LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LIU, NO. 2 FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938 $1.50 PER YEAR PROGRESSIVE INERALS SHOW UCH ACTIVITY Developments at Thorn Mountain and Other Locations There has been much activity in the mining business in Macan county during the past , few months Trading and development have been going on at a lively rate and several large deals have been made. J. B. ford has built a large boarding house on Thorn moun tain about 20 miles southwest of Franklin on mining property his company has acquired, and is pre paring to ' work a large force of men in getting out mica and other minerals. " Roy Cunningham, who has for some time been with Roy Carpen ter at the Gulf filling station, has moved his family to Thorn moun tain and will have charge of the boarding house. Mr. Ford is also understood to be operating the mine at Lyle's Knob where considerable mica is being produced. It is said that more building is to be done and a road constructed - at the Thorn mountain location. The Development , Corporation of XT T 1 I . , f' -t mew jersey is anoiner iirm wnicn is quite active in this section. Their holdings ' are in Macon and adjoining counties, and they are expected to figure largely in the development of the mineral inter esfs of the western counties. There are a large number of mica mines .which , have , been in operation -for -a -"long "thne," and there is a great deal of talk going around in regard, to further oper ations in the mineral field; Dance at High School Saturday Night On Saturday night, January 15, a square dance will be given at the. high school building for the benefit of the President's birthday funds. This is one among the various events given, throughout Macon county, to help in fighting infantile paralysis, announced C. Tom Bry son and Lester Arnold, chairmen of the square dance committee. Music will be furnished by a , strinc hand. Shirley Moses Dies Of Pneumonia Shirley Moses, 18-months old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl D. Moses, died at their home at Elli- jay ' Wednesday morning, January 5, at 7 o clock. Death was caused by pneumonia. The funeral services were held at. the Sugarfork Baptist church Thursday morning at 1.1 o'clock. The; Rev. R. F. Mayberry, of Sylva, was in charge. Surviving, besides the parents, are one sister, Annie Louise, and two. brothers, David B., and Francis. Dr. Furr Moves Dental Offices Dr. W. E. Furr, who has been located in the McCoy building, has moved to rooms 107 and 108 in the Ashear building, where he now occupies bright , and well equipped dental offices. Franklin Produce Market LATEST QUOTATIONS (Prices listed below art subject to change' without notice.) Quoted by Farmer Federation, Inc. Chickens, heavy breed, hens 12c. Chickens, light weight, lb. . . 9c Eggs 20c New (corn (shelled) 65c rotarocs7-iNor-i, pu. ...... uc Potatoes, No. 2, bu. r 50c Quoted by NanUhtla CrMinary Butterfat, lb, . , 30c - Mrs. W Anderson Passes Sunday at Home On Cartoogechaye Mrs. Wiley Anderson, 37, died at her home on Cartoogechaye Sunday morning at 8 o'clock fol lowing an illness of two years. Death was caused from tuberculosis. Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Cartoogechaye Baptist church. Funeral services were held at the Mt. Zion Methodist church on Cartoogechaye Monday afternoon at. 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Newton Dills a Baptist minister of Car toogechaye, was in charge of the final rites. . Mrs. Anderson is survived by her husband and one daughter, Willie Mae; one son, Lloyd, of Cartoogechaye; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Garland; two sist ers, Mrs. Carl Greenwood and Miss Neta Garland, and one broth er, Mack Garland, all of Waynes- ville. DEATH CLAIMS R. B. BRADLEY Well Known Citizen Of Coweta-Section Passes Thursday R, B. Bradley,; 78, died .at his home on Coweta Thursday morn ing at pjS, iollowing. an illness of several months. Funeral services were held at the Mulberry Methodist church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Bradley, a farmer of the Coweta section, suffered a stroke of paralysis about six years ago from which he never recovered. He was a member of the Mulber ry Methodist church. - Surviving are two daughters, Miss Ida Bradley 'and Mrs. War ren Castle, and one son, Howard Bradley, all of the Coweta section. Cowee B. Y. P. U. Holds Quarterly Meeting Cowee Baptist B. Y. P. U. held its quarterly business meeting last week in the home of "Uncle Tom Raby. "Uncle" Tom, as he is lov ingly called, is one of the oldest and most consecrated members. Being confined to his home this winter and thus unable to attend the regular Sunday night services, 1 the union attempted to carry to him news of its various activities and hearty wishes that he migjjt again be able to meet with them. In the business meeting, officers were elected for the next quarter, committees were appointed and the union launched out into a new span of work. There are 42 mem bers enrolled, over 75 per tent of these appearing on the active roll. There is also a Junior Union for younger members. This group is composed of 20 or more intel ligent boys and girls. They elect their own president, group captains, and other officers, meeting in a separate room and carrying out their own program. Each , Sunday night they call on some visitor or parent to meet with them. Not only does this give them an adult audi ence but furnishes an adult in structor. In their meeting they re ceive valuable training, such as self reliance and public speaking, together with the Christian train ing offered. . ." All visitors . are . welcomed ' and their advice is appreciated, or any suggestions they have to offer to ward .making the B. Y. P.. U. a stronger power for God. RoyunninghanvhaJusbeeri working at the Gulf filling station for sometime, left this week for Thorn Mountain, where he will work for the Ford Mining company. BANK OFFICERS ARE REELECTED Same Men Will Direct Institution During The Coming Year . At a meeting of the stockholders of The Bank of Franklin held on Wednesday, January 5, all officers and directors were re-elected, and the condition of the bank, as re ported, showed that 1937 was a most satisfactory year. 1 The officers and directors elected are as follows: W. A. Rogers, president; M. D. Billings, vice-president, H. W. Cabe, cashier ; L. B. Liner, assist ant cashier. DirectorsC. F. Moody, chairman; M. L. Dowdle, ,H. W. Cabe, W. A. Rogers, M. D. Bill ings, Grover Jamison, R. S. Jones. A dividend of 8 per cent was paid on the common stock, and the bank officials are looking for ward to 1938 being a better year than 1937. Bragg Fouts, of Iotla Passes Wednesday Bragg Fouts, 70, a farmer of the Iotla section, died Wednesday att ernoon at the home of his brother D. C. Fouts. He had been ill sev eral months. Death was due to a heart ailment and complications. Mr. Fouts was a son of the. late John and Rebecca Ray Fouts and was well Jcnown.. n. this county. , The funeral services were held at the D. C. Fouts home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with burial in the family cemetery. Surviving are five brothers, D C. H. C, C. H., and P. K., all of Iotla, and Noah, of Andrews. Silver Tea to Be Given By W. M. S. A silver tea will be given on Tuesday, afternoon, January 18, from 3 to-5 o clock at the K,e:ly Tea Room, by the social relations committee of the Woman's Mis sionary society of the Franklin Methodist church. The proceeds from this enter tainment will be given to ' the school lunch room of the P.-T. A. The following members ' will have charge: Mrs. S. L. Rogers, chair man; Mrs. H. E. Church, Mrs. E. B. McCullum, Mrs. E. K. Cun ningham, Mrs. Reba Tessier, Mrs. Zeb Conley, The public is cordially invited to attend and help the good cause. Eastern Star To Give Social January 20 Nequassa Chapter, No.. 43, Order of the Eastern Star, is planning at its next regular meeting, Thurs day, January 20, to honor the Past Worthy Matrons and Past Worthy Patrons of the Chapter with a social. All Past Worthy Matrons and Patrons from other Chapters who are now making their home, in Franklin are cordially invited to at tend. ' The meeting will convene at 7:30 p. m. , Carolina Hardware Sales Show Increase Carolina retail hardware store sales for the eleven month period ending November 30, averaged 14 per . cent higher than for the same period of 1936; according to stores reporting to the national, retail hardware association. The U. S. average for the eleven month period was equal to the eleven months ending November 30, 1936. Average Carolina hardware sales gain ' for November, 1937, over the 1934-35-36 three-year average was 40 per-cent.- ..-7 ... Youth Escapes From Macon County Jail Wednesday Night In Juvenile court, before Harley R. Cabe, clerk superior court, Thursday morning, January 6, Virgil Burrell, 15, and Edwin Moore, 14, were found guilty of breaking and entering Lake Led- ford s grocery store on Palmer street and taking $12.00 out of the cash register.: Entrance into the store is said to have been gained through a window in the rear of the building between 8 and 12 o'clock Tuesday night, January 4. Deputy Sheriff John Dills made the arrest at the home of the boys in the Prentiss section Wednes day night, January 5. The boys were sentenced to the Stonewall Jackson training school at Con cord. Edwin Moore was later released under bond and Virgil Burrell was placed iin jail pending transfer to the training school. . . . " , Wednesday night Burrell, who had managed by some means to secure a saw, made his escape by sawing through bars and lifting the trapdoor, which had been left unlocked as the boy was the only prisoner. After escaping from the cell the boy walked down stairs and out the front door. He is still at large, though of ficers are making efforts to locate him. MRS. BLAINE, 65, PASSESJAN. 7 Well Known Lady Dies at Cartoogechaye Home Thursday, Jan. 6 Mrs. Jeff Blaine, 65, died at her home on Cartoogechaye Friday, January 7, at 10 o'clock p. m., fol lowing a lingering illness. k Mrs. Blaine, who before marriage was Miss Myra Sue Potts, was .highly tsiceiucd by .ui wuh whom j. he came in contact. She was u member of the Mt. Zion Methodist church. , Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Mt. Zion church, the pastor, Rev. J. C. Swam and Rev. Ray Bow- man, pastor ot Louisa vnapei Northern Methodist church, were in charge of the services. Interr ment was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were her six nephews, Arthur, Harry and Ted Blaine, and Frank, George and Sam Reece, of Cartoogechaye. Mrs. Blaine is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Bert Childers ; one son, Paul P. Blaine, and one daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Greene, all of Cartoogechaye; two sisters, Mrs. W. D. Reece and Mrs. Cordelia Waldroop, of Car toogechaye, and one brother Hen ley Potts, of Franklin. St. Agnes Church Elects Officers At the nnnnn! meeting of the congregation .of St. Agnes church hed at the American Legion hall on Wednesday night, the following officers were elected to serve in 1938: Treasurer, Miss Helen Sellers; warden, B. W. Woodruff; clerk, Richard R. Johnson. The Rev. Frank Bloxham, rector, reported the year's work, with all obligations to parish and to the church's missionary quota and as sessments met in full. The Woman's Auxiliary report ed gifts in the fields of commun ity and parish, and to the church's missions and schools in Western North Carolina, in Alaska and Africa, and program of study, oraver and work carried out through the year. Supper was served and musk and recitations furnished enter tainment, CCC BOY DIES AFTERfRECK Enrollee at Otto Camp Fatally Injured In Accident Saturday Claude Calhoun, 23, of Kibbee, Ga., an enrollee in the CCC; camp at Otto, died in Angel hospital at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon of in juries suffered Saturday morning at 2 o'clock when the automobile in which he was riding plunged 12 feet off the bridge over Skeenah creek on the Georgia . road six miles south of Franklin. Calhoun suffered 21 rib fractures, injuries to his heart, and a rupture of the spleen. He was given two blood transfusions and underwent an an operation. The body was shipped Tuesday afternoon to the home' of the boy's grandfather, Charles Blaxton, at Kibbee, Ga. Ti . i r t . A nice oinci vv enronees were in the car at the time of the ac cident. Only one, Ralph Phillips, 20, of Charleston, W. Va., said to have been driving, escaped without in jury. Ottis Guardian, 20, of Missis sippi, suffered a fractured hip and Terry Bolick, 27, of Highlands, suf-. fercd rib fractures. Both are re ported to be improving at Angel hospital. Dance at Slagle School Friday Night On Friday night, January 14, be ginning at 8 o'clock, there will be held at thc-Stagle -school house on Cartoogechaye, a party and square dance. Music will be furn ished by the local string band. Refreshments will be served. There will be a small entrance fee and the proceeds will be used to buy window shades for the school building. Mrs. J. W. Messer Dies In Waynesville Airs. J. W. Alesser, of Waynes ville, died suddenly Tuesday night about 8 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Miss Hattie B. Messer. Her death was attributed to a sud den heart attack. Funeral services were, held at the Pigeon Baptist church, where she was a member, Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock. - Mrs. Messer had visited her son, Medford, in Franklin a number of times and had many friends in Macon county who will regret to learn of her passing. She is survived by three daugh ters, Mrs. C. W. Russell, of Clyde; Miss Hattie B. Messer, of Way nesville, and Mrs. Faye Leather wood, of Cove Creek ; four sons, Brown, Carl and Wilson Messer, all of Cove Creek, and Medford Messer, of Franklin. P.-T. A. Ball To Be Given Friday Night At High School Gym " A ball will be given Friday eve ning, January 14, from 8 to 12, in the high school gymnasium, sponsored by the finance commit tee of the Parent-Teacher Asso ciation; for the purpose of raising funds to purchase equipment for the school lunch room. A first-class . seven-piece orches tra, the Western Carolinians from Cullowhee, has been engaged to come to Franklin especially for this ball, which promises to be one of the most brilliant social events of the season. The committee consists of Mrs. R. V. Miles, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. tack Werner Mrs T f Karrin trtrm MYc w t ti-cU,. Miss Olivia Patton, ' Mrs. Walton R. Smith, Miss Margaret Slagle, Mrs. Zeb Conley and Mrs. J, B, Cass,

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