THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 , SCARBOROUGH-WEINSTEIN . K. D. Scarborough, of Buffalo, S. Q., announces the engagement of lus daughter, Mabel Irene, to Dr. Abbey E. Weinstein, of New York City. The wedding to take place in early spring. MRS. RIMMER ELECTED PRESIDENT GARDEN CLUB Mrs. K. M. Rimmer was elected president of the Garden club at its , meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. am L. Rogers at Rogers Hall here. Mrs. L. H. Page was associate hostess. Other officers elected are: Mrs. J. S. Sloan, vice-president; Mrs. Lester S. Conley, secretary, and Mrs. Frank Higdon,-treasurer. The program committee consists of Mrs. B. W. Woodruff, chair man; Mrs. W. C. Penn, Mrs, Frank Higdon, and Mrs. James L. Averell. The committee for the annual flower show consists of Miss Mary . Willis, chairman; Mrs. W. A. Rog- Macon Theatre Matinee 3:30 P. M. NIGHT SFOW 7:30 SHOWlNu t'KUMl:3U TO 11 r M. SATURDAY'S PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, APRIL 9 . BOB STEELE IN "COLORADO KID" Al: Ch.p. 5 "LONE RANGER MONDAY, APRIL 11 DON'T MISS JACK BENNY, RANDOLPH SCOTT, BEN BLUE THE YACHT CLUB BOYS AND A HOST OF OTHERS IN "ARTIST AND MODELS" Ah: LEQN NOVARRO AND HIS BAND TUESDAY, APRIL 12 "TIP OFF GIRLS" With MARY CARLISLE LLOYD NOLAN, ROSCO KARNS Also: FOOTBALL TOUCHDOWN FROM THE MINUET TO THE BIG APPLE ' WED.-THURS., APRIL 13-14 GREATEST AMERICAN ENTERTAINMENT "THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER" AUa: "JUNGLE JUVENILE" BASCO IN BAGDAD Plus RKO PATHE NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL IS LEST YE FORGET TO "LOVE, HONOR AND BEHAVE" With WAYNE MORRIS PRISCILLA LANE JOHN LITEL THOMAS MITCH EL, DICK FORAN Also: THE RIVERS COMMUNITY SING If you want our weekly program mailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. AST yEAR I RAISED SOME MIGHTY FINE TOBAGO. WHEN I PUT IT ON THE MARKET; EVERY ONE OF MY CHOICE 101 WA$ BOUGHT IN ' By CAMEL THEY TW TO GET THE CKR I SMOKE CAMELS.' THOSE MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS IN CAMELS SURE MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHEN a man grows tobacco, he mows to bacco. So, when a planter favors Camels for his own smoking, it shows that Camels have ' something that is different. Planters report: "Most of us Choose Camels. We enjoy those finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS." THE FRANKLIN ers, Mrs. H E. .Church, and Mrs. Henry W. Cabe. An attractive arrangement of pot ted plants was on display at Vhe meeting. The judges, Mrs. W. C. Penn, Mrs. W. B. McGuire, and M rs. Lee Leach, .awarded blue rib bons to Mrs. John R. Faison, Mrs. L. H. Page, and Mrs. H. E. Church. Red ribbons went to Mrs. Henry W. Cabe, Mrs. H. E. Church, and Mrs. Tohn R. Faison. while those winning third place were Mrs. Frank Higdon and Mrs. I. w. Angel, Jr. The Mav meeting will be neia ai Franklin Terrace, with Miss Mary Willis and Mrs. H. E. Church as joint hostesses. MARY ALLMAN CIRCLE TO MEET APRIL 14 rsm.lir mnnthlv business and X XIV. j devotional meeting of the Mary Johnston Allman Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. A. B. Oma- hundro on Thursday evening, April 14, at 7:30. Mrs. John Sherrill will act as assisting hostess. YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS MEETS SUNDAY The Young People's Bible class of the Franklin Methodist church will meet at the regular hour, 9:45, in the church auditorium Sunday morning. The subject to te aiscusseu on Toim snnHav i which is next Sun- j day), will be "The Hope of the World." Subjects are chosen m advance and are discussed in an open forum manner. Hayes B. Overcash, leader oi mis cordiallv invites any and all of the young people in town to attend these classes. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN SENIORS AT BANQUET . A gala evening of entertainment was. provided Friday by the junior class of the Franklin high school, complimentory to the members of the senior class, when they gather ed at , the Tavern for the annual junior-senior banquet, with approxi mately 150 students, members of the faculty and invited guests pres ent. The banquet hall was attractively decorated with green balloons and green and white streamers floating about the ceiling. The senior class colors, green and white, was car ried out in the decorations of the tables, bearing1 tiny green mint cups and place cards which ex pressed the "April tool" idea, ine white service and white lilac blos soms which banked the windows, completed the green and white motif. , After the guests had enjoyed the dinner, they were entertained with readings by Trixie Lee Rowland and Dorothy Lee Morrison, of the junior class. Adding further to the festive atmosphere, the guests in dulged in a bit of reminiscing by turning the pages of a school al bum from which emerged living portraits of former teachers. The teachers who were so cleverly por trayed were: Miss Josephine Weaver, by Fan nie Mae Sherrill; Miss Ruth Slagle, by Elizabeth Rochester; Hayes B. Overcash, by John Slagle ; W. H. Finley, by Albert Ramsey, Jr.; G. MR. BECKHAM WRIGHT, a srawar flMtobaoca PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS L. Houk, by Harry Higgins, Jr., Mfs. Helen Ma:on, by. Louise Wal droop; Miss Jennie Gillam, by Freddie Hall; David Herring, by Charles Hunnicutt; MissMarie Palmer, by Dorothy Lee Morrison; Mr. Lee, by Bill Wilkie; Miss Irma Walker, by Lillian Jones ; Miss Mc Neil, by Helen Rowland; Mr. Camp bell, by Wayne Bradley; and Miss Bailey, by Hallie Cabe. Among the invited guests were : M. D. Billings, superintendent of public schools for Macon county, Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips and John Norton, members of the school board, Earl H. Meacham, of Ral eigh, former agriculture teacher in the Franklin high school, Mrs. G. L. Houk. Mrs. Hayes B. Overcash, and Mrs. W. H. Finley. ' Virginia Brookshire, 10 year-olu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brookshire, fell out of a swing while playing at her home on Car toogechaye' last Friday and broke iKth bones in her left arm be tween the wrist and eloow. She is reported to be getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and daughter, Minnie Lee, and John K. Rickman have returned to their home here after spending the week end in Fitzgerald, Ga., with their brother' and son, Sloan Rickman and Mrs. Rickman. I. E. Rickman, Fr.. who is in the Navy and who was at Savannah, Ga., for a few days, also spent the week-end in Fitzgerald with his brother, Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kesler and young son, William, of Salisbury, snent the week-end here with Mrs. Kesler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Angel, Sr. Ernest Rankin and sister. Miss Lily Rankin, who havje been spend ing the winter months at rt. My ers, Fla., returned to their home on Riverview street last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grady. Siler, of West Asheville, spent a while here Monday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brown, Jr., who are now making their home in Moultrie, Ga., spent the week-end here with their mothers, Mrs. C. S. Brown, at the Scott Griffin hotel, and Mrs. H. O. Cozad. M rs. Georore Bulein left Sunday for Birmingham, Ala., for a visit! with her brother, Prileau Brabson and Mrs. Brabson. (4 Daddy wanted so he bought a CHEVROLET because it has PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES !" Sr'J z sal - , ' ' It- T 1 1 i.rnii-iui, rnimr.inYiMiii ii (t.l MACONIAN Demonstrator SI hi At? mm MISS CAMILLE BEAUCHAMP Who Will be in 'Charge of llic Electric Cooking School Next Week C00KINGSCH00L HERE TUES.-WED. Electrical Cooking To Be Demonstrated at Office Of Power Company An electric cooking school will be conducted in the office of the Nantahala Power' and 'Light com pany next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 12 and 13, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The school will be conducted by Miss Camille Beaiichamp, home economist for the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing com pany, and Mrs. Dorcas Allen, home economist for the Nantahala Power and Light company. Miss. Beauchamp is a university graduate in home economics, and has also done graduate work in various universities, including Col umbia University, where she stud-" ied dietetics and nutrition. Recently she attended the home service con- ierejuce, sp$n.s,pj:&d .byUe, ..Westing house company, which was attend ed by horne service directors for i Ii us to have a safe car , ,',-iViV.',-:.v,', .-l I JxH ' fjy. mitW fa? MiMMB warn a Mim PAGE THREE leading magazines and utilities ii.ruugiiout .the United States. Miss Beauchamp ' has directed cooking .schools, in many cities in North and' Sou t Ik Carolina', Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi, her home state. The public is cordially invited to attend the cooking school and wit ness the demonstrations given by Miss 'Beauchamp and Mrs, Allen. Food Sale At Gift Shop The ladies hi the St. Agnes church will conduct a food sale at the Kelly Gift Shopi on Friday, April 8,' beginning at 10 a. m. Mrs. W. H. Sellers' is chairman of the group. Cakes of various kinds, dough nuts, rosettes, pies andother good tilings will be on sale. Mors Outsize Eggs Brought In And still the big hen eggs conic in. Miller Ledford, of Prentiss, brought fine in Saturday which weighed five ounces. The egg was 'lilt- V Mill 111 tlldl II I l extremely long and both ends ex actly ,the same in size and shape. It was laid by a young hen. Mrs. ITcrmo.n Saunders,! who lives on Highway 28. brought m an egg Monday, which was laid by a thoroughbred Rhode Island Red hen, and measured over three inches in length and weighed four ounces, and Mrs. W. E. luirr came in Tues day . mprning with one weighing, four and: one-fourth ounces, laid by one of her young New Hampshire Red hens. MAR ETTA COLLEGE OF BEAUTY CULTURE Girls enroll now! Learn thi well-paid profession. Our Open ing Special $75.(K) for a conude'' all round course in Beauty Culture to the FIRST TEN girls to enroll. School open ing in a few days. See Mrs. Mary Hig don, -in- Trotters Store, or write at once to Mrs. :T. S. Munday, P. O. Box No. 62, Franklin, North Carolina. I V" iz mmmm mm 4? ''A wmss&t?;. Omni Mann Intahwrf Pkm CoayivW, (w. amol MmmMt Poymwifi. A GaMrof Motofi Vahm. f A 'I- i tf -I if ' iivT 1 1 1 $ mm II BURRELL MOTOR CO. 1S3ACC9 rtAUTtas Franklin, N. C Phono 125