tit ll? O RedCiiooo BEoChooG PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LI I, NO. 44 FRANKLIN, N. G, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1937 $1.50 PER YEAR . .. rii in'. . III The American Red Cross Is An Emergency Organization Timely Article Dealing With Great Work Being Done By THE REV. FRANK BLOXAM Chairman of the County RoU Call 1 hope everyone read the articles carried last week in The Franklin Press on the work of the Red Cross in the January floods of this year. Throughout its years of existence the Red Cross has never failed to rise to an emergency and the ac count of the work done in the flooded areas must arouse our ad miration and our gratitude that such relief was not needed in our communities. ' - So many people say when they are asked to join the Red Cross that they get nothing out of it so why should they give anything to its support. Surely that is a low level on which to place our giving for this or any other cause. Rather we should be thankful that, as yet, we have not had cause to get any thing from the Red Cross and our thanks should be so genuine that we gladly help the other fellow who has been visited with some cause for relief and help. I hope this note will find re sponse in all who are asked to give a membership dollar this year. I cannot repeat. too often that by supporting -the Roll Call we are actually joining the Red' Cross and when help is rendered to any com munity it is our help that is there. The local chapter is always ready to help individuals in. the county if they seek temporary relief Jn an emergency but x if the help needed is to be prolonged over a period then some other relief organization is called in to render what help it can. Nationally and locally the Red Cross is essentially an emergency organization. This does not mean that there is no program being car ried on all the while by Red Cross workers. They have a large pro gram which is supported ly funds raised during, the Annual Red Cross and that is why when major , dis asters occur an appeal must be made for further funds. The Amer ican Red Cross has just. completed the busiest year in its peace time history. The past year's. accomplish ments include disaster relief for 230,116 families 1,063,000 persons following the devastating f bods in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys last spring, and similar assistance for victims of 127 lesser catastro phes, increased activity in teaching first aid, life saving, home hygiene and other safety and health serv ices. The next year will see even greater increases in disaster pre paredness, health and safety fields. The vigorous campaign which the Red Cross is waging against acci dents in the home, on farms and along highways is being stepped up ' to strike more . directly at this annual slaughter which last, year accounted for . 37,800 deaths in automobile accidents and 38,500 in home accidents. Toward.8 this end the Red Cross taught the principles of first aid to 256,884 persons and gave life-saving instruction to 81, 291 persons last year. These safety courses will be ,greatly increased in .number all over the nation during nhe coming months. Red Cross has established 1,778 emergency first aid stations along the nation's prin cipal highways and 3,283 additional .stations are being prepared for .opening in the next fey months. . Red Cross mobile first aid units also have been organized and hun dreds of trucks and automobiles be longing to utility companies, high way . and police departments and others frequenting the roads, have been equipped with Red Cross first aid kits, and their personnel train ed in first aid. These units are constantly growing in number. It is far better than cure. ' Future articles yill deal with oth er Red Cross activities'. - Premiums Given Last Saturday By Pay-And-Take-It Store The Pay-and-Take-lt grocery store last Saturday closed their opening campaign which has been in pro gress for the past two months, and awarded 28 premiums, as follows : First, living room suite Annie Watts, Prentiss. Second, Elgin watch Robert Led better, Route 2. . ' ' Third, set silverware Norman Houston, Franklin. Fourth to eighth, dinner sets C. N. Jones, Gneiss; G. W. Gregory, Gneiss; Zeb Shope, Prentiss; Mrs. Elsie Stuman, Cullasaja; Clara Morgan, Highlands. Ninth to twenty-eighth, Four pounds Dixie Queen coffee W. G. Hall, Franklin; Maxine Sprinkle, Franklin; L. W. Southards, Route 2; Sim Queen, Franklin; Virgil Wat kins, Franklin; Stella Stamey, Prentiss; Dewey Russell, Cullasaja; Edith Cloer, Franklin; Louise Siler, Route 1; C. S. Tilley, Franklin; Joe Wright, Aqjaone; George Southards, West's Mill; S. E. Heaton, Cullasaja; Thelma Parrish, Etna; Minnie Crisp, Gneiss; Henry Stiwinter, Gneiss; Q, E. Jacobs, Aquone; J. C'Frazier, Route 1; W. B. Bennett, Route 3; Mrs. W. R. Childers, Route' 3. Walter Ledford, proprietor of the Pay-and-Take-lt, states that he will start another campaign right away and that it will close aU4'J0 p.-ni; Friday, December 24. Details will be announsed next week. Typhoid Clinic Schedule For November Following will be found the Ma con' county typhoid schedule for November: Olive Hill school from 9 to 10 o'clockNovember 4, 11, 1& Oak Dale school from 10 to 11 o'clock, November 4, Ml, 18. Iotla school from 11 to 12 o'clock, November 4, 11, 18. Maple Springs school from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock, November 4, 11, 18. Clark's Chapel school from 2:30 to 3:30 o'clock, November 4, 11, 18. Mashburn Branch school from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock, Novem ber 4, 11, 18. Aquone school from 9 to 10 o'clock, November 12, 26, December 2. Kyle school from 10 to 11 o'clock, November 12, 26, December 2. Otter Creek school from 11 to 12, o'clock, November 12, 26, December 2. Camp Branch school from 1 to 2 o'clock, No vember 12, 2& December 2. Fair view school from 2 to 3 o'clock, November 12, 26, December 2. The vaccination will be given free to adults as well as children during the school year. The schools will be announced in advance and the children will be notified when the physician and nurse will be at the school. Diphtheria vaccination will be given at this time to chil dren under six years of age and as young as six months of age. There will be a cost of 15 cents for diphtheria. . These vaccinations are offered each Saturday morning from 9 to 12 o'clock in the health depart ment, Higdon building, Franklin, N. C. Macon County Health Dept. Catholic Services In Franklin Father Howard V. Lane, of Waynesville, will conduct services for members of the Catholic faith in Franklin as follows: - Morning Mass on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in the American Legion hall on Main street, at 8 a. m. Instructions for the children on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 4:15 p. m. All are welcome to attend these services. ' . FOREST TREES FOR PLANTING Two and a Half Million Seedlings Available At Nursery J. Fred Bryson, county forest warden at Franklin, announces that for the fall of 1937 and spring of 1938 two and a half million forest tree seedlings are "available at the state forest nursery near Clayton, N. C, which is operated by the forestry division of the department of conservation and development. The County Warden urges that those who are interested in forest tree planting make their plans now to apply for the planting stock. Applications and announcements of, the terms of distribution are avail able at the district forester's of fice at Asheville, or from the state forester at Raleigh. The applica tions are filled in the order they are received until the supply is ex hausted. In past years the supply of trees has not been equal to the demand. Plans are under way to double the capacity of the state forest nursery for next year so that five million trees will be available for the fall 1938 and spring 1939. The species of trees now growing at the nursery consist of loblolly or old field pine, longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, black locust, white ash and slash pine. The slash pine is not a native tree of North Car olina and its planting is recom mended only in an experimental way in most of the counties of the state..'' .. t '-' Over 215 million forest trees were planted in the United States last year on federal forest land and the southeastern states distributed 56 million trees to private indi viduals from state nurseries. Demonstration Club Achievement Day The first county achievement day will be held at the courthouse on Saturday, November 6. The meet ing will start promptly at 10 o'clock. The morning session will be con ducted by the women, at' which time the interesting achievements of the year will be pointed out. A play on Health will be given by the Otto 4-H cluib. The afternoon ses sion will be given over to Mr. Nance, of State college, who will give a meat cutting and curing demonstration. Meat properly cut, cured and packed brings a good price. If Macon county could estab lish a good tourist trade in hams, our income would be much improv ed. Other sections of the country make a living selling hams. Why not Macon county supplement their income through such a project. Any one interested is invited to attend this meeting. Governor's Proclamation It gives me great pleasure- to commend the work of the North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers and to direct the atten tion of the people of this state to the Enrollment Campaign which will be conducted between the dates of October fifteenth and No vember fifteenth, 1937, for the purpose of increasing the membership of this great organization. , The Parents and Teachers organization is composed of fathers, mothers and teachers, representing the three great personalities who come in contact and vitally affect the lives of the children and the youth of the state. The purpose of this organization is to afford an opportunity for parents to work together with the teachers for better understanding of the problems confronting our young people and that jointly and together they may arouse public opinion to support the best for the children in education, in recreation and in wholesome community surroundings. . . It is gratifying to know that last year North Carolina enrolled nearly 60,000 in the membership of this organization. I am happy to announce the opening of this enrollment campaign again this year and to espress the hope that the membership may be, increased inl and to express the hope that the membership may be increased im be reached in this campaign. Our interest in childhood demands highest consideration of all the people and it should be regarded as a high privilege to work in harmony with this association of parents and teachers in accomplish ing worthwhile results in educating our children and aiding them in building ' character for themselves. Clyde R. Hoey, Governor. Parent-Teacher Association To Be Organized In County Cattle Sale Tuesday Most Successful Of Year According to R. A. Patton, auc tioneer, the cattle sale held in Franklin Tuesday was the most successful sale of the year. About 240 head of cattle were sold, and prices ranged from $3 to $8.50 per 100 pounds. Mr. Patton announced that an other sale would be held on Tues day, November 16, at the same place and during the same hours. 17. N. C. VISITED BY GEORGIANS Party From Gainesville Spends Two Days In This Section A motorcade of more than 50 persons from Gainesville, Ga., rep resenting the chamber of com merce visited the Nantahala Nation al Forest yesterday and today. The itinerary included Nantahala Gorge, the Joyce Kilmer Memorial forest, and the John Bryne Memorial tow er on Wayah Bald. .! -The. motorcade party had lunch eon at Andrews on Wednesday and proceded to Gatlinburg, Tenn., for the night. Thursday included visits iO Newfound Gap, and the Chero kee Indian reservation and a stop at Franklin for lunch. Points of interest adjacent to Franklin iin the Nantahala Nation al Forest were visited before the group returned to Gainesville. Mrs. J. D. Brooks Juried at Coweta Funeral services for Mrs. J. D. Brooks, of Harriman, Tenn., were held at the Coweta cemetery Sun lay, October 31, at 3 p. m. Mrs. Brooks died at her home in Harri man Friday at 10 a, m., from can cer. She had been in failing health since early summer and grew worse up to the time of her death. Rev. T. L. Frisby, her former pastor, conducted the funeral serv icies, assisted by Rev. W. B. Under wood, pastor of 'the Franklin Bap tist church, and Rev. John Brendle, pastor of the Coweta church. i Ben S. Matlock, of Boise, Idaho, came in Saturday for -a visit with relatives and friends at West's Mill Meeting Will Be Held In Court House Friday Aftornnrvn mm A meeting of parents and teach ers of the Frankljn and county schools will be held on Friday afternoon, November 5, at 3 o'clock at the courthouse for the purpose of organizing Parent-Teacher as sociations in the schools in the county that do not have the bene fit of this state-wide and national organization. , Mrs. Doyle D. Alley, retiring state, director of District No. 1, of Waynesville, upon an invitation ex tended several weeks ago, will come to Franklin to address the meeting, and will be accompanied by Mrs. E. N. Howell, of Swannanoa, new ly elected district director, who will assist Mrs. Alley in the reorganiza tion of the Franklin Parent-Teacher Association. Mrs. Alley has served the dis trict as director for the past two years, and will continue in Parent Teacher work in this district as historian. Mrs. Alley was also elected at the past state convention held in Richmond, "as fifth vice- president in charge of public wel fare. Mrs. Howell was elected to succeed Mrs. Alley at the recent annual conference of district No. 1 held in Bryson City. 1 All parents and others interested, teachers and principals are urged to attend this meetincr and to lend men tuyyci i wuu , io me selling up : of rareht-Teacher associations in connection with every school in the county. While it is necessary to call this meeting at an hour that is too early tor the convenience of tome teachers, it is hoped that all teachers may come as soon as their schools close. Future meetings will be arranged at a more convenient hour. The organization of Franklin and Macon county at this time is part of an enrollment campaign being conducted by the North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers between the dates of October 15 and November 15 in those com munities where there is no P.-T. A. and to increase membership in all associations. All Gtizna Elig!bU a 11 , uuzens, men ana women, whether or not they are parents or teachers, who are interested in child welfare are eligible for mem bership. The , Governor's Proclama tion in regard to this campaign is printed in another column. The following excerpts are from "Highlights from Convention Speeches" printed in the 1937 Con vention Report. Judge Florence E. Allen appealed for intelligent co peration between home and school to produce citizens of high in tegrity and strong character. She appealed tor agressive interest of men and women in community af fairs so that government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians might be re placed by "government of the peo ple, by the. people and for the people." John W. Studebaker clos ed his address with these wrrd! The National Coneress of Parents and Teachers may perform a great service for America by giving new emphasis to citizen education. You can play a role of far-reaching im portance m the central struggle of our generation, namely, the, strug- &ic iu main lain ana improve demo 1 . I- t 7 f cratic society. Your organization goes farther than merely fostering ideals and attitudes. It makes of education a common problem of home, school and community." Dr. Lduard C. Lmdeman. former ly of the North Carolina College for Women, described the parent- teacher . association as America's greatest folk movement, and' urged a program directed toward saving American schools for democracy.

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