THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1937 PACE SIX Highlands Highlights MRS. FRANK BLOXHAM, PHONE 55 CHURCH NOTICES Sunday, November 14 Highlands Baptist Church 10 a. m. Sunday School ' 4 p. m. Junior B Y 1J U 7:15 p. m. Senior B Y P U Highland Pretbyterian Church lu a. m Sunday school 11 a. m Morning worship 8 n. m. Christian endeavor ' Church of the Incarnation 10 a. m. Church school 11 a. m. Morning ' prayer and sermon St Agne Church, Franklin 4 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon Highland. Methodist Circuit Highland! 10 a. m. Sunday school 11 a. m. Preaching service 8 p. m. Preaching service Cashier 10 a. m. Sunday school Gear Creek 3 p. m. Preaching service. DEATH CLAIMS LITTLE MARVIN WOODS Little Marvin Woods, 18 months old son. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods, died on Monday morning at 6 o'clock at his home on the Dillard Road. Bronchial pneumonia and whooping cough was the cause of his death. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at Norton onH Knrinl vuae in thp Norton cem etery. ' Rev, Mr. Morgan, Baptist preacher of Norton officiated. Be sides his parents the little boy leaves one brother, Bruce, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Evitt and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Woods, of Otto. BAPTIST W. M. S. MEETS WITH MRS. O. F. SUMMER The remilar meeting of the Bap tist Missionary society was held at the home of Mrs. O. F. bummei on Tuesday afternoon. The officers of the organization are Mrs. UUj PauL president: Mrs. A. W. Pier- son, 1st vice-president ;' Miss Flor ence Crutchfield, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Eugene Potts, secre tary; Mrs. W. M. Cleveland, treas urer: Mrs. Arthur Potts, assistan. secretary; Mrs. Maiden Keener, Mrs. Floyd Rogers, Mrs. Ed Rog' ers. Mrs. Harvey Talley, persona service committee; Mrs. Maiden Keener, program chairman; Mrs. O. F. Summer, missions study lead er. The organization meets month ly with Mrs. Summer. HIGHLANDS HAS FLOURISHING P.-T. A. It is a step forward that the Parent-Teacher association is be DIGNITY fV-JR trained and ex perienced staff will conduct the rites simply, with dignity and under standing. Consult us at anytime without obliga tion. For long distance ambu lance service, we are equipped to serve you, and can assure you of the greatest comfort possible. Bryant Funeral Home Franklin, N..C. ing re-organized in Macon county. The P.-T. A. has been a flourish ing organization in Highlands since lyu when a group of men and women interested in the welfare of the children of the community met together and drew up the Constitu tion of the Parent-'ieacliers asso ciation. Among the charter memb ers are Mrs. Mack Pierson, Miss Burnice Durgin, Mrs. A. C. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Potts, Dr. Thompson, Mrs. J. A. Hines, Mrs. Christina Rice, and others whose names are not available. Among the outstanding accomplishments of the P.-T. A. is the provision of athletic equipment for the school and the purchase of books for a school li Drary. Miss Eleanor Raoul was a .oyal friend of the Highlands P.-T. A. and gave a fund of $1,000, the interest of which was to be used oy the organization in any. way which the members decided was jeneticial to the school. The mem bers voted that the money should De used for a school library to be a permanent memorial to Miss Raoul. At the present tiime the organization is making many ad ditions for 'the comfort of the students and is now conducting a drive for members. Everyone in terested in the program of the P.-T. A. and the school is urged to become a member of the P.-T. A. SENIOR B. Y. P. U. ENJOYING EIBLE COURSE The Senior B. Y. P.'U. at pres ent has 18 active members, under the leadership of Airs. Pearl Potts and Carleton Cleveland. These members aim toward the uplift ot the organization, and carry on a very successful work. With Mrs. r'aul Waldon as Quiz leader the union is "enjoying a Bible course in which all members take part. The programs are both intresting and instructive and consist of hymns, quizzes, lessons in lecture form irom quarterlies, and talks on var ious subjects. The Ji. Y. P. U. meets at 7:15 p. m. every Sunday evening and the public, is always welcome to attend. . " - CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR MEETING WELL ATTENDED There was a large attendance at Christian Endeavor, at the Pres byterian church, Sunday night. The new president, Mr. Sidney Mc Carthy was in charge. An interest ing program was given by Tessie McDowell. Rev. Mr. DuPree gave a lecture, with lantern slides, on vhe arrest of Paul at Jerusalem. There was a meeting of the pres ident, . secretary, and the chairman of the highways, with their com mittees, on Thursday evening. The purpose of the meeting was to plan the work for the coming year. MRS. CHARLES ALBERT HILL DIES IN CHARLESTON Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Charles Albert Hill, who was a beloved summer resident in Highlands for many years. Mrs. Hill died at her home in Charleston, S. C, on November 4, at the age of 87. She was buried in Magnolia cemetery following the funeral at St. Michael's church in Charleston. Mrs. Hill was the former Jane Louise Alston, a member of a prominent South Carolina family, well educated, high-minded, and public spirited, working always for the best interests of the people as a whole. She was a charter mem ber of the Highlands Improvement society and among other things is well known for her work in pre serving Satulah Summit as a pub lic park, . and installing the clock on the school building. . . Miss Nancy Elizabeth Hines, who is employed this winter in Raleigh, underwent an operation for , ap pendicitis on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chapman, of Atlanta, spent the week-end in Highlands visiting at Mrs. Chap man's home. On Saturday they at tended the "home-coming" at West ern Carolina Teachers' college at Cullowhee. Mr. Jack Potts also went to Cullowhee. Don, little son of the Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Beadle, has been very ill at his home.' Miss Louise Cramer, a niece of Mrs. Clark Howell, and a party of friends from Atlanta, spent the The How and Why of the National Unemployment Census A nation-wide census of all unemployed and partially un employed persons in the United States will be taken between the dates of November 16 to 20, by act of Congress, and at the direction of President Roosevelt. Here, in question-and-answer form, is the information you need to know about this plan. 1. WHAT IS PURPOSE OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT CENSUS? To get an accurate count of the unemployed and partly unem ployed 2. TO WHOM WILL CARDS BE SENT? To every family in the United States. S. UNDER WHOSE AUSPICES IS THE CENSUS BEING TAKEN? Congress has decreed, and the President has directed, that it be taken. . , 4. IS THE CENSUS COMPULSORY?. No. But every unemployed or partly unemployed person Is urgently requested to cooperate. 5. HOW WILL THE CENSUS BE CONDUCTED? -Through the facilities of the Post Office Department. Report Cards will be delivered to every family. Cards are to be returned by mail to Washington for tabulation and analysis. 6. WHEN WILL THE CENSUS BE TAKEN? t 4 Cards will be delivered on November 16 and must be returned by MIDNIGHT NOVEMBER 20. They are already addressed and no postage is required. 7. WHO SHOULD FILL AND RETURN CARDS? ' Every person who is unemployed or partly unemployed who is able to work and wants work. 8. WHAT AGE LIMITS APPLY? There are no age limits except existing State regulations concern ing workers' ages. SHOULD MORE THAN ONE UNEMPLOYED PERSON IN A FAMILY RETURN A CARD? Yes. Every unemployed member of a family should fill out ana return a card, if able to work and seeking work. WHERE MAY ADDITIONAL CARDS BE OBTAINED? At any post office or from your postman. WHERE CAN INFORMATION BE SECURED IN FILLING OUT CARDS? At your post office or from your postman. IS THIS CENSUS CONFINED TO AMERICAN CITIZENS? No. All permanent resMents of the United States are included. IS THE INFORMATION GIVEN ON THE CARDS TO BE CONSID ERED CONFIDENTIAL? Yes. This information will be used for unemployment statistics only. SHOULD EVERY QUESTION OF THE CENSUS CARD BE AN SWERED? . , Yes. To obtain the most accurate information possible, the Presi dent asks that each question be answered. Numbers 9 and 10 are particularly important. However, failure to answer some of the questions will not invalidate the card. ' WHO IS AN "UNEMPLOYED" PERSON? A person of either sex or any color who is not working and is able to work and seeking work. WHO IS A "PARTLY UNEMPLOYED" PERSON? A person of either sex or any color with part-time employment who is able to do more work and is looking for more work. ARE PERSONS ON EMERGENCY WORK PROJECTS INCLUDED? Yes. They should register as unemployed. A specific question, Number 2c, is provided on the Report Card for all persons work ing ton a W.P.A., N.Y.A., C.C.C., or other emergency work project which is supported by public funds. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12. 14 15. IS. 17. A MESSAGE FROM TTIE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ' The White House Washington TO EVERY WORKER: ' If you are unemployed or partly unemployed and are able to work and are seeking Work, please fill out this report card right away and mail it before midnight, Saturday, November 20, 1937. No postage stamp is needed. The Congress directed me to take this census. It is Important to the unemployed and to everyone in this land that the census be com plete, honest, and accurate. If you give me the facts, I shall try to use them for the benefit of all who need and want work and do not now have it FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT week-end in Mrs. Howell's cottage in Highlands. A. G. Holt and Dewey Hopper left on Saturday for a trip to Florida. Subscriptions and Renewals For Week lof November 11 New Subscriber Franklin, B. B. Lenoir; Ontario, Calif., Mrs. Lloyd Hammond. Renewals Franklin, Fred Blaine, Jim Haus er, Lee Leach, H. H. Mashburn, P. L. Richards, S. W. Stanfield; Franklin, Route 1, W. R. Corpen ing, W. H. Graybeal; Franklin, Route 3, G. L. Jacobs, W. L. Ramsey, L. P. Roper, W. M. Swaf ford; Cullasaja, Wayne Higdon; Dillard, Ga., Route 1, Lilley E. Dryman; Americus, Ga., Miss Eva F. Potts; Habersham, Ga., Mrs. Austin Byrd;' Spartanburg, S. C, Miss Grace Conley; Miami, Fla., T. E. Edwards ; Ault, Colo,, J, D. Rickman ; Whitla Alta, Canada, Mrs. George W. Murray. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, , County of Maaon Macon County, Plaintiff vs George Hayes (Col.) and wife, Hayes, Defendants Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the abovi en titled action on the 8th day of No vember, 1937, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 13th day of December, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, ?t the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: . Adjoining the lands of M. N. All man, Henry Hayes and L. H. All man BEGINNING at a stake, Hen ry Hayes southeast corner, runs E 16 ooles to a stake: then N 10 poles to a stake; then W 16 poles to Henry Hayes northeast corner; then S with Hayes' line 10 poles to the beginning, containing 1 acre. , Also another tract BEGINNING LEGAL ADVERTISING at a stake Henry Hayes' northeast corner and runs N iu poics 10 a stake; then W 8 poles to a stake; then S 10 poles to a stake in Henry Hayes' line; then E witn said line 8 poles to the beginning, containing 12 acre. - This, the 10th day of November, 1937. J. FRANK RAY, Commissioner. Nll-4tc Dec2 , NOTICE OF SALE 5 Hate 'tf North Carolina, Oounty ot Macon Alacon County, Plaintiff . . ij vs Grover Lewis; R. S. Jones, Ad ministrator for S. L. Franks; and Macon County Board of Education, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 8th day of No vember, 1937, the undersigned Com missioner will on the I3th day of December, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the 'lighest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Adjoining the lands of R. L. Porter Estate BEGINNING at a stake on the north side of the Murphy road at a culvert and runs up branch on the east side of the branch and with its meanders N 572 W 10 poles; then N Wi W 6 poles to a stake; then S 83 W 10 poles in the Porter line; then with said line S 7 poles to Porter corner ; then S 62 W 3 poles to a stake; then S 3 E 7 poles to the M.urphy road; then with said road N 82 E 234 poles to the beginning. This, the 10th day of November, 1937. J. FRANK RAY, Commissioner. Nll-4tc Dec2 NOTICE OF SALE itate of North Carolina Oounty of Maoon Macon County, Plaintiff vs Mayme Brown and husband, C. P. Brown, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 8th day of No vember, 1937, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 13th day of December, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Lot No. 44 in a plat of land known as the Mann & Long Sub division on the Georgia Cement road highway 285 near the town or Franklin and being more particular ly described in a map referred to as the Jones Property, prepared, surveyed and platted by C. W. Vanhook, C. E., July 20, 1927 and recorded in plat book No. 1, page 54, Records of Macon County, to which map as so recorded, refer ence is hereby made, for a more definite description of the land . i ere by conveyed. . This, the 10th day of November, i 1017 a w J. FRANK RAY, Commissioner. Nll-4tc Dec2 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff vs. Charlie Mashburn (unmarried), . Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon Lounty entered in the above en titled action on the 8th day of No vember, 1937, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 13th day of December, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon county, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate : Adjoining the lands of T. W. Angel and others BEGINNING at an iron post in the public road or street and runs in a NE direction with the line of the old Robinson property, now belonging to T. W. Angel, and the line of the Bud Tallent lot 200 feet to an iron stake; then running in a NW di rection 110 feet to the old Mc Connell line; then running with the line of the old McConnelt property and the old Bud Tallent line to the public road or street; then running with the street or road about 156 feet to the begin ning. This, the 10th day of November, 1937. . J. FRANK RAY, Commissioner. NU-4tc-Dec2