ib FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PACK THREE it if SOCIAL TIVTiflES and COMINGS AND GOINGS , . . ; s . . ,r - r,-nL. WEAVER-FAISON A marriage of wide interest here , was soelmnizcd Sunday morning', August 1, When. Miss Margaret Weaver, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Weaver, of Lafay ette, Ga., became the bride of John R. Faison, of-Franklin, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. I J. Fais6.il, of Wendell, N. C. The marriage was performed at the home of the bride, with the Rev. George- W. McClure, pastor of the Kossville, (ia., Raptist' Tab ernacle, officiating. On returning from their bridal tour, Mr.-and .Mrs. Faison will re side in Franklin where Mr. Faison is connected with tlie resettlement administration. . SPEND-THE-DAY PARTY AT MRS. HENRY SLAGLE'S . M rs. ' Henry Slagle entertained with" a spendthe-day party at her . home, "Arboretum," on Cartooge chaye on Friday of the past week. These parties are held annually and the day is spent in studying old testament history, and espec ially that of what is known as the ten tribes. Using ' Prof. Totten's and Dr. Davison's worsts, it is easy to prove that the Anglo-Saxon people are Israel or sons of Isaac. ' Those enjoying the day were: Mrs. Sam L. Rogers, Mrs. i C. C. Cunningham, Mrs. Mary Allman, Mrs. A. W. Horn, Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. P. F. Callahan. Mrs. R. I). Sisk, Mrs. Roy W. , Morton, Mrs W. A. Afarlm, Mrs. Ruf.us Cun ningham, Mr$. Harriette Setser, Mrs. Jess Slagle, i Mrs. John Cm liingham, Mrs! ; Wade "'.Cunningham', Mrs. Setscr and Mrs. Fred Slagle. JAKE ADDINGTON '. , ENTERTAINS AT STEAK DINNER , Jake W. Addington entertained with a steak fry and all the good things that go with it on Friday night at Vanhook Glade, honoring the postal authorities of the Frank lin postof fice. ' , This is the first event of this kind held but it was voted at this time to make it an annual occas- Macon Theatre Matinses begin at 3:00 Night Shows 7:30 and 9:30 SHOWING FROM 3:00 TO 11:00 SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 BOB STEELE IN "GUN LORDS OF STIRRUP BASIN" Added Attractions: PAINTED STALLION; MOVIE MANIA" i MON.-TUE., AUG. 9-10 "YOU CANT HAVE EVERYTHING" ALICE FA YE, RITZ BROTHERS, DON AMECHE, TONY MARTIN, With a Grand Cast Picked for the Greatest Musical Comedy v of the Year. Alsio : Jacques ' Frey .and Kaiid ; impractical Joker (Mrs. Henry Carelock) . WED., AUGUST 11 "EVER SINCE EVE" MARION DAVIES, ROBERT MONTGOMERY, FRANK McHUGH, PATSY KELLY Added: PARAMOUNT NEWS; PRETTY PRETENDER .THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 '"NOBODY'S BABY" PATSY KELLY, LYDA ROBERT! LYNN OVERMAN. JIMMIE GRIER'S ORCHESTRA Also: P1XLATED; SOCIAL BIRDS FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 "WAY OUT WEST" STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY "Their Funniest Yet Added: COCONUT GROVE A GIRL'S BEST YEARS The persons whose names appear in the above program will be ad mitted by presenting this clipping. ion. ,TJie next get-to-gethcr affair will be on Labor. Day when the families will be' included.' Several after dinner speeches were made by T. W. Porter, Sr.,. 'post master; Harold T. Sloan, J. W. Addingtoii and. J. Horner Stock ton, rural mail carriers. Officers fur.. the ensuing year are: J. Horner Stockton, -chairman; L. .11. Calloway, secretary and treas urer; dforge Mallonee and J noinei moekion, program com mittee. MISS W'TII Miss with a KELLY ENTERATINS LUNCHEON Lassie Kelly entertained luncheon Thursday of last week Mrs. honoring her house, guests, Floyd Dryden, of Juneau Alaska; Mrs. Dan Lylc, of Peck, Idaho, and Mrs. Laura Bowman, of Muscogee, Okla. Mrs. Pearl Wright, Mrs. W. T. Moore and Mrs,. Mysa Crawford were the other invited guests enjoying the affair. U. D. C. MEETING ' POSTPONED The "tegular meeting of the United Daughters of Confederacy, yvhich was scheduled to meet Mon day, August 9, with Mrs. Lester Conley, has been indefinitely 'post-' poncu. ine oaie win be announces later. Mrs. J.. A. Martin, of Greenville. S. C, and .Mary Ann Martin, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mrs. Martin's daughter, Mrs. Pope Ellard and Mr. Ellard, at their home on Bidwell street. Rev. and Mrs. W. 1. Hughes and two children, , of Rutherford College, spent the week-end' at Clark's Chapel with Mrs. Hughes' mother, Mrs. E. P. Dowdle. Mrs. A. Farnsworth Drew, of At- lanta, has taken an hpartment with" Mrs. T. W. Porter for the month of August. Mrs. Drew is quite a d i tin tmi shed artist- and Ts" painting murals in Atlanta. John Dalrymple left Sunday for his work in Wilson, after spending two weeks on Cartoogechaye with his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dalrymple. Mrs. W. C. Jones and daughter, Annlynn, .of Tampa, Fla., came up Sunday for' a two weeds' visit with Mrs.. Jones' mother, Mrs. F. S. loh.nston, Sr., and her sister, Mrs. G. I.. Honk. - Clyde Clark left Sunday morning for Seattle, Wash., points in Ore- pan, Idaho and several othrr west ern states, where he plans to spend a nionth. Mrs. Walter Elliott and : Mrs. Frank Crispc, of Franklin Route 4, left Saturday for, Ashcville, There they will be ioined hv fr and Mrs. Leonard Corbi.ii and fam ily and will all go to Denton for a visit with their sister, 'Mrs. Wil liam H. Snyder. ' ' Jimmy-Ash-car, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is spending a few' days here with his uncle, Joseph Ashcar and Mrs. AshearJ at. their home on Palmer street, Mr. and Airs. Carey Rickman, of Gasto.nia, spent the week-end at West's Afill visiting Mr. Ric'kmao's mother, Airs. Alice Rickman am attending . the Rickman refmion Sunday. . troy Sheffield, who is working in lrginia, spent the week-end fvith his family at. their home at Rain bow .Springs. Miss Laura Dalrymple returned to her home in Raleigh Sunday, after spending two weeks on Car toogechaye with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Dalrymple. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landrum and daughter, Betty, returned to their home in. Orlando,. ..Fla.-,. Sun day, -after, a visit with Mr. Lan drn'm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Landrum,' at their home on. Cul- lasaja. Thomas F.'Mashburn has return ed to his home i,u Arlington, Texas, after a visit with his sister, Mrs. F. C. Cunningham at her home on Franklin 'Route 3 and his brother, E, J. Maslibuin, at his home on Franklin Route 4. Mr. , and Mrs. J. B. Brookshire, of 1 Dcmorestx Ga., spent, the .first of this week on Cartoogechaye vis iting their son, J. H. Brookshire and Mrs. Brookshire. Mr. and Mrs. I. T.' Smith and son, Parker, P. W. Cambron and grandchildren, Jack and Doxine, of Shawnee, Okla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blaine, uncle and aunt of Mrs. I. T. Smith, at their home on Cartoogechaye. Mrs.-Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Sanders, and is' the former. Miss Memel Sanders. Carey Cabe and Ira Cabe, both of Otto, have returned to their work at ' Barrett, W. V.a., after spending' the past month with re latives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Younce have re turned to their ' home in Haines City, Fla., 'after a visit on Burning, town witli their mothers. Mrs. Lily Younce and Mrs. J. R. Par risli. . Miss fuiise Crosby, of San Ma teo, Fla., has been spending several day here, the house guest of Miss Louise Blaine.. Asa Wooicn and sister, Mis Mary wootcn, .of Sarasota, Fla., were the guests of Mrs. D. W. Nichols at her home in the Or lando apartment on Harrison ave nue, several lays the past week. Mrs. W. B. Kesler and son, Billy, of Salisbury, came in Sunday for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Kesler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Angel, Sr. . Mrs. I. L. Easton and two chil dren, of Corinth, Miss, are here, or a visit with Mrs. Easton's mother, Mrs. J.- S. Sloan, at her home in East Franklin. D. D. Rice, of Johnson City, Twin., spent Monday here on busi- nes-s, and told us while here that Mrs. Rice won "Bank night," $250,. at the Majestic Theatre last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rice formerly lived in J-ranklin. I RBHOV A We Wish to Announce the Removal of Our Business from the McCoy Building on Main Street to the Build ing Formerly Occupied by the Bur rell Motor Co. on Palmer Street Ford Sales and Service " , ; . ' j In Our New Quarters We are Better Prepared than Ever to Supply Your '' - Needs With Accessories and Repairs Come ok Motor Sales Telephone 54 Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnston came up from Tampa, Fla., Mon day to spend a few days here with Air. Johnston's mother,. Mrs. F. S. Johnston and his sister, Mrs, G. L. Ifouk. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Matthews and' three children, of . Hempstead, L. .. spent Wednesday and Thurs day of the past week visiting their cousin Mrs. J, II. Carelock and Mr. Carelock, at their home on White Oak street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wicsse and young son left Saturday for Buf falo, N. 1 Y., where they will spend two .months visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. ( jcorgc Dalton, of Gastonia, is spending a month at West s Mill visiting relatives and friends. -Miss Lucy Slagle, who is work ing with the Tidewater Power com pany,, at Wilmington, is spending two weeks with her father, Thom as M. Slagle. at his home on Car toogechaye. Miss Helen Patton left last week for Penland, where she will spend three weeks attendinghe Penland Weaving Institute, under the sup ervision of Mr. W.urst, of Chicago, 111. Miss Alice Culpepper, of Atlanta, is spending this week on Cartooge chaye the house guest of Aliss Lucy Slagle. Rev. A. Rufus Morgan,' of Co lumbia, S. C, is spending this week visiting his cousins, Mr. and Airs. Carl S. Slagle, at their home on Cartoogechaye.' ' Mrs. I), E. Bruner, of Richmond, Va., is spending several days here with her son, W. I). Bruner and Mr. Bruner, at their home on Har rison avenue. ' - Mrs. T. J. O'Ncil, .Mrs! Wade to See Sales Service Afoody, Mrs. Robert Ramsey and M rs. Lois Ward are spending sev eral days in Raleigh on business. L. B. Angel, of Haines City, Fla., is spending several clays here with his family, who are spending the summer at Arrowood Glade and visiting with his parents, Air. and Mrs. T. W. Angel, Sr. T .lrn 1I I A 1 ter,' Aliss Naomi Bowman, left Sun day for their home in Al.uscogee, Okla. Aliss Bowman spent the summer in Franklin and while here operated Kelly's Gift Shop. Sam Poliakoff is in a hospital in Anderson, S. C, suffering from cuts and bruises received when his car left the highway, turning over four times. Mr. Poliakoff. . thoutrh painfully injured, is not considered serious and expects to return to his home here in a few' days. -Mrs. Poliakoff is with her husband. Afr. and Airs. II. S. Kinnebrew and son, George Hanson, and two daughters, Harriette. and Joy, ar rived here Wednesday to ' attend the Siler reunion at the home of Airs. W. W. Sloan Thursday. Mr. and Airs. Kinnebrew will also visit , their daughter, Airs.. Phil Kinne brew and Air. Kinnebrew while here. Mrs. J. A. Cook, of Athens, and Aliss Harriette Kinnebrew, of At lanta, arrived here Wednesday to attend the Siler reunion and to visit with relatives and friends. Births 'Air. and Airs. Herschel Townley, of Brevard, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Virginia, July 28, 1937, at Brevard hospital. Mrs. Townley was formerly Aliss Vir ginia Cansler, of Franklin. NOTICE Us Franklin, N. C.

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