PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, JULY 21, IMS Second Growth White Pine And B lis ter Rust Control II. A. Whitman, Jr., agent in ested because he could see no in charge. of white pine blister rust come from the wood lot and had control work in Macon county, has j planned to clear the land for agri recentlv received" a copy of an culture. "Air. Oppel finally convinced Mr. Johnson that the wood lot was worth saving. . . . He explained how the cutting of some of the large trees would benefit the stand by nrnvirlintr more rowine snace for tecting the growth of a second the young trees and at the same article in the Journal of Forestry for June, 1938, regarding second growth white pine and blister rust control protection. A specific in stance is given in which the owner realized unusual values from. pro- LEG AL ADVERTI5I NG growth white pine woodlot near Rush City, Minn. The essential p6ints are'quoted as follows: "The major object of the visit (by Mr. Oppel, of the Minnesota For est service) was to convince local residents that it was worth while to 'protect the second growth white pine on their lands against blister rnst infections. When Mr. Johnson was approached he was not inter- Don't Neglect Them I Katurt designed the kidneys to do marvelous job. Their task is to keep ths flowing blood stream free of si) excess of toxic .impurities. The act of living iUelf Is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good health is to, endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Mature Intended, there is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One rosy suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, pufllness under, the eye feel tired, nervous, all torn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages may be further evidence of Kidney or bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys get rid of excess poisonous body waste. Use Doan's Pills. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist on Doan'i. Sold at all drug stores. Tho worst BODY ODOR Wa The worst body odor comes from P. O. perspiration odor un der the arms. Take 1 minute to use Todora new. amazing deodorant cream that works directly on underarm excretions. Normally top odor l to I days. Todora also reduces amount of perspiration. Made without lard Todora Is utterly dif ferent from stiff, grainy pastes: (1) Soft smooth as face cream. (2) Leaves no sticky mm on lingers or underarms. (J) Leaves no "lardy" smell on clothes. 26 60. Get It to day money back If hot delighted. Trial else rasi. Send coupon. YO.DORA DEODORANT CREAM : FREE! Send coupon' for' trial size to McKesson Robblns. Fairfield. Conn. Dept. F-l. Womt. 4Mres time give Mr. Johnson an imme diate income from the sale of for est products. "Years passed. Again in 1935 a crew working on blister rust con trol appeared on Johnsons farm. This time no argument was needed to prove the value of the wood lot to Mr. Johnson. In fact he consid ered the wood lot the most valuable part of his farm. During the pre ceding winter he had harvested about half of the timber from 2.1 acres of the woodlot, which yielded a total of 55,327 board feet. This was sold to a portable sawmill at $10.50 per M.) ... . The total return to the owner on the 2.1 acre plot amounted to $943.09 for the saw logs only. In addition, several loads of slashing were sold for firewood at one dollar par load. A check of the area showed the average age of the trees cut to be 51 years, making the yearly return per acre $9.37. In the words of the owner this was a far better return from land considered worthless for .agri culture than he could get from his potato crop. "Within another 10 "years another cut can be made that will yield at least as much lumber as was cut in 1935. The stand is now reproducing, 378 trees per acre already having become established." Mr. Whitman feels that all land owners who own second growth white pine should profit by this article. The blister rust control pro ject endeavors not only to rid pine stands of currant and gooseberry bushes which spread blister rust infections but to foster the develop ment of white pine woodland in areas that are particularly suited to its growth. In Macon county there are thou sands of acres of white pine. The j percentages in diameter breast high show over 80 per cent to be under I four inches, 10 per cent between four and 12 inches, and about four per cent, over 12 inches. Over 50 i per cent of the trees plotted are under four feet in height, which means that Macon county is unusal ly suited to natural white pine pro duction. Mr. Whitman is pleased with the results of blister rust control work which is of primary importance in keeping the ravages of blight from the pine trees. The cooperation in getting rid of currant and goose berry bushes in control areas has been fine; those owners who do not cooperate make up less than five per cent of all owners visited There is every reason that this small minority should .' eventually see the purpose behind protecting white pines and fostering future growth The blister rust office is situated in the McCoy building in Franklin, and mail should be addressed to H A. Whitman, Jr., Box 304, Franklin, N. C. NOTICE TO TEACHERS The first teachers' meeting will start on July 30, at 10 o'clock. All elementary teachers in the county are expected to attend. The book room will be open the week of July 25 each day from 1 to 4:30 o (flock p. m. AH teachers who can possibly do so are expect ed to get their books, 'census cards and other supplies . during that week. PROF. M. D. BILLINGS, Supt. of Schools. J14 2tc-J21 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of Elbert Cope, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 28fh day of June, 1938. SALLIE COPE, Administratrix. J30-6tp A4 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified an executor of Nell Schuyler Childs, depeased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mane immediate settlement. ihis 25th day of June, 1938. LeROY W. CHILDS, Executor. J30 6tp-A4 LEGAL ADVERTISING ister of Deeds for Macon county, in Book of Deeds G-4; page 8.5. This, the 20th day of June, 193& R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J304tc Jly21 , LEGAL ADVERTISING feet to a corner ; thence NE 83 deg. 46 feet to the center of the old Franklin road ; thence along - the said road 170 feet to the place of Beginning, and more fully described by plat made by S. B. Rambo, C. E. July 18, 1925, of the G. Allen Banks Subdivision of the Mirror Lake Property. The said party of the first part, in addition to tha lot herein con- ; NOTICE OF SALE State lof North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. C. E. Crosby and wife, Mary K. veyed, hereby conveys to the party Crosby, Defendants. of the second part the privilege Under and by virtue of a decree to participate ih all fishing, boat- of the Superior Court of Macon ing,. and bathing rights in Mirror County entered in the above entitl- I Lake connected with this property ed action on the 20th day of June, I This, the 20th day of June, 193a 1938, the undersigned Commissioner I K. b. JONES, Commissioner, will on the 25th day of July, 1938, J30-4tc JIy21 at 12 o clock, noon, at the Court- f 'I " f ' TLT .l nouse uoor, in Aiacon county, iorin i NOTICE OF SALE i.arouua, sen 10 mc nignest uiauei I c. . - , ,. for cash the following described 5UUf ,N??h real estate- wwaiy oi bumb, In Highlands Township : Maon Countv' Plaintif f BEGINNING at a point on the u . V;.. o HiismU-FVanUm M,hi!r rH Wright Milling Company, et al, ... t a a e .k I Defendants. ,lnn,r sa;d rnaH N V v. U tt N wiiucr ana oy virtue oi a decree 45 E 89 feet; thence leaving road, f thfe Superior Court of Macon S j68 W 136 feet to a point on Cul- YfirV "'cu " u,t ,e en; lasaja Drive; thence S 48 deg. 55 'i? ?n o V" th ,daZ of min. E 125 feet on Cullasaja Drive ; . "c unaersignea wan- thence S 68 W 270 feet to the Be- Vr "? uay oz ginning corner, and known as lot r u w' at M d a ,'Mt(in,u,i. ,i the Courthouse door in Macon scribed by plat by S. B. Rambo, J uT? ""u' ?U,'the C. E., of date July 18, 1925, of the J hef bdder for cash the follow- Mirror Lake Property. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J304tc-Jly21 ADMINISTRATRIX C. T. A. NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix C. T. A. of Matt Liner, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Vill please mafce immediate settlement. l This 20th day of June, 1938.' ' MRS BELLE LINER, Administratrix C. T. A. J23-6tc-J25 Can Now Sell Coal which has been selling for $8.00 and $8.50 For $7.50 If you haul yourself, $7.00 PHONE 72 el, Sr. W Ang ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of George Nichols, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of June, 1939, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted Jo said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 24th day of June, 1938. D. M. SWEATMAN. Administrator. J306tc A4 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff. V9. F. W. Connell and Company, F. W. i Connell and wife, Connell, C. A. Stewart and wife, NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. J. S. Allen and wife, In Highlands Township: BEGINNING at a stake. David Norton's NE corner, runs S 86 E 1U poles to. a stake, said Norton's corner; thence S 83 W 11 pole and 8 links to a stake, said Nor ton's corner; thence N 53 W 4 poles and 13 links to a stake : thence N 22 E 5 poles and 8 links to the center of the Mill Creek; thence up said creek with the cen ter thereof to a point on a course Allen, jungerman and wite, UN 86 E from the beeinnine corner. Jungerman, V. D. Stone and the stake said Norton's corner above wife, btone, Defendants. mentioned; thence from said noint Under and by virtue of a decree S 86 W to said David Norton' NF of the Superior Court of Macon I corner, the Beginning Thp County entered in the above en-1 with all rights. Drivileees and ease- iiueu action on me ann aay or ments conveyed to. the said J. Z. June, 1938, the undersigned Com- Gottwals by William Partridge and missioner will on the ith day of wife, by deed, dated the 20th day July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at of October, 1899, to which refer- the Courthouse dodr in Macon I ence is hereby, made County, North Carolina, sell to the This, the 20th day of Tune. 1938. highest bidder for cash the follow- R. S. JONES. Commissioner. ing described real estate: J3U 4tc Jly21 In Highlands Township: ijcuixnjnijnij at a stake in the NOTICF np ai v nne or me i an tanaia forest, the Inl r i: ",c. Ma Coty. i KirK nri ir'jn wiinc ri - nAv a .... in m;n v ,,-iti, -.tu . uu mc nia aay oi w mill. W T ILll LltC 11U1 111 UUUUUdl V I t 1 ClTk 1 f a vw line of said Turner tract, 120 feet SJ nT to a stake (witnessed by a 4-ihch 1" -!"!u , AV J: chestnut S 53 deg. 30 min W 7 7.1?. rr- ': ueea OI trust feet, also 4-inch chestnut S 63 deg. 7:k", a 30 min. E 12.5 feet); thence S 85 ll" TBV7i:. '7 u "? dcr K 1 iHl feet o era W fmt.l v"v UI lvtB'w " w fc I nt t II f . ; nessed bv a 3-Jr.rh Mrlrnrv S 7k r""" county, in j - . I uook wo. JI. Faee 176: and deg. 30 min. W 11 feet, also a 4- Whereas, since the execution and inch hirknrv M t r1or V W . uie exe 40 feet) ; thence N 19 'deg. 4S mii VZZL hZlilTt 5 h E 225 feet to a stake, (witnessed &"?M ' dA a"d th .un.der" by a 2-inch hickory W 47.5 feet, Jfi' of hiXTV-i Aam" also a 4-inch white oak N 58 deg! u?.8 SUCC,ecd W 66 feet); thence N 56 w '7 01 saia Whereas, default has been made Stewart, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in. the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: In ' Millshoals Township: BEGINNING at a hickory stump, Ji. L. urants beginning corner, and runs N with what was formerly Grant's line, 138 poles to a black oak; then S 87j4 E 114 poles to a stake; then S 2, W 59 34 poles to a stake and pointers; then N 87y2 W 2 poles to a black oak; then b isy2 E 16 poles to a stake replacing a dead white oak: then S V2 W 71 polea to a stake and pointers, replacing a Spanish oak; then IN ,85 W 122 poles to the be ginning, containing 90 acres, more or less. Being the same lands de scribed in a deed from H. L. Grant to E. B. Watson, dated the Oth day of December. 1920. and recorded in the office of the Reg- 53 min deg. 50 min. W 216 feet to a stake (witnessed by a 12-inch maple W '". y0;KamoUnt se: 2.5 feet, also a 12-inrh tnu S . Y"cu ueea 01 trust, ana W 4 feet); thence S 19 deg. 45 min. W, with the line of the Na tional Forest. 291 feet to the Be ginning, containing 1.3 acres, more or less This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc JIy21 NOTICE OF SALE Stat of North Carolina, County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. E. L. Sanders and wife. - Sanders, G. Allen Banks and wife, Lula White Banks, and Town of Highlands, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate:, All that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and beine in Highlands Township, Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, and known as lot No. 2 and having the following courses and distances: Being at a point on the old Franklin road, runs NW 4934 dee. 66 feet: thence alont? f!ulla Drive 100 feet; thence alone the laid drive 100 feet: thence 39 demand has been made on the undersigned to exercise the power of sale, contained . in said deed of trust : NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed will, on Friday, August 5, 1938, at the court house door in the Town of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property : A one-third undivided interest in wfcat is known as the Cuisenberry land on Highway No. 28S, leading from Franklin to Dillsboro, adjoin ing the Lake Emory Lands, J. M. McCracken and others, BEGIN NING at a white oak NW corner of Section No. 16 runs E 148 poles to a black oak; then S 22 poles ta a stake at the road; then S 75 W 12 poles to a rock near ford of the creek; then S 51 E 9 poles to a persimmon; then S 35 E 12 poles to a maple on the bank of the creek; then S 60 E 12 poles to a poplar on the bank of the creek; then S 76 E 10 poles to a poplar; then S 122 poles to a stake: then W 170 poles to a black oak cross ing the State road at 55 poles; then N 160 nole to the BEGIN. NING, containing 165 acres: more or less. This 5th day of July, 1938. ETHEL D. JOHNSTON, Administratrix of the Estate of T. J. Johnston, deceased. By GEO. B. PATTON. AttV T7-4tC-J28