THURSDAY, JULY 21, THE FRANKLIN: PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN I PAGE SEVEN: LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE State of North . Carolina, Miaoon County. Macon County, Plaintiff. ' vs. Mrs. B. M. Bancroft and hus . band, - Bancroft, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior, Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock,1 noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: . BEING Lot No. one hundred (100) of Section One (1), as shown on the plat or map of said Section One, of FRANKLIN LAKES DE VELOPMENT, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book of Plats and Maps number One, at pages 16-17, and in addi tion to the lands and premises above described, all rights to be held in common and jointly with other purchasers who have hereto fore purchased lots, and any that may purchase property in the fu ture, of boating, bathing, and otherwise enjoying the use of Lsilcc Emory. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. 'I Macon County, Plaintiff. ; vs. Mrs. Ida H. Beardsley and hus band, Beardsley, Lake Emory Co., and Mrs. W. B. Mc Guire. Defendants. .Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the, above en-, titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at rviirthnii! door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing descri'Dea real estate : BEING Lot No. eighty-eight (88) of Section One (1), an shown on the plat or map of said Section One, of FRANKLIN LAKES DEVELOP MENT, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ma con County, North Carolina, in Book of Plats and Maps number One, at pages 16-17, and in addition to the lands and premises above de scribed, all rights, privileges and easements conveyed by Lake Emory f T,l U TJ-Jt-l.i.r 1,0., lO miS. lUit 11. iJtll uan-jr . This, the 20t'h day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff. . -; ' vs.' S; A. Harris and wife, ' ' Harris, and S. H. Lyle, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of JUly, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: , BEING Lot No. nineteen (19) oi Section One (1), as shown on the plat or map of said Section VELOPMENT, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County,. North Carolina, in Book of Plats and Maps number One, at pages 16-17 and in addition to the lands prem ises above described, all rights of boating, bathing, and otherwise en joying the use of Lake Emory, that said party of the first part hd9 acquired by deed from party of the third part This, the 20th day of June, 1938. ; R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Maeon County, Plaintiff, vs. . J.;H. Tallent and wife, Tillent, Defendants. . Under and by virtue of a decree of,, the Superior. Court of Macon County entered in the above, en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com-, jnfosioner will on' the 25th (Jay; of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate : On ( the waters of Burningtpwri Creek, being a portion of the J. F. Tippett land: BEGINNING at an old hickory stump, within two feet of a chest nut marked as a witness to said hickory stump, the chestnut stand ing on the west side of said corn er;, and runs N 80 E 4 poles to a hickory, Ed Tallent s NE corner; then with Ed Tallent's line S 5 E 25 poles to a stake in Ed Tallent's line; then N 7V2 E 64 poles to a stake and pointers ; then N 80 E 5 poles to a black oak on top of a ridge; then N 7 E 12 poles and 6 links to a stake arid pointers in" tho line of Grant No. 3611; then W running with the line of said Grant 4 poles to a black oak; then N 39 W 92 poles to a black gum; then S 72 W 30 poles to a black gum; then S 13 W 78 poles to the begin ning. This, the 20th day of June, 1938 R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J304tc-Jly2l NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Florence Rogers, widow, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Being Lot No. 2 of the Welch lands : BEGINNING at a maple stump on the east bank of Burningtown Creek, arid runs E 40 poles to a rock in the ;field ;' then N 74 E 7lA poles to an apple tree; then N 39 E 4 34 poles to a black oak stump on the bank of the road; then N 74 E 244 poles to a stake; then E 65 poles to a black oak in A J. Welch's line; then with said line S 18 34 poles to a stake ; then N 89 W 19 poles to a white oak ; then S 58 W 26 poles to a white oak; then S'87 W 17 34 poles to a pine; then S 44 W 17 poles to a maple on the bank of Burn ingtown Creek; then down .the creek with its meanders 95J4 poles to the Beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. Excepting a dower interest' on the premises and also the dwelling house and one acre during the lifetime of Mary E. Welch. SECOND TRACT: On the wat ers of Burningtown Creek: BEGINNING at a' sourwood corner below Florence Rogers' house, and runs N 82 W 7lt poles to a holly in fork of the branch; then S 3 poles to a stake or alder on root or a sarvice irce m branch ; then on up branch S 70 E 2 poles to a stake; then. on up branch S 42 E,6 poles to a poplar; then S 10 E 9 poles to a buckeye in branch ; then up with branch S 20 E 8 poles to a stake on a rock on the east side' of branch; then S 7 34 poles to a stake in branch in lower end of field, supposed to be in old line at a chestnut corner; then S 87 E 17 pojes to a hickory in old line; then N with old line 18 poles to a stake, the Kemsey Rogers corner, then N 77 W 25 poles to a beech; then N 11J4 poles to the beginning, containing ' two acres, more or less. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J304tc-Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Mtaoon Macon County, Plaintiff. " ' " vs." . J. G. Cook and wife, Cook, Sam Anderson and wife, Julia Anderson, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled ; action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following-described real estate: FIRST TRACT : Beginning at a black oak on North side of the road, and runs N 6J4 poles to a birch; then N 2 E 6 poles to a Spanish oak ; then N 8, W 23 poles to a small black oak; then N 2 W 36 poles to a stake ; then with the United States line S 82 E 35 poles to a chestnut oak; then S 15 E 48 poles to a black oak; then south ward about 32 poles to the begin ning corner of State Grant. No. 15213; then S 50 poles to a stake; G. T. . Ramsey's corner ; thence W 74 poles to a stake in Ramsey's line; then N 34 E 4 poles to a stake; then N 86 E 8 poles to stake; then N 64 E 6 poles to stake; then N 14 E 32 poles to the Beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. Excepting one-half sold to John Dehart and described in a deed made to him. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a stake, the W corner of Sam Anderson's lands, . and runs with said line N 82 W 24 poles to a stake, the United States Govern ment's corner; then 84 12 poles to a stake; then S 60 W 26 poles to a Spanish oak and corner in the United States line; then S 4 poles to a Spanish oak; then E 20 S 3 poles to a maple; E 33 S 32 poles to a pine 25 poles to a dog wood ; then E 16 S 44 poles to a black oak back to the Beginning, containing 25 acres,; more or less. Running from the Ramsey & Cook corner with the Cook line to the beginning. State Grants No. 2107 and 15213. . THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a maple, then N 2 E 7 poles and 3li feet to a .stake ; then N 81. E 6 poles to a stake; then N 89 E 7 poles and 2 feet to a hickory; then N 53 E 5 poles and I2y2 feet, to a stake in the United States line; then S 51 W 2 poles to a stake; then S 67 W 8 poles to a stake; then S '80 W 4 poles to a stake; then N 52 W 4 poles and 12 feet to the Beginning, containing one half acre, more or less. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff. vs. D. E. Drinnon, widower, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of. Macon County entered in the above 1 en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com-r missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest Didder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: In Burningtown Township: BEGINNING on a Spanish oak, runs S 18 poles to a stake on top of a ridge; then with the ridge 40 poles to a black oak; thence W 4 poles to a white oak; thence S 10 poles to an apple tree; thence S 50 E 21 poles to a Chestnut; thence S 6 poles to a sourwood; thence S 23 poles to a small S. oak; thence W 36 poles to a blackgum on top of a ridge; thence W 26 poles to a blackgum in the line of No. 69; thence N. with said line 18 poles to a hickory; the corner of No. 69;' thence N 90 poles to a stake; thence with a conditional line 25 poles more or less to a black pine; thence E 75 poles to the Beginning. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a beech, runs W to a hickory, on old corner, thence S to a stake and pointers; thence E 58 poles to a stake; thence N to the Begin ning. . This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Under arid by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by Annie T. Blaine and husband, O. L. Blaine, et al, to the .undersigned Trustee, dated August 20, 1936, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in Book No. 35, Tage 298, and default having been made in the payment of the amount secured thereby, ac cording to the terms and condi tions set out in said deed of trust, and default having, also, been made in complying with the other con ditions and agreements set out therein, and demand having been made upon the undersigned Trus tee to exercise the power of sale contained in said deed of trust: NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed Trustee will, on Tuesday, the 26th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse in the Town of Franklin, Macon County, N. C.,t sell ; at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described prop erty, to-wit : First Tract. All the land de scribed in a deed from Z. Baird, C D. Baird, et al, to C. A. Setser, dated the 26th day of October, 1916, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in Book Z-3, of Deeds, Page 123, and, also, being the same land described in a mort gage deed from C. A. Setser and wife, Nora Setser to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, dated June 19, 1918, and recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in Farm Loan Mortgage Records No., l; page 15, to both of which convey ances, as so recorded, reference is hereby made for a more complete and particular description of said tract of land. ' 2nd Tract. All the land described in a deed from Mrs. Laura Baird to C. A. Setser and wife, Nora Setser, dated April 2, 1936, and re corded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Macon .County, N. C, in Book X-4, of Deeds, page 585, to which deed as so recorded, ref erence is hereby, made for a more complete and particular description of said tract of land. This sale is made subject to the Federal Land Bank Mortgage re corded in Farm Loan Mortgage Record No. 1, Page 15, Records Macon County. This June 24th,' 1938. GEO. B. PATTON, Trustee. j3Q-4tc-J21 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. In The Superior Court Before The Clerk W. Roy Carpenter, admr. of the estate of Sarah L. Loag vs. J. M. Carpenter, . et al By virtue of a decree entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County in the above entitled matter, 1 will on . Monday the 25th day of July, 1938, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed property : Tract 1 BEGINNING at a cherry 18 poles up the river from the beginning corner of No. 6 and runs N 73 E 52 poles to a stake in the line of No. 6 ; then N 54 E 12 poles to a Spanish oak; then N 47 E 18 poles to a black oak ; then S 72 E 18 poles to a black oak; then N 65 E 18 poles to a black oak; then S 69 E 12 poles to a black oak; then N 20l2 E 76 poles to a black oak; then N 20 W 9 poles to a white oak; then N 24 poles to a stake in line of No. 2; then W 102 poles to a stake on the bank of the Tennes see River; then up the river with its meanders to the BEGINNING, containing 93 acres more or less. Tract 2 BEGINNING at a black oak the southwest corner of the first tract; runs S 13 E 23 poles to a white oak in the line of No. 6; then E 22 poles to a black oak on east bank of road; then N 22 E with' road 14 poles to a post oak; then N 57 E 28 poles to a black oak ; then N 35 E 19 poles to a black oak ; then N 18 poles to a black oak; then N 32 W 20 poles to a Spanish oak ; then N 56 W 31 poles to a black oak; then S 20 W 76 poles to the BEGINNING. Tract 3 BEGINNING at a large white oak; runs N 86 E 110 poles to a chestnut; then S 62 poles to the South boundary line of No.- 11058; then N 64 W to the BEGINNING, containing 21 acres more or less. Tract 4 A tract of land in Macon County, North Carolina . in Smith Bridge Township, on the waters of Middle Creek consisting of 5 acres more or less, being bounded -on the North by land of Aaron Cunningham; on the South by lands of the United States Government ; on the East by the United States Government; on the West by the United States Government. The terms of sale are one-third cash and one-third payable in one and two years from date of sale. Deferred payments to bear 6 per cent interest, and to be secured by deed of trust on property pur chased. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of . 5 per cent thereof on date of sale. Notice is hereby given that if for LEGAL ADVERTISING any reason this deposit is not made at the time of the sale the undersigned commissioner will re sell the property at 2 p. m. of the same day. This 24th day of June, 1938. W. ROY CARPENTER, Commissioner. J30-4tc J21 NOTICE QF SALE State of Nortlh Carolina, ; County of Maoon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. N. L. Barnard Estate, et al., Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate : BEING lot No. ninety-one (91) of Section One (1), as shown on the plat or map of said Section One, of FRANKLIN LAKES DE VELOPMENT, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book of Plats and Maps No. One, at pages 16-17, and in addition to the . lands and premises above de scribed, all rights to be held in common and jointly with other pur chasers who have heretofore pur chased lots, and any that may pur chase property in the future, of boating, bathing, and otherwise en joying the use of Lake Emory. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc Jly21 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon.' Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Forrest Abbott, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 20th day of June, 1938, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 25th day of July, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: In Highlands Township: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of lands situate, lying and being in Highlands Township, Macon County, North Carolina, known as lot No. 34, beginning at a corner lots 34 and 35, N 5 deg. 45 nun. E 250 feet; N 4Q deg. 45 min. W 40 feet to a corner ; thence down the branch 395 feet to a corner; thence S 70 E 228 feet to the Be ginning corner. The above lot is more fully de scribed in a blue print made by G. S. Rambo, C. E., July 18, 1925, of the Subdivision of the G. Allen Banks property, and known as the Mirror Lake Subdivision. And in addition to. the lot herein convey ed, the party of the first part here by conveys, to the party of the second part the privilege, to par ticipate in all fishing, boating and bathing rights in Mirror Lake con nected with this property. This, the 20th day of June, 1938. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. J30-4tc-Jly21 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Macon County. In The Superior Court Macon County vs. Ben Webb and wife, Ruthie Webb, and J. A. Talley. The Defendant, J. A. Talley, win take notice that an . action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien on prop erty in Macon County, North Caro lina, and in which the defendants have an interest, and are proper parties thereto., .. . . It is further ordered by the court that the defendant, J. A. Talley, is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, at his office; in Franklin, on the 20th day pf July, 1938, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief demanded in said ' complaint will be granted. This the 20th day of June, 1938. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court j23-4tc-lyH

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