THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1931 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN X0 THltll SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LEISTER S. CON LEY, PHONE 104 WORDEN-ANGEL Mr. and Mrs." I rank Wordeii, of Meban, West Va., have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their . daughter; x Miss ' Helen Virginia Warden, to Dr. Ed gar Angel, of Franklin. The wed ding is scheduled to take place in the early fall. . M iss Worden, who has resided in Franklin for the past , six years, is a graduate of the Franklin high school and is a member of a social-' ly prominent family of West Vir ginia. , . Dr. Angel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Angel, Sr., of Frank lin. He is a graduate of the Frank lin high , school; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Jef ferson Medical college, Philadel phia,. Pa., and took post graduate work at Laliey Clinic, in Boston, Mass. Since 1930 he has been as sociated with his brother,' Dr. Fur man Angel, .as associate surgeon of Angel hospital in Franklin. He re a junior member of the American College of Surgeons. He is also a member of the North Carolina Med ical society, Southern Medical so ciety, and the North Carolina Hos pital association. Dr. Angel is secretary-treasurer of the Macon Med ical society. He is a member of Alpha Kappa fraternity and of the Alpha Omega Alpha fraternity. Dr. Angel was graduated with' high honors from his medical college and has had a brilliant career in sur gery. He is the author of numerous articles in medical journals and the contributor to many text books on subjects of surgery. SAPP-YOUNG Miss Glenn Esther Sapp, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sapp, of Miami, Fla., and John T. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young, of Franklin Route 2, were united in marriage in Miami on Macon Theatre Matinees 3:30 P. M. NIGHT SHOW 7:30 SHOWING FROM 1:30 TO 11 P. M. SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, JUNE 18 BUCK JONES ,IN "HEADING EAST" Also: LAST CHAPTER OF "LONE RANGER" "ALL AMERICAN DRAWBACK" MON.-TUES., JUNE 20-21 The picture of a thousand thrills, in technicolor tfOROTHY LAMOUR AND RAY MILLARD IN "HER JU INGLE LOVE AUo: CARL HUFF AND HIS BAND DON DONALD FOX NEWS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 JANE WITHERS IN "RASCALS" With ROCHELLE HUDSON, ROBERT WILCOX, BORRAH M1NEVITCH AND HIS GANG Alao: "DEAR OLD DAD" , "MAGIC ON BROADWAY" RKO. NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 23 DON AMECHE, SIMONE SIMON, ROBERT YOUNG IN "JOSETTE" It's the jolliest escapade in the history of lovel Also: "FOUR SMART DOGS" "LISTEN TO KUCAS" FRIDAY, JUNE 24 He's the most amazing rogue who ever stole a jewel or a woman's heart "THE LONE WOLF IN PARIS" Starring: FRANCIS LEDERER FRANCIS DRAKE With: WALTER, KINGSFORD, LEONA MARICLE Also: "FORGET ME KNOTS" "HAPPY AND LUCKY" If you want our weekly program mailed to you, please leave name at Box Office. "9 May 15, in a high noon ceremony at the Coconut Grove Baptist church with the Kev. J. H. Rud djngton officiating. Mrs. Evelyn Phillips, of' Miami, played a program of wedding music preceding the service and the wed- ding party entered as Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus" was played. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a white lace gown over white satin in princess style, with a square neck and pearl clips at each side. She carried an arm bouquet of sweet heart roses and lilies-of-the-valley. The finger-tip length veil was caught to the head with a halo, which-was embroidered with pearls and had a cluster of orange -blossoms at either side. . Mrs. J. H. Sapp, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor, and "wore aquamarine chiffon ac cented with - pink accessories and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Bridesmaids were Miss Lillie Irene Ball and Miss Willie Edith Mayo, both of Miami. They were dressed in pale yellow and pink organdy respectively, with large matching hats. Clifford C. Dukes was best man, and the. ushers were Kay Ford and Wilson Frazier; and Frances Mill er and Joan Stamm were flower girls,' all of whom are of Miami. After the ceremony, . a reception took place at the home of the bride and on May 18, the couple left for a trip through the state, after which they will go to Athens, Ga., where they will make their home. Mrs. Young was graduated from Miami senior high school and Mr. Young was graduated from Frank lin high school and Athens Busi ness college. Out-of-town guests at the wed ding included Edwin G. Young, brothers p the bridegroom, of Franklin.. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McCoy, aunt and uncle of the groom, of S. W. 22nd Terrace, Miami. Many other close friends and relatives were also present. MRS. ANGEL ENTERTAINS FOR BR IDES-ELECT Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., compli mented Miss Sarah Elizabeth Dowdle and Miss Virginia McGuire, brides-elect of June 18, at a beau tiful bridge party Friday afternoon at her home here with seven tables in play. The living room was attractively arranged with howls of roses, sweet peas, and gardenias, while the din ing room was decorated with lark spur and baby's breath. Mrs. James A. Sutton was winner of the high score prize. Second high prize was made by Mrs. A. B. O'Mohundro. Miss Mary Willis won the floating prize while Miss Helen Patton was presented the consolation prize. The honorees were presented lovely crystal vases. The bridal motif was carried out in the refreshments and in the table markers. Tiny wedding bells marked the tables. The tallies were in the shape of wedding bells and tiny hand-painted brides. Those playing were : Miss Dowdle, Miss McGuire, Mrs. M. L. Dowdle, mother of Miss Dowdle; Mrs. C. N. Dowdle, Mrs. A. B. O'Mohun dro, Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Mrs. Frank Higdon, Mrs. Clyde Rimmer, Mrs. S. H. Lyle, Jr., Mrs. G. L. Houk, Mrs. J. A. Sutton, Mrs. Frank L. Henry, Jr., Mrs. H. E. Church, Mrs. JoeJ Tompkins, Mrs. C. S. Brown, Sr., Mrs. J. E. Perry, Mrs. R. S. Jones, Mrs. R. V. Miles, Jr., Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. Carl Tjtsinger, Mrs. D. W. Nichols, Jr., Mrs. B. W. Woodruff, Mrs. L. H. Page, Mrs. J. Frank Carmack, Mrs. Fred S. Sloan, Mrs. Sam Menden hall, Mrs. J. S. Conley and Miss Mary WUlis. Those coming in .for tea were: Mrs. W. B. McGuire, mother of Miss McGuire, Miss Elizabeth Mc Guire, Mrs. Pearl Hunter, Mrs. R. G. Beshears, Mrs. E. W. Long, Mrs. Helen Macon, Mrs. Frank Killian, Mrs. Dorcas. Allen, Miss Ida Lee Hunter, Miss Helen Pat ton, Mist Margaret Slagle, and Miss Olivia Patton, . , Prominent Doctor's Fiancee I f it MISS liELEN YIKUINU VVOUUEH MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MISS McGUIRE A further courtesy tendered Miss Virginia McGuire, popular bride elect of Saturday, June 18, was the miscellaneous shower given Mon day afternoon by Mrs.J S. Conley and Miss Margaret Cozad at the Cozad home. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out with the beauti fully arranged bowls of pink, lark spur and baby's breath. The re freshments served by the .hostesses were furthered in carrying out the pink and white motif. During the afternoon a telegram was delivered to Miss McGuire, di recting her to one of the bedrooms in the Cozad home. There she found a large basket artistically de corated with pink paper and filled with many beautiful and useful gifts. Friends pf Miss McGuire, who were present were: Mrs. W. B. McGuire,' mother of the lionoree; Mrs. J. W. Cooper, of Cleveland, a sister of the honoree; Miss Rosa lind Bulgin, Miss Nora Moody, Miss Elizabeth Dowdle, a bride- pWt of Saturday: Miss Grac Conley, Miss Mercer Blaine, Mrs. C. N. Dowdle, Miss Ethel Thom asson, Mrs. E. K. . Cunningham, Mrs.' Frank Killian, Mrs. Ben W. Woodruff, Mrs. James L. Averell, Mrs. Helen Macon, Mrs. J. A, Flanagan, Mrs. Gus Leach, Miss Virginia Smith, Mrs.' T. J. John ston and. Mrs. H. O. Cozad. NOTED EDITOR TO VISIT DR. EDGAR ANGEL Ray Holland, editor-in-chief of Field and Stream, and David Ne well, writer for the same magazine, will spend Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Dr. Edgar Angel at his camp on Nantahala. Mr. Newell will be remembered from his visit to Franklin last sum mer and from his "Hound Dog" stories appearing in Field and Stream. Edwin Young, who has been at tending college at Cullowhee, is at home with his parents, Mr. nd Mrs. J. L. Young, of Franklin Route 2. Kenneth Young, who has fceen in high school at Cullowhee, is also at home with his parents. Catherine Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young, of Franklin Route 2, is spending two weeks with her brother, Johnny Young and Mrs. Young, in Athens, Ga. " Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Jollay, of Cullowheer, have been visiting in London and Versailles, Ky., for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Sloan and son, Bobby, of Atlanta, are spend ing several days in Franklin visit ing Mr. Sloan's mother, Mrs. J. S. Sloan, at her home in East Frank lin. Mrs. M. L. Rickman is suffer ing from arthitis at her home at West's Mill. . "WHO BUYS HIE FINEST TOBACCO I KNOW BECAUSE rM A TOBACCO FOR YEARS, AT AUCTION AFTER AUCTION, CAMEL HAS BOUGHT MY FINEST LOTS. LAST YEAR CAMEL PAID ME HIGHEST PRICES. I SMOKE CAMELS BECAUSE, TO MY WAY OF THINKING, THE COMPANY THAT BUYS THE RNER GRADE OF TOBACCO IS BOUND TO PUT OUT A RNER CIGARETTE. MOST PLANTERS FEEL THE SAME Mr. Welti speak for mnr tobacco growers when he says: "Most planters smoke Camels because they know the finer grades of tobacco bought for them." And as men who knew to bacco, they know that Camel's FINER. MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS make a world of difference in smoking pleasure. Try Camels. GO TO E- CoODTIiniDOTlgh (Sinnipainiy7s for your Bathing Suits. Slacks, Shirts. Tennis Shoes. Sport Shirts, and ALL OTHER SPORT WEAR. They are also closing out all Men's White Shoes . . . buy now while you can get your size. E. K. Cunningham & Co. "THE SHOP OF QUALITY" FRANKLIN, N. C. M rs. Hall Swain and young daughter, of Greenville, S. C, are here for a visit with Mrs. Swain's mother, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, at "Sunnyside Farm." Mrs. S. II. Lyle, Jr., and two daughters, Ann and Laura, left Tuesday for Washington, Ua., tor a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sutton. ' Continued on Pag Six) Enjoy Pancakes and Sausages for Breakfast . Do you rush , to the table at meal times, or do you hesitate and wish you didn't have to eat? ' You can enjoy ' rich, attractive foods and not suffer hours of di gestive discomfort if your trouble is .due to over - acidity of the stomach. Just do this one simple thing. Buy a bottle of Bisma-Rex at your Rexall Drug Store--50 doses for 50c. Take it after every meal. It raiiidlv neutralises ' eitress-ar idv . ....... - - 1 and for a long period, too. It helps to dispel gas. It soothes irritated stomachs. And it relieves heart burn, Today at your Rexall Drug Store buy Bisma-Rex the four action antacid powder. Your Rexall Drug Store is Angel's Drug Store in Franklin where yoi always get the best values in town! Look for the Rexall Store Sign ! adv. r ? PLANTER. wfe.-illiiiTnilnmiii iim DAVID ELMER WELLS gives you a mighty good niton for smoking Camels TOBACCO PLAXTE23 2

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