PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, JANUARY I, IBS BABSON SEES GREAT UPTURN Looks For Rise In Stocks And Pickup In Many Lines (Continued from Page One) he has his "ears to the ground," he is as keen as a robin hopping about a lawn listening '-for worms, llie .solons were home for several months this Fall, getting their con stituents' reaction to "reform" leg islation. So with every Congress man and every third Senator up for reelection this coming autumn, I believe that business will -be giv en the psychological relief that it needs from Capitol Hill. The biggest aids could be tax revision and .a utility "armistice." The undistributed profits tax will be thrown put in. everything ex cept, name. New tax measures will be passed, easing up on capital gains levies and perhaps cutting down on the high income bracket assessments. A lot of talk will be heard about a general sales tax, but it will not be passed. Extend- ing' the income tax ; into lower brackets wilt be proposed, but killed.-". ' - Spending to Continue I look for a truce between the government and the utilities. More '' control legislation will be passed, continuing the huge federal farm outlays. Wage and hour leg- islation may, go on the ' statute books, but in a milder form than originally proposed. The President will get only crumbs from his government reorganization propos al. Generally speaking, the marital status of Mr, Roosevelt and his big Democratic Congress will reach the legal separation .. stage just ' short of Reno divorce proceedings . The increase in unemployment re lief and new pump-priming mea sures will, keep public expenditures at a high level. Budget 'balancing cannot now be hoped for until the i -r inin An r:-i u earliest. Hence, the trend of the past five years toward inflation will continue. It is vital that every body remember this. Just because inflation is not making headlines now, do not conclude that it' is not making headway. Inflation is the biggest factor in the long-pul! business and investment outlook today- Prices to Increase , Inflation is .not simply a domes tic issue. It is a world-wide in fluence. It is one of the reasons why T look for some increase in prices in 1938. The sharp drop in both farm and industrial commodi ties since August makes, it easy to forecast the price trend next year : Sensitive commodities should begin their rise some weeks' before busi ness. Ihey afe at, or close ic their bottom now. But I doubt i the 1937 commodity price peaks will, be broken next year. In fact, next December an index of 784 raw and finished materials should average 'only around 5 per cent above the current level. .Indus trial commodity prices will be the strongest Farm products prices do not promise as much action. Lead ing the' rise will be non-ferrous metals, steel scrap, and hides. The readjustment between supply and demand is quicker in these indus trial materials than it is in farm , products. But the latter will move upward somewhat from present quotation's. Farm Outlook Fair Sharper control in' 1938 will be seen " over cotton, corn, and wheat acreage. Prices 'will end the . new year well above today's levels. Without a crop failure, however, present carry-overs ' are so largt ' that " they can prevent any wild boom , in quotations. Moreover, I expect;, to see a further drop in -beef, hog, 'and lamb prices, Butter, milk,' ' eggs, ' and -poultry will also be Cheaper next year,-due to lower .'1 feed costs. If woiild' be foolhardy to attempt any '"fixed forecast of farm income Barring crop disasters, however, mv Mtimatp i for tntal' scrim ltiiral rrreints next veaf tn ' drrin 5 ' to 10 rj r - - - o cent' under the 1937' figures. iw innsp rnr mm itasr vrar. nc II II I Willi II I .1 1 I I IHI W III'IIXI I II I V W I i otfbe much cheaper than they e'rfe in 1937. while farm tirices will during, the past 12 months. ui me -aoove. sijuauan, Roger W. Babson's Business Pattern for 1938 Business: Big gain over current levels. Trend: Strong uptrend; average below 1937, . Congress: Will give business needed relief. Prices: Five per cent gain over present level at wholesale. Farms: Income down; profits slightly lower. Labor: Few .'wage changes; more jobs in fall. Strikes: Big drop in strikes feature of year. Retail Trade: Sales below 1937; price tags lower. Living Costs: Clothing, food to lead minor decline. Good pickup to begin by midyear. Rej-d Estate: Values, activity to improve; rents firm. Stocks: Strong rise as business picks up. Bonds: Substantial advance in medium grades.. i . Foreign: Trade to slow down; no European war. Summary: 1938 to see resumption of recovery. I farm land values will show little change tor the year. What About Wages and Strikes? .Industrial workers, alter getting away to a poor start, should have a fair year., During the first few months, unemployment will be ser ious. Hundreds of factories haVe slowed down or closed completely. There are probably, a million more jobless since last Labor Day. But the unions are clinging to their wage scaies ws,, ucbPc..iwjr antique collector to a family heir- loom. Despite poor business in the first quarter, I do not foresee any material change in industrial wage rates next year, certainly none on the upside ! One of the features of 1938 will be the sharp decline in labor's in fluence. After a year of almost constant bickering and turmoil, workers will quiet down. The labor cycle has" passed its peak. Just as 1936 saw the zenith of the high grade bond market, so 1937 witness ed the pinnacle of labor's power for this cycle. The reaction of the public and the current slump in business have given the labor movement a rude set-back. More Jobs in Fall Employment will improve as 193b works along, but should average less than in 1937. The reasons '( First, business activities opens the year 23 per cent below" last Janu ary. Second, labor-saving machin ery is being installed everywhere. Third, the railroads will employ less workers. Finally, "merit rat ing" systems in state unemploy ment insurance laws will militate against "hiring temporary help. Hence, ... by next December, the number' of jobless should total about 6,000,000 against 6,500,000 now and 5,500,000 at the 1937 business peak. '. , . Taken as a whole, 1938 will not be as good a year for salesmen, merchants, and ' advertising people as 1937. Things are pretty slow right now and will continue pooi into 1938. However, as the months tick away, the resistance clouds should blow off and by late next year the seller's market should be on the way ;back. Then advertis ing lineage will have another surge and commission checks will again bulge. The 1937 national income estimated at $70,000,000,000 will not quite be equalled despite 1938' j strong second-half sprint. Retail .Sales, Living Costs Lower The national income roughly de termines the volume of retail trade. Hence, I expect retail sales will average less in 1938 than 1937. They will be slow during the early months; but they will follow the strong business . uptrend as the monthly pages are torn off the 1938 calendar. By next Christmas, volume of retail trade will have a good chance of breaking all rec ords since 1929. Shading of price tags between New Year's and Easter will help to boost sales. This drop in retail prices is good news for the' householder. It looks now as though the cost of living which has . beeri rising steadily since 1933 will give ground early in 1938. The average for the New Year, however, should show only a minor drop as food prices may touch off -a new rise along about Labor day; - - From current levels, your clothing will register a mod est decline by next Christmas; food should be u slightly; coal will show little change; fuel oil will be firm to lower ; and rents will be unchanged. Why Building Slows Down One of the major cogs in this current business recession has been the sharp letdown in construction. Building material concerns and building workers both shoved up costs out of all reason during 936-37, A bouse which cost $5, UAJ to build in December, . 1935 would cost nearly o.aou today. Naturally., demand for new homes inas slowed up in face of this un warranted boosting ol costs. Home building is down 4) per cent from the i9j peak, is below a year ago, und is still falling. . My thought is that it will con tinue to drop until after business has begun to retrace its steps late next Spring. Sometime next year, however, home building should again be humming along. The 1937 peak may even be topped so that the average volume ot new homes for the N ew Year could be above last year's level. The new govern ment housing program could also give the industry a big lift. '.It is even possible that the home build ing boom which 1 really expected to develop in 1937 will start late this coming year. Real Estate More Active Private non-residential construc tion, on the other hand, will be lower. I now see little incentive for new plant expansion next year. Public utility work, however, may take up th, 'slack caused by PWA pulling in its horns on public works projects. A decline in build ing costs should help volume in the early months! but before 1938 closes costs will reverse their field again and be on their way to a new peak. These higher costs will help real estate values. New home prices, which are now being shaded here and there, will strengthen. How ever, I hold little hope for an in crease in old house values, barring drastic inflation. Good vacant prop erty and modest well-Iaid-out mod ern homes are among the best inr vestments a person can make to day. For that reason I feel that 1938 is going to be a good year for realty men with a slow start and an active finish. Stocks to Rally This same rough plan should also hold for stocks. I expect to see the markets fly the revival signal before 1938 is too old. It would be silly to predict they will, or will not, break through their 1937 March peak. It makes , little difference whether they do or do not, for good stocks at current prices, in my opinion, offer excel lent profit opportunities. Furthermore, while selection will again be important, diversification will be the vital point in' 1938. Some- groups will, of, course, do better than others. If I had tc guess the outstanding Industrie' of 1938 from a market standpoint I would pick the metals, oils, build ing materials, aircraft makers, steels, chemicals, electrical equip ments, and mail orders. The util ities may surprise investors and the rails are so low that any poo news could give them a tremendous increase in value. The motors am" rubbers offer less promise because auto assemblies will be below 1937. Feature of Bond Market ' The bond market will be influ enced more by business in 1938 than it has been during-late years Medium grades have registered r terrific drop this fall and I look for price increases in this group to feature the bond market in 1938. Gilt-edge issues are down much less than these medium grades. - This situation offers a good op portunity to make a few. trades to improve yields and increase profit possibilities. I make this statement for I believe that . the long-term trend of high-grade bond prices is definitely downward. Sound medium-grade bonds should be a bet ter purchase for ' the next few months ' than senior obligations. When .money rates start rising, hi; idaluesreomg-Lj to filter away slowly. Trend Toward World Inflation Onc-oMbe major reasons, whjr I 1940 BATHING SUIT 7 ' J ?--t. . Wf V Hela Linda, Scandinavian actress. Is one Jump ahead of Albert of Paris, New York beauty culture ex pert, who predicted that women will wear topless bathing suits in 1940. Miss Linda takes a, dip at Mallbo Beach, Calif., minus "tops" to show how beaches will look in 1940. am so confident that higher money rates are inevitable is the world outlook. None of the major nations and few of the minor powers are today operating on a balanced budget. Billions of borrowed . dol lars, yens, marks, and francs are being spent in a mad armament race. National currencies are des tined to become steadily cheaper in terms of goods. Furthermore, there, seems to tie only a' remote chance of averting world conflict : Through" reciprocal trade agree mentsand a genuine spiritual re vival! Pre'sident Roosevelt and Secre tary Hull have done more for world relations in the last five years than all the niternational peace confer ences of the past two decades ! In spite of terrific pressure from groups at home, the State Depart ment has pushed steadily ahead with its trade agreements. They have negotiated 16 treaties and are now working on the most impor tant of all with Great Britain. Vast amounts of data have been culled over and the treaties have had as their sound goal "the most good, for the biggest number." World Trade Outlook As a result, our share of for eign commerce has shown a much sharper increase than that of the world at large. In 1937, for instance; our exports and imports were 34 per cent higher than in 1936, whiile total world trade was up only 25 per cent. This year there should be modest gains in overseas com merce, but the rate of increase will slow up. I expect that Scandinavia, South America, Great Britian and her Dominions Wjill again be our best markets. International relations will not improve noticeably in 1938. I think p. 5- F5 ' Hloinni Calls Promptly Answered JDay ot Night Complete IFuneral : Service At Prices You Can Afford To Pay Phone 139 FR ANKLIN, N. C. that gangster . diplomacy will con tinue in vogue tor another' year at least. But i atti convinced , from my trip abroad this fall that 1938 will see no general war. I am not very hopeful over the long-term future, however. A bitter, conflict seems inevitable .unless a new Christmas spirit invades the hearts of men all over the world. Great Bargains Today The above is a good outline of what I feel readers can expect in 1938. We have come over a long hard road since 1933. I am confi dent that we are hot going back to -those depths this year! America is suffering just now from an at tack of business indigestion com plicated by a severe case of jitters. The ups-and-downs of business seem to have been growing deeper rather than shallower during the past 10 years. This is because the country is swept by succeeding waves of emotional distrust and confidence, due to a weaker spirit ual foundation.. Just as in the fall of 1937 optim ism changed overnight into black pessimism, so the current gloom can be transformed into confidence again by the stroke of a pen. For that reason, I believe that there are now some wonderful . buying homes and furnishings, food and clothing, are,f or soon will be, on the bargain counter. Hence, my closing message today is: Work for a more honest and less selfish America ; but do not let present timidity scare you away from to day's great opportunities! Growing Body Needs Necessary Minerals Growing a strong, straight body requires that the skeleton be form ed properly with normal bone built from the necessary minerals, says Dr. J. O. Halverson, animal nutritionist of the agricultural ex periment station at State college. Dr. Halverson explained that the skeleton consists largely of calcium, phosphorus connective tissues, and cartilage. .In order that the body, may deposit the calcium and phos phorus in the cartilage, a third substance obtained from food eaten of these elements in the formation of bone. If this essential substance is not present, rickets result, Dr. Halver son said. If a part only of these necessary minerals . is laid down, partially formed bone or soft bone, which is a form of rickets, occurs. Sometimes the opposite may oc cur. The- skeleton may be well formed, hut certain kinds of wast ing sickness may cause a person to eat . insufficient food. Under such conditions, calcium and phosphorus are not supplied in proper amounts and may actually be withdrawn heeds. When this occurs, the bones, become soft ' ' .- If a person is growing, then more calcium and phosphorus are needed, Dr. Halverson declared. This necessity can be . supplied readily through the daily use of milk which contains large amounts of these substances as well as a third necessary -dietary factor call ed Vitamin D. iirJT-ninirtttinrl -

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