THURSDAY. JUNE Z, 1938 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS , MACONJAN PAOE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and . COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 BUCHANAN-MORRISON Announcement has been, made of the marriage of Miss Thelma Buch anan to Charlie Morrison, both of the lotla section. The marriage ceremony took place in Clayton, Ca., on Saturday, April 23. Mrs. Morrison is the daughter of E. B. and the late Mrs. Buch anan, while Mr. Morrison is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are mak ing their home at lotla. HURST-RAMEY Announcements have been receiv ed here of the marriage of Miss Ezella Hurst, of Franklin and Champain, 111., to Lewis B. Ramey, of Abbeville, S.C, and Champaign; J 11. " The wedding ceremony took place in the First Baptist, church in Champaign on Tuesday, May 24, with the pastor as the officiating minister. , Mrs. Ramey was attired in a beautiful blue crepe suit with white accessories and her shoulder cor sage was of gardenias and pink sweet peas. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Ellis Hurst, of Franklin, and a sister of Mrs. Jack Weyman and Miss Ethel Hurst, of Franklin. Mr. Ramey is a prominent busi ness man of Champaign, 111. Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Ramey left for Chicago, 111., on a wedding trip! After their return they will be at home at 410 West Church street in Champaign. BAPTIST W. M. U. TO MEET ON JUNE 9 The Woman's Missionary Union of the Franklin Baptist church will hold their regular business meeting on Thursday afternoon, June 9, at 3 o'clock at the church. AH mem bers are urged to attend this meet ing. MRS. YOUNG ENTERTAINS WITH SPEND-THE-DAY PARTY Mrs. Louis Young entertained with a spend-the-day party at her home in Clayton, Ga., on Tuesday of this week for a few of her for mer friends on lotla. Those, attending were: Mrs. H. P. Macon Theatre Matinees 3:30 P. M. NIGHT SHOW 7:30 SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO 11 P. M. SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, JUNE 4 ZANE GREY'S "THUNDER TRAIL" "LONE RANGER" "BIG CHIEF" MON.-TUES., JUNE 6-7 "DOCTOR RHYTHM" Witlh BING CROSBY, MARY CARLISLE, BEATRICE LILLIE, ANDY DEV.INE Also "SHOP GIRL'S EVIDENCE" "THE WORM TURNS" FOX NEWS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 "OVER THE WALL" STUPERVISION FOX NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 9 "THRILL OF A LIFETIME" With THE YACHT CLUB BOYS JUDY CANOVA, BEN BLUE DOROTHY LAMOUR Al: '"WOMAN BE A MODEL" "WHISPER IN THE DARK" FRIDAY, JUNE 10 "ISLAND IN THE SKY" It's an amusing story, exciting, and so well done that it is excel lent entertainment I Alto: "MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" "FOXY HUNTERS" .If you want our weekly program mailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. v, y Ray, Mrs. Charles Shields, Mrs. J. B. Houston, Mrs. Robert Houston, Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Mrs. Ed Du vall, Mrs. Glenn Ray, ' Miss Eliza Younce, Miss Hazel Duvall and Miss Dorothy Lee Morrison. MRS. HERTZLER ENTERTAINS FRIDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Richard A. Hertzler enter tained the Friday bridge club and one guest table at her home at Coweta experiment station hear Otto last week. The rooms were attractively ar ranged in mountain laurel, daisies and old-fashioned garden flowers, where the , guests assembled for playing. i Mrs. John Wasilik was winner of j the high score prize, with the floating pnze going to Mrs. Em ory Hunnicutt. , Those playing were: Mrs. Charles Hirch, of Asheville; Mrs. Jack O. Werner, Mrs. R. Vance Miles, Mrs. L, H. Page, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. John Wasilik, Jr., Mrs. H. E. Church, Mrs. Fred S. Sloan, Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt, Mrs. R. S. Jones, Mrs. Henderson Calloway and Mrs. T. W. Porter, Jr., of-Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Hertzler, at the conclusion of the playing, served a delicious sweet course. 1 MRS. PORTER GIVES MUSICAL TEA Mrs. .Thomas W. Porter enter tained with a musical tea at her home, "Hall in the Tines," for her house guests, Mrs. Thomas W. Porter, Jr., of Nashville, Tenn., and Miss Jane Lorenze, of Dayton, Ohio, on Tuesday afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Porter in receiv ing the guests were Mrs. R. S. Jones and Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt, while Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Jr., and Mrs. John Hanner, Miss Margaret Co zad and Miss Virginia McGuire as sisted in the dining room. The rooms were decorated with a profusion of early summer flow-, ers and an informal program of music was enjoyed. Mrs. Hertzler and Mrs, Ben Woodruff each play ed several delightful piano numbers and Miss Lorenze, a well-known young composer in musical circles, charmed the guests with a number of her own compositions, songs and piano numbers. An ice course was served and about 40 guests called during the afternoon. Airs. Thomas Porter, Jr., has been the recipient of . many social courtesies since her arrival in Franklin 10 days ago. Mrs. R. S. Jones and Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt honored her with a bridge tea' of five tables at the home of Mrs. Jones on Thursday. Miss Lorenze, who, came on Saturday was' honor guest with Mrs. Blackburn Johnson at a bridge party given by Mrs. S. H. Lylc, Jr., on Monday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Porter, Jr., and Miss Lo renze left on Wednesday morning to return to their respective homes. Mrs. Porter will 4e remembered as Miss. Mabel Parker, a bride of the winter. The engagement of Miss Lorenze to James Porter has re cently been announced. Miss Josephine Hudson, of Dem orcst, Ga., is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. John B. Henry, and Mr. Henry at their home' on Bonny Crest. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brown and son, Broadus, and Mrs. George Cogdon, and daughter, Mary, of Raleigh, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. M. L. Dowdlc and Mr. Dowdle. . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilkie and two children, Barbara Jean and Billy, of Arden, Mr. and Mrs. Cor bell Ensley, Mrs. 1). C. Naylor, and Miss Flora Wilkie, of Asheville, and Miss Dorothy Naylor, of New York, were the week-end guests of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. W. G. Wilkie. Howard Bradley and Jack Shope, of Ottor, returned home Sunday, after a three months' trip to the state of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred York, Mr. York's mother, Mrs. J. York, and sister, Mrs. John Shope, left Wednesday of last week for Benton Hanber, Mich, where they will spend the tummer,- Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson attended the' meeting of the board of trus tees of St. Mary's school in Ral eigh Tuesday. ' . 'Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn W. John son spent the week-end with Mr. Johnson's mother, Mrs. J. W.( C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.Earle Lee Edwards have had as their guest for the past week Mrs. Edwards' mother, Airs. E. A. Allen, of Atlanta. Miss Pearl Coggin and Miss Martha Southers have just arrived from the Tamasee D. A. R. school in South Carolina. They expect to spend the summer vacation with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Coggin and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peek, of Ellijay. f Miss Jessie Hurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hurst gradu ated from the Methodist Woman's college at Greensboro on May 23, and is now at home with her par ents. Miss Hurst won a gold watch which was the first prize in an es say contest in the Greensboro col lege. . Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid and two children, Jean and Barbara, of Murphy, spent the week-end with Mr. Reid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, at their home on Franklin Route 4, and Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs. A. S. Solesbee, at her home on Franklin Route 3. Miss Ruth Holbrooks, who is nursing in Richmond, Va., came in Saturday, for a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Holbrooks, at their home at West's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waldroop, of Athens, Ga., spent the week-end with Mr. Waldroop's mother, Mrs. Mary Lyle Waldroop, at her home on Franklin Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watkins, of Albany, Ga., are spending several days in Franklin with Mrs. Wat kins' sister, Mrs. H. O. Cozad, and her father, J. A. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stribling, who recently moved to Andrews, were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harry Holt and family in Highlands and friends in Franklin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Kimsey and young daughter, Pauline, and Bert Hall, were here last week visiting Mrs. Kimsey's father,' W. G. Hall, at their home on Bonny Crest, returning to their home on Wednesday. Mrs. J. T. Russell and Mrs. M. Swarenger, of Waynesville, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Rus sell's mother, Mrs. J. B. Stalcup, on lotla street last week. Air. and Mrs. J. R. Ray, of Hayesville, spent the latter part of the past week visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ray and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Phillips and daughter, Jewell Alice, of Clinton, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mrs. Phillips' mother, Mrs. A. S. Solesbee, at her home on Franklin Route 3. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Liles and two children, of Frintland, are spending several days here visiting Mrs. Lile's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Grady Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Finley are spending this week in Lake Juna luska and Waynesville attending the state vocational agriculture teachers' conference during the five uay session mis weeK. uns is ine second time this conference has ever been held in the mountainous section and a large crowd is ex pected to attend. Mr. and Mrs. James Cartwright, of Maynardville, Tenn., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vance Miles at their home on Bidwell street and Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Trousdell, at their home on Harrison avenue. Mrs. Charles Hirch, of, Asheville, spent last week at Coweta, the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard A. Hertzler, returning to her home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Finley, and son, Robert, spent the week-end in Anderson, S. C, with Mrs. Finley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kay. , Brownlow Addington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Addington, of Frank lin Route 2, who has been quite ill suffering from severe bruises received when a horse fell on him, was reported to be improving. Mrs. Allen Siler and two chil dren, of JJryson City, are spending several days with Mrs. Siler's moth er, Mrs. Robert E. Pattillo, at her home on Franklin Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Morrow, of Andrews, were here Sunday to at tend the all-day singing held at the courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Houston, of lotla, have moved to Clarksville, Ga., where Mr. Houston has .em-, ployment, Mr. and Mrs. Foy Durrence, of Clewiston, Fla.p Mrs. M. A. Evans and Miss Boots Evans, of Orlando, FLa., are spending several days in Franklin, the guests of Major and Mrs. J. Frank Carmack, at the Franklin Golf and Country club. Miss Dorothy Lee Morrison has returned to her home on lotla after spending several days in Winston Salem and Greensboro visiting re latives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. West, Sr., and Mrs. R. D. West, -Jr., spent Friday in Canton with relatives. Mrs. Helen Macon has returned to her home here after spending several days in Durham and Mount Airy visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and son, Lloyd, of Rainbow Springs, left Wednesday for Stokesberry, West Va., for a visit with relatives and friends. Rege Neil, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, has recovered sufficiently to be ,able to be out again. HOW DO I CAMEL BOUGHT A SIGHT MORE UWlbLi TOO. rU HILAR li MEN who grow fine tobaccos who sell them who get the checks they know the quality, of tobacco that goes into various cigarettes. And they say, "Camels buy our finest grades." So, if you want to enjoy a cigarette made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS-Turkish and Domestic it's just plain logic to choose Camels. S3! QM!? MORE THAN $325,000 In Federal Funds Spent In Macon County iPsMf li 1 "Mv'y-V If I have sought, and succeeded in procuring more than $325,000 for Federal projects in your county, which funds have benefitted working folks and business people alike. Federal projects which I have succeeded in getting for Macon County are as follows: Street Improvement, Beaut if ication of School Grounds, School Lunches, Improvement to Court House, Roads, Sewing Rooms, Supervision of Recrea tional Activities, Clerical Home Assistance, Oper ation of Gardens, Community Sanitation, Agri cultural Building, and the construction of a Post , Office Building at Franklin. "A good record of ACHIEVEMENT is better and SAFER for the good folks of my district than MERE PROMISES." ON MY RECORD AS A FRIEND OF THIS DISTRICT, MACON COUNTY, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE NATION, I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THE DEMO CRATIC PRIMARY ON JUNE 4. Sincerely yours, ZEBULON WEAVER. Miss Eliza Younce has returned to her .home on lotla, after an extended visit with', relatives and friends in Eliaabethton and Butler, Tenn. . '. Mrs. Glenn Ray, Mrs. E.( E. Ward, Mrs. J. T. Tice, Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Miss Hazel Duvall and Miss Dorothy Lee Morrison, mem bers from the home demonstra tion club at lotla, attended the in formal tea given for Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey held in Waynesville last, week. Mr, and Mrs.' C. S. Brown, Jr., of Moultrie, Ga., spent the week-, end with their mothers,' Mrs. C. S. Brown, Sr., and Mrs. H. O. Cozad. Miss Cleobell Moore and William Blaine, students at Mars Hill the past year, have returned to their homes for the summer. Major and Mrs. C. N. Stevens and son, Dexter, of State College, Pa., are spending a few days with Mrs. Stevens' sister, Mrs. T. J. O'Neil and Dr. O'Neil at their home on Harrison Avenue. Mr. James Graves sells the pick of his crop to Camel KNOW My CIGARETTE Oomtaimc tup FINEST TOBACCO? BECAUSE I SMOKE pameis THE PICK OF MY LAST CROP AND PAID THAN FOR ORDINARY GRADES. MOST GROWERS ROUND HERE SOLD THEIR BEST LOTS TO NO WONDER CAMEL IS THE MOST CI6ARCTTE IN THESE PARTS.' fnGSD' TOBACCO PLANTERS SAY ' In addition to un tiring efforts in the interest of National legislation, to benefit the nation as a whole and in addition to my success in converting the dream of the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park into a glo rified REALITY, I have not forgotten the individual counties of my district. '

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