PACE TEN THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, JULY 22, 193T ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS McINTYRE-STEELE A marriage of interest to friends in this section was that of Miss Edith Mcintyre and Howard Steele, which took place Wednesday cve n'ing,' June 9, in' (rastoniu. The vows were solemnized by Rev. L. K. lookout, pastor of Victory Bap-' tist church in Gastonia. ' " ' The bride wore a white dress with navy blue accessories. . Mrs. Steele is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mcintyre, of Franklin. She is employed by Cannon Mills company. Mr. Steele, the only son of Mr. S. R. Steele and the late Mrs. . Steele, of Kannapolis, is also em ployed by Cannon Mills company, lie hafs graduated from spinning in the Cannon Textile school. After a short wedding trip the couple now have returned to their home on 9th street, Kannapolis, Miss Nolia Shepherd, who has been spending several months in the state of Washington, came in Tuesday for a visit with her moth er, Mrs. Lawrence Shepherd, at her home at West's Mill. Oscar Rickman, who has been in Angel hospital suffering from pneu monia caused from injuries received when thrown from a mule, has re turned to his home at Leatherman. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gougler and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Gougler, of Akron, Ohio, are spend ing this week on Franklin Route 4, visiting their sister, Mrs. Fred Palmer. Mrs. Clem Sutton, of Washing ton, Ga., is spending several days here with her mother, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Sr., at her home on Harrison avenue. Mr and Mrs. George Stewart, of Asheville, were here Wednesday visiting relatives and friends. While here Mr. Stewart was giving ex aminations for drivers' license. Miss Ruth McCollum, of Atlanta, is spending this week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McCollum, at their home on Palmer street. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Wallace have returned to their home in Rockford, Ala., after spending the . . .i ..:..t. past week ncre visiting meir nepn ew, R. G. Beshears and Mrs. Be shears. G. F. Mitchell, has returned to his home in Atlanta, after, spending a week with his niece, Mrs. E. S. Hunnicutt and Mr. HunnicUtt, at their home in East Franklin. Mr. Mitchell is an uncle of Margaret Mitchell, the noted authoress of "Gone With the Wind." Misses Staley and Katherine Sniith, of Greenville, N. C, are spending several weeks at West's Mill, visiting their cousin, Miss .Mattie Pearl Bryson, and other re latives.; Miss Tat Moore, who has been spending several weeks in Frank lin visiting her cousin, Sally Lou Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore, returned to her home in Virginia Beach, Va., Sat urday. R. A. Patton left Wednesday morning for Raleigh and Black Stone, Va., where he will spend several days on business. Mrs. E. L. Springer and two children, Harriette and Walton, have returned to their home in At lanta, after spending a couple of weeks here ' with Mrs. Springer's sister, Mrs.' Moses Blumenthal. Mrs. W. A. Hays and three daughters, of Highlands, are spend ing this week here with Mrs. Hays' aunt, Mrs. Henry D. West and Mr. 'West, at their home on the Georgia road. Mrs. J. S. Conley , and. Miss Marjorie McBride spent the week end at Wake Forest where Mrs. Conley's daughter, Miss Grace Conley, i9 a student this summer. G. A. McBride, of New Orleans, La., came in Sunday to spend this week with his family who are spending the summer at their new cottage in South Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landrum and daughter and Mrs. Harold, Ramsey, of Daytona ; Beach, Fla., are spending ' several days on Culla saja visiting Mr. Landrum's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Land rum. Miss Elizabeth Dowdle, who has been spending several weeks in Alcola, N. C-. the house guest of Miss Katherine Kappis, returned to her home here Tuesday. She also visited in Washington, P. C, while away. She was accompanied on her return by Miss Kappis, who will spend some time here as the guest of Miss Dowdle. Mrs. F. D. Bruner and two chil dreren, Anne and Billy, returned Sunday to their home on Harrison avenue, after spending six weeks in Fdwardsville, Va. They were ac companied on tneir returh by Mrs. Sara Hughes and daughter, Miss Sara, of Orlando, Fla., who will spend several days here, the guests of Mrs. Bruner. Births Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dills', an nounce the birth of a daughter, Marcella, at their home at Gniess on Friday, July 16. A daughter,. Lillian Ruth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lake H. Stiles, at their home in the Smith's Bridge township, on Monday, July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Leatherman announce the birth of a" son, Wiley Rogers, on Sunday, July 11, at their home at Leatherman. A son, Willie Ernest, was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Talley, on Friday, July 2, at their home at Millshoal. ' ' . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dills, a son, Sunday, July 4, at their home at Pine Grove. On Thursday, July 1, a son Jim Rogers, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tallent at their home at Iotla. $ . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Palmer an nounce the birth of a son, Charlie Lee, on Saturday June 26, at their home at West's Mill.. A daughter, Barbara Lowell, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hayes, Wednesday, June 23, at the home of Mrs. Hayes' parents, the Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Edwards. Born to Mr. . and Mrs. Howard Moore,! a daughter, Tuesday, June 22, at their home at Ellijay. On Sunday, June 20, a daughter, Eva Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Greenwood at : their home on Cartoogechaye. Maple Springs The farmers of this community are glad that they have their threshing done. Rev. J. I. Vinson filled his regu lar appointment last Saturday night and Sunday at Pleasant Hill. Jim Emory was in this section this week' on business.! , Miss Minnie Sanders spent the week-end with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sanders. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and Board of Com missioners of the Town of High lands, Highlands, N. C, at the town office until 8:00 o'clock P, M. Monday, August 2nd, 1937, for the following electric equipment deliver ed f. o. b. Highlands Country Club," Highlands, N. C. Three distribution transformers : 50 KVA each, 60 cycle, single phase, oil-filled, self-cooled, 6900 volts, 2 per cent tapped primary, 2400 volts stcondary, bushings in the top, for small substation, suitable overload and lightning protection devices for crossarm and wood platform mount ing. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid Jbond or certified check payable to Thad D. Smith, Clerk of the Town of Highlands, for not less than two per cent of the amount of the bid as evidence of good faith. The bond or check will be returned to all unsuccess ful bidders immediately.' The commissioners reserve the right to accept any; bid or to re ject any or all bids. Bidders should- state the terms and conditions' of their proposed sale and the date of delivery of the transformers. THAD D. SMITH, Clerk. ltc HORN'S SHOE SHOP SAYS WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When .you get real sad, And have a cold We'll make you glad, With a heel and sole. vl' HORN'S SHOE SHOP Box 212 , Troy F. Horn Opposite Courthouse Highlands COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT BIBLE SCHOOL The comnicncement exercises of the Presbyterian daily vacation Bible school were held Sunday night jit the Presbyterian church. Forty one certificates were issued, with 10 of the members having a per fact attendance record. Two inter esting plays were given by differ ent groups. "The Cross" and a dramatization of the Book of Esther. Visitors joined the chorus in the singing of hymns. The Bible school this year was under the leadership of Miss Thelma Gafnette, and was a marked success. HIGHLANDS IN "SKYLAND" MAGAZINE J. S. Fullwodd, newspaper man of Hendersonville, is representing Highlands in "The Skyland" Mag azine, a publication covering the principal tourist towns of West ern North Carolina. It reaches ap proximately 25,000 readers each week and is a splendid advertise ment for this section of the state. It is to be hoped that the town of Highlands will cooperate with Mr. Fullwood in the work he hes under taken.' . PLAY DAY PROGRAM FRIDAY JULY 23 The program for .the Highlands Play Day, scheduled for Friday, July 23, will be in full swing at the time this paper comes out. It is not too late to join the fun. All visitors as well as townspeople are welcome. The 1 day's events are as follows : 10 o'clock a. ro., pet pa rade, Main street; 11 o'clock a. m., baby contest, Main street; 12 o'clock M, log hewing contest, Bry son's Garage; 2 p. m.f judging of handwork and cooking exhibit, Highlands Inn; 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. games, Main street; 8 o'clock p. m. Booths, Main street; 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock, street dancing, costume set. PARTY MAKES TOUR OF PRIMEVAL FOREST Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henry, guestr of Mrs. J. E. Roat, from Gunters ville, Ala., Miss Helen Windham, Miss Helen Hardie, Mr and Mrs. Lohman, of -Miami, Fla., Mrs. Ray Cable, from St. Louis, Mo., and a group of young people made a tour through primeval forest under the auspices of the museum. The mu seum is always ready ,to furnish guides and give helpful information to visitors, especially on the sub ject of natural history. DR. O. S. GIBBS TO LECTURE SUNDAY The second lecture on the Mu seum Forum series will be Dr. O. S. Gibbs, of the Pharmaceutical de partment of the University of Ten nessee on "The Chemical Control of the Body." It will be a most in forming and interesting presenta tion of facts, new to most people. This lecture will be given at the Presbyterian church in , Highlands, Sunday afternoon, July 25. Every- I one is welcome. Classes and clubs will meet as usual. PARTY ENJOYS PICNIC AT SUNSET ROCKS. Last Friday, after Dr. R. S. Poor's, lecture, quite a group of friends accompanied him and his party from Cullowhee to Sunset Rocks for picnic lunch. Amortg the group were Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Poor, Dr. Clifford Crump, ""staff member of Yerkes astronomical observatory; Misses Margaret Denny, Thelma Hendrickson, and Jean L. Wolfe, all from Cullowhee; Col. and Mrs. W. H. Nollmari, Misses Betty Jane and Catherine Nollman, of Sebring Fla.; Marga ret Denny, Savannah, Ga., and Miss Beatrice Nollman, of Mis soula, Mont.; Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Gibbs, and her sister, Miss Naef, of Switzerland; Louise , Crosby, Billy Crosby, of San Mateo, Fla.; George Saussy, Lewis Rice, Mrs. Raymond Ingersoll and Misses Grace and Lena Ingersoll, of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wheeler and daughter, Edith. A The Museum' Nature clubs for children and boys atd girls, meets each Monday and Thursday. Much interest is being shown. Miss Hazel Holt, who snent last winter and spring in New York, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson. ' John Brpck, of- Boston, recently Highlights visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. John Blanchard. Mr,s. James Armstrong and fam ily, of Miami Beach, are now oc cupying the Ragland cottage on Mirror Lake. Mrs. J. A.. Miles, of Jacksonville, is visiting at the home of (Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cobb. Recently arriving in Highlands to spend some time at the Boardman home were Miss Lucile Boardman, Mrs. Hazel Curry and Bobby Cur ry, of Sarasota, Fla. M. S. Beedle is visiting at the home of his brother, Rev. Beedle. Both returned, recently from Juna luska. Miss Osceola Everett spent sev eral days in Hendersonville last week visiting friends. Gene Paul is attending the 4-H club camp in Swannanoa. Herbert Paul visited his uncle, Mr. Ike Paul, at Rabbit creek last week-end. ' Harry Wright, who recently spent several weeks' vacation at the home of his parents, has. returned to Florida where he holds a position with the forest service. Mr. and Mrs. Hovis and daugh ter were visiting at the Davis home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hovis is a former pastor of the Highlands Methodist church. - Mrs. Will Sullivan and daughter are now visiting at the summer home of Mrs. Will Sullivan, Sr. Mrs. Walker Reynolds, of Annis ton, Ala., and Miss Ann Lynch, of Asheville, are visiting at the home of Mrs. O. E. Young. Miss Louise. Edwards has re turned to Trenton, N. J., after a short vacation at the home of her parents. Miss Rachel Davis has returned from Carlisle", Ky., where she has been visiting her brother, Rev. Warner Davis. During the summer she visited Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points in the north. Ac companying her to Highlands was her nephew, Joe Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. Neyle Marx, of Jacksonville, are stopping at Trice mont Terrace. Mrs. Marx is an an nual summer visitor of Highlands. Herman Lukins, of Chicago, paid a short visit this week at the home of his. niece, Mrs. A. R. Nail. Gneiss By MRS. F. S. MASHBURN Mr. and Mrs. Lee Leopard, and little daughter, of Sylva, spent the week-end with relatives. Rev., Frank Holland preached Sunday afternoon after Sunday school. j j Mr. and Mrs. John Holland, of Peeks creek, were visiting Mrs. A. A. Mashburn, Sunday. W. A. Keener picked 60 odd bushels 'of black Valentine beans from the patch he picked 112 bush els from last week. Howard Moses, of the CCC camp at Smokemont, spent the week-end with his mother. , We are having good rains now. NEWSFOR MEN An Event That Comes Only Twice A Year . . . A Pair of Tailored Pants IFltEE With Your "International Tailored Suit . ... ' This special of f er is good for a short time only. Let us tell-you about this unusual sale. J oseph Ashear "We Clothe the Family" ' FRANKLIN, N. C There are several cases of meas les on Walnut creek. , E. J. Mashburn, who is working at Sunny Brodk Farm, visited with home folks Sunday. . Lester Mincey, of Ellijay, spent the week-end with his wife and baby. 1 Mrs. C. N. Jones spent the week end with her daughter,. Mrs. Paul Higdon. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE Five-room house, 4J4 acres land one mile from town. Easy terms. A. G. CAGLE. 4tc-J22 FOR RENT Furnished or un furnished rooms. Mrs. W. G. Wilkie, Franklin, N. C. ltp FOR SALE Buggy in perfect condition. New paint, pole and shafts. Cheap for cash. Angel's Blacksmith Shop. ltc J22 FOR SALE Ten O. I. C. pigs, seven weeks old, $9.00 per pair. C. A. Cabe, Franklin, Route 2. ltp RUGS FOR SALE Sizes : 6x9 9x72 9x02 $2.95 $3.50 .$3.95 SANDERS' STORE Franklin, N. C. J154tc A5 9x12 $4.95 LOST Will man who found green fountain pen between Higdon Bldg. and Postoffice, please, return to Elizabeth Love at WPA office, ltp FOR SALE Ladies' Shoes, blacks, whites, pumps and strans. $1 fl0,Ver pair SANDERS' STORE, Frank lin, N. C. J22 4tc A12 FOR SALE Two nice new boys' bicycles. We have plenty bulk fly spray, bring your bottles. We have bulk -vinegar also, bring your jugs and get it cheaper. It is turnip-seed time again too get them here also. C. T. BLAINE. It. Don't Neglect Them I , Nature designed the kidneys to 60 t marvelous Job. Their task ! to keep the flowing blood stream free of an excess of toxle impurities. Ths set of living -Ua it$elf is constantly producing wast, matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good health Is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Nature Intended, there Is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of ditslness, getting' up nights, swelling, puffineae under the ayes feet tired, nervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages tnsy bs further evidence of Itidnsy off blsdder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment Is diuretic medicine to help the kidneys vet rid of excess poisonous body waste. Use Doan't PxlU. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist oa noan t. Bold at ail drug stores.