IT r Wit ;?$tgfelaitV Baconian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL vvm. Lin. nu, iu FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1938 INDEPENDENT FARM MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED Farmers To Be Informed Of Changes Due To jlew Act By S. W. MENDENHALL iCounfrv A front Due to the fact that a new farm bill has been passed by congress there will be some changes in our present sou conservation program. In order for every farmer in the country to learn the new program and how it works on eaqh indi vidual farm we will hold meetings in the communities listed below. We know that this is a busy time of year for farmers, but it is important that we get this inform ation to' you before seeding time, in order that, you can receive the most benefit from the program. You will note that on Friday,' March 18, R. H. Page, state for estry specialist will conduct three timber stand improvement demon strations. This will be one of the earliest ways of reaching your soil building goal. The benefit you receive from the program depends on how we you know the approved practices of the program. It is your responsibility to attend the meeting nearest you so that we oan give you this information. Following is the schedule: Thursday, March 10, 10:30 a. m., Iotla school; 1:30 p. m., Oakdale school; 3:30 p. m., Burningtown school. . Frifiav., March II a m Telhco- thurfh; 1:30 ., "bafc drove school; 3:30 p. m., Wesrs Mill school. ..... Saturday, March 12, 10:30 a. m., Highlands school ; 1 :30 p. m. Frank lin courthouse. ,. Monaav. March 14. 1U:3U a. m. Cartoogechaye Baptist church ; 1 :30 p. m., ilolly bpnngs school; 3:30 p. m., Watauga school. luesaay, March 15, 1U:J0 a. m., Maple Springs school ; 1 :30 p. m., Otto school; 3:30 p. m.j Mulberry school. Wednesday, March 16, 10:30 a. m., Salem school; 1:30 p. m.. Hig donville school ; 3 :30 p. m., Pine Grove. y Thursday, March 17, 10:30 a. m., Gold Mine school; 1 :30 p. m., Horse Cove school ; 3 :30 p. m., Clear Creek school. Timber .Stand Demonstration Friday, March 18, 10 a. m., Tom Southards,. . Cartoogechape ; 1 :30 p. m., Mrs. J. M. McCracken, Rabbit Creek ; 3 :30 p. m., Frank Gibson, j West's Mill. - Monday, March 21, 10:30 a. m., Kyle school; 1:30 p. m., Otter Creek school ; 3 :30 p. m., Fairview school luesaay, March il, &s p. m., Scaly school. ' H. R, Niswonger, horticulture specialist will be present at the Scaly meeting. ! If you want to get the maximum benefit from the 1938 soil conser Vation program, it will be to your advantage to attend one of these meetings. $1.50 PER YEAR - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm , 1 mmmmmm I Three Candidates Announce ' 1 A. B. SLAGLE . Who Announces for Reelection as Sheriff . HARLEY R. CABE In the Race to Succeed Himself as Clerk of Superior Court GEORGE R. PATTILLO Who is a Candidate for Register of Deeds THREE MORE IN coum RACES A. B. Slagle, Harley Cabe And George Pattillo Announce Rummage Sale To Be Continued The rummage sale conducted by 'the ladies of St. Agnes church will be continued this Saturday. March 12, at the same place, the (telephone company shop adjoining Koy Cunningham s store. .Clothing and shoes will be on sale. Franklin I'roduce Market LATEST QUOTATIONS (Prices listed below are subject 'to change without notice.) Quoted by Farmers Federation, Inc. Chickens, heavy breedi, hens 14c Chickens, light weight, . .. .10 Quoted by Nantahala Creamery 3utterfat, lb. V ..J,... 27c Three more candidates have pitched their hats into the ring in Macon county; and their formal .1 aannfrocemtnts appeajr in. tbisyssu anentt A. a. blagle announces for rceieciion,. ana so tar has. no op position. Bert Slagle is known to practically every citizen, of the county. He has, with his competent assistants, Miss Elizabeth .Slagle and Deputy Sheriff John Dills, handled all the duties of the sher iff s office to the satisfaction of all presiding iudcres of our courts and the people of the county. He asks for reelection on his rec ord of conscientious service Harley Cabe for Clerk Harley R. Cabe also announces or reelection as clerk of the su perior court. Harley will finish his tirst term this year, and justly be lieves that, because of his familiar ity with the duties of the office, he will be better able to serve the people during the next term than he has during the first. He has' won high commendation from several tuderes for his ef ficiency, and with his deputy. Miss Mary Berry, has systematized the clerk's office so that the business is handled in a manner which is satisfactory to all who have busi ness there. GerfM-f R. Pattillo Announces George R. Pattillo makes his an npuncement as a candidate for reg ister of deeds fo succeed C Tom Bryson, Who is not offering for re election. George is fully competent to handle the duties of the office he seeks. He has 4een for some time connected with Angel's drug store, but expects soon to be able to get out over the county and make a thorough canvass of the voters. ; v Mr. Pattillo is connected with some of the best families of Ma con county, and has many rela tives and friends who will helo him in his race. Lester S. Arnold, deontv reerister of deeds, is also in the race for the same office, and announced his candidacy two weeks ago. . Annual Meeting Federation Stockholders Here Saturday The annual meeting of. Macon county stoclcholdess of the Farm ers Federation has been called for 1 :30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. in the co-op's warehouse on Palmer street. Agricultural Class To v Sponsor Show On next Saturday nicht. March 12, the agricultural class of the Franklin high school will sponsor an entertainment at the courthouse given by "Unc e Walt and his Santa Fe Trailers" radio stars rom WSB, Atlanta. ' ) These entertainers are well known tO all radio fans iw their sertir.n and a large crowd is exoected tn attend, Tames'- G,. K.. McClure. Dresidentl anu umci .' icucmuon oinciais are to. attend. Music will be supplied by the federation's string band. Principal business to come be fore the meeting will be the read ing of reports on last year's busi ness, the nomination of a county advisory committee of 10 members. and the nomination of a,director to represent the county on the organ ization's board. Two - directors are named from each county where the federation operates. They are elected for overlapping terms of two years, so that one comes up for election each year. . Nominations of county directors are made "at county meetings and elections take place at the annual meeting of the entire organization which is to be held this year at 10:30 o'clock . Saturday morning, March 26, at .Asheville. In addition to two directors from each county the federation has seven directors-at-large, making the total membership of the board 29. Franklin People Attend Baptist W. M. U. Meeting Among those attending the 48th annual convention of the Baptist Missionary Union of North Caro lina which convened in Asheville this week were: The Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Underwood, Mrs. Qerald Ashe, Mrs. W. C. Penn, MrsT I. T. Peek, Mrs. J. H. Carelpck, Mrs. Ray Swanson, Mrs; C. D, Baird, Mrs. O. C. Bryant and son, Cullen, and Mrs. C. T. Blaine, who visited her son, William, in Mars Hill after the convention closed. SPRING TERM JURORS DRAWN Term To Begin April 18; Judge J. H. Clement To Preside Slagle Dairy Herd Makes Honor Roll The Guernsey herd of Sheriff A; B. Slagle was one of the 44 dairy herds in the state which ' made honor roll requirements for 1937, it was learned Tuesday. There were 110 t herds" on test bv the . Dairv Herd Improvement associations, arid 10 mane tne. , honor " roll . a herd must show an average of 300 pounds or more of hutterfat. - The Slagle herd of 22 Guernseys pro duced 6,476 pounds of milk "and 318 pounds of hutterfat. A good herd average is an ac complishment pf which any dairy man can well afford to be proud. Such a record, represents good, cows throughout the herd which are well fed and managed,' Following ' will be found the list of jurors drawn for the Aoril term LAjuvcuc iviunuay, 7pru ia, ana will be presided over ibv Judee J. H Uement, of Winston-Salem : First Week Frank Daves. Franklin. Rt 2: C. tL. Lnsp, Gneiss ; E. H. Parrish, b.tna: R. C. Enloe. Franklin. Rt. 1: Robt. D. Henry. Elliiav: Harrv Thomas. Franklin: Vance Dehart. Tellico; E. A. Stiles, Franklin; Fred Lowe, Star Rt., Franklin ; Perry Brendle, Star Rt.; Dewey McCon nelL Rt. 1: D. J. Liner. Rt. 1: S.C Davis, Kyle; Walter C. Morgan, flats; I. B. Elmore. West's Mill: T. M. McDowell. Dillard. . Rt 1 : John H. Keener. Cnllasaia : Geo Williamson, Franklin, Rt. 1 ; Martin Floyd, Etna; W. Raymond, Sand ers, Prentiss; L. L. Denney; Flats: N. L. Downs, Franklin, Rt. 4; T. S. Speed. Hiehiands : Flovd Nichols, Franklin, Rt. 1 ; G. W. rady, Cullasaia: Guv Paul. High lands : E. E. Ward. Franklin: W. R. McCracken, Franklin, Rt. 4; L. N. Vanhook, Prentiss; Joel M. Dal ton, Westrs Mill: T. D. Russell. Highlands; W. F. McDowell, Cul lasaja; Carl Keener, Gneiss; John Wishon, Mats; John Palmer; Pren tiss; Ralph Wood, Kyle; M. B. Norton, Franklin, Rt. 2; Harley Kamsey, lellico Jess M. Stewman, Cullasaja; H. L. Childers, Franklin, Kt. 1; Ueo. Crisp. Cullasaia : Frank I. Cabe. Franklin. Rt. 4: Harlev M. caDe, franklin, Rt. 2; Burt Mashburn. Cullasaia: Tack Cansler. J r., t ranklin, Rt. 3 ; Weaver Gib son, West's Mill; Ray Mashburn, franklin, Kt. 1; John Taylor, Elli- jay. Second Week Gus Leach. Franklin: Mvram Kussell, Highlands; Robt. Corbin, Franklin. Rt. 4: R. H. Munaer Highlands ; Jay Gibson. Franklin Rt. 1; Robert Fox, Ellijay; G. G. Holland, Cullasaja ; J. H. Webb, El- "j.y; n. l,. uryanr, franklin; Ji. T.- Battels, Prentiss; Tom J. Brown, Rt. 2, Franklin ; Frank Haney, Franklin, Rt. 3; John A. Bulgin, Franklin ; W. R. Corpening, Franklin, Rt. 1; J. Wayne Higdon, Cullasaja; L. S. Patterson Leather man; C. B. Owenby, Flats; J. J. Gray, Rt. 2, Franklin; Carl Wykle, Flats; A. O. Hkks, Kyle; Thad Patton, Rt. 1, Franklin; Carl Bol ick, Gneiss ; Fred Dryman, Rt. 2, Franklin; Louie Neely, Scaly; J. C. Smith, Rt. 2, Franklin; T. H. Barnes, Shookville; W. W. Hedden, Gneiss; Carl Dryman, Scaly; J. L. McHan, Nantahala; Frank Brown ing, Etna, TAX LISTERS ARESELECTED Intangible Items Must Be Sent To Raleigh By March 15 At the regular monthly meeting held Monday, the county commis sioners selected tax listers for the various townships as follows: Franklin, Billy Roane and Miss Elizabeth Meadows: Cowee. lohn Dalton and J. P. Bryson; Burning- town. Robert Kamsev : Nantahala. Lee Baldwin and Jim Shields; Cartoogechaye. Ben Lenoir and Virgil Southards; Smith Bridge, Robert Cabe and Mrs. Edith Fos ter; Flats, Earl Drvman: High lands, W. R. Pierson; Sugarfork, Mrs. Faye Mashburn; Ellijay, p. N. Moses; Millshoal, Dee Brendle. Intangible Deadline March ,15 The items heretofore listed a solvent credits, including money on hand and on deposit, bonds, notes. ' mortgages, accounts receivable, deeds of trust, judgments. etc. are eliminated from the blanks this year and must be listed on blanks furnished by the state, which ran be obtained at the office of the register of deeds. These Wanks must be filled out and mailed to the department of revenue at Ral eigh not later than next Tuesday, March 15. This is in accordance with the intangibles tax law, and notes, mortgages, etc., cannot be collected by law unless listed for taxation. v ' Grant U.e of Lot for Athletic Oub -The6ninti$3ioriers 'at Monday's meeting granted the use of the lot owned by the county on West Main street to the athletic cluh re cently organized bv the pie's class of the Methodist Sun day school, for the lavintr playground, including tennis and voiiey Dan courts. The athletic cluh i denominational, and the playground Will 4e Used bv the vnimcr mahI. of the county. Sam Young Dies At Home On Ellijay Saturday Morning Funeral services for Ram of Ellijay, were held SunAiv afr! noon at 2 o'clock at the Ellijay Baptist church. The Rev. John Brendle. a Baotist minisfpr urn in ' IIHJ , tit charge. Mr. Youne. a farmer of th Fit;.. jay community. AeA at hU Saturday morning at 10 o'clock fol lowing an illness of several months. He was a member of the Ellijay Baptist church. The pallbearers were six nephews, Walter, Leslie, Wymer, Hunter, Luther and Louis Young. Surviving are his widow; the for mer Miss Arizona Dills; four daughters, Misses Rosie, Nellie, Ly dia, and Cora; one son, Alex ZOUng. all Of Elliiav anI brothers, Abraham and Jake Young, of the Ellijay community. . Claude L. Rickm&n Passes Tuesday Funeral seryices for Claude L. Rickman. 19. will Je he at th Cowee Baptist church, of which he was a member, Friday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. R. F. May berry, pastor, will be in rJiaro- nt the services. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Young .Rickman, who recently enrolled in th CCr Smokemont, was taken to a hos pital at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga Sat urday in a critical mnAittn suffering from obstruction intestines. He died Tuesday even ing at a o'clock, and the body was taken to his home at Wst'c Mill today (Thursday) about 4 a. m. Surviving are his narnta tr " and Mrs. Robert Rickman; one sister. Mary Alice Rirlr man anit a large connection on both his pa- lernw ana maternal side,