A, THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY) 1 V r V T " tate EDWARDS ecfcor P.-T. A. Carolina Schools fie request of the N. A Parents and 'i each- summer school students fntvcrsity of North Carolina under the direction of Dr. Ucorgc Howard, tells in 40 concise pages all anyone could " wish to know about North Carolina's biggest business, public education. It is available to anyone who is inter ested, and may be ordered from the University, of North Carolina Press at Chapel Hill for 25 cents. , An outline of the contents of the five chapters in the booklet ap pears below: ! I. School Organization William Thomas L.ong, principal, Cleveland, N. C, gives ueiai.ed in formation about the major ooarus and commissions of the state school system, headed by the sup erintendent' of public instruction, elected every four years Dy popular vote, the present incumbent being Hon. Clyde A. Erwin, who is the ofticial executive of the school system, and directs the operation of the schools and enforces laws and regulations. II. Public School Finances Ernest Morgan, principal' of Red Springs, tracts the history of the school movement from 1825 when the first attempt was made to pro vide schools for the poor by the establishment , of the literary fund. Successive legislatures for the past eight years have sought to equal- ue educational advantages and to raise the level of general educa-, tion through redistribution of tax sources. In 1933 property taxes or . schools were abolished (except for local .debt service); sources of cvti.uc iu. u.c ..W.M inheritance, franchise, license and privilege taxes, and the sales tax. In addition to . salaries of teach ers, superintendents and clerical workers, money raised from these sources has to' pay operating ex penses of the schools, such .as ligkt, water, fuel,, and janitor ser vice; also included is the opera tion of rural school busses, con sisting of drivers' salaries, upkeep and replacements, or compensation for accidents. . III. Curriculum Lewis S. : Cannon, of Woodsdale, .has made an analysis of subjects taught, stating that the needs of each generation change as to sub- ject matter and method of teach- J M v Si Roger W. Babson From a background of 35 years' Roger W. Babson tells you what he thinks lies ahead in 1938, From countless sources in this country and Europe he has weighed and measured the uncertainties of today and gives you a clear cut busi ness calendar for 1938. 44 Better Times Auead." . This is big news from coast to coast. ead jtsjory in The Press Next i" and Gheer Up! urayer Jooklet oh Schools ing; it is the duty of the schools to adapt their curriculum to the present conditions, rather than to seek to adapt the pupils to a pat--tern. Reading, arithmetic, langu age, and history sti continue as subjects on which njst time is spent, with literature, 'art educa tion, geography, music, and phy sical education taking secondary places; spelling, penmanship, ele mentary science, and citizenship complete the list of the subjects taught in the grammar schools.1 In high schools, where children have more latitude in their choic of subjects, English, history, mathe matics, and civics are still required, with languages or science optional. Other subjects appear on the op-j tional list, such as journalism, public speaking, and dramatics, with manual training and home economics dividing interest with commercial courses and agricul ture. The purpose behind most sub jects is to develop clear thinking rather" than to store up an ac cumulation 6f facts. Art and music are naturally receiving more atten tion where supplements are in force;. French has become, more popular than Latin. Since only 10 per cent of high school graduates in the state go to college, obvious ly every child needs a well-rounded education by the time he com pletes high school. IV. Teacher. , ' ct t- . . , , tw th ,wnpat;ftn aru1 fune n tethers has risen steadily for th white and coiored schools duHng the past twQ decadeS( with two-thirds of the whhe teachers completed four ,of coJlegc work Sum. mer school attendance and Cxten, courses. required to Heep teaching certificates in good stand- ing, also show a favorable rise. V. Extra-Curricular Activities J. Edgar Morris of Atlanta, writes from . his experience in a large boys' technical high school stating that people are going to do the things they want to do, and the school should recognize this fact arid provide better prepara tion for life, many angles of which are untouched by the class-room. Robert Rogers Dies At Gneiss Dec. 18 Robert Rogers, well known citi- zen of Gneiss, died on December 18 at his home. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Tom Cheer Uf Babson says, "Better Times Ahead" Week Machine Tells Sex of. Eggs 1 ' s mwHv.w. .,.,.v.w.v. f t Cv t ? f . I i. I- ''""JL ft 5? X?Jt? 9 .... . A! Is i i x i.nnim il - kt " .:S. -" t I Dr. Willard P; Funk, (sitting) of Los Angeles and his assistant Jack Davenport shown demonstrating the operation of his new machine which can determine immediately whether a newly laid egg will hatch a pallet or a cockerel. Dr. Funk claims he can change the sex of egg9wlth the new device. In the past 80 per cent of chickens hatched were roosters. PAMPERED PANDA 4 Su-Lin, only baby giant Panda in captivity, greets winter at the Brookfleld (111.) too. Tilson, of Gneiss, and interment as in Sugarfork cemetery. Mr. Rogers is survived by' his nother, Mrs. Lizzie Rogers; two daughters, Mrs. Eva Bolick and Mrs. Bertha Tilson, of Gneiss; one son, Victor Rogers, of Morganton; two brothers, Will Rogers, " of Gneiss, and John Rogers, of Sylva; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Tilson, of Gneiss, arid Mrs. Lillie Stanfield, of Franklin ; four . grandchildren and many other relatives. Discuss Reason For Farm Program Goals (Editor's note: This is the fourth in a series of articles" in which two farmers discuss the agricul tural conservation program.) Bill Smith : "How do they go about paying you f6r what you do?" John Brown: 'They want you to carry out all the soil-building practices recommended by the county AAA committee, but they don't want you to plant more than the acreage 6f soil- depleting crops allowed in your goal. ".If you do all the things recom mended for building up your soil, and if you dan t go over 'your soil- depleting goal, they will give you the tun amount or. the payment I that has been figured for your farm." Smith: "That sounds kinda con fusing, doesn't it?" Brown : "No, not if you under stand what they want to do, and the reasons why. "It's like riding a horse through a 'barn door. You duck your head to keep it from , getting humped and the horse has to pick up his feet to get them over the sill." Smith: "What do you mean by that?" Brown : "In the program they are. asking us to keep down under the 'soil-depleting goal to keep us from knocking , our heads off against overproduction and . low prices. When we' grow: too much, the price goes down -in a hurry Ann we need to step up to keep j from bumping our shins , on liand that will soon be wori if 'we don't take better car.elof it. This is where those soil-bftilding practices, tome in." 1 Smith : That's not a bad! idea. i 1 jv IM r r I -4 v I'm gonna sign up for 1938. Wish I had got in last year." Brown : "I'm 'glad you feel that way about it. The more farmers who come , into the .. program, the more good vw.e can do for our selves." Dairyman Reviews y 1937 Achievements One of the valuable pieces of work carried on by extension, dairy men in 1937 was pasture develop ment, John A. Arey, in charge of dairy extension at State college; said in reviewing the past 12 months. ; - , At the beginning of the year, extension dairy specialists, work ing through county agents, planned $50 pasture demonstrations, in cluding both temporary and per manent .: pasture?. These demon strations were distributed through outthe' state. . , ' , .Rep6rts to date. indicate, that this number has not only been reached, but, probably : doubled, Arey de clarf dA This project will be con tinued and pushed through 1938. In :. commenting ,, on 4-H club work 'during 1937, Arey said that at the beginning .of the year.' it Was planned to. have 935 calf club members." This goal was reached GIVE AM H i -.v.-.v " jw. -v.: Wrf !? -- - "..kilo There's an Ingcrsoll for every member of the family watches for pocket, wrist or handbag at prices from $125. Yon can bur them at stores right here Jn town. u I I - . a. VAI HIST-ARCH "'w . - nn. . Calls Promptly Answercc 1 VAMJiMVllV jt tlOi5Eni 1 111 ' tSmrZn At rrices lou Can Afford llll I n, ' 1 I Mill I - . Rn h TVFrw imr w : I 1 ; ' . ..... ', 1 a-f and passed The 4-H calf show,; state, fair ,was the. ia in quality : ever show Arey . said. In adaiti county and district c; were held in wmcn uairymeu' assisted. . Another important wriicn pvo; was dairy sociation During tion was formed, total to 9. There wer hds and 406 more af the close of 1937 beginning. This broug' cows on test to 4,795.. Afrey also said that ;dl sion. specialists assisted cu pureorea animais v be used in s developing herds. Poultry Need Extra Care During January xie wintry . blasts of January call on all the resources of th North Carolina poultryman, . de clares Roy S. Dearstyne, head of the State college poultry depart ment. Careful attention should be paid to the diet of layers and breeders, he points out. Usually the birds are in strict confinement, and even if allowed range, they can do lit tle to supplement their diet. Heating the drinking water, especially in the early morning, is a good practice during cold days. Water is highly essential to the bird's welfare, especially during periods of 'high production. . Dearstyne also cautions growers to watch the body weight "of "tktin layers. Any decline in weight is usually followed by a decline in production. Weight should be regu lated through the amount 'of scratch feed given the birds. Winter culling is a profitable i practice, he said. By removing cullv the poultryman not only reduces his: feed bill but also decreases thri number of females per male, thus1 increasing, the chances of fertility during the breeding,' season. j Small incubators for .hatching chicks at home should be checK over before being, used. Quite W this operation is postponed until) last minute at which . time 1 found that replacement part needed, One of the most import the poultryman should. m. cold weather i' houses. Careful adju? ventilation system to make the bin Dearstyne said. . 3 fl fa UayorJNinht rL , rnone 1