THUR3DAV. JANUARY 13it3 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE NINE LEGAL, ADVERTISING 1 1,1 ' I IK -I I I I ,11 -llMMV . NOTICE OF. SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. .Macon. County, Plaintiff. , ' ys. ' W. H. Nicholson and wife, - -Nicholson, Defendants.. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court , of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 3rd day of January, 1938, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 1938, at . 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, Nortn Carolina sell to the highest 'bidder for cash , the following described real estate: All that lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Highlands, County of Macon, State of North Garolina, described as follows: COMMENC ING at a stake and pointers, the NE corner of Lot No. 4, runs N SO East with the West side of White .Oak. Way,.. 8 poles to a stake and pointers, then N 50 W 13 poles 3 links to a stake on the East side, of Cullasaja Drive; then S 55 with the same side' of said Drive 10 poles' to a stake" ; (he NW corner of Lot No.' 4, then S 57 deg. 30 min. E 13 poles, 20 links to the beginning, and'; known as lot No. 5 of the Highlands Devel opment, also, lot Commencing at a stake, and: pointers the NE corn er of Lot' Nd 5, runs ' N 60 E with' the West side of White Oak Way, 8 ; poles to a stake and. pointers; then N 30 W 12 poles, 21 lnks to a stake, on the East side of Cullasaja Drive; then S 48 dbg. -30 min. W with the same side 'of said Drive, 10 poles to a stake the NW corner of Lot No. 5 ; then S 50 deg. 13 poles, 3 links to the beginning- and knows as Lot No. 6 of the Highlands De lopment. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938.. .-. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J13-4tc F3 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County, of Macon. !( Macon County, Plaintiff. vs. ' ' E. S. Mansfield and wife, Mansfield, J. E. Perry, E. B. Sut ton, and Highlands Land Company, Defendants, ' , Under" and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon Coimty entered- in the .. above en titled action .'on the 3rd-; day of January, , 1938, the undersigned Commissioner, will' on the Zjh day of 'February, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Commencing at a stake on the South side of Cullasaja Drive, the NEi corner of H. P. Dye's lpt No. 90, ; runs with .the same side of said Cullasaja Drive, as - follows: S 79 E 100 feet; N Seg; 15 miriv E 32 feet; then S 20 E'264 fee to a stake, (witnessed by a 12-inch leaning white dak -S 70 degf! 30 min. W 17 feetalso' S-iri white pine N 33 W 23 feet); then VJ 210 feet to a stake in said H. P. ; Dye's East . boundary .line (witnessed by a 5-in. white oak N 68 deg' 30 min. W. 16.5 feet, also' 3-in. oak N 41 E 13 feet) ; that N with said ; 262 feet" to the beginning. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J13-4tc F3 y--f- NOTICE OF SALE .State of North Carolina, ' - County of Macon., ' . .... Macon County, Plaintiff. " vs. C. C. Fuller and, wife, ' Fuller, Defendants. ; , Under and by. virtue of a 'decree of the Superior Court of Macon Coupty entered . in he above en titled action on ,the- 3rd day of January, 1938, the y undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February; 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door - in Macon County, North Carolina, sell v'fco the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Ascertain tract or parcel of land in Macon county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands' of James Patterson, Tom Miller lot No.V16, , Raoul Hood and .others, and ' bounded as follows; viz j All that certain lot; .or parcel oMahd oSfi,4t Ivinor nnA hpinnr in fhft Town of Highlands, County of Macon, State of North Carolina, knotyn , as Jot Nq.. . 1 L . Mirrpr Lake LEGAL ADVERTISING Subdivision of the G. Allen Banks property, and more fully , shown by plat made by S. B. Rambo, C. E.. July 18th 1925, and described as folows: BEGINNING at corner of Lots 11 and 12 on Raoul Road S 19 deg. 55 min. E 105 feet ; thence N 60 E 200 feet 'to a corner; thence N 17 deg. ,55 min. W 105 feet;' thence N 60 E 200 feet to the beginning point. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J13tc-F3 V . NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff. vi. , Robert I. Beal and wife, Ruth Beal, Defendants.' ", Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior. Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 3rd -day of January, 1938, the .undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse, door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest 'bidder for cash the following described real estate : FIRST TRACT; All the lands described in a deed from J. E. Hicks and wife, Mollie Hicks to Robert Beal and .wife, Ruth Beal, dated November 18, 1929, and re corded in! ' Deed Book Q-4, page 273, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina., SECOND, TRACT: All the lands described- in a deed frbm R, A. Cpnnard and ' wife '- to Robert I. BM '. dated March . 1, 1932, and recorded in Deed Book U-4, page 245, in' the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina. .. . THIRD TRACT: AH the lands described in a deed from R. S. Jones and wife, Lois Jones, to Robert I Beal, dated March 24, 1932, and recorded in Deed Book U-4, page 246, in the office of .the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina. FOURTH TRACT: All the lands described in a deed from R. E. Norton and .wife, . Agnes Norton, to Robert I. Beal, dated March 22, 1933, and recorded in Deed Book U-4, page 456, in the office of- the -Register of Deeds for Ma con County, North Carolina. EXCEPT from the above the land described, in a deed from Robert I. Beal ' and . wife, Ruth Beal, to Floyd .Rogers ; and wife, Delia Rogers,1 dated January 25, 1933, and recorded in Deed Book U-4, ' page 552, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macori County, North Carolina'. FIFTH TRACT: All the lands described in a deed from R. E. Norton and wife, Agnes Norton, to Robert' I Beal and wife, Ruth Beal, dated. August 23, ,1934, and recorded in Deed Book X -4, page 158, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, Nforth Carolina. ' ..? Except , from - the land - described above all the land described in a deed from Robert I Beal and wife, Ruth Beal, 'to L. , F. Speed and wife, Helen Speed. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938. . ! ( R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J13-tc F3 . NOTICE OF SALE Stats of North Carolina. , . County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff. ; ys. : . J. I. Findley and wife ; Findley, . and G; Allen Banks -and wife, Lula W. Banks, Defendants. Under and by virtue of . a de cree of - the Superior Court of Ma con County entered jn the above entitled action on the 3rd day of January, 1938, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of. February, 1938, at. 12 o'clock, noon, .at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sellK to the. highest bidder for cash tjie following describel real estates AH and singular, that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in Highlands Township, County of Macon, State of North Carolina, having the . following metes and , bounds : BEGINNING at a point on' the Highlands Franklin Public. Highway between lots 33 and 32 and running ,NE' l4 deg: v distance of 230' feet to a branch; thenrealoj to a contributory to said branch; thence along said contributory branch' .to a corner j thence. NE LEGAL ADVERTISING 13.5 deg., a; distance of 1&3 feet to the Highlands-Franklin Road ; thence along" said road NW 78 deg. 4U , min. lbH feet to the above starting point. This lot is known as lot 32 of the Mirror Lake Sub division ' of the G. Allen Banks property arid more fully, described by plat made by S. B. Rambo, C. E., oti July 18, 1932. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938.' R. S. JONES, Commissioner JlS-4tc F3 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. J. Z. Gottwals, et al, Defen dants. Under and by virtue, of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action an the 3rd day of January, '1938, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Situated in the Town of High lands, Macon County, North Caro lina. Beginning at a stake in the West line of Fourth Street, N 3 E 32 poles from the North line of Chestnut Street; then running thence with the West line of Fourth Street N 3 E 16 poles to a stake; thence N 87 W 30 poles to a stake; thence S 3 W 16 poles to a stake; thence S 87 E 30 poles to the beginning. Containing 3 acres, more or less. This, the 3rd day of January, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. T134tr FJ I NOTICE OF SALE State of North Ganolina, County of Macon. Macon .County, Plaintiff, vs. T. F. Arnold and wife, : Arnold, R. M.. Fuller, G. Allen Banks, and Lula W. Banks, De fendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 3rd day of January, 1938, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 1938; : at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: All that lot or parcel of land situate, '. lying and being in the Town of Highlands, County of Macon, and State of North Caro lina, described as follows : Commencing at a stake and poin ters, the same beginning corner as Lot No. 3, runs N 50 E with the West side of White Oak Way, 8 poles to a stake and pointers; then N. 57 deg. 30 min. W 13 poles, 20 . lipks to a stake on the East side of Cullasaja Drive; then S 37 W with the same side of said Drive, 9 poles to a stake, the NW corner' of Lot No. 3; then S 65 E 12 poles, 5 links to the Be ginning, being Lot No. 4 of the Highlands Development And in addition to the lands herein conveyed, the said party of the first part hereby conveys to the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns," the privilege to participate in all fishing, boating, and bathing rights in Mirror Lake, connected with this property. This,' 0ie '3rd day of January, 1938. ' R. S. JONES, Commissioner. 'Ji34tc-F3 In the District Court of the Unit ed States "of America for the Western District of North Caro lina. AsheviHe Division. At Law No. 470. United States of America v.: 261.4 acres of land in Macon County, North Carolina, A. M. Frve Estate, et al. Notice of Action by Eublication'of Summons. To: A. B. ,akey and wife, Callie; U. S.. Col lector" of Internal Revenue; Lee Allman and wife, Mamie; W. L. Easley and wife, Rosa; Noah Mc Han and wife: . C. S. Battles and wife, Docia; Lou el la Roans and husband, R. J.; T. M. Tessier; North Carolina Collector of Inter nal Revenue;. John Allman and wife, Bell; Department of Conser vation & Development ; Delia Wikle and husband, R. B. (Jake)'; Caro lyn - Sloan Easton and husband, F.rvin; F.tila Bryson and husband. Terrill . Brysoh ; Mary Hurst and husband, John Hurst; W. A. Jen kins and wife, - Jenkins: J Pert) Lakev-and-fer-J lor- ence r-. i-aitey; Mancnesier ra tional Bank of Manchester, Va. (Merchants National Bank of, Man- ,, LEGAL ADVERTISING Chester, Va., or Manchester Na tional Bank of Kicnmond, Va., or Merchants National liank of Kicn mond, Va.) or its successors or as signs; Merchants National Bank ot Manchester, V a., or its succes sors or assigns ; Lois Frye Ran dolph, Executrix of the Estate of A. M. Frye, deceased; Lois Frye Randolph and husband. John iJ. Randolph; Jennie Woodward (sin gle) over 21 years of age ; N. A. Allman, wodower; Elsie Angel and husband; Robert Angel and wife, Angel; Mary Swain Dan iels, widow; Rosa kasley and hus pand, W. L. Easley; Kate Robin son Hobart and husband, W. U. Hobart; Abbie Jacobs and hui uind, Dan Jacobs; Mary Simpson, widow; Buck Slagle and wue, Slagle; Dallas Slagle, sin gle; John Slagle, widower ; Mrs. ij. C. Slagle, widow ; Mrs. Jane Williams, widow; Eber- hart, wife of W. M. Eberhart; C. Kenckiey and wife; Schuyler, wife of F. A. Schuyler; reaerai Land Uank of Columbia; Florida Young Hawkins and hus band, Jake Hawkins ; Lydia Young Hawkins and husband, Grovei Hawkins; Annie Berry Moore anu husband, J. L. Moore; Ethel Crips Moore and husband, Sam Mooic; Mary Robinson Daniels and hus band, C. C. Daniels : Mrs. Tim Kilgo and husband, Kilgo; lietty bloan McAllister and hus band, James McAllister; Mrs. Hat tie Moore, widow: I. W. S. Moore and wife, Moore; Marion Moore and wife, Moore; Miller Moore and wife; W. T. Moore and wife, 'Moore. Ramsey, wife of Wilt Ramsey; Rev. E. L. Siler and wife, Siler; J. G. Silerand Wife Siler; C. b. zic: and wife, Eula Sloan; Eleanor Sloan, single; J: R. Sloan ami .,u Luis Sluan; '! iuiuxcua. Sloan, sin gle; W. N. Sloan and wife, Beulan Sloan; Mrs. Susie Casper jStonic; . nee Susie Casner: Virginia Sloan Swain and husband, Hall Swain; George H. Waketield and wife. Gladys Scott Wakefield; Allman, wife of N. G.- Allman; Sallie H. Busbee and husband, if any; Busbee, wife of Phil lip H.Bu&bee; Coxe, wife of Franklin Coxe; Dallas DeHart arid wife, S. G. DeHart; J. W. De Hart and wife, DeHart; Eberhart, wife of W. M. Eberhart ; Mary E. Everett and husband, if any; J. H. Everett and wife, Jennie Everett; Andrew Gib- by and wife Gibby ; Eli- sha Gibby and wife, Mary Gibby; Sherman R. Naples and wife, Naples; A. L. McHan and wife, E. L. McHan; E. J. Oates, Trus tee; Pool, wife of Theo dore W, Pool, deceased; J. M. Rickman ; James P. Sadler, Trus tee; Schuyler, wife of F. A. Schuyler; Margaret B. Shipp and husband, if any; A. B. Veeder and wife; L. W. Wells and wife. Wells; Mrs. Westley West and husband, Westley ; James W. Wilson and wife, Wilson; A. B. Andrews, deceased; F. H. Busbee, deceased; Franklin Coxe, deceased ; W. F. Cross, de ceased ; E. Everett, deceased ; A. M. Frye, deceased; Theodore W. Pool, deceased; Merritt Rickman, deceased, J. C. Bird and wife, tsira; Bird, wue of B. A. Bird : Louisa D. Burnett and husband, Henry Burnett ; isurnett, wire of W. A. Burnett; Mrs. C. E. Clements and husband ; Posey Humprey, U. S. Commission er; Raby, wife of Josiah H. Raby; R. M. Sanders, U. S. Com missioner; M. C. Thomas, Trus tee in bankruptcy; Clark Bird, de ceased ; J. L. Moore, deceased ; C. T. Roane, deceased; Skeekin (Ske kin) Indian, deceased ; J. M. Burch- field; Busbee, wife of P. H. Busbee; Sallie H. Busbee and husband (if any); Coxe, wife of Franklin Coxe ; Mary E. Everett and husband (if any); J. H. Everett and wife, Jannie Ever ett ; H. Hardwicke and wife ; Lon Hoffman ; Johnstone Jones and wife, Jones; Macon Lumb er Company; Sherman R. Maples and wife ; E. J. Oates, Trustee ; Theodore W. Pool; Pool, wife of Theodore W. Pool, de ceased; James P. Sadler, Trustee; Margaret B. Shipp and husband, if any; A. B. Veeder and wife; L. W. Wells and wife; James W. Wil son and wife; A. B. Andrews de ceased; F. H. Busbee, deceased; Franklin Coxe, deceased ; E. Ever ett, .deceased; Andrew B. Strain and wifei John H. Strain' and wife ; Thomas L. Strain and wife ; John Strain, deceased; J. L. Strain, deceased; W. P. Allison and wife, S. A. Allison; Mrs. Ida Angel and husband; L. H. Enloe and wife, Mary Enloe; Mrs. Ellen Green and husband; J. L. Guffee and wife. M. A. Guffee: Frank Hastings and wife; C. W. Siler and wife; Fran cis Hastings, deceased; Thomas J. Roan, deretised: Jesse R; Siler, de ceased.; L. F. Siler, rleceascd ; and all persons whomsoever who have, or claim to own any estates or in terests in the fee or otherwise in and to the nrptniopc AtyarlUoA in me pennon mea in tnis cause ana described in this notice. nd anv and? all heirs and devisees of the! LEGAL ADVERTISING several parties aboved named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular . their heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, execu tors, administrators, representa tives, alienees, successors and as signs, ot each and, every ot tnem; and all unknown owners, lienois. or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, esi... equity, interest or lien: and aw occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners ot and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription in, over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof ; you will please take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court oi the United States for the West ..m hictrit r n i: i nil louivi Ul 0.1U11.11 VltlUllIlal, ill Asheville, N. C. that summons has been duly issued out of. said Court, and. petition filed therein asking for the condemnation of'tVip lnrl described in the said petition and hereinafter described that you, and each of you, are .necessary and proper parties to the just and final disposition of this action; that said action has been instituted- by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, for the purpose of the appropria tion and condemnation by judicial process, for the public use and benefit of the United States of America, of the lands described in said petition and herein below de scribed, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1. 1911, Chap. 186 (36 Stat. 961) Title 16, Sections 513, 521,. 553 and 563 of. U. , S. C A., and according to the method and ' procedure prescribed in the Act of Congress of August 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357 (30 U. S. C. A., Sections 257, 258 and 258-a) ; that the lands proposed to be con demned and appropriated bv the plaintiff United States are de scribed substantially as follow : Tracts 56h, 56h-.I, and 56-j. A. M. Frye Estate, containing according to survey 137.9 acres in Macon County, N. C. on the- waters of wesser yreeK, a tributary, ot XMan tahala River, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A," and upon map or plat Exhibit "B," attached to the peti tion in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C Tract 1345, A. J. DeHart, contain ing according to survey 61.9 acres in Macon County, N. C, on the waters of Lowdermilk Creek, a trib utary of the Little Tennessee River, more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A-l", and upon map or plat Exhibit "B-3," attached to the petition in this proceeding filed, with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. Tract 1393, J. R. Lakey, containing according to survey 18.9 acres, situated in Ma con County, N. C, on the waters of Otter Creek, branch of White Oak Creek, tributary of the Nanta hala River, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A-2", and upon map or plat Exhibit "B-4", attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. Tract 1296, R. D. Sisk, J. Alex Berry, Mrs. F. B. Young, and others, containing according to survey 10.2 acres, in Macon County, N. C, on the waters of Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Little Tennessee River, more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A-3", and upon map or plat Exhibit "B-5", attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. Tract 1312c, George H. Wakefield, containing according to survey 32.5 acres, in Macon County, N. C, on the waters of the Thompson Fork of Jones Creek, a tributary of Cartoogechaye Creek, more partic ularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A-4", and upon map or plat Exhibit "B-6", attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C. You and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building . at Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by, publication for four (4) successive weeks, and answer or demur to the petition or com plaint herein filed by the above named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and you are furth er notified that if you fail to ap pear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time specified the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. Witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, hidcc of the District Court for the Western District of North Caro lina, this the 17th day of Decemb er, 1937, and the year of our In- HpnindngfihgJft?nJ T V Tnr1. ' Clerk. By: W, A. Lytle, Deputy Cleric. D23-J13-4tc