PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN THURSDAY, MARCH S, 1938 Dr. Padgett's Address On Nourishment Of The Child The following address wasle livered by Dr. P. G. Padgett, pub lic, health physician of Macon and Swain counties, to the last meeting of the Franklin Parent-Teachers Association on February 22: The conducting of a school lunch room is a complex problehi and is not, as is commonly and' erron eously thought, a simple matter of supplying abundant "quantities of hot food. The error so many school lunch rooms make is in-emphasizing the "hot", lunch rather than the "well-balanced" lunch. By well- a lunch which contains all of the essential dietary elements, namely : fats, carbohydrates, proteins, min erals, and all of the necessary vit amins! In visiting a number of the school lunch rooms over Macon and Swain counties, ,1 have dis covered that the children were re ceiving bountiful plates of piping hot food for their . lunch. These plates contained the same ill bal . anced diet so prevalent in their homes. Day in and day out,' these poor unsuspecting children were receiving a diet too high in carbo hydrates such as potatoes, sweet and Irish ; rice ; corn ; cornbread ; wheat biscuits; stewed apples and other, carbohydrates, with no sign of turnip tops, mustard, spinach, kale or any other of the nourishing greens. Most deplorable, of all these poof children never received milk or milk products such as hot chocolate or custard. On a diet such as the one out lined above, an underweight child might gain up to or above its normal weight and still be. weakly and unhealthy. This sort of diet not promote firm flesh and muscle and strong bones. A child maintained on this one sided diet is unable to build up his powers r. C fActrt'ino o (Timet rrm Yfi t tl CT H C measles or any other common in fection. An ill fed child will usu ally require several days more bed rest or hospitalization to recover from the same condition from which a well and properly nourished child will recover in a relatively short time. ! Th .HQ-Fed Child U Dull An ill-fed child ' is not as alert mentally or physically as" a healthy and property nourished child. Teachers in the class' room have undoubtedly .noticed that the pre ponderance of so .called "bright" ciiildien come from the better homes where economic conditions which favor nourishing food and medical' attention is on the above average level. An ill-fed child. ; o'f ten appears to be ; dull. Actually lliyjT -i- 1 V- 1.11 11 1l.k.UU.lV. 1. 1 1 , "J sues have not h.l the advantage of the strengthening food elements found in a well balanced diet. This "dull" child might, with proper v diet become a star pupil. A person with pellagra, which results from improper diet and is cured by a proper diet, often demonstrates mental changes. In fact, one of the cardinal symptoms, although a relatively late one, is dementia or mental disturbance. Many of our young, children in our county schools are now being recognized as pellagrous. Heretofore, we rec ognized the decaying of childhood teeth as inevitable and something which might as well be early as t xt - t : . r 1- late, inow we are uegminng iu iuuk. upon the early decay and crumbling of children's teeth and the spongy, bleeding sore gums as something, along with underweight to De re garded as insipieht ,or early pel lagra., Pellagra is no longer looked upon, except by the uninformed, as a disease of .adulthood. In fact, to day many are beginning td wonder if a great, "portion of the pellagra cases discovered in adulthood did Mot have their onset in childhood. I firmly believe that there are i i i . , r - i i it :i many ennaren in our scnoois mai are doomed to a pellagrous life if their dietary habits are not alter ed to conform with those conduc ive to a strong, well nourished body. Stooped S boulder A sick, dog' gropes around with a sad and lifeless expression, his head hung low, his tail between his VV vrv ivfj'' v. in J LyiAvn. lit I 1 1 mii natural curve. Likewise an under nourished, pellagrous child has poor posture and a dull expression. Could you expect a sick child to walk about briskly in an upright position with alert expression? No! Nor can we expect many of our undernourished children to be other than dull students for .in reality they are sick sick' with the pre ventable disease malnutrition due to, improper nourishment. Many parents wonder at the doctors statement that their child is under nourished for they have provided large bountiful tables for their children to eat from. We do not mean undernourishment in the sense of insufficient quantity for this is a rarity in our communities. Rath er, we mean undernourishment in the sense, of insufficient quality or variety. . boor Diet Causes Many Diseases Dietary diseases such as pellagra, rickets and scurvey are not entire ly confined to families in the lower income brackets for often these dis eases may be present by stubborn choice. They will eat corn bread three times each day at the expense of eating some of the other essen tial food elements just because they like bread best of all foods. They liket bread best of all most probably because their parents knew no bet ter than to allow them to eat so much, bread. Now, in later years bread eating has become a strong habit with them. Tell, one of these persons he or she should eat very little bread and his defense might be, "The .bible says 'Bread is the Staff of Life'." I am not doubting the truth of that statement but, 1 am saying we shoulcl not eat bread alone. Also in .the bible are refer ences to the eating of fish, wild berries and wild 'honey and. the drinking of milk from goats and camels. . How many times have you had your doctor advise you or your friend concerning your diet ? How many times has he advised the om ission or reduction of bread? Milk the Best Foiod TJie greatest single food is milk, yet it is completely absent from the diets of many of . our children. Mother's milk sustains the yourig through the first few months of life 'entirely. Breast milk contains all of the , essential food elements in addition to many anti-body con stituents .which' protects the infant from diseases -during the first six months of life.-An infant 'should never be made tj - substitute any other food if the -mother is ' phy sically able" to. supply a nourishing breast milkI considering this subject of breast feeding, -briefly I want to remark;, that breast, feeding can become an ;evil.if, as in many oases, it ' is allowed,, to continue over too long a period. After six to eight months, the breast milk begins to lose some of the nourish ing' qualities with " which it -was endowed in the first six months of lactation.'. Consequently, substitu tional feedings with boiled cow's milk and, vegetable pures should be begun after the sixth month and by the end . of the tenth month; breast feeding should be completely stopped. In other words, the infant should have completed the "weening" proces's. -Many moth ers continue brea&t feeding- 12 to 18 months and in ah 5 occasional case for an even longer period of time. After one year, the mother's breast milk does .not contain enough food elements to allow the child to be properly nourished. Some mothers continue this long process of breast feeding' without ever 'supplementing cow's milk and vegetables. Needless to say, this is nothing short' 'of slow murder for the child is actually- being slowly starved to death. "Recently, a mother and father came to my office to consult me regarding the health of their child. In his own 1 words, the father said, "Doctor, we, have come to see ' you about the poor health of our child. We believe it has tuber culosis. He does not gain weight, vomits frequently, has diarrhea, and crys and frets continually." I asked what they had been feeding the child and if he was getting Cod Liver Oil and orange or, tomato juice, if it received milk each day and at what age the child was weened ? To my great amazement, the father said the. child had never had cod liver oil, orange or to mato juice, never had been given solid food, and worst of all the child "had never been , weened. The father said, "I had been thinking lately that I would have him ween ed before long," just as though the mother had nothing to do with the matter. This child was almost two years of age and had been on the breast since birth. After ; hear ing this story, 1 said, "Your child is starving to death.'; Starving be cause you parents have oftered him nothing but water for the past year. 1 advised taking the child off the mother's breast immediately furn ishing one quart of boiled milk daily, puree vegetables, cod liver oil and orange or tomato juice each day." I have not heard from them since and have no record of the child's death. Evidently, the child is improving. I am sure it is if they began feeding it properly. is an extreme case where breast feeding was overdone but means a rare incidence encountered in practice. It is with this same ignorance of child care that many mothers, and fathers feed their chil dren the same monotonous, ill bal anced diet each day of their child hood until each has become just another 'hulk of a hurnan being unable to do good work mentally or physically and oftentimes to end up in our institutions tor on our relief roles as a burden to society. Talk about ignorance there it is in its most pitiful form. - Milk Essential to Child's Health How . cari' 'much of this be pre vented? The answer is: by a well balanced diet. It need not neces sarily be an expensive one. There is hardly a person living m this county who hasn't a piece of land, be it large or small," near his home which could, with a little sweat, of his brow, have been made into a productive .garden for. his own fam ily's use. Instead, many think only of farming as the business of rais ing something which . can be sold. I know of a little , boy and girl in a nearby school who are under nourished, have bad teeth poor posture and a record of many days absence from school due to fre quent colds and other illness. I asked each of them about .their diet, and whether or not they' had a cow. The answer was, "Yes Sir; we have two cows." They said they did not drink, milk because the father sold all of . the milk the cows produce. This father is making his customers' children healthy but paying a high price to do so by starving his own children. Vitamines A Found in cod liver oil, cream, egg yolk, and yellow plants which contain carolene (carrots, corn, squash), also in green plants, liver, and whole wheat products. , Deficiency causes Xerophthalmia and Nyctalopia (night blindness) sterility, also, lowered resistance to infettions (colds, sores, etc.), stunt ed growth,, digestive disturbances. ' B Found in pericaps . of grain, animal organs, egg yolk, milk and green vegetables.' Deficiency causes beri ben, ano-, rexia, , digestive disturbances, atonic constipation, enlargement of paren chymatous organs, sterility and var ious nervous disorders, degenerative, changes, in heart, G. track and nervous system producing multiple neuritis. C Found in citrus fruits, toma toes, other fruits and green vege tables, raw meat (lean). Deficiency causes scurvey, poor health in babies, adolescents, mental sluggishness, tendency to hemor rhage and general physical weak ness, anemia, decay of teeth ,and weakening of -bones (decalcifica tion). , " D -Found in cod liver oil, milk, egg yolk, direct sunlight (not under windows). Deficiency causes rickets, osteo malacia (weaklng of bones), tetany, decaying teeth, malformations '-, and deformities of bones, general mus cular, nervous and body weakness. E Found in animal food (glan dular, organs , especially), yeast, seeds and green leaves of plants. . Deficiency causes sterility. G (P-P) B2) Found in yeast, liver, liver extract, lean. meat, milk and eggs, and the yellow, foods. Deficiency causes pellagra. LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE .Having qualified as administrators of L. F. Setser, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having 'claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before ;the 5th day of Feb ruary, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. . This 5th . day of February, 1938. GILMER SETSER BRYAN SETSER, Administrators. F10-6tc-M17 LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE V , Having qualified as. administrator of R. B. Bradley, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of Janu ary, 1939, or this notice 'will be plead in bar of i their recovery." All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 31st day of January, 1938. MARVIN HOWARD, Administrator. F3-Gtp M10 ii NOTICE The following . regulation was adopted by the Board of Conser- vation and' Development in regular session at Raleigh, N. G, on Janu ary 19, 1938, and is now in full force and effect: . It shall be unlawful to fish or take fish by any means whatever from Cliffside Lake and Skittles Creek in Macon County until further notice. PAUL KELLY, Secretary Board of Conservation and Development. F10-4tc M3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Having qualified as administrator 1 of D. I. Miller, deceased, late of ! Macon county, N. C, 'this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of Jan uary, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tdsaid estate will please make immediate settlement. This 22nd day of January, 1938. FRANK MILLER, Administrator. J30-6tp M3 : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of T. B. Higdon, deceased, late , of Macon county, N. , C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to, the undersigned on or before the 8th day of Feb ruary, 1939, or. .this notice .will be plead in bar of ; their recovery; All persons' indebted to said estate, will please, make immediate settlement. This' 8th day of February; 1938. . -THEODORE. HIGDON, Administrator. FUH6tp-M17 u ,y, : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of J. B. Duvall, deceased, late of acon j county, N.. -tfcfci to notifyfall; peronsf! havfeig"5dams agaiirfsf the estate of said ' deceased to r e.xhibit them to - the undersigned onf on before tljer. jjJlst day jof Janu ary, 1939;' 'or - this - notice wilt be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This' 31st day hi -January; 1938. : ; B. DUVALL, . Administrator F3 otp -M10 -. i.' .i . : ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of W. Julian : :Waldrobp, -deceased, late of ' Macon county, NCi, this is to notify all 'persons having claims against ' the estate of said 'deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the ;9th''day-of Feb ruary; 1939,'' or this notice 'will be plead in bar of -their recovery. All persons indebtfed: to said estate1 will please make immediate i settlement. This 9th day of February; 1938. '.' JOHN LYLE WALDROOP, i .'. Administrator F106tc M17 iiv..;i i. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina '' ' , Macon County :- In Th Superior Court J. J. York Ida II. York' ' , The above named defendant, Ida H. York, will take notice that an action entitled as above-'has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina. That the purpose of this action is to obtain an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony 'nW t&, isting between the plaih tiff and the defendant, on the grounds" of two, years separation. '.;-.- The defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the Office of the. Clerk of the Superior Court ... Macort County, North Carolina, in Frank lin, on the 16th day of, April, 1938, and answer or demur to, the cpni plaint of the plaintiff . or , the relief LEGAL ADVERTISING will? be ; granted as asked for. . This the 25th day of February, f938.. , HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court Macon County, N. C. M3 4-tc J FR M 24 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Maoon County. In The Superior Court Macon County , ; ": vs. . . Roy H. Bryson and wife, Maggie Bryson. . 1 The Defendants, Roy H. Bryson and wife, Maggie Bryson, will take notice, that an action entitled as above,, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien on property in MacOn County, North Carolina, and in which the defendants have an interest, and are proper parties thereto. It is further ordered by the court that the defendants, Roy H. Bryson and wife, Maggie Bryson, are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, at. his office .in Franklin, on the 30th day of March, 1938, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted. This the 8th day of February, 1938. , HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court F10-4tc M3 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County.- ' . In The Superior Court R. S. Jones, Administrator ofr the estate of 'J., A. Porter, deceased"5 y vs. Mary V. Porter, et al Under and by virtue, of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon county, made in the special pro ceeding entitled "R. S, Jones, Ad ministrator of the estate of J. A. Porter, deceased, vs. Mary V. Por ter, et al," the undersigned com missioner will, on Monday, the 7th day of March, 4938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, offer for sale to. the highest bidder for cash the following land: AH the right, title, and interest owned by J. A. Porter at the time of his" death in the following de scribed tracts of land : A tract of land consisting of ap proximately 50 acres, being located on the east end. of Wayah Bald, known as the. Wayah Bald camping ground, completely surrounded by the lands of the United States of America. The following lots in a sub-division known as Bonny Crest, as sur veyed and mapped by D. Conger in August, 1908, said map or plat re corded in office of Register of Deeds, Book B-3, page 70: Lots Nos, 14 and 18, Block No. 2. Lots .Nos. 11, 15, 28, 29, 30, and 31, Block No. 3, Lot No. 3, Block No. 6. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, , 5, and 6, Block No. 7. This the 1st day of February, 1938. , R. S. JONES, Commissioner.. F10-4tc Mar3 NOTICE OF SUMMONS, North Carolina, Macon Cdunty, In Th Superior Court ; Macon County ' ", ;v, S vs. . '". ' ' Dallas Jones and wife, .Mrs. Dallas Jones and Town of Franklin The Defendants, Dallas Jones and wife, Mrs. Dallas Jones, will take notice that an action entitled as above,' Has been 'cbftimenced in the Superior ; Court of Macon County, North j Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax . lien on property in Maoon County, North Carolina,' and in which th? defendants have an interest, and are proper parties; thereto. It is further ordered by the court that the defendants, Dallas; Jones and wife, Mrs. Dallas Jones, are required to appera at the of fice of the Clerk" of the Superior Court -of. Macon County., North Carolina, at his office in Franklin, on the 30th day of March. 1938. and answer or demur to the com plaint, pf the plaintiff, or the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted.. .. A , . . '." " This the 8th dav of February. 1938. ' ', ' . ' ; SJ1ARLEY R. CABE, v - .. . Clerk Superior Court F10-4tc-M3 1 r" X 4) V