PACE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, SEPT., 30, 1937 Officers Elected By Johnston Bible Class The K S. Johnston Bible class of the 'Franklin Methodist church met in. the basement ' of the church Thursday atternoon, September 1.0, for their regular monthly business meeting and to elect officers for the ensuing year. " Those elected are: Mrs. P. F. Callahan, teacher; Mrs. George A. Jones, assistant teacher; Mrs. Lest er S, Conley, president; Mrs. W. T. Moore, vice-president; Mrs. L. H. Page, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Jess S. Conley, assistant secretary treasurer. , C. B. Bry son Builds Model Apple House C. H. Bryson, who lives at Cul lasaja, has erected a model apple and meat house on his place which is going to prove very valuable this winter. The house is built of rock from a nearby br,inch, and the walls arc' 12x18x10. The walls are cement and the house is well ventilated. It contains two rooms, one for apples and one for meat, with separate entrances. The house was erected at an approximate cost of $174. . NEWER BEFORE A 8ULIKE fflSf NOSQUAt NO STOOP NO SQUlNt Sec and hear thU en tirely new kind of radio t Snld only with Phtteo Hlgh-EfficUney 4rlai to Inturt greateit foreign reception. Bryant Furniture Company ' Ifranklin. n. c. 5 I 1 JTSt 1 1 v .... . ....... . .. . i Wood's Heavy, Plump, Triple-Cleaned Fulgraln Oats N. C. Master Farmers Keep Ahead by Sowing WOOD'S TREATED SEEDS Itecleaned Over Most Complete Machinery in America 9912 Pure. 90 Germination For 60 Years We Have Introduced Improved, Higher Yielding Varieties, including: Va. Northern Neck Disease Resistant Red Clover LEAP'S PROLIFIC WHEAT WOOD'S FORWARD WHEAT LEE COLD PROOF OATS HYBRID CORN, Increasing Yields 15 to 25 First to Treat Seeds to Prevent Disease, Insure Good Stands, Vigorous Growth and Increase Yields. Demand WOOD'S TREATED SEEDS from your local dealer or write Richmond, fa, for our monthly WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL Giving Latest Seed Information and Prices trmm - fl 1 III All III STATE CHAMPION 1 U mm .;v:;;X;:.;::...vV: ORTII CAROLINA 4-H boys IN are shown here in one of many public demonstrations given by Clubstcrs to help raise stand ards in the state's dairy industry which yields an annual farm in come roundly of $17,000,000.; Winners of state title at Raleigh in a national cuiucst, uuja show the proper ways to feed and , care for dairy herds. Elton Clark, left, and Stanley Jones of Dur- Subscriptions and Renewals New subscriptions and renewals are coming in to The Press office very day now, and with this issue it is planned to start printing a .ist of them each week.. The following have been received during the past two weeks: New Subscribers Miss Josephine Dixon, Franklin; Paul H. Gerrard, Franklin; T. T. lovtv Franklin ; Ed Tallent, Frank: lin; E. Y. Walker, Franklin; Roy Mashburn, Franklin Route 1; Philip Blumenthal, . Chapel Hill; Miss Helen Patton, Durham; Miss Ruth Higgins, Greensboro; E. E. Elmer, Metairie, La.; Mrs. G. Buch anan, Atlanta, Ga. ; Miss Cassie Dills, Athens, Ga.; Willard R. Pen dergrass, Raleigh; Miss Mary Slagle, Winston-Salem. ' James L. Averell, Franklin ; E. E. Church, Franklin; J. E. S. Thorpe, Franklin ; B. W. Woodruff, Frank lin; Mrs. W. A. Setser, Route 1, Franklin; J. M. Daves, Rt. 2; Mrs. Ruby Bradley, West's Mill; E. W. fefrr Plllioir "ficc K'ufh Minrfrinvl Greensboro; John Crawford, Chapel , : fll 1 " of If A , f V- ' 1 , ,t if a. 4-H DAIRY TEAM MM H i t i ham," Durham County, are the team State Leader L. R. Harrill has named torepresent' the state in the finals at the National Dairy Show in Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 9-16. The boys receive all expense trips there through the Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation, -j n oaa aa which also provides $ 2,300.0 college scholarships for the four sectional and national victors. Hill; Clarence Moses, Gastonia; Sylva Auto Trading Post, Sylva1, William L. Parrish, Raleigh. Renewals Dr. Furman Angel, Franklin ; Catherine Bowdqn, Franklin; Mrs. W. "D. Bruner,' Franklin; M, L. Dowdle, Franklin; Dr. H. T. Hors ley, Franklin; Miss Sallie Hurst, Franklin; E. W. Long, Franklin; T. J. O'Neil, Franklin; J. E. Potts, Franklin; J. Frank Ray, Franklin; Dr. F. T. Smith, Franklin; J. H. Stockton, Franklin; Mrs. J. L. West, Franklin; L. B. Phillips; Ralph Moore, Franklin Rt. 1 ; J. C. Robinson, Franklin, Rt. 1; A. B. Setser, Franklin-Rt. 1; L. F. Set ser, Franklin, Rt. 1 ; John R. Slagle, Franklin, Rt. 1;' Bob Southards, Franklin, Rt. 1 ; Mrs. Goldie Wal droop, Franklin, Rt. 1 ; Mrs. George Wallace, Franklin, Rt. 1; R. D. Wells, Franklin Rt. 1 ; C. A. Cabe, Franklin, Rt. 2; M. B. Norton, Franklin, Rt. 2; S. W. Picklesimer, Franklin, Rt. 2; Z. V. Sanders, Franklin, Rt. 2; Cecil Baldwin, Franklin, Rt. 3 ; W. D. Barnard, Franklin,, Rt. 3; Fred Edwards, Franklin, Rt. 3; A. L. Ramsey; Franklin, Rt. 3; Roy Kinsland, Franklin, Rt. 4; Mrs. J. W. Wil liams, Franklin, Rt. 4; Richard C. Holt, Highlands; W. G. Wood, Highlands; Mrs. T. J. McGuire, Cullasaja; Charles. Morrison, Iotla; Marion Lecltord, rrentiss, Koy 1 Soutliards, Prentiss ; S. C. Leather man, West's Mill; T. M.; West's Mill; Mrs. Sam - Rickman, Otto; C. B. Brown, Dillard, Ga.; Rev. J. I. Vinson, Dillard, Ga.; Philip S. Hoyt, Clarkesvillei Ga.; Mrs. R. M Hudson, HiKh Point; MisS Elizabeth Barnard, Salisbury; Mrs. E. H. Rust, Albany, Ga.; Mrs. W. C. Jones, Tampa, Fla. ; Mrs. C. H. Perry, El ' Reno, Okla.; C. B. Bolick, Arlington, Va. ; Troy Potts, Clear Lake, Wash. ; Mrs. . Virginia Briggs, Atlanta, Ga. ; Mrs. H. G. Knoch, Atlanta,, Ga. ; Miss Tim oxena Sloan, Atlanta, Ga. ; Mrs. O. E. Snyder. Cornelia, Ga. O. L. Blaine, Franklin ; Claude Calloway, Franklin; E. T. Callo way, Franklin ; J. D. Gribble, Frank lin; W. G. Hall, Franklin; Mrs. Ben Harrison, Franklin; Miss Sallie Hurst, Franklin; Mrs. D. A. Jacobs, Franklin; Jones & Jones, Franklin ; Dick Jones, Franklin ; Mrs. E. B. McCbllum, Franklin; Alex Moore, Franklin; Miss Arry Pressley, Franklin; Mrs. W. H. Sellers, Franklin, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, Frank lin; C. S. Tilley, Franklin; West ern Carolina Telephone Co., Frank lin; Mrs. J. H. Brookshire, Route 1 ; H, C. Hurst, Route 1 ; Miss Pauline Long, Rojite 2; Frank Fleming, Route 2; J. M. Brown, Route 2; H. W. Rogers, Route 2; G. T. Parrish, Route 3; C. A. Wil liams, Route 3; Miss A. Deal, Route 4; Miss Nellie Deal, Route 4; Will Coward, Route 4; B. W. Justice, Route 4;. Jud Morgan, Route 4; Wiley Sanders, Route 4. Highlands Mrs. F. W. Allstaet ter, L. G. Apply, Mrs. Callie Beal, Ed Cabe, Grover D. Edwards, Frank Hill, Mrs. J. E. Root, Mrs. J. B. Watkins, Sam Wilson, Mrs. C. H. Zoellner. Cullasaja C. B. Brysan, W. M. Bryson, Carl Evans, J. H. Holland, W. P. Landrum, Mrs. Pritchard Peek, Howard Stewart, Alfred leem. lotl? Walter Tippctt. Prentiss Miller. Ledford, J. C. Sanders, ,D. B. Nelson. Etna S. J. D'ean, T. G. Dean, Mrs. J. A. Lakey, E. D. McCoy, B. V. McCoy. West's Mill W. H. Bryson, John H. Dalton,' C. A. Gibson, Catherine Ray, joe Rickman. Ellijay Charles Mincy, Frank Williams; Gneiss, W. M. Dills, J. T. McCoy; Stiles, Rev. A. J. Smith; Dillard, Ga., Rt. 1, U. N. Carpenter, W. A. Norton; Rainbow Springs, John Hutchins; Nantahala, Mrs. rleta Mason. R. E. Hurst, Ridgecrest ; Louis D. Marchetti, Florence, S. C. ; John M. Williams, Piedmont, S. C ; S. P. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. ; Mrs. J. H. Shelley, Lake Helen, Fla.j L. D. Dills, Long Island, N. Y.; John Roy Taylor, N. Y. C. ; Verlin Brad ley, Claremont, Calif.; Miss Eva G. Cleveland, Bridgeport, Conn.; Mrs. W. H. Thompson, Cashiers; Mrs. Geo. T. .Bryson, Atlanta, Ga,; Evelyn Harris, Atlanta, Ga. ; Mrs. R. A. Kline, Atlanta, Ga. ; Miss Edith Long, Rabun Gap, ' Ga. ; T. M. Grist, Rabun Gap., Ga. ; Ernest B. Stamey, Raleigh; Mrs. Geo. Bidwell, Winston-Salem. No White Pine Blisters Found In Macon Since the opening of the white pine" blister rust control project in Macon county on August il, more than 6,5l)U acres of pine have been mapped and about 10, (XX) acres of land have been examined. White pine Mister rust is a dis ease that requires a host plant for its spread, 'ihe host plant is cur rant and gooseberry buslies which may spread blister rust spores more than 1,(AAJ feet from the infected oushes to healthy pines. The spread from diseased pines to gooseberry and currant bushes occurs in the spring season. , At the time of writing no blister rust has been found on either white pines r gaoseberryy and currant plants in Macon county. The only known method of protecting our white pines for the future is to de stroy all currant and gooseberry bushes within 1,000 feet of any white pine. The splendid cooperation o land owners in Macon county is appre ciated in the sections already visit ed and it is only by complete co operation that the blister rust con trol project can be successful. The project is primarily a cooperative organization designed to assist all white pine owners in keeping pine blister rust out of this state. H. B. Teague, state leader ol white pine blister rust control, an announces that an exhibit will be shown at the annual state fair in RaleighOctober 12-16. LEGAL ADVERTISING.' NOTICE OF RE-SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. . : ' WHEREAS, power of sale was vested in the undersigned trustee by virtue of a deed of trust made by C F. Moody and Maggie ,D. Moody to the undersigned trustee, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County in look No. 35, page 64; and whereas the under signed trustee sold the land de scribed in said deed of trust pur suant to said power on the 10th day of September, 1937, for the sum of $2500.00, which sale was duly reported, and the bid has since been raised to $2800.00 and the clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C, has ordered a re-sale of said property ; NOW THEREFORE, by yrtue of said order, I will on Wednesday NEW AND USED PARTS .-.. For all Makes of iCars and Trucks! i Sylva Auto Trading! Post Phone 163 feylja, N. C. legal Advertising the 13th day of October, 1937, at U o clock noon, at tne courthouse door m i ranklin, worth caiouna, sell at public auction to, the. high est bidder for cash the., following described property : - FIRST TRACT : Beginning at the northeast corner of tne Alex Moore lot in the Town of Franklin, North Carolina, an the south side of Main Street in the 1 own of Franklin, North Carolina, being bounded on the north by East Main Street; on the east by the L. A. Allen lot; tin the south by Palmer Street and on the West by the lot formerly owned by Alex Moore, part of which is now owned by the United States Government; except from the first tract the second tract hereinafter described: SECOND TRACT: Beginning at the northeast corner of 'the. Alex Moore lot, now owned by the Unit ed States Government runs north east with the south side of Main Street 43 feet ; then southward, parallel to the West boundary line of the Alex Moore lot (now owned by the Town df Franklin and the United States Government) to the North side of Palmer Street; then with the North side of Palmer Street to the southeast corner of the Alex Moore lot hereinafter re ferred to; then northward with the east boundary line of the Alex Moore lot to the Beginning. This 28th day of September, 1937. GILMER A. JONES, S30-2tc Octl7 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, v ' Macon County. In The Superior Court Macon County ' vs. . ':" D. O. Campbell and wife, Genevieve Campbell, and all unknown heirs of the said D. O. Campbell and wile, Genevieve, and all other persons, firms or corporations claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action. The defendants, D. O. Campbell and wife, Genevieve Campbell, and all unknown heirs of the said D. O. Campbell and - wife, Genevieve, and all other persons, firms, or cor porations claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action will take notice that an action en titled as above, has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Ma con County, North Caroling, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien on property in Macon County, North Carolina, and in which the defendants have an interest, and are proper parties thereto. It is further ordered by the court that the defendants, D. O. Camp bell and wife, Genevieve Campbell, and all unknown heirs of the said D. O. Campbell and ( wife, s Gene vieve, and all other riersons firms or corporations claiming any inter est in the subject matter of this action, are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Macon Couaty, North Carolina, at his office in Prnnlrlln rn tUa 1 7U -I t XT - -, uii iiit win uajr ui ixu- vember, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief demanded in said com plaint will be granted. This the 28th day of September, 1937. . . HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court. S30-4tc 021 Loyal Order of Moose Franklin Lodge, No. 452 Meets Second and Fourth Friday Nights I 8:00 P.M. Under American . Legion Halll S. J. Murray, Sec'y

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