.be..;............ Mrs. C. P. Cabe......... Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ......................... $1.50 Six Months T. .75 Eight Months ..' $1.00 Single Copy 05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of, respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. The Birds of Franklin and Macon "PHE following editorial, reprinted from The Franklin Press .of July : 1931, was written by the late Stanhope Sams, LLD., literary ed itor of the Columbia, South Carolina State, while spending his vaca tion in Franklin: ' Among the attractions' of Franklin and Macon county that instantly appeal to the visitor . . . after the first amazement of mountain and valley . . . are the number, variety, and melodious chorus of the Birds. Of course, this section is within the great Bird Realm of the South, in which, perhaps, a larger number and wider variety of Birds may be found than in any other section, unless it is "slightly excelled by the Kensington region near Washington. But whatever advantage that locality may have is due to the migrant Birds that flit across it, some making their winter flight toward the Gulf, and others their spring and mating flight toward the forests of the northern states and Can ada. There must be, of course, many migrants, birds of passage, in this mountain region of West North Carolina, but most of them seem to be home Birds, residents and neighbors for the whole year. And the county-side and town lawns and gardens offer an appealing lure for the Birds. They love a grain-growing country. ,And they love a country-side that abounds, as this does, in succulent terries and a wonderful bird-taible of foods of great variety. The abundance, also, of trees, groves, and forests, in the town and along all the slopes, up to the umbrageous crowns of, Tnmont and her sister crests, afford the Birds shelter by day and night and leafy places of retire- ment and noon-day repose. For the Birds must have their shaded siestas. One is almost astounded to hear, ringing clear and fresh from the edge of garden or grove, the inspiring call of "Bob-White." This never fails, in the early morning or in the cool of the afternoon, for Bob-White walks in the garden in the cool of the day, as we are told that God himself did in the arbors of Eden. The Franklin Bob White is emboldened by the friendliness of his1 neighbors, and he frequently visits, in his short sharp forays, the gardens and orchards of the town. Possibly the sweetest song that greets us from the groves and wood is that of the Thrush the Wood-Thrush. Possibly the note of the Hermit Thrush may ibe caught on the edges of the forests, for this Bird loves the quiet and solitude of the deep woods, and no doubt is heard with memorable frequency even from the hills and gardens of Franklin. The Wood-Thrush is, however, the sweetest singer, to our notion. His song has phrases and dulcet harmonies that haunt us longer than even the "holy-holy" chant of the Hermit. And there . are many Wood-Thrushes, and one may hear a Thrush note almost any minute, if only one will himself be mute and listen and adore. The squawking Jay, though not so large or handsome as his fel lows of mid-South Carolina, who are famous among Jays, is yet a fine looking bird. His cries, mostly imitative or stolen from the Hawk, are enlivening as arc his presence and brusk busy-ness in interf erring with other birds. He does a good deal of injury, but not enough- to justify his extinction. The Robin is, of course, the observed of all observers. He and his less brilliant mate are part of every out-of-doors scene. His song is rather monotonous, although it is sparkling and. cheery to most audit ors. An exceedingly helpful bird to farmers and gardeners; tireless and insatiate devourcr of hurtful insects and cut-worms. The bird kingdom, without the Robin, would be Denmark without the Dane. The splendid King-bird, Bee-Martin, or Tyrannus-tyrannus, head of his clan, is a superb fighter and guardian of the air, gardens, fields and woods. He drives off all bird-raiders including the Raptores, or Hawks.- . "The Flycatchers, especially Peto, the Least Flycatcher, are fairly fre quent visitors on their aerial foray and safaris, against winged insects. Peto may be long watched with keen interest as he darts out, plucks his victim from the air, and returns to his carefully chosen perch of observation. The Mocking-bird is rarer here than he is farther south, but his department-store assortment of glorious chattering and mimricry is heard many times every favorable day. While he is a greater artist than, a greater virtuoso, than the Wood-Thrush, his whole repertory is not so precious as the solitary and matchless song of the Thrush. Another sweet singer of Israel is the little Song-Sparrow. But one must pay rapt attention to catch his delicious and delicate grace notes from some spray or tree-top or from the sequestered heart of tree or bush. His song, like that of lute or zither, is the "chamiber-music" of the bird choristers. Nor should we neglect the "chirppings" that give his name to little Chipping Sparrow, the small-boy chorister, wearing a white band, doubtless some order bestowed upon him, over his bright little eyes. The soft cooing of the uxorious (wife loving) Dove is now heard in the mornings and late afternoons, as he murmurs delicious encourage ment to his brooding mate a sweet, but somewhat too soothing and melancholy a song. The Cardinal seems somewhat shy in this commune of Birds. We do not know why, but we have invariably caught his keen whistle, crack ling like sharp whip-lashes on horns of elfland faintly blowitVg. Why, we wonder, is the Cardinal . . , Red-bird ... so aloofish here, when he is so warmly and neighborly friendly in other parts of the warm south ? He should be heard and his startling loveliness seen oftener. And there is, of course, the "nuzzling Nuthatch," uttering his "cheerio" single note, quickly repeated, "as' if you thought he never could recapture that first fine careless rapture." This was said or sung of the "wise Thrush" (by Browning) but we like to apply it to that listened-for second cheer of the little sprite as he clambers, head first, DOWN the dizzy tree-trunk. He is, we believe, the only master acrobat among the birds, that can achieve so easily this 6mart trick Number 26 Johnson. ... .......... ....Publishers .......Managing Editor ...Advertising Manager ... . .Business Manager of running down tree boles as if he were hopping about on the lawn. Red-Head, the glorious woodpecker so called, is a glamorous page ant in himself, with his black and white uniform and his red crest. His' song or cry, the latter a predatory ranging cry of the eagle or hawk for, like the jay, he has borrowed-his slogan from fighting kings , of the air is exceedingly, almost extravagantly, exhilarating. It is a challenge to be up and dqing, a summons to battle. There is also an occasional Golden Flicker. This Is a larger wood pecker than Red-Head, and a more showy fellow, and his similar ranging cry a little louder than .his, but he is not so friendly and not "the free and flowing savage" that , Red-Head always is. He bears a number of titles, like a member of the British peerage . . . Flicker,' Golden Flicker, High-Hole (because of the unusual height at which he builds his "better 'ole,") and Yellowhammer, This last principally in the deep south. We have seen here, also, the alluring Starling fondled and invited in Europe (Russia is building 2,000,000 feed-houses for him !) but ignorantly suspected in' this country a strikingly handsome bird, worth his weight . in gold just as an adornment to the lawn or the scenery. ' We have seen, also, a rare visitor, the Redstart, never forgotten, once seen, because of the brightness of his uniform and the slender grace of body and plumage. And, of course, Hawks and an Eagle an occasional raider of the forests crdWs and blackbirds, and other of the long-settled bird-residents. If we have omitted any prominent or important Bird, . . . and all Birds are important, to nature-lovers, farmers, gardeners, orchardists, .'. . we trust they will forgive us. There lacks space and time for our praise and fond devotions. But we hope that the human neighbors' of these Birds, that are doing so much to help .uplift the heavy weight of depression, by their cheery songs and by their heroic and tremendous onslought on the insect enemies of man and nature, will guard and nourish the Birds, their earth-born companions and fellow mortals. They are the. friends and helpers and vigilant sentinels and allies of all that must, like them, draw their sustenance from Nature. Big Potato Surplus Harr asses Farmers; Pleases Consumers A potato surplus has raised its head above the crop production horizon and is rapidly advancing toward us consumers. Potato farm ers aren't too happy about . it, but buyers are pleased,' because surplus usually walks arm-in-arm with lower prices. Potato farmers last year, aver aged $1.32 a bushel for the early crop. And that was a sufficiently enticing figure that a lot of those who normally grow 'only enough for home use, decided to put two to four acre's or more in "spuds" this year. The 19 states which fig ure in production of the very early on through ithe intermediate crops put 25 per cent more land into po tato production than they did in 193j. With this prospect of large sup ply plus lower prices, there'll like ly be increased amounts of pota toes in the' market baskets of the nation. Unless the late potato crop changes the picture. So highly is .the potato regarded by scientists of the bureau of home economics that they give it an im portant place in the diet of people of every income level. In their re cent publication" "Diets to Fit the Family Income," they include eight to ninev servings a week in the "emergency diet" for people oi very low incomes. That means 11 pounds of potatoes a week for a family of four, or 19 pounds for a family, of seven. And for the liberal diet, for people who can afford a wide va riety of foods, they list one serv ing of potatoes apiece a day nine pounds a week for a family of four, 16 pounds for a family of seven. Not much fewer potatoes than in the emergency diet. These dietary plans would put our yearly ' consumption figure at 165 pounds each for people of tht lower incomes, and 155 pound apiece; for people of well-to-do families. These are interesting totals, in view of the fact that in 1932, it was estimated that an average of 150 pounds of potatoes a person was ( "made way with." That is what is called a "disappearance figure," however, and the "average of potatoes eaten would be some where below that amount. ; ,Thc potato has been the inno cent victim of a widespread notion that it is exceptionally fattening. Weight conscious Americans have come to look with suspicion on it simply because it is listed among the starchy foods. Actually 78 per ' cent of this sturdy vegetable is water-HDnly 11 to 21 per cent being starch. One medium size potato totals 100 cal orics. But so does each of the fol lowing: 1 large apple, 1." large orange, 1 medium baking' powder biscuit, Vt tablespoons French sal ad dressing. And since 3,000 cal ories is estimated to be the daily calorie total needed by the aver age fairly active adult man, a med ium size potato a day could hardly take the iblanre for his having , to let out his belf several holes. Americans who are trying to keep their youthful figures should cut out several other types of food before they do the potato, say diet icians. Foods such as sugar, fats, and oils which are considerably more fattening and which carry none of the potato's minerals and vitamins. : ' , The potato has dietary virtues that have been ignored by the gen eral public. It is a fair source of vitamin. C. Weight for weight it has a fourth as much of this vita min as do oranges and lemons, which are sO rich in it half as much as that of tomatoes. It also has a . little of vitamins A, B, and a The potato makes an important contribution to the diet, too, through its minerals particularly iron and phosphorus. The indifference of some people to this vegetable is partly due to its being badly prepared so much of the time, Appearance, flavor, and food "value are all influenced by the cooking technique. Cooking in the skin whether in baking, boiling, or steaming con serves the maximum amount of. a potatoe's food value. Baking potatoes isn't usually as sociated with summer cookery, but the two are not necessarily in compatible. As soon as the potato is mature it can be, baked. The temperature best for baking 400 to 425 degrees F. dextrinizes the starch, caramelizes some of the surface sugar, and therefore changes the flavor. The pleasing mealiness of a bak-' ed potato is gradually lost as the potato cools or steams. So the cook should do some pretty close timing, to get it done just as din ner ' is ready. To let the steam escape and thus prevent sogginess developing, cut a cross on one side of the baked potato as soon as you get it out" of the oven. Then pick it up (in a cloth to keep from getting burned) and squeeze it a bit, to loosen up the "innards" and make a little of it bulge up into that cross-cut slash. If dinner is to be delayed a bit, remove from the skins, mash, and beat up with cream or butter, pile back into the skins and reheat. The skin tells whether or not the potato is mature enough to bake. If it curls tip, or as men in the trade "say "if it is feathered," the potato is immature.. If the skin is set and firm the potato is ma ture. Boiling potatoes. It is simply im possible to pare a potato so as not to have considerable food loss, and the loss is increased with va rieties that slough .'' badly. A large percentage of the minerals is in the cortical layerjust under the skin. Cooking in the skin also pre vents the escape of certain , volatile compounds and so results in a dif ferent flavoi; than boiling when pared. " Have the water already boiling rapidly when, you put the potatoes in, and then cook them with the water boiling rapidly and continu ously. Too vigorous boiling, how ever, makes potatoes, especially pared ones, go . tq pieces more quickly. As soon as the potatoes are done, take them from the boiling water and remove the skins. They'll get , waterlogged if you leave them in the water, and will be less flaky when mashed if you delay remov ing the skins. , v - . Steaming potatoes in the skins, too, saves nutrients. The steaming should be rapid, and the skins re moved at once, for maximum meal iness, minimum danger of soggi ness. As to preparing potatoes there are the usual ways: au gratin, shoe strings, chips, and hash, browned. And you remember Lyonnaise po tatoes: fry some chopped onion a few minutes, then add your diced cooked potatoes. Then there's potato O'Brien, for which you mix diced potatoes, chop ped onions, and green peppers or pimiento, and. seasonings. Cook in a little fat; at low heat. A quick potato soup recipe has the milk heated in a double boil er and then adds it to butter-flour' thickening, stirring constantly, and then puts in grated raw potatoes and, onion seasonings, and cooks 10 minutes. A good curry dish is made with chopped onion and grated cheese. Cook the chopped onion in a little fat until it is a golden brOwn, add diced cooked potatoes, and curry povyder that i has been mixed in a little cold water, pour into a serv ing dish, sprinkle grated cheese, over the top and serve at once. Specialists Offer Mid-Summer Advice Many mid-summer farm tasks about the farm and home require information and suggestions which State college specialists are offer ing on the Carolina farm feature radio program. Some crops are being harvested; others are just being started, and there are others not yet ready for harvest' which are being cultivated. The agricultural experts are ar ranging their discussions to' con form with timely practices. Insects and plant diseases . take their toll yearly. Yet many dollars could be saved each farmer if he would follow preventative and con trol practices. Already this year the flea beetle has damaged thousands of dollars worth of tobacco in northwestern counties. With a favorable season and no "control practices, the iboll weevil may cut cotton production sharply this season. However, by the ap plication of prescribed methods, farmers can check the weevil at tacks. The Carolina farm features schedule in full for the week of June 28 July 3 follows: Monday, John A. Arey, "Making Good Hay;" Tuesday, M. E. Gardner, "Selling Fruits and Vegetables;" Wednes day, S. L. Clement, "Supply and Export Situation of American To bacco;" Thursday. Miss Ruth Cur rent, "State College Farm and Home Week ;" Friday, C. F. Par rish; "Timely Poultry Practices;", and Saturday, 4-H Club program. N. C. Poultrymen Rank High In U. S. RALEIGH, N. C. June 3I.r Hatcherymen and poultrymen of North Carolina rank high in the United States in both breed im provement and Pullorum disease control work, reports H. S. Wil fong, senior poultrymen of the state department of agriculture who recently returned from the- con ference on the national poultry im provement plan which was held in Chicago. The conference was attended by delegates representing 41 participat-' ing states. 'These representatives were in agreement that this plan is the means whereby poultry and hatch ery products will be standardized throughout the nation in regard to name and quality, or, as the pre amble of the plan states, 'the primary purpose of the national poultry improvement plan is to identify authoritatively poultry breeding stock, hatching eggs 'and chicks by describing them in terms uniform acceptable in all parts of the country'," Mr. Wilfong said. No major changes were made in the present plan, but several amend ments were adopted that will be beneficial to poultry of the state, including a special section 'which will enable turkey breeders to co operate, he said.

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