THURSDAY, MARCH H 1134 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 McGUI RE-BULLOCK v Airs. W. B. McGuire, of Franklin, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Virginia Alex ander McGuire, . to Eugene C. Bullock, son of Mrs. Charles Bul Lock, of Hamlet, N. C. Miss McGuire received her edu cation at the Woman's College of the, University of North Carolina. Mr. Bullock is a well known busi ness man of Hamlet, N. C. ' The wedding will take place in the early summer. HENCEY-BRANT Miss; Pauline Hencey and Ray Brant were quietly . married in Clarkesville, Ga., on Saturday after noon, March 12. The simple, but impressive ceremony was perform ed at the Baptist parsonage, with .the Rev. Mr. Fulbright, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. Mrs. Brant is a daughter of Macon Theatre Matinees 3:30 P. M. Evening Show 7:00 P. M. SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO 11 P. M. SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, MARCH 26 DICK FORAN IN "THE DEVIL'S SADDLE LEGION" ALSO CHAP. 3 'THE LONE RANGER", and DONALD DUCK CARTOON MON.-TUE MARCH 28-29 Shirley's Best-of-all Musical . With Her Cast of Casts! , SHIRLEY TEMPLE JN "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM Witk RANDOLPH SCOTT, JACK HALEY, GLORIA STUART, PHYLLIS BROOKS, HELEN WESTLEY, SLIM SUMMER VILLE, BILL ROBINSON Alw: DISNEY'S "THE OLD MILL" MIV.IETONE NEWS WED.-THURS., MARCH 30-31 Look Who's in Gary's Arms Now! CLAUDETTE COLBERT and GARY COOPER In "BLUEBEARD'S EIGHTH WIFE" ALSO: "HOLLYWOOD PICNIC" PATHE NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 1 "SERGEANT MURPHY" RONALD REGAN MARY MAGUIRE DONALD CRISP Al: "EARS OF EXPERIENCE' "BLIND MUSKETEERS" "FRONTIERS OF FUTURE" Tf you want our weekly program mailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. Ill " 'III """ "" T Special Prices No need to envy th w'tman with natural looking, curly-hair with soft flattering ringlet endi. Regardless of the color, texture or length of your hair, the Real istic Method will assure you deep lasting waves, and the beguiling little curls so much in vogue today. Jlfake your appointment immediately. V For a Genuint Realistic Permanent , Pearl's Beauty Shop REAR OF JESS' SHOP t Charles Hencey and the late Mrs. Hencey, of Bante, Texas, and was formerly employed by Jones & Jones, attorneys of Franklin. She is now 'holding a position with the Georgia Light and Power company in Atlanta. . Mr. Brant, who has been in Franklin for more than two years, is a junior Forester in. the Nanta hala national forest service. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brant, of Bainbridge, Pa. FRANKLIN O. E. S. INSTALLS OFFICERS At the regular meeting an Thurs day evening, March 17, of the Ne quassa Chapter No. 43, of the Order of the Eastern Star, the in stallation of officers was held in a very beautiful and impressive cere mony, with Miss Leuna Tatham, of Andrews, district deputy grand matron of the 12th district, in charge of the services. The officers Installed were: Mrs. Lola P. Barrington, worthy matron ; Gordon Moore, worthy patron; Miss Lassie Kelly, associate matron ; John E. Rickman, associate patron: Mrs. Nobia Murray, secretary: 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Guffey, treasurer; Mrs. Pauline Love, conductress; Mrs. Margaret Cabe, associate conduct ress; Mrs. Leola Penn, chaplain; Mrs. Eunice H. Church, marshall; Mrs. Lillian Cabe, organist; Miss Elizabeth Slagle, Adah; Mrs. Ruth Snyder, Ruth; Mrs, Pearl Wright, Esther; Mrs. Alice Rimmer, Mar tha; Mrs. Alba Swanson, Electa; Mrs. Ann Higdon, warder; and Mrs. Sallie Sellers, sentinel. , Mrs. Alice Ray, of Hayesville, was installing marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, of Highlands; Mrs. J. -J. Norris, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Willet P. Sloan, of Birmingham, Ala., were in Frank lin Monday on business. Miss Mary Slagle, who is doing social service work . at Winston Salem, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Slagle, at their home on Franklin Route 1. Mrs. Charles Rowland and young daughter are spending several days in Athens, Ga., visiting Relatives and friends. Mrs. Luke Ellis and Miss Leuna Tatham, of Andrews, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H; E. Church Thursday night of the past week. Miss Tatham, who is district deputy grand matron oi the Order of the Eastern Star of the 12th district, was in Franklin for the purpose of installing the officers of Nequassa Chapter, No, 43, for the coming year. D.. L. Cabe, who has been mak ing his home with his daughter, Mrs. U. N. Carpenter and Mr. Carpenter, at their home on Dill- ard, Ga., Route 1, will leave the latter part of this week for Toccoa, Ga., where he plans to make his home for a while. Charles Robert Patton, who is working in Wadesboro, spent the on Permanents Jor Those Who Want CURLY ENDS ' . v. . . a LReaDnsttnc PERMANENT Betrothed WW,VW..ygT..wwv'A.M'''A'.llHJll Kjk "K fc J tefissiiiiiswi mmmmmmmm MISS VIRGINIA McGUIRE The engagement of Miss McGuire to Eugene Charles Bullock, son of Mrs. Charles Bullock, of Hamlet, has been announced by the bride elect's mother, Mrs. W. B. McGuire, of Franklin. ' week-end visiting his father, Rob ert A. Patton, at his home on Har rison avenue. ' John Archer has moved from the D. D. Rice house, which was re cently purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowdle, to the Mrs. Eloise G. Franks house on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Faison have moved from the Paul West apartment to the Orlando apart ments on Harrison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watkins, of Alibany, Ga., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Watkins father, J. A. Conley, and sister, Mrs. H. O. Cozad. On their ' return Monday they were accompanied by Miss Margaret Cozad who will spend several weeks in Albany visiting. . Mr. and Mrs. Chace Tatham, of Robbinsville, spent the week-end at West's Mill with Mrs. Tatham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Gaha. v Jack Ramey and son, vof Enka, spent the first of the week at Riv erside with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ramey. John Fulmer, who spent several days here with his sister, Mrs. E. K. Cunningham, who has been quite ill, has returned to his home in New Orleans, La. Mrs. Charles Weaver, of Tellico Plains, Tenn., is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. C. A. Raby, at her home at West's Mill and her sister, Mrs. Ed Whitting ton, at her home in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carelock left Tuesday for Douglas, Ga., to at tend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Luke Parker, who died at his home there Tuesday morning. Edwin Young and Kenneth Young, who are attending Western Caro lina Teachers' college at Cullowhee, spent th,e Spring holidays with their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young, at their home on Franklin Route 2. Fred Gray, a student at Clem'son college,, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gray. Mrs. Herbert McGlamery and daughter, Willa Gene, are spending several days in Athens, Ga., visit ing ' Mrs. McGlamery's sister, Mrs. H. T. Coggin. Mrs. D. G. Stewart has returned from Atlanta, where she has been spending several weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Virginia Briggs and Miss Dorothy Stewart. William Blaine, a student at Mrs Hill college, spent the: week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Blaine, at. their home on, Harrison avenue. He was accom pained by t Bob Garrison, of Ral eigh, who is also a student at Mars Hill. Among the boys who have re turned to the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill and to North Carolina State college, at Raleigh, after spending, the Spring holidays here with their respective parents are: John Crawford, Jimmy Perry, John Lyle Palmer, Charles Hunter, Clinton Brookshire,' Wayne Franklin, Charles Slagle, Siler Slagle,. Milton Sanders, Floyd Wey man and Sexton Vinson. v Mrs. E. K, Cunningham, who has been confined to her bed for the past two weeks on account of ill ness, was reported Wednesday - to be improved. Miss Elizabeth Dowdle, who is teaching school at Rannapolis, spent the. oast week-end here with her Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hoyt and Mrs. John Hoyt, of Clarksville, Ga., spent llmrscLay here visiting friends. . Fr.ed Higdon and family have moved from the Simpkins house on the Bryson City road to the Car penter house on Jot la street. Mrs, Neil Johnston, and young daughter, Mary Ann, have returned from Hendersonville, where they have been for a visit with Mrs. Johnston's sister, Mrs. J. S. Irorter and Mr. Porter. E, E. Sypher has returned from Washington, D. C, where he spent two weeks on business. Mr. Syplier found Washington overcrowded with unemployed people looking for government work with very little success. Mrs. Hugh Craig, of Buffalo, N. Y., is spending several weeks here with her daughter, Mrs. Fred W. Wiese and Mr. Wiese. Mrs. Roy Brant, of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with her hus band at the Scott Griffin hotel. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Jolly, were in Macon county for the past few days visiting relatives and friends. Charlie Russell, manager of the Atlantic & Pacific Food store, who underwent an operation for the re moval of his appendix at the Hay wood County hospital at Waynes ville, is able to be back in the store again. Miss Mary Will Higdon, who is doing stenographic work in Sylva, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Higdon, at their home on Iotla street. Miss Betty Leach, a student at Cecil's Business college in Asheville, spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Leach Mrs. Floyd Grant and Mrs. Har old Bacon, of Bryson City, spent Monday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H E. Church. Mrs. Myra Ellard and daughter, Jackyc, are spending several days in Cornelia and Atlanta, visiting re Latives and friends.. Births Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Henry, a son, J. L., on March 12 at their home on Franklin Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wiese announce the birth of a son, Fred erick William, at Mission hospital in Asheville, on Wednesday, March 16. Both Mrs. Wiese and young son are getting along nicely. , A son, Theodore Rogers, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earl Blaine, at their home on Franklin Route 1, on Tuesday, March 8. On Tuesday, March 8, a son, Clyde Alton, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elmer Dendy, at their home in the Sugarfork township. The Rev. and Mrs, Guy Bowers announce the birtn of a son, Paul Grady, at their home in Franklin township on Wednesday, March 9. A daughter, Frances Mae, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jones at their home at West's Mill on Saturday, - March 12. Mr. and. Mrs. Earl T. C. Ander son announce th,e birth of a daugh ter, Virginia Fae, on Sunday, March 13, at their home on Car- toogechaye. A son, Lee Harold, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Cabe at their home in the Franklin town ship, on Monday, March 14. On Wednesday, March 16, a son, James Leo, was born to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Dills at their home at Pine Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bates announce the birth of a son, Elden Eugene, at their home on Cartoogechaye on Thursday, March 17. SOLD THEIR CAMELS, THE FLOYD SMITHER xpariencad tobacco plantar SEE WHY MR. SMITHER gives the opinion of a great num ber of tobacco planters when he reports: "For their own smoking the majority of tobacco growers prefer Camels." Men who know tobacco from the ground tip prefer Camels. They want to enjoy the special treat of smoking Camel's finer, MORE EX PENSIVE TOBACCOS t-Turkish and Domestic Political Announcements FOR STATE SENATE I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination by the Dem ocratic party in the June primary for the office of Senator from the 33rd District in the General As sembly of Nortli Carolina. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to serve the people of this bistrict faithfully and to the best of my ability and to strive un ceasingly toward the protection and promotion of the interests of all the people of this District and of Western North Carolina. I will appreciate your support of my candidacy. GUY L. HOUK FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY I hereby announce myself a can didate, to succeed myself as Rep sentative of Macon County in the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. Your support and influence will be appreciated. R. A. PATTON. FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY ' I. hereby announce myself a can didate for Representative of Macon County in the next General As sembly, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Your support of my candidacy will be greatly appreciated, and if I am nominated and elected, it is my intention to represent the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. , GEORGE B. PATTON. . FOR SHERIFF . 1 hereby announce my candidacy for reelection as Sheriff of Macon county, subject to the Democratic primary. If elected, I will continue to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability as . I have in the past. A. B. SLAGLE. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT TO THE VOTERS OF MACON COUNTY: For the past three years I have served you as Clerk of the Superior Court, as best I could in my humble capacity. Your cooperation in helping me to fill the office has assuredly been appreciated. I again . announce myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary, and your support and cooperation will continue to be appreciated. HARLEY R. CABE. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a can- i didate for nomination by the Dem ocratic Party in the June primary for the office of Register of Deeds Having had three years exped ience as Deputy Register of Deeds, I will endeavor to serve the people of Macon County to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. LESTER L. ARNOLD. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for Register of Deeds of Macon county, subject to the Democratic primary. If elected, I promise to perform the duties of the office to the best of my ability, and I earnestly solicit your support and influence. GEORGE R. PATTILLO. ITS A FACT THAT CAMEL USES COST LIER TOBACCOS. LAST YEAR I HAP A DANDY CROP AND THE CAMEL PEOPLE BOUGHT ALL MY CHOICE LOTS. MOST PLANTERS HIGH GRADES OF TOBACCO TO SAME AS I DID. SO YOU CAN CAMEL IS tXf CIGARETTE Phone 120 Franklin, N. C. parents, Mr." and Mrs. M. L. Uowdle, I

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