THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 193 THE FRANKLIN. PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN f PAGE SEVEN Regular Army Reserve To Be Establis h e d July 1 Maj. Gen. George Van Horn Mose ley, commanding the Fourth Corps Area, which comprises the eight southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missis sippi North Carolina, South Caro lina and Tennessee,' announces ' the reestablishment of the regular army reserve, authorized by the present Coneress. It has been souvrht by the war department for many years and the enactment of this legislation is considered a very important addi tion to the national defense act.4 1 The regular army reserve is to be composed entirely of unmarried men under 36 years of age at time of enrollment and who have served at least one year continuously in the regular army and have been honorably discharged therefrom , within the last three years. Enlist ments in the regular army reserve will be voluntary and will be for a period of. four years. The reservist will receive $24 per year, payable in installments i for each four month period commenc ing with date of enlistment. While serving in the reserve, a member may be ordered to active duty only in case of an emergency declared by the President of the United States. Should such an emergency occur, the reservist will be furnish ed transportation and subsistence allowances at government expense from his home to the place where he is ordered for active duty. If fnnnd fullv aualified for active ser vice, the; reservist will receive an attitional allowance of $3 per month for each month already served in the reserve, up to date of accep tance for active duty, provided such payment does not exceed $150. While on active duty; reservist will be placed on the same status and receive the same pay and al lowances as are provided by law for enlisted men of the regular army, initially, all members of the reserve will be ordered to active duty in the grade of private. How ever, a former non-commissioned officer bf the regular army or a trained specialist, would, experience little difficulty in obtaining at least the highest grade formerly held in the regular army, as his records would clearly indicate his qualifications and attainments, Each former , service man who possesses the desired , qualifications is urged to apply at the nearest army post or United States army recruiting station, where he will be furnished with full information ' concerning enlistment The reserve offers a former soldier exceptional opportunities of keeping in touch with the army and insures the young man of the quickest1 means of doing his bit in the event of an emergency.' " "- ".'' ' ; Unrestricted, Racruiting Order General Moseley, also announced the resumption' of unrestricted re cruiting for the regular army. Ap 'mniwmMMmiiMMlH : 0fiqlwst tanJarJs CLarac terisc ; Every Service f -'.v- - 'Vv .Y, 'V:';-vp Y-'. ':'': '-w In maltinjf funeral arrange- ments. as In other important transactions, questions of cost 'an J value should receive proper consideration. r:'-: Uhr--: Out service, whether con- ducted ; at the residence, church, fraternal quarters or at bur establishment, is distin guished by the high standards of quality and direction that characterize . every ceremony We conduct whether its cost Is relatively small ,or compara tively large. , '; ::Y' ' O (o) proximately 1,500 young men resid ing in the eight southern states will be given an opportunity to enlist, during the month of June, for as signments in the' Hawaiian and Panama Canal departments and for stations, located in the southern .states.'' ' "' , ' ; Young unmarried men, citizens of the United States, between 18 and 35 years of age, with no depend-, ents, who believe themselves phy sically qualified and are interested in an army enlistment, should ap ply to the nearest regular army post or recruiting station, or address , a letter to the Commanding General, Fourth Corps Area, Postoffice Building, Atlanta, Ga., requesting information. ;y ... State College Answers Timely Fariri Questions , Q. When is the best time to ap ply poisoned bait to control to bacco bud worms ? A. The bait should be applied early in the morning when the bud is open. A-small pinch of the bait should be dropped into the center of the bud. Careless applications are of no value. Applications should begin about two weeks after; the plants are set but many growers delay until serious damage is noted. Treatments should be continued every week or, ten days .until , the plants; are topped with the bait be ing directly in the tip of the plant." Q. Is it necessary to feed moist mash to my poultry flock through out the year?" - 3 - A, - There is. little' to 'be Eained through this feeding practice, but the mash has an important place in the feeding, at some time during the year. It is especially, important in keeping-up production of laying hens during the., period beginning about June 1 and continuing through October. It is also used to hasten production of late hatched pullets and "with breeding ; hens to hasten production in January, f Three pounds "of the regular laying mash moistened with hot water or milk, preferably milk; "will be 'sufficient for each 100 hens. The best time to"feed, this mash is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. - Q. When should J select my Irish ( potato seed for planting next year ? .A. Seed potatoes should be select ed at harvest time as the practice of picking good looking potatoes from the stored crop does not in sure good yields' or freedom from disease. Go ', through the field just before digging or at harvest time and dig - a large number of hills. Keep the potatoes from each hill separate and select-, from these the seed potatoes needed.. The seed tuber?-; should fee, picked ; ,frbm the hills containing the largest number of uniform potatoes typical of the variety.'": .-v'".' ;k .. ,v ; v . Bedbugs, Poison Qak ,y Snakes, Spiders " ; Just, in time for the first picnics of the vacation months are these recommendations made by. , The Progressive Farmer: for preventing dr: treating ; bites by insects, infec tion from poison oak," etc J .:' ;l.Forredbugs one recommended remedy is oil of cloves rubbed on the ankle or shins before exposure. "Get it fresh? every year,Js-the ad vice.:"" A little vaseline rubbed around the ankles or just above will also prevent the redbugs -climbing higher.;..'1;.",, ' V' .!, 2. About snakes, and, spiders, .the first , important thing, if 'to know which ' are ;?eall dangerous arid which are. not. Of spiders the only poisdnous one is the "Black ' Wid ow" predominantly black, with bright fed markings. Ot. snakesill the poisonous Kinas, out one nave these 'characteristics':'- "''' ':. ';" a. All have a broad, triangular head on a very, nafrowtneck; b. All have a sort of hole toi the side of the head 1 about halfway between, the eye and .the -nostril which looks like a second nostril. . c,. All have the plates on, the und er side of the- tail in a single row. . The one exception to "the above rule is the cora snake. , This is a lone, slim , snake found, from east ern North Carolina to Mexico, and is encircled with, V successive rings of red, yellow, , and black, , every other ring being yellow. ' 3. As for-1 poison oak, always re member' that real poison oak has three leaves In a cluster never five, STILL BELTS 'EM . iiwywFj'.,v.v..'j.w.t.'A'-'.w..,.,.swg.'w.1 m?mm llHilllllllll Gene Tunney, who retired unde feated as world's heavyweight champion, drives one from the eighth tee during a golf tournament at Pinehurst, N. C, recently spon sored by Attorney General Homer S. Cummings. The will to win that carried Gene to the top of .the heavy weight heap is apparent in the de termined expression on golfer Gene's face as he watches the flight of the ball. The surest and easiest remedy is to thoroughly wash off all exposed parts of the body face, hands, arms, legs, etc. as promptly, as pos sible after any probable contact with the dangerous three-leaved vine. Wash off three or four times in succession with hot water and laundry soap, changing water each time. As for treatment, local ap plications of solutions of cooking soda, or Epsom salts, one or two teaspoons to a - cup of water, are prouounced as helpful as any. Buck Creek . By BEE SHOOK Mrs." Alice McCoy is recovering after an operation in 'Angel hospital.- - ::: - ; This community is building a new sewing room. . ' . Dock Rogers and granddaughter, Virginia visited his daughter on Pine Creek Saturday and Sunday. Homer Woods, Herman Rogers and Edgar Miller , were in a car wreck Sunday, but . none were ser iously injured. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wardlaw, of South Carolina,- were visiting here Sunday. Glenn Stiwjnter is planting, a large bean .crop this year. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by Jake Henry and wife, Carrie Henry, to Horace J. Hurst, Trustee, on the Hth day of March, 1927, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the Office of - the I Register of TVpds in Book No. 29 of. Mortgages nnH Deeds of Trust, at page 370 of Macon County, .State of North Carolina, and default having oeen made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, as therein provided, and the power of - sale having become operative, ,and de mand having been made by the owner or holder of a note secured thereby. : -' '. '- ,' Now, Therefore, I, Horace J. Hurst, Trustee, will, on Saturday, June 18, . 1938, at 12 :00, Noon, at the front door ot the courtnouse m Franlrlin. 'Maicbn Countv. State of North Carolina, " OFFER FOR SALE and sell to the highest Dia rtir frit- cash, to satisfy said deed of trust, interest and cost of sale the following described tracts or parcels bf lands: , Three separate tracts or parcels ot land situate, lying and being in Elli jay -.Township, Macon County, Sjtate of North Carolina, and de scribed as .follows: . : AU the lands deeded to Jake itenry by John Buchanan and wife which said deed is duly recorded in B6ok B-4, ,At page 359, in the Of fice of ; Register of Deeds of Ma Countv. .'State of North Caro lina, containing 10S acres, more or SECOND TRACT: Being all the lands deeded to John Buchanan, Alex Amnions and wife, M; A.'Am Ammons, which said deed in duly recorded in . Book K-4, at page 83, containing S acres more or less, and r I 'Sy f I i I . " VN il - - st ' A m i V LEGAL ADVERTISING the calls therein contained are by this reference made the calls here of for all purposes. THIRD TRACT: Being all the lands deeded by Joseph Ashear to John T. Buchanan which said deed is duly recorded in Book, K-4, at page 82, and to each of the above named Books and pages reference is hereby- made for a more com plete description of the lands to be offered for sale. t Done his the 18th day of. May, 1938. ' HORACE J. HURST . Trustee.' M26 WRS-4tc J16 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina County of Macon The Federal Land Bank of Columbia .- vs. J. W. Henry and wife, Carrie Hen ry, Ellis Clarke Saper, Phillip S. Hoyt, The Vercalite Corporation, George B. Patton, trustee, Eliza beth Slagle,4, Bank of Franklin, R. S. Jones', Administrator of J. L. Franks, Jesse Stuman, J. O. Har rison, Administrator of J. T. jBerry, and J. Frank Ray, trustee. , Pursuant to a judgment entered in the above entitled civil action at the December Term,. 1937, Macon County Superior Court, I ' will on the 27th day of June, 1938 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the County Court house of said County sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described . lands in said bounty and state in Ellijay town s-hip described as follows, torwit: AH that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 440 acres more or less, lying and being situ ate on the Ellijay road, about 13 miles East from the Town of Franklin, in Elhjay Township, Ma con County, North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and dis tances as will .more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by W. N. Sloan on the 30th day of December, 1921, now on file with the Federal Land Bank, bounded on the North by lands of J. W. Henry, J jT. Henry, D. Buchanan and J. T. Buchanan, on the East by lands of D. Buchanan, George "Gregory and George' Stl winter and F. Stiwinter, on the South by lands of F. Stiwinter and L. Mashburn, and on the West by lands of L. Mashburn, A. B. Moses, Joe'Ashear and J. T. Buchanan. Also, all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 105 acres, more. or less, located, lying and be ing in Ellijay Township, County of Macon, State of North Carolina, be ing bounded on the North by the lands of John Buchanan and Charles Henry; on the East by the lands of Chas. Henry, D. . Buch anan and J. W. Henry ; on the South by the lands of J. W. Henry and on the .West by the lands of T. W. Henry and John Buchanan and Chas. Henry, and having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by ref erence to a plat thereof made by G. W. Stiwinter, surveyor, Sep tember 1, 1924, which plat is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. The terms of sale are as follows: Cash. r .' All bids will be received subject to rejection or conformation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with said Cleric at the close of the' bid ding, the sum of fifty rdollars as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid. The ' same to be credited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now, given that said lands resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock p. m. of the same day, unless said deposit is sooner made. Everv deDosit forfeited or ac ceptied will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 25th day of May, 1938. f , R. S. JONES, .' . Commissioner j2-4tc-J23. NOTICE Macon County, Nordi Carolina In th Superior Court , A. Franklin Pugh, Jr. . ' " ., vs. " ' James Sterling Pugh, Percy J Power, guardian of James' Sterling Pugh, Mary Flower Pugh, Harry McCall, guardian of Mary Flower Pugh, Percy J. Ppwer, administrator Of the estate of A. Franklin Pugh and H. W. Cabe, administrator o the estate. of A. Franklin Pugh, de ceased, in North Carolina, LEGAL ADVERTISING James Sterling Pugh and Mary Flower Pugh, defendants 'in the above entitled cause, will take notice that an action as above entitled has 4 been commenced in the Superior'. Court of Macon County, North Car olina, to the end that certain lands owned by plaintiff and defendant as tenants in common may be sold, .' for partition; and the defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear on the ; 27th day of June, 1938, in the of- . ice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of North Carolina and ans wer or demur.' to the petition in said action or the plaintiff will, ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said petition. This 25th day of May, 1938. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court, Macon County, North Carolina. J2-4tc-J23 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haviner aualified as administrator of P. K. Fouts, deceased, late of Macon countv. N. C, this is to notify all oersons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of May, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. Thir the 18th day of May, 1938. ' C. H. FOUTS. Administrator. MlQ-ctp J23 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having aualified as executor of- J. N. Lowe, deceased, late of Ma con county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against ' the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of May, 1939. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please' make immediate settlement. This the 21st day of May, 1938. W. F. LOWE, Executor. M26-ptp J30 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of Mattie Pearl Harrington," de ceased, late of Macon county, N. C, y this is to notify all persons having claims against tne estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the und ersigned on or before the . 26th day of April, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle- ment. . '. This the 26th day of April, 1938. IDA H. PATTTLLO, Administratrix ; M26-6tp J30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havine aualified as administrator of A. Franklin Pugh,' deceased," late of Macon county, N. G, this is to , notify all persons - bavin claims , against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 23rd day of May, 1938. H. W. CABE, -Administrator. M26-6tp J30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of C W, Vanhook, deceased, late of Macon county,' N. C .this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of May,: 1939, or this notice will be plead in 1 t . : All oar oi incur recovery, rvu pcrauus indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement , This the 25th day of May, 1938. CHARLES ROGERS, A' 1 Administrator..' M26-otp J30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having, qualified as administrator of John T. Henry,- deceased, late of Macon county, N.-.C, this is to notify all "persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their 'recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make1 immediate settlement. This 2nd day of June, 1938. HARLEY STEWART, Adminstrator, J2-6tp July7-38 a . ,

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