THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1937 PACE FOUR ! mi Cite Bitxtltlmtits Mntmximx Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina I Telephone No. 24 VOL. LI I ' , Number 29 Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and B. W. Johnson. Publishers P. F. Callahan Managing Edifo C. P. Cabe.. ........ .Advertising 'Managei. Mrs. C. P. Cube "... Business Manager Entered at the Post Office, Franklin, N. C, as second class matter ' r SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year . $1.50 Six Months -75 Eight Months $1.00 Single Copy .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classified advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. I Water Resources of, Macon County X the scries of editorials on the resources of Macon-county, The Franklin Press is indebted for the following to Charles R. Hursh, in charge of forest influence investigations, Appalachian iorest experiment station, U. S. forest service : Only a few counties in the United States have a higher annual rainfall than Macon county, North Carolina, however these counties lie in the Puget Sound area of the Pacific Northwest and. are not strategically located to serve important industrial and municipal uses. This fact places Macon county with the highest yearly rainfall recorded" for the eastern United States as probably the most favored county in the country for usable water resources. In actual amount, Macon county receives an aver se of between 60 and 70 inches of rainfall yearly. The northeastern section of the county receives the lowest rainfall, amounting to somewhat over. 50 inches, while the southeastern section of the county receives Well over 80 inches. Individual locations on the Nantahala mountains and near Highlands have recorded well over 100 inches of rainfall per year. Best of all the many desirable features of Macon county's abundant water resources, is that in spite of the exceptionally high yield, the streams flow with remarkable uniformity. This is part to the Government's far-sighted policy in the establish ment of the Nantahala national forest to protect the headwaters of valuable streams. Uniform streamflow and the absence of repeated floods has a direct relation to fishing conditions. Research con ducted by the Bureau of Fisheries in the Appala chian region has shown that there exists a relation ship between stream runoff and the food content, productivity and trout carrying capacity of the streams. Drainage, areas of sparce vegetation that produce tremendous flood flows cause gouging of the stream bed, fluctuating water levels, shifting stream bottoms, and silting of the pools. These conditions are highly detrimental to fish production. Even the stream bottomland that is the favored wintering grounds for deer and other wild life are destroyed in some sections due to flood flows. Ma con county is favored both in having a high rainfall and in having the protected watersheds that permit these water resources to serve, their, maximum for recreational purposes. The three principal rivers arising in -Macon county are the Cullasagee, the Little Tennessee and the Nantahala. In 1932, three hydroelectric gener ating stations with a capacity of 209,000 horse pow er were operating on the Little Tennessee. The two largest of these stations arc located at Cheoah, with capacities of 107,200 h. p. and 100,000 h. p. each. The third station is located at Franklin and had a generating capacity in 1932 of 1,390 h. p. These in stallations do not begin to exhaust the opportun ities for power development along the streams aris ing in Macon county. Abundant water resources of Macon county contribute more to municipal and in dustrial demands than is shown by the three hydro electric generating stations mentioned above. The exceptional water yields of the county serve an " important part in the whole development of the greater Tennessee Valley, insomuch as they are an integral part of the water that will be utilized in the many useful developments now in progress by the Tennessee Valley authority. There also remains almost unlimited opportunity in Macon county for small hydroelectric develop ments, generating power . for private homes and work shops. It is believed that as the cost for small generators and equipment is reduced,,, that: many private homes and camps will avail themselves of the local opportunities for installing small generat ing plants. . Amelia Earhart Afterthoughts 170R a fortnight the world lias waited in vain for news of the world's most famous-and best be loved aviatrix. Amelia Karhart and fter navigator, Fred Noonan, have vanished from human knowl edge in the wastes of the midPacific. When Miss. Karhart set 'out' on her round-the-world flight "just for fun," fellow Americans shared her. confi dence. With unmatched record pf achievement in the Scientific field of aeronautics as well as success ful experience in ocean flights, every honor that an admiring nation could bestow was hers. Her intelli gent daring captured the imagination' . of the public and won the confidence of serious 'minded aviation experts. When her SOS call came "the greatest rescue expedition in flying history got under way at huge expense." It appears that we will never know the fate of this intrepid pair save that thcyocean claimed them for its own. There are those who will agree with the Bureau of Air Commerce that a flight like this injures the cause of aviation and who will approve the action of the Bureau in placing a ban on such flights. Others have emphasized the vast expense of the Navy's search for the flyers. Through some eyes there are those who can see onlv the disastrous' end of a publicity stunt, Ve wonder; While the disciplinarians forbid, the cautious count the cost and the scctu-ity-loving fail to comprehend, we are moved to indulge in these afterthoughts.. , While an idle navy with potentials powers of de struction guards our shores is it altogether waste to sweep an ocean for two brave lives? While many," content to live in small, safe com passnot very high, not very deep-seek length of days, dare we gauge the depth and height of such lives by the measure of our minds? - While so many supinely sit and, wait for the sun set, may not a few rare souls go out to meet the dawn? We look forward to the poet who will understand and immortalize, and we believe we shall not look in vain. Edna St. Vincent Millay onoe flashed some thing like this: I burn my candle at both ends, , It will not last the night, But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, It gives a lovely light ! ' -A. B. J. LEGAL ADVERTISING June,' 1937, tiiq undersigned Com missioner will on the 10th clay of August, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Alacon County, North Carolina, sell to the . highest bidder for cash the follow-" ing described real estate: Adjoining the lands of J. J. Mann, A. C. Story and others, bounded as follows, to-vvit: BEGINNING at '' a stake on the West bank of the Georgia Road, A. C. Story's S. E. corner, and runs N 7L) W 346 feet to a stake ; then S81W50 feet to a stake; then S 70 E 346 feet to .a stake on the West bank 'of the Georgia Road No. 285; then in a north direction with said road 50 feet to the BEGINNING. 2nd Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. J. Mann and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the West bank of . the Georgia Road No. 285, and runs N 70 W 346 feet to a stake on llje bank of branch that flows frum' the direction of Mica Knob; thou S 81 W 150 feet to a stake; then S 70 E 346 feet , to the Georgia Road; then with ' said road in -a northern direction 150 feet to the BEGINNING. . . . 3rd Tract: Adjoining- the lanils of J. J. Mann, and others, .bounded as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING' rm a stake on the bank of branch,. J. G. Eleming's N. W. corner; runs N 77lA W 405 feet to a stake ; then S 17 W 275 feet to a stake; then S 39 E 307 feet to a stake in II. D. West's line; then East. with his line 700 feet to State Highway No. 285; then parallel with said road N 6 W 292 feet to a stake, J. G. Fleming's S. E. corner; then N 78 W 346 feet to a' stake; then N 6 W 200 feet to a, stake; the BEGIN NING corner, containing IVi acrcs, more or less. . .. This, the 13th day of July, 1937. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J22 4tc A12 ' , Series of Meetings To Begin At Iotla On Monday, July 26, a two weeks series of services will begin at the" lotla Baptist church, announced Rev. R. F. Mayberry, pastor, this week. Mr. Mayberry will be assisted by Rev. R. W. Williams, of Ridgeway, S. C. The morning services will be held at 10 o'clock and the night services at 8 o'clock. .be Rickman Reunion To Be Held Aug. 1 The Rickman reunion will held at the home of Robert Rick manI(at West's Mill Sunday, Aug ust 1. All the descendants of the late Rev. Merritt Rickman are invited to attend Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Airs. Graham, of nca Miami, Fla., who have a summer home near the residence of Mrs Chas. .McQure, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs; J. L. Young Sundaj afternoon. The Rev. John Brendle, who is pastor of Coweta Baptist church was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Young Sunday. Letter-Press WANTS ARTICLE. ON INDIANS OF MACON Dear Editor: Your editorials in recent issue; of The Press jiave been quite worth while. I have been saving them'tc sent to pen pals in distant states Miss Crosby, of Highlands, told . . . ,. ... , . ',t I me she had cut out the editorials on A picnic dinner will be served. q MacQn and dvcll mi the lawn. Lake Emory By MRS. J. R. BERRY Miss Ellen Smith gave a wcincr roast Saturday night. Her many friends who were present reported a jolly time. Charlie B. Clouse, of Gastonia.'is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Lee Crawford. Roy Anderson, an operator at Lake Emory power plant, was in Asheville Sunday. Dorothy Reid, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Reid, spent the first part of last week with her grandfather, Mr. Jones, of Savan nah. - Hickory Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long and two small children, of Washington, Gr. ; Johnny Young, of Athens, Ga., and Mrs. Allen Phillips, of Tallulah Falls, Ga., were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young them to M tv Wheeler, who is cur ator of the Highlands museum, as perhaps you know. I wish yon would continue the good work by having a worthwhile article abotttthe Indians of Macon vears aco. Then I would like to read an , article on "Our School." Perhaps Mi B. M. Angel could, and would writc an article on the subject. Pardon, rri. if I intrude. Your paper is splendid. Respectfully yours, MR-S. F. E. MASHBURN 7 LEGAL ADVERTISING , .. ,K ! , NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff ' ys. Eva V.' Fleming and husband, J. G. Fleming, et al, Defendants Under and by, virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 21st day of NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY COMMISSIONER Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in a cer tain judgment rendered in a civil action, wherein D. G. Stewart ajid wife, Goldie Stewart, plaintiffs and Anthony Redmond, substituted trustee, et al, defendants (default having been made by the plaintiffs in the payment of. the amount re- quired to De paid Dy sucn judg ment) the undersigned Commission er of the Court vill on Monday, the nd day ot August, iyjv at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in the town of Franklin, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, , to wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in or near the city or town of Franklin, . County of Macon, State of North Carolina,' and more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone on the nrirth side of White Oak St., and West side of Riverview St., at the inter section of said Streets, the same point being 650 feet from the in-' tersection of Riverview Street and Main Street, and runs thence with the West side of Riverview Street N. 4 E. 70 feet to a stone; thence north 86 West 144 feet to a stionc in J. M. Moore's line; thence with said line S. 4 W. 70 feet to a stone on north side of White Oak Street; thence with the North side pf said street S. 86 E. 144 feet to the beginning being lot No. '9yand part of lot No. 8 of the J. M, Moore division. Notice is further given that the successful bidder at said, sale ..will be required to make deposit in case of 10 per cent of his bid; and upon failure or refusal to make said deposit immediately, the said premises will be re-sold , at the same time and place. This the 24th day oi June, 1937. JOHNSON AND UZZELL, s Attorneys 1 T. A. UZZELL, , Commissioner. J8-4tc J29 COUNTY SCHOOLS OPEN AUGUST 2 All county public schools except Franklin and Highlands, will begin Monday, August 2. Teachers and principals .ire requested to call at my office for registers and other supplies between now and the last of July. The first county-wide teachers meeting will be held at the Franklin graded school building at 10 o'clock, a. m., Saturday July 31. M. .D. Billings, Supt. JO OtC )C6

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